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OSHA Training School - All Online Courses

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15-Passenger Van Safety

Driving a van is not like driving a car. 15-passenger vans are more susceptible to rollovers, blind spots, weight distribution issues and special handling requirements. Take this course to learn the things you need to know about driving a 15-passenger van so you can prevent avoidable collisions and injuries. Make sure you and your passengers reach your destination. Ideal learners are 15-passenger van drivers.


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Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Employees (US)

The law requires your employer to provide you with access to your medical and exposure records. Why should you care? How do you get access? Take this course to find out! This course is ideal for all employees.


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Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Managers (US)

Federal law provides employees with the basic right to know the extent and consequences of their exposure to the harmful substances with which they work. They are entitled to access to all the medical and exposure records generated for them while working for a given employer. Take this course to learn about employee rights, how to provide access to records and what information is exempt from employee access. This course is ideal for supervisors and other employees who receive and process record requests in the United States.


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Access to Medical and Exposure Records for Managers (US) (Spanish)

La ley federal otorga a los empleados el derecho básico de conocer el grado y consecuencias de su exposición a sustancias nocivas con las que trabajan. Tienen derecho al acceso a todos los expedientes médicos y de exposición generados para ellos mientras trabajan para un empleador determinado. Tome este curso para saber más sobre los derechos de los empleados, cómo dar acceso a los expedientes y qué información está exenta del acceso de los empleados. Este curso es ideal para supervisores y otros empleados que reciben y procesan solicitudes de expedientes en Estados Unidos.


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Accident and Breakdown Procedures (US)

Breakdowns and accidents are unplanned events. You never know if, when, where, or how they will happen. But every time you get behind the wheel, you need to be prepared for the worst. The purpose of this course is to make you more prepared in the event of an accident or breakdown.


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Accurate Company Records

Companies have a legal obligation to create and retain records that accurately reflect their business transactions. Fraudulent reporting of books, records, or other written communication violates company policy and possibly the law. Topics in this course include: Laws and Regulations, Accurate Timely Records, Accurate Financial Records, and Records Management. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize their role in recording every company transaction correctly, accurately, and on time. Learners will also be able to recognize the importance of proper management of company records.


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Active Listening Skills

Listening is one of the most important skills for success in life, but it is taken for granted by most people. This course describes how to improve active listening skills and gain an understanding of the significance of listening. Topics in this course include: Communication, Barriers, Benefits, Listening Levels, and Skills. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify the seven listening skills that can help increase productivity as well as improve the ability to work with others.


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Active Shooter: Preparation and Response Suite (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.1)

Nous avons malheureusement tous vu des reportages au sujet de personnes qui sont entrées dans un endroit d’affaires et ont commencé à tirer sur d’autres personnes. Connaissez-vous les signes avant-coureurs qui indiquent qu’une personne peut devenir violente? Si un tireur actif s’introduit sur votre lieu de travail, voulez-vous savoir quoi faire pour survivre? Suivez ces cours pour apprendre les signes avant-coureurs de violence, quoi faire pour rester en sécurité, à quoi s’attendre des forces de l’ordre et comment traiter les victimes. Ces cours sont idéals pour tous les employés. AVERTISSEMENT : Les images et les sons de ces cours peuvent être dérangeants pour certaines personnes.


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Active Shooter: Preparation and Response Suite (IACET CEU=0.1)

Sadly, we have all seen news reports about people who have entered a place of business and started shooting others. Do you know the signs that someone may become violent? Would you know what to do if an active shooter came into YOUR workplace? Take these courses to learn about the warning signs of violence, what to do to stay safe, what to expect from law enforcement officers and how to treat victims. These courses are ideal for all employees. WARNING: The images and sounds in these courses may be disturbing to some viewers.


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Active Shooter: Preparation and Response Suite (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1)

Por desgracia, todos hemos visto reportajes sobre personas que entran a un lugar de trabajo o escuela y comienzan a disparar a otros. ¿Conoce las señales de que alguien podría tornarse violento? ¿Sabría qué hacer si un tirador activo entrara a SU lugar de trabajo? Tome estos cursos para aprender sobre las señales de advertencia de una situación de violencia, qué hacer para mantenerse seguro, qué esperar de los oficiales de policía y cómo tratar a las víctimas. Estos cursos son ideales para todos los empleados. ADVERTENCIA: las imágenes y sonidos en estos cursos pueden ser perturbadores para algunas personas.

Advanced Safety Orientation for Construction Industry (IACET CEU=1.0)

The Advanced Safety Orientation for Construction Industry program is a series of safety courses that target hazards and precautions common to construction sites and construction-related work activities. This program is ideal for newly hired construction workers who need a solid foundation in hazard recognition skills.

Advanced Safety Orientation for General Industry (IACET CEU=1.0)

The Advanced Safety Orientation for General Industry program is a series of safety courses that target hazards and precautions common to manufacturing operations and other industrial settings. Employers and employees alike will benefit greatly from information provided in this program. This training is ideal for newly hired employees because it quickly helps increase foundational hazard identification skills.

Advanced Safety Orientation for Managers and Supervisors in Construction (IACET CEU=2.6)

The Advanced Safety Orientation for Managers and Supervisors in Construction program is ideal for all construction workers, including project managers and superintendents. While this program contains some of the same courses included in other advanced orientation programs, the program for managers/supervisors features safety management information and an even wider range of topics.

Advanced Safety Orientation for Managers and Supervisors in General Industry (IACET CEU=3.2)

The Advanced Safety Orientation for Managers and Supervisors in General Industry program is ideal for general industry workers. While this program contains some of the same courses included in other advanced orientation programs, the program for managers/supervisors features safety management information and an even wider range of topics.


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AES Ergonomic Improvement Specialist (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.2)

¿Cómo mejorar la seguridad, aumentar la eficiencia organizacional y tener un efecto positivo en sus compañeros? Estos cursos le permiten adquirir las habilidades necesarias para crear un lugar de trabajo más seguro y eficiente. Distíngase de sus compañeros y complete estos cursos para recibir el certificado como Especialista en Mejoras Ergonómicas de la Applied Ergonomic Society (AES) y UL. Estos cursos son ideales para todos los profesionales que buscan impulsar la innovación en ergonomía, cuidado de la salud, seguridad, recursos humanos y gestión de riesgos.


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AES Ergonomic Improvement Specialist (IACET CEU=0.2)

How do you improve safety, increase organizational efficiency and positively impact your fellow employees? These courses provide you with the skills you need to create a safer, more efficient workplace. Stand out from your peers and complete these courses to receive the Ergonomic Improvement Specialist certificate from the Applied Ergonomic Society (AES) and UL. These courses are ideal for all professionals seeking to drive innovation in ergonomics, healthcare, safety, human resources and risk management. This suite contains: Industrial Ergonomics, Materials Handling and Storage, Preventing Back Injury, Personal Factors in Safety and Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.


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Affirmative Action in the Workplace (for Employers)

Today, federal laws make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person's race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information. This course addresses the essential features of affirmative action requirements for federal contractors. Topics in this course include discrimination laws, responsibilities of a federal contractor, and the equal opportunity clause. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize Affirmative Action Plans (AAPs) and their role in aiding compliance with these anti-discrimination laws.


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Age Discrimination

Age discrimination can be particularly challenging when an employer is reducing employee numbers or is managing an aging workforce. This course describes the federal legislation that prohibits age discrimination in the workplace. Topics in this course include: Legislation, Prohibited Practices, Claims, and Helpful Strategies. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize provisions of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).


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Americans with Disabilities Act

The course identifies who is classified as a disabled employee and how these employees are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This course also discusses the concepts of reasonable accommodation and undue hardship as well as coverage for substance abuse. Topics in this course include: Disability, Legislation, Reasonable Accommodation, and Drugs and Alcohol. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize who is classified as a disabled employee and how the ADA protects these individuals. Learners will also be able to recognize how to comply with the ADA reasonable accommodation requirement.


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Ammonia Awareness

Ammonia can cause blindness, lung damage and death, but the good news is you can control your exposure to it. Take this course to learn how to safely identify, store and handle ammonia. You will also learn what to do in the event of an ammonia exposure or leak. This course is ideal for anyone who works with or near ammonia.


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Antitrust Law and Competitor Relationships

Federal antitrust laws are designed to ensure that the basic promise of a free market economy and effective competition is not undermined by unlawful manipulation or collusion between competitors. This course explains how antitrust legislation regulates contact between competitors, and what employers and employees can do to ensure that they are in compliance with US antitrust laws. Topics in this course include: Legislation, Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Illegal Agreements, Competitor Interactions, and Helpful Strategies. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the antitrust laws that govern competitor interactions as well as their application to everyday business situations.


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Applying Electrical Standards (US)

Electrical standards do not just help you comply with the law, they keep you safe! You are already familiar with electrical terms and hazards. Take this course to learn about NFPA 70E and what it means for you. Stay compliant and stay safe! Ideal learners are people in all industries, particularly supervisors, electrical workers and safety managers.


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Applying Electrical Standards (US) (Canadian French)

Les normes électriques ne vous aident pas seulement à vous conformer à la loi, elles vous gardent en sécurité! Vous connaissez déjà les termes et les dangers de l'électricité. Suivez ce cours pour en savoir plus sur la norme NFPA 70E et ce que cela signifie pour vous. Restez conforme et restez en sécurité! Les apprenants idéaux comprennent le personnel de toutes les industries, en particulier les superviseurs, les préposés aux travaux électrique, ainsi que les responsables de la sécurité.


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Applying Electrical Standards (US) (Spanish)

Las normas de electricidad no solo le ayudan a cumplir con la ley, sino que además lo mantienen a salvo. Ya está familiarizado con los términos y peligros eléctricos. Tome este curso para aprender sobre la NFPA 70E y lo que significa para usted. ¡Mantenga el cumplimiento y manténgase a salvo! Los estudiantes idóneos son personas de todas las industrias, particularmente supervisores, trabajadores eléctricos y gerentes de seguridad.


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Arsenic Awareness (US)

OSHA requires inorganic arsenic training whenever employees are exposed to arsenic at or above a certain level. This course explains the possible health effects related to inorganic arsenic and how to reduce and/or eliminate the exposures that can lead to these health effects


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Asbestos Hazards Suite (IACET CEU=0.1)

Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.


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Asbestos Hazards Suite (US) (IACET CEU=0.1)

Asbestos can be deadly without proper controls and release procedures. In this suite, you will learn how to identify and avoid asbestos as well as how to control your exposure to it. This suite is ideal for people who work in environments that contain or have the potential to contain asbestos as well as their supervisors.


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Avoiding Rear-End Collisions - Large Vehicles (US)

Rear-end collisions can be very serious since the vehicle that is struck from behind is usually stopped or moving very slowly. The potential for catastrophe is even greater when the vehicle in motion is a large truck and the vehicle that is struck is a smaller vehicle such as an automobile. This course focuses on the common causes of rear-end collisions and what drivers of large vehicles can do to reduce the risk of being involved in such a collision.


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Avoiding Rear-end Collisions - Light Vehicles (US)

Rear-end collisions can be very serious since the vehicle that is struck from behind is usually stopped or moving very slowly while the other vehicle is in motion. The potential for catastrophe is amplified when the vehicle in motion is a van or truck and the vehicle that is struck is a smaller vehicle such as an automobile. This course focuses on the common causes of rear-end collisions and what drivers of light commercial vehicles can do to reduce their risk of being involved in such a collision.


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Back Injury Awareness

Back ailments are painful. They can be debilitating, and may prevent you from working and enjoying activities outside of work. This course will help you become aware of what you can do to prevent back injuries. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Basic Rigging Awareness

This basic rigging awareness module addresses the core elements that workers need to understand to conduct their rigging operations in a safe manner. Employers can use this course to ingrain fundamental terms and employee responsibilities. This course is an excellent tool for organizations who want to bolster or supplement their current rigging training program.


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Basic Rigging Awareness (Spanish)

El módulo de concientización sobre aparejamiento básico aborda los elementos principales que los trabajadores deben comprender al realizar las operaciones de aparejamiento de manera segura. Los empleadores pueden usar este curso para arraigar los términos fundamentales y las responsabilidades del empleado. Este curso es una herramienta excelente para las organizaciones que deseen reforzar o complementar su programa de capacitación actual sobre Aparejamiento.


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Basic Rigging Principles, Parts 1-3 (IACET CEU=0.1)

Rigging is a process used to secure materials to be moved by cranes, hoists or other lifting equipment. It is important for everyone involved with rigging activities to be aware of its associated risks, how to work safely and how to prevent equipment failure. Take these courses to learn about the basic principles of rigging that we all need to follow to keep our worksites safe. This suite is ideal for construction and general industry workers who may be involved in rigging activities as well as their supervisors. It lays the foundation for in-depth and on-the-job training for riggers.


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Basic Rigging Principles, Parts 1-3 (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1)

El aparejamiento es un proceso que se usa para fijar los materiales que se moverán con grúas, cabrestantes u otros equipos de elevación. Es importante para todas las personas involucradas con las actividades de aparejamiento que sean conscientes de los riesgos asociados, como trabajar de manera segura y cómo prevenir las fallas de los equipos. Tome estos cursos para obtener más información acerca de los principios básicos de aparejamiento que todos debemos seguir para mantener nuestros lugares de trabajo seguros. Este conjunto es ideal para los trabajadores de construcción e industria general que deben estar involucrados en actividades de aparejamiento, además de sus supervisores. Establece las bases para la capacitación en profundidad y en el trabajo para los aparejadores.


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Basics of Business Finance

The purpose of corporate financial management is to get;everyone pulling together to create value. No company can succeed if its people;lack skills in managing its money and assets. This course describes the basics;of business finance. Topics in this course include: Funding, Balance Sheet,;Income and Cash Flow Statements, Ratios, Forecasting, and Common Language. After;completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the fundamentals of;corporate finance in simple, easy to understand terms. Learners will also be;able to recognize how work activities can and do affect the financial health of;an organization.


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Battery and Charger Safety (US)

Batteries provide electric power for equipment like forklifts, narrow-aisle trucks, airport vehicles, electric buses, autos and golf cars. When used properly, batteries are a safe and reliable source of power. As with any power source, there are some hazards. This lesson covers these hazards, including electrical shock, corrosive chemical exposure and battery handling.


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Bench Grinder Safety

A jagged wheel fragment can fly fast enough to penetrate the soft tissue of your neck, eyes and face. Bench and pedestal grinders are powerful tools that require precision and precaution. This course will explain the steps you must take to stay safe when working with these commonly used pieces of equipment. Ideal learners are maintenance employees in the general industry, employees in the construction industry, and supervisors of those employees.


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Bench Grinder Safety (Chinese)



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Bench Grinder Safety (Dutch)

Een stukje van een kartelwiel kan snel genoeg vliegen om het zachte weefsel van uw nek, ogen en gezicht te doordringen. Slijpmachines zijn krachtige werktuigen die precisie en voorzorg vragen. Deze cursus zal de stappen uitleggen die u moet nemen om altijd veilig te werken met deze veelgebruikte werktuigen. Ideale studenten zijn onderhoudspersoneel in de algemene industrie, werknemers in de bouwindustrie en toezichthouders van die werknemers


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Bench Grinder Safety (French)

Un fragment de meule déchiquetée peut voler assez rapidement pour pénétrer le tissu mou de votre cou, de vos yeux et de votre visage. Les meuleuses d’établi et sur pied sont des outils puissants qui requièrent de la précision et des précautions. Ce cours explique les mesures que vous devez prendre pour rester en sécurité lors d'un travail avec ces pièces d'équipement fréquemment utilisées. Ces formation s'adresse aux employés de maintenance dans l'industrie en général, aux employés dans le secteur de la construction ainsi qu'aux superviseurs de ces employés.


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Bench Grinder Safety (German)

Ein gezacktes Scheibenfragment kann schnell genug fliegen, um das Weichgewebe von Hals, Augen und Gesicht zu durchdringen. Schleifböcke und Ständerschleifmaschinen sind leistungsfähige Werkzeuge, die Präzision und Vorsicht erfordern. Dieser Kurs wird die Schritte erklären, die Sie ergreifen müssen, um sicher zu sein, wenn Sie mit dieser häufig verwendeten Ausrüstung arbeiten. Ideale Kursteilnehmer sind Wartungsmitarbeiter der Industrie im Allgemeinen, Mitarbeiter in der Bauindustrie und Vorgesetzte dieser Mitarbeiter.


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Bench Grinder Safety (Portuguese)

Um fragmento áspero de disco pode voar com força suficiente para penetrar no tecido do pescoço, olhos e face. Esmerilhadeiras de bancada e pedestal são ferramentas poderosas que exigem precisão e precaução. Este curso explicará os passos que você deve seguir para se proteger quando estiver trabalhando com este tipo de equipamento. Os participantes ideais são funcionários de manutenção na indústria geral, funcionários do setor de construção e supervisores desses funcionários.


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Bench Grinder Safety (Spanish)

Un fragmento dentado de la muela puede volar con suficiente velocidad para penetrar el tejido blando de su cuello, ojos y cara. Las esmeriladoras de banco y pedestal son herramientas poderosas que requieren precisión y precaución. Este curso explicará los pasos que debe tomar para mantenerse a salvo cuando trabaje con estos equipos comúnmente utilizados. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados de mantenimiento en la industria general, los empleados en la industria de la construcción y los supervisores de esos empleados.


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Benzene Safety (US)

Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon that is produced by the burning of natural products. It is found in gasoline and other fuels, and is used in the manufacture of plastics, detergents, pesticides and other chemicals. Benzene is a clear, colorless liquid with a pleasant, sweet odor. The odor of benzene does not provide adequate warning of its hazard. In fact, benzene can cause serious health problems that you must understand if you work with it. This module covers the hazards of benzene and how to work safely with benzene. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Biosafety Hazardous Waste Handling and Disposal (US)

If you work with biological materials, it is quite possible that you will produce hazardous waste. What types of hazardous waste might you produce? The obvious answer is biohazardous, or medical, waste. But if you are like a lot of people who work with biological materials, you may also work with or around other hazardous chemicals and radioactive materials, which wind up as waste too. Ideal learners are workers who may be exposed to biohazardous waste.


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Blasting Area Awareness

Blasting areas can be dangerous. It’s important that the people who work on sites that have blasting know the hazards, process and what to do in emergencies. This is an awareness course about the activities that occur in a blasting area. This course is not designed to qualify blasters or their crew. It is aimed at all personnel who might be at a site where blasting activities occur.


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Blasting Area Awareness (Spanish)

Las áreas de voladura pueden ser peligrosas. Es importante que la gente que trabaja en las instalaciones donde hay voladuras conozcan los peligros, el proceso y los procedimientos en caso de emergencias. Este es un curso de concientización sobre las actividades que se producen en un área de voladura. Este curso no está diseñado para dinamiteros calificados ni su personal. Está destinado a todo el personal que pueda estar en las instalaciones donde se producen las actividades de voladura.


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Blocking and Cribbing

A lot of work requires the use of lifting tools such as hydraulic jacks, cranes and truck hoists. Because these lifting tools are used so frequently and are usually reliable, you may forget that any lifting tool can potentially fail. However, if you happened to be under a load during such a failure, chances are you would be injured or killed. That is why raised equipment must be properly blocked or cribbed. This course is designed to teach general blocking and cribbing safety principles and demonstrate how those principles are applied. This course is ideal for anyone who works with heavy equipment or who performs blocking and cribbing.


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Blocking and Cribbing (Spanish)

Muchos trabajos requieren el uso de herramientas de levantamiento, como gatos hidráulicos, grúas y polipastos de camión. Ya que estas herramientas de levantamiento son de uso frecuente y generalmente son confiables, es posible que olvide que cualquier herramienta de levantamiento tiene probabilidades de fallar. Pero si usted estuviera bajo una carga cuando se produzca una falla, lo más probable es que resulte lesionado o muera. Es por esa razón que el equipo elevado debe estar entramado y encofrado correctamente. Este curso está diseñado para enseñarle los principios de seguridad generales de entramado y encofrado, y demostrar cómo se aplican esos principios. Este curso es ideal para cualquier persona que trabaja con equipo pesado o que hace entramado y encofrado.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP)

If your job duties include even occasional contact with blood or other infectious materials, you are at risk for contracting potentially deadly, incurable diseases. Take this course to learn what bloodborne pathogens are and how you can protect yourself from them. Ideal learners include anyone who may be exposed to blood or other potentially infectious materials, including healthcare workers, custodians, maintenance staff, research personnel and construction workers.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Canadian French)

Si les fonctions liées à votre poste incluent un contact même occasionnel avec du sang ou d'autres matières infectieuses, vous risquez de contracter des maladies incurables potentiellement mortelles. Suivez ce cours pour apprendre ce que sont les pathogènes à diffusion hématogène et comment vous protéger. Les apprenants incluent toute personne susceptible d’être exposée à du sang ou d'autres matières potentiellement infectieuses, y compris les travailleurs de la santé, les gardiens, le personnel d'entretien, le personnel de recherche et les travailleurs de la construction.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Chinese)



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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Dutch)

Als je werktaken ook maar incidenteel contact met bloed of andere besmettelijke materialen omvat, loop je het risico op een mogelijk dodelijke, ongeneeslijke ziekte. Volg deze cursus om te leren wat ziekteverwekkers in het bloed zijn en hoe je jezelf hiertegen kunt beschermen. Ideale leerlingen zijn iedereen die blootgesteld kan worden aan bloed of andere potentieel besmettelijke materialen, inclusief gezondheidswerkers, conciërges, onderhoudspersoneel, onderzoekspersoneel en bouwvakkers.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (French)

Si vos fonctions incluent un contact même occasionnel avec du sang ou d’autres matières infectieuses, vous courez le risque de contracter des maladies potentiellement mortelles, incurables. Suivez ce cours pour apprendre ce que sont les agents pathogènes présents dans le sang et comment vous en protéger. Ce cours s’adresse à quiconque peut être exposé à du sang ou à d’autres matières potentiellement infectieuses, incluant les professionnels de la santé, les agents d’entretien, le personnel de maintenance, le personnel de recherche et les ouvriers du bâtiment.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (German)

Falls Ihre Aufgaben den regelmäßigen oder eventuellen Kontakt mit Blut oder anderen infektiösen Substanzen oder Materialien beinhalten, besteht das Risiko, dass Sie sich mit tödlichen und unheilbaren Krankheiten anstecken können. Absolvieren Sie diese Schulung, um mehr über die durch Blut übertragbaren Krankheitserreger zu lernen und zu erfahren, wie man sich dagegen schützen kann. Zu den idealen Teilnehmern gehören all jene, die Blut oder anderen potenziell infektiösen Substanzen und Materialien ausgesetzt sind: medizinisches Fachpersonal, Pfleger und Pflegerinnen, Wartungspersonal, Forschungspersonal und Bauarbeiter.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Italian)

Se il vostro lavoro include un contatto anche occasionale con il sangue o altri materiali infetti, correte il rischio di contrarre malattie incurabili potenzialmente fatali. Seguendo questo corso imparerete cosa sono gli agenti patogeni trasmissibili per via ematica e come potete proteggervi da essi. Tra i discenti ideali figurano tutti coloro che potrebbero essere esposti a sangue o ad altri materiali potenzialmente infetti, tra cui gli operatori sanitari, i custodi, il personale addetto alla manutenzione, il personale impegnato nella ricerca e i lavoratori edili.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Japanese)



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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Korean)

직무상 혈액 또는 기타 감염성 물질과 우발적으로라도 접촉이 발생하는 경우, 치명적일 수 있는 난치병에 걸릴 위험이 있습니다. 본 과정을 이수하고 혈행성 병원균에는 어떤 것이 있으며, 어떻게 이로부터 자신을 보호할 수 있는지에 대해 알아보시기 바랍니다. 본 과정은 혈액 또는 기타 잠재적 감염성 물질에 노출될 수 있는 보건 근로자, 관리자, 유지관리 직원, 연구 인력, 시공 근로자 등에게 적합합니다.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Portuguese)

Se as suas atribuições no trabalho incluem o contato, ainda que ocasional, com sangue ou outros materiais infecciosos, você corre o risco de contrair doenças potencialmente fatais ou incuráveis. Faça este curso para aprender o que são patógenos transmitidos pelo sangue e como você pode se proteger. Os alunos ideais são qualquer pessoa que possa ser exposta a sangue ou outros materiais potencialmente infecciosos, incluindo profissionais de saúde, funcionários de limpeza e manutenção, equipes de pesquisa e funcionários da construção civil.


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Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) (Spanish)

Si sus tareas de trabajo incluyen un contacto incluso ocasional con la sangre u otros materiales infecciosos, se encuentra en riesgo de contraer enfermedades incurables y potencialmente mortales. Realice este curso para aprender qué son los agentes patógenos y cómo puede protegerse de estos. Los estudiantes ideales incluyen a cualquiera que pueda estar expuesto a la sangre u otros materiales potencialmente infecciosos, incluidos los trabajadores de la salud, los cuidadores, el personal de mantenimiento, el personal de investigación y los trabajadores de la construcción.


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Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness

Contact with blood or other infectious materials puts you at risk for contracting potentially deadly, incurable diseases. Take this course to learn what bloodborne pathogens are, the risk they present, and general steps you should take to ensure your protection after potential exposure. This course is not intended to teach universal precautions. You need additional information, vaccinations/immunizations, and PPE to provide first aid or handle/clean up BBP and OPIM. Ideal learners include all workers.


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Bloodborne Pathogens Awareness (Spanish)

El contacto con sangre u otros materiales infecciosos lo pone en riesgo de contraer enfermedades incurables y potencialmente mortales. Tome este curso para aprender qué son los agentes patógenos que se transmiten por la sangre (BBP, en inglés), el riesgo que suponen y medidas generales que debería adoptar para asegurar su protección ante una exposición potencial. Este curso no pretende enseñar precauciones universales. Usted necesita información adicional, vacunas y equipos de protección personal (EPP) para proporcionar primeros auxilios o manipular o limpiar los BBP y otros materiales potencialmente infecciosos (OPIM, en inglés). Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a todos los trabajadores.


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Building Customer Loyalty

This course teaches the skills needed by employees at all levels of a company to create loyalty, and to impact the company's profitability in a positive way. Topics in this course include: Creating Loyalty, Words, Actions, Leadership, Turnoffs, and Rebuilding. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the skills needed to build customer loyalty. Learners will also be able to recognize the importance of customer loyalty to them personally as well as to the company.


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Cannabis Awareness

Are the effects of cannabis different than other controlled substances? What do I need to know about cannabis as it relates to workplace safety? Take this course to learn the answers to these and other questions you may have about cannabis. We will talk about the properties of cannabis, its effects and strategies you can use at your workplace to keep everyone safe. This course is ideal for all learners.


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Cannabis Awareness (Spanish)

¿Los efectos del cannabis son distintos a los de otras sustancias controladas? ¿Qué debo saber del cannabis en relación con la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo? En este curso conocerá las respuestas a estas y otras preguntas que puede tener sobre el cannabis. Hablaremos sobre las propiedades del cannabis, sus efectos y las estrategias que puede usar en su lugar de trabajo para que todos estén seguros. Este curso es ideal para todos los estudiantes.


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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training (US)

Incidents requiring CPR can happen anywhere and at any time. The first response to such an incident is the most important. CPR given at the scene can improve the chances of survival and recovery of a victim. This course will demonstrate how to recognize and respond to a severe life-threatening emergency until the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel arrive.


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Chemical Facility Security Awareness Training (Spanish)

¿Qué podría ocurrir si criminales o terroristas obtuvieran químicos potencialmente peligrosos de su planta química? ¿Qué pasaría si colocaran una bomba en su lugar de trabajo? Nadie quiere experimentar las respuestas a estas preguntas. Tome este curso para saber de qué necesita estar atento y qué hacer si descubre una amenaza de seguridad. Los estudiantes idóneos son trabajadores y gerentes de cualquier planta que use cantidades a granel de químicos altamente peligrosos.


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Chemical Facility Security Awareness Training (US)

What would happen if criminals or terrorists got their hands on potentially dangerous chemicals at your facility? What if they planted a bomb at your workplace? No one wants to experience the answers to these questions. Take this course to find out what you need to watch out for and what to do if you discover a security threat. Ideal learners are workers and managers in any facilities that use bulk quantities of highly hazardous chemicals.


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Chlorine Awareness

Chlorine has a huge variety of uses. Its chemical properties make it an extremely effective disinfectant and an essential component in the chemical manufacture of literally thousands of vital products used every day. However, there are some hazards associated with chlorine and you need to know about them and how to protect yourself against them. This course presents information about the hazards of chlorine and how to handle it safely.


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Cleaning Up Small Chemical Spills

Spills in the workplace are almost inevitable. Because of the range and quantity of substances used in laboratories, manufacturing facilities and other work areas, preplanning is needed to respond safely to chemical spills. Spills should be cleaned up only by knowledgeable and experienced staff. This training will provide the information needed to handle small chemical spills in the workplace. Ideal learners are those who work around chemicals.


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Code of Business Conduct

All employees need to be aware of their companies Code of Business Conduct. This course describes the Code of Business Conduct and basic ethical principles and guidelines for conducting business with our partners, clients, and competitors. Topics in this course include: Obeying the Law, Conflicts of Interest, Gift Policies, Protected Information, and Ethical Conduct. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify the basic principles that make up the Code of Business Conduct.


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Cold Stress

Cold stress is the loss of body heat to the environment. Low temperature, wind and wetness have a combined effect on the body to create cold stress, injuries and illness. Cold-related disorders such as hypothermia and frostbite can kill or injure workers. Employers and employees should be aware of cold stress hazards, cold-related disorders and how to treat and prevent them. Ideal learners are employees who may be exposed to cold temperatures.


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Cold Stress (Canadian French)

Le stress dû au froid est la perte de chaleur corporelle dans l’environnement. Une basse température, le vent et l’humidité combinent leurs effets sur le corps pour créer du stress, des blessures et la maladie. Les désordres liés au froid, comme l’hypothermie et les engelures, peuvent tuer ou blesser les travailleurs. Les employeurs et les employés doivent être conscients des dangers du stress dû au froid et des désordres liés au froid, et de la manière de les traiter et de les prévenir. Les participants idéals sont les employés qui peuvent être exposés à de basses températures.


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Cold Stress (Chinese)



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Cold Stress (Dutch)

Koudestress is het verlies van lichaamswarmte aan de omgeving. Lage temperatuur, wind en natheid hebben een gecombineerd effect op het lichaam met het creëren van koudestress, letsel en ziekte. Aan kou gerelateerde aandoeningen zoals onderkoeling en bevriezing kunnen werknemers doden of verwonden. Werkgevers en werknemers moeten zich bewust zijn van de gevaren van koudestress, aan kou gerelateerde aandoeningen en hoe ze te behandelen en voorkomen. Ideale leerlingen zijn werknemers die mogelijk blootgesteld worden aan lage temperaturen.


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Cold Stress (French)

Le stress dû au froid est la perte de chaleur corporelle dans l’environnement. Une température basse, le vent et l’humidité ont un effet combiné sur le corps et sont cause de stress dû au froid, blessures et maladies. Les troubles liés au froid, comme l’hypothermie et les engelures, peuvent entraîner des blessures ou la mort chez des ouvriers. Les employeurs et les employés doivent être conscients des dangers liés au stress et troubles dus au froid, et savoir comment les traiter et les prévenir. Le public concerné est tout employé qui peut être exposé à des températures froides.


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Cold Stress (German)

Kältestress ist der Verlust von Körperwärme an die Umwelt. Niedrige Temperaturen, Wind und Nässe wirken sich gemeinsam auf den Körper aus, indem sie Kältestress, Verletzungen und Krankheiten auslösen. Kältebedingte Krankheiten wie Unterkühlung und Erfrierungen können Arbeitnehmer töten oder verletzen. Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer sollten sich der Gefahren von Kältestress, kältebedingten Erkrankungen sowie über deren Behandlung und Prävention bewusst sein. Ideale Lernende sind alle Mitarbeiter, die kalten Temperaturen ausgesetzt sein könnten.


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Cold Stress (Italian)

Lo stress da freddo è la perdita di calore corporeo che viene ceduto all’ambiente. Bassa temperatura, vento e umidità esercitano un effetto combinato sull’organismo, provocando stress, lesioni e malattie da freddo. I disturbi correlati al freddo come l’ipotermia e l’assideramento possono provocare lesioni o persino decesso. I datori di lavoro e i dipendenti devono essere consapevoli dei rischi dello stress da freddo, dei disturbi correlati al freddo e dei modi per curarli e prevenirli. Questo corso è rivolto ai dipendenti che possono essere esposti alle basse temperature


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Cold Stress (Japanese)



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Cold Stress (Korean)

저온 스트레스는 환경으로 체온이 손실되는 것입니다. 저온, 바람 및 습기가 저온 스트레스, 부상 및 질환을 일으키는 데 있어 신체에 결합된 영향을 끼칩니다. 저체온증 및 동상 등의 감기 관련 장애는 작업자를 사망에 이르게 하거나 부상을 당하게 할 수 있습니다. 고용주와 직원은 저온 스트레스 위험, 감기 관련 장애 및 이를 치료하고 예방하는 방법을 숙지해야 합니다. 저온에 노출될 수 있는 직원이 학습자로 매우 적합합니다.


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Cold Stress (Portuguese)

Estresse por frio é a perda de calor corporal para o ambiente. Baixa temperatura, ventos e umidade têm um efeito combinado no corpo para criar estresse por frio, ferimentos e doença. Doenças provocadas pelo frio como hipotermia e queimadura por congelamento podem matar ou ferir os trabalhadores. Os funcionários e empregadores devem estar cientes dos riscos de estresse por frio e de doenças relacionadas ao frio e como tratá-las e evitá-las. Os aprendizes ideais são todos os funcionários que podem ser expostos a temperaturas frias


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Cold Stress (Spanish)

El estrés por frío es la pérdida de calor corporal debido al ambiente. Las bajas temperaturas, el viento y la humedad tienen un efecto combinado en el cuerpo que provoca estrés por frío, lesiones y enfermedades. Los trastornos relacionados con el frío, como la hipotermia y el congelamiento, pueden ser fatales o provocar lesiones a los trabajadores. Los empleadores y los empleados deben estar conscientes de los riesgos del estrés por frío, los trastornos relacionados con el frío y cómo tratarlos y prevenirlos. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados que puedan estar expuestos a temperaturas frías.


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Combustible Dust

Good housekeeping practices can help minimize the likelihood of a fire or explosion due to combustible dust. Take this course to learn what combustible dust is, how to detect it and what safety measures to use to mitigate its hazards. This course does not provide technical information suitable to engineers who design, build and maintain equipment and facilities. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Combustible Dust (Spanish)

Las buenas prácticas de orden y limpieza pueden ayudar a minimizar la probabilidad de incendio o explosión debido al polvo combustible. Realice este curso para aprender qué es el polvo combustible, cómo detectarlo y las medidas de seguridad que se deben usar para mitigar sus peligros. Este curso no proporciona información técnica adecuada para los ingenieros que diseñan, construyen y mantienen equipos e instalaciones. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Commercial Drivers Suite

This bundle is aimed at CDL driver orientation and addresses awareness training based on the CSA 7 BASICs. This bundle includes Compliance Safety Accountability Overview for Drivers, DOT Driver Compliance, Safe Vehicle Operations, Vehicle & Roadside Inspections, Driver Wellness, Accident and Breakdown Procedures, HAZMAT Transportation - Security Awareness, Driver Fatigue, and Load Securement and Distribution.


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Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) Overview for Drivers (US)

In 2010, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) introduced new measures to improve the effectiveness of its compliance and enforcement program. The goal of the Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program is to reduce large truck and bus crashes, injuries and fatalities. This overview course will provide commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers with important high-level information about the new CSA program.


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Compressed Air Safety Awareness

On its own, air is not necessarily dangerous. However, compressing air creates hazards like noise, flying objects and static electricity. Take this course to review the hazards associated with compressed air and what you can do to avoid them. This course is ideal for people who use pneumatic tools or supervise those who do.


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Compressed Air Safety Awareness (Spanish)

En sí, el aire no es necesariamente peligroso. Sin embargo, el aire comprimido crea peligros como ruidos, objetos volantes y electricidad estática. Tome este curso para aprender los peligros asociados con el aire comprimido y qué puede hacer para evitarlos. Este curso es ideal para las personas que usan herramientas neumáticas o supervisan a aquellos que las usan


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety

You do not want to be near a rocket or fragmentation bomb when it goes off. Well, that is what a compressed gas cylinder may become if used improperly. The course will teach you about the hazards of these highly pressurized containers, how they must be labeled, and how they must be stored, handled and transported to prevent leaks, burns and explosions. Ideal learners are employees who work with or around compressed gas cylinders.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Chinese)



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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Dutch)

U wilt zich niet in de buurt bevinden van een raket of een fragmentatiebom wanneer deze afgaat. Nou, dat is precies wat een persgascilinder kan worden als het onjuist wordt gebruikt. De cursus leert u over de gevaren van deze sterk onder druk staande houders, hoe ze gelabeld moeten worden en hoe ze opgeslagen, gehanteerd en getransporteerd moeten worden om lekkages, brandwonden en explosies te voorkomen. Ideale leerlingen zijn werknemers die met of rond persgascilinders werken.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (French)

Vous n’avez pas envie de vous trouver près d’une roquette ou d’une bombe à fragmentation quand celle-ci explose. Eh bien, c’est ce qu’une bouteille de gaz comprimé peut devenir en cas d’utilisation inappropriée. Cette formation vous apprendra quels sont les dangers liés à ces conteneurs hautement pressurisés, comment les étiqueter, et comment les ranger, les manipuler et les transporter pour éviter les fuites, les brûlures et les explosions. Cette formation s’adresse aux employés qui travaillent avec ou autour de bouteilles de gaz comprimé.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (German)

Sie wollen sich sicherlich nicht in der Nähe einer Rakete oder Splitterbombe befinden, wenn diese losgehen. Nun, genau in diese Gegenstände können sich Druckgasflaschen bei unsachgemäßer Handhabung verwandeln. Dieser Kurs informiert über die Gefahren unter Hochdruck stehender Behälter, wie diese etikettiert sowie gelagert, gehandhabt und transportiert werden müssen, um Leckagen, Verbrennungen und Explosionen zu vermeiden. Ideale Lernende sind Mitarbeiter, die mit oder in der Nähe von Druckgasflaschen arbeiten.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Japanese)



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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (Portuguese)

Você não quer estar perto de um foguete ou de uma bomba de fragmentação quando ela estoura. Bem, é nisso que um cilindro de gás comprimido pode-se transformar se for usado de forma inadequada. O curso ensinará a você os perigos desses recipientes altamente pressurizados, como eles precisam ser etiquetados e como precisam ser armazenados, manipulados e transportados para prevenir vazamentos,queimaduras e explosões. Aprendizes ideais são empegados que trabalham com ou próximo de cilindros de gás comprimido.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (US)

You do not want to be near a rocket or fragmentation bomb when it goes off. Well, that is what a compressed gas cylinder may become if used improperly. The course will teach you about the hazards of these highly pressurized containers, how they must be labeled, and how they must be stored, handled and transported to prevent leaks, burns and explosions. Ideal learners include employees who work with or around compressed gas cylinders.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety (US) (Spanish)

No es deseable estar cerca de un cohete o una bomba de fragmentación cuando estalle. Bien, eso es en lo que se puede convertir un cilindro de gas comprimido si se usa inadecuadamente. El curso le enseñará sobre los riesgos de estos contenedores altamente presurizados, cómo deben etiquetarse y cómo deben almacenarse, manejarse y transportarse para prevenir fugas, quemaduras y explosiones. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados que trabajan con o alrededor de cilindros de gas comprimido.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety Awareness

You do not want to be near a rocket or fragmentation bomb when it goes off. Well, that is what a compressed gas cylinder may become if used improperly. The course will teach you about the hazards of these highly pressurized containers, and how they must be stored, handled and transported to prevent leaks, burns and explosions. Ideal learners are employees who work with or around compressed gas cylinders.


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Compressed Gas Cylinder Safety

Computer workstations can be a source of nagging and debilitating Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs). This course addresses causes and symptoms of RSIs at computer workstations and ways to prevent those injuries. Topics in this course include: RSIs, Symptoms, Prevention, Exercises, and Laptop Safety. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify the symptoms of RSIs and find ways to stay healthy and prevent these injuries while working at a computer workstation.


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Concrete and Masonry Awareness

In the construction industry, many accidents, injuries and even fatalities result from formwork collapse and bracing failure during concrete and masonry construction. These incidents are preventable. Take this course to learn how to remain safe during concrete and masonry construction. This course is ideal for all construction workers.


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Confidentiality, Intellectual Property Protection, and Information Security

Every day, employees may come into contact with information that must be protected. In order to preserve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of this information, each employee must recognize information that is considered sensitive and be able to protect it. This course defines sensitive information, including intellectual property and trade secrets, and teaches employees how to protect it. Topics in this course include: Legal Protection, Company Protection, and Responses. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify what information is considered sensitive and how they can protect sensitive information and intellectual property, including how to respond to a request by a third party for this information


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Confined Space Awareness for Construction

If one of your co-workers passed out in a confined space, would you go in to rescue him? Can you be sure the air in the space is safe? This training will help you understand the risks associated with confined spaces and the procedures your employer has in place to protect you and those around you. Do not take this information lightly. It can make the difference between life and death! Ideal learners are anyone who works in or around confined spaces on construction sites.


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Confined Space Awareness for Construction (Spanish)

Si uno de sus compañeros de trabajo se desmaya en un espacio confinado, ¿entraría para rescatarlo? ¿Puede tener la certeza de que el aire en el espacio es seguro? Esta capacitación le ayudará a entender los riesgos asociados con los espacios confinados y los procedimientos que su empleador ha implementado para protegerlo a usted y a los que lo rodean. No tome esta información a la ligera. Esto puede marcar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen cualquier persona que trabaje dentro o alrededor de espacios confinados en obras de construcción.


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Confined Space Hazards (Canadian French)

Si l'un de vos collègues s'évanouissait dans un espace clos, iriez-vous le secourir? Pouvez-vous être sûr que l'air dans l'espace est sûr? Cette formation vous aidera à comprendre les risques associés aux espaces clos et les procédures que votre employeur a mises en place pour vous protéger, vous et votre entourage. Ne prenez pas cette information à la légère, car elle peut faire la différence entre la vie et la mort! Les étudiants idéaux comprennent toute personne qui travaille dans des espaces clos ou à proximité.


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Confined Space Hazards (Chinese)



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Confined Space Hazards (Spanish)

Si uno de sus compañeros de trabajo se desmayara en un espacio confinado, ¿entraría a rescatarlo? ¿Puede asegurar que el aire en el espacio es seguro? Esta capacitación lo ayudará a comprender los riesgos relacionados con los espacios confinados, y los procedimientos correspondientes con los que cuenta el empleador para protegerlo a usted y a las personas a su alrededor. ¡No tome esta información a la ligera ya que puede hacer la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte! Entre los estudiantes ideales se incluye a cualquiera que trabaje en espacios confinados o en sus inmediaciones.


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Confined Space Hazards (US)

If one of your co-workers passed out in a confined space, would you go in to rescue him? Can you be sure the air in the space is safe? This training will help you understand the risks associated with confined spaces and the procedures your employer has in place to protect you and those around you. Do not take this information lightly. It can make the difference between life and death! Learners include anyone who works in or around confined spaces.


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Confined Space Hazards (US) (Spanish)

Si uno de sus compañeros de trabajo se desmaya en un espacio confinado, ¿entraría para rescatarlo? ¿Puede tener la certeza de que el aire en el espacio es seguro? Esta capacitación le ayudará a entender los riesgos asociados con los espacios confinados y los procedimientos que su empleador ha implementado para protegerlo a usted y a los que lo rodean. No tome esta información a la ligera. Esto puede marcar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Los estudiantes incluyen a cualquier persona que trabaje dentro o alrededor de espacios confinados.


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Confined Space Hazards Awareness

If one of your co-workers passed out in a confined space, would you go in to rescue him? Can you be sure the air in the space is safe? This training will help you understand the risks associated with confined spaces. Do not take this information lightly. It can mean the difference between life and death! Ideal learners are all employees.


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Confined Space Hazards for Construction (US)

If one of your co-workers passed out in a confined space, would you go in to rescue him? Can you be sure the air in the space is safe? This training will help you understand the risks associated with confined spaces and the procedures your employer has in place to protect you and those around you. Do not take this information lightly. It can make the difference between life and death! Learners include anyone who works in or around confined spaces on construction sites.


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Confined Space: Permit-Required (US) (Spanish)

Es posible que pueda ingresar a un espacio confinado, pero ¿podría salir de manera segura? Si es un espacio confinado que requiere permiso, sabe que existe un riesgo de una atmósfera inflamable, asfixiante, corrosiva o tóxica. Esta capacitación le ayudará a entender los peligros asociados con espacios confinados y los procedimientos que su empleador tiene implementados para protegerlo a usted y a las personas que están a su alrededor. ¡No tome esta información a la ligera pues puede ser la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte! Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a cualquier persona que trabaje dentro o alrededor de espacios confinados.


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Confined Spaces Permit-Required (Dutch)

Je kunt mogelijk wel in een afgesloten ruimte komen, maar kun je er ook nog veilig uit komen? Als er een werkvergunning voor de besloten ruimte vereis is, weet je dat er een risico is op een brandbare, verstikkende, corrosieve of giftige atmosfeer. Deze training helpt je om inzicht te krijgen in de gevaren die bij besloten ruimten horen en in de procedures die je werkgever heeft doorgevoerd om jou en de mensen om je heen te beschermen. Neem deze informatie niet te licht op: hij kan het verschil tussen leven en dood maken! Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor iedereen die in of rond besloten ruimten werkt.


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Confined Spaces Permit-Required (German)

Sie können einen beengten Raum betreten, aber könnten Sie wieder sicher herauskommen? Wenn es sich um einen genehmigungspflichtigen beengten Raum handelt, wissen Sie, dass dort die Gefahr einer entflammbaren, erstickenden, ätzenden oder toxischen Atmosphäre besteht. Diese Schulung wird Ihnen helfen, die Gefahren zu verstehen, die mit beengten Räumen verbunden sind sowie die Verfahren, die Ihr Arbeitgeber eingerichtet hat, um Sie zu schützen. Nehmen Sie diese Informationen nicht auf die leichte Schulter. Sie kann den Unterschied zwischen Leben und Tod bedeuten. Ideal Lernenden sind Mitarbeiter, die in oder in der Nähe von beengten Räumen arbeiten.


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required

You may be able to enter an enclosed space, but could you get back out safely? If it is a permit-required confined space, you know there is a risk of a flammable, asphyxiating, corrosive or toxic atmosphere. This training will help you understand the hazards associated with confined spaces and the procedures your employer has in place to protect you and those around you. Do not take this information lightly. It can make the difference between life and death! Ideal learners are anyone who works in or around confined spaces.


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Canadian French)

Vous pourrez peut-être entrer dans un espace clos, mais en sortirez-vous en toute sécurité? S'il s'agit d'un espace clos pour lequel un permis est exigé, vous savez qu'il existe un risque d'atmosphère inflammable, asphyxiante, corrosive ou toxique. Cette formation vous aidera à comprendre les dangers associés aux espaces clos et les procédures que votre employeur a mises en place pour assurer votre protection et celle des personnes avec lesquelles vous travaillez. Ne prenez pas ces informations à la légère. Elles peuvent faire la différence entre la vie et la mort! Les apprenants idéaux sont tous ceux qui travaillent dans ou à proximité d'espaces clos.


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Italian)

Potreste riuscire a entrare in uno spazio confinato, ma riuscirete anche a uscirne sani e salvi? Se si tratta di uno spazio confinato con permesso di accesso obbligatorio, sapete che esiste un rischio di atmosfera infiammabile, asfissiante, corrosiva o tossica. Questo corso vi aiuterà a comprendere i pericoli associati agli spazi confinati e le procedure stabilite dal vostro datore di lavoro per proteggere voi e le persone che vi circondano. Non prendete alla leggera queste informazioni. Possono fare la differenza tra la vita e la morte! Questo corso è rivolto a tutti coloro che lavorano all’interno di o attorno a spazi confinati


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Japanese)

閉鎖された空間に入ることができる場合がありますが、安全に出ることができるでしょうか。 許可が必要な閉鎖空間である場合は、可燃性、窒息、腐食性、または毒性空気のリスクがあることがわかっています。このトレーニングでは、閉鎖空間に関連する危険と、自分や他の人々を保護するために企業が導入する手順について理解できるようにします。この情報を軽く考えないでください。生死が分かれる場合があります。 最適な学習者は閉鎖空間やその周囲で作業をする人です。


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Korean)

밀폐 공간에 진입할 수 있지만 안전하게 나올 수 있습니까? 허가 필수 밀폐 공간인 경우 인화성, 질식, 부식성 또는 유해성 대기 위험이 있습니다. 이 교육은 귀하와 귀하 주위 사람을 보호하기 위해 밀폐 공간 관련 위험 및 고용주가 마련한 절차를 이해할 수 있게 돕습니다. 이 정보를 가볍게 여기지 마십시오. 이로 인해 생사가 갈릴 수 있습니다! 밀폐 공간 또는 밀폐 공간 주위에서 작업하는 사람이 학습자로 적합합니다.


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Portuguese)

Você pode conseguir entrar em um espaço fechado, mas conseguiria sair com segurança? Se um espaço confinado exigir autorização para entrada, você sabe que há um risco de uma atmosfera inflamável, asfixiante, corrosiva ou tóxica. Este treinamento ajudará você a entender os riscos associados a espaços confinados e aos procedimentos que seu empregador implantou para proteger você e os que estão à sua volta. Leve essas informações a sério. Pode fazer diferença entre a vida e a morte. Esse documento é direcionado principalmente a todos que trabalham em espaços confinados ou próximos a eles.


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (Spanish)

Es posible que pueda ingresar a un espacio confinado, pero ¿podría salir de manera segura? Si es un espacio confinado que requiere permiso, sabe que existe un riesgo de una atmósfera inflamable, asfixiante, corrosiva o tóxica. Esta capacitación le ayudará a entender los peligros asociados con espacios confinados y los procedimientos que su empleador tiene implementados para protegerlo a usted y a las personas que están a su alrededor. No tome esta información a la ligera. Esto puede marcar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a cualquier persona que trabaje dentro o alrededor de espacios confinados.


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Confined Spaces: Permit-Required (US)

You may be able to enter an enclosed space, but could you get back out safely? If it is a permit-required confined space, you know there is a risk of a flammable, asphyxiating, corrosive or toxic atmosphere. This training will help you understand the hazards associated with confined spaces and the procedures your employer has in place to protect you and those around you. Do not take this information lightly as it can make the difference between life and death! Ideal learners include anyone who works in or around confined spaces.


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Construction Industry Safety Program (IACET CEU=0.9)

Whether you are implementing a new construction safety program or augmenting an existing program, it can be stressful to choose what to cover. The Top 25 Construction Industry package takes the guesswork out of selecting topics. Our package is composed of the 25 safety courses that construction audiences consider the most critical to working safely and avoiding damage, injuries and fatalities. This wide range of topics includes everything from safely performing hot work and managing stormwater and erosion to driving defensively. These courses are ideal for everyone who works in the construction industry, from workers to supervisors.


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Construction Safety Orientation

You should expect to go home unhurt at the end of your work day. Accidents and injuries are preventable and occur because of unsafe conditions and unsafe acts. Take this orientation course to learn some basic safety rules you can use to help prevent injuries. This course is ideal for construction workers.


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Construction Safety Orientation (Chinese)



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Construction Safety Orientation (Spanish)

Es de esperar que usted llegue a casa al finalizar su día de trabajo. Los accidentes y lesiones son prevenibles y ocurren debido a condiciones inseguras y actos inseguros. Tome este curso de orientación para aprender algunas reglas de seguridad básicas que puede utilizar para ayudar a prevenir lesiones. Este curso es ideal para los trabajadores de la construcción.


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Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence (Chinese)



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Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence (Dutch)

Hoe veilig een organisatie ook is of hoe goed de producten en diensten ook zijn, er is altijd ruimte voor verbetering. In deze cursus leer je meer over het concept van continue verbetering. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor managers, leidinggevenden en leden van de veiligheidscommissie.


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Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence (French)

Quelque soit le niveau de sécurité d’une entreprise ou la qualité de ses services ou produits, il est toujours possible de s’améliorer. Suivez cette formation pour en savoir plus sur le concept d’amélioration continue. Parmi le public idéal, on trouve les cadres, superviseurs, membres du comité de sécurité.


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Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence (German)

Ganz gleich, wie sicher ein Unternehmen ist oder wie hochwertig dessen Dienstleistungen und Produkte sind, gibt es immer Raum für Verbesserungen. Nehmen Sie an dieser Schulung teil, um mehr über das Konzept der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung zu erfahren. Diese Schulung ist insbesondere an Manager, Vorgesetzte und Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses gerichtet.


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Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence (Japanese)

たとえどんなに組織が安全であったり、高品質なサービスや製品であったりしても、必ず改善の余地があります。 継続した改善というコンセプトについてもっと詳しく学ぶために、このトレーニングを受講してください。このトレーニングは、マネージャー、監督者、安全委員会のメンバーを対象にしています。


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Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence (Portuguese)

Não importa quanto segura é uma organização ou quão de alta qualidade o seu serviço e os produtos são, há sempre espaço para melhorias. Aproveite este treinamento para aprender mais sobre o conceito de melhoria contínua. Aprendizes ideais são gerentes, supervisores e membros da comissão de segurança.


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Continuously Improve for Safety Excellence (Spanish)

Sin importar qué tan segura sea una organización o de qué tan alta calidad sean sus servicios y sus productos, siempre existe oportunidad de mejorar. Tome esta capacitación para aprender más acerca del concepto de mejora continua. Los estudiantes idóneos son gerentes, supervisores y miembros del comité de seguridad.


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Conveyor Safety Awareness

Conveyors move materials quickly and efficiently, but they can be dangerous. Without safe practices and controls, people around them can suffer serious injuries, including amputations. This course will teach people who work around conveyors and their supervisors some basic safety guidelines. It will lay the foundation for the hands-on training that employers will provide about specific equipment, hazards, controls and practices at their work locations.


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Corrosive Safety

You may know that corrosive materials can be hazardous to your skin and eyes, but are you aware of their other hazards? Corrosives (acids and bases) are materials that can cause chemical damage on contact with the skin, eyes, respiratory tract, digestive tract or even metal. Many chemicals commonly used in laboratories and the home are corrosive. Besides their health hazards, corrosives can be highly reactive. They can cause fires, explosions, or violent exothermic (heat-releasing) reactions, like an explosion. Take this training to learn how to safely identify, use and store corrosive materials, as well as methods for preventing and responding to exposure incidents and emergencies. This training is beneficial for anyone who has the potential to use or be near the use of corrosives.


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Corrosive Safety (Spanish)

Es posible que sepa que los materiales corrosivos pueden ser peligrosos para su piel y ojos, pero ¿está al tanto de otros peligros? Los materiales corrosivos (ácidos y bases) son materiales que pueden causar daños químicos cuando tienen contacto con la piel, los ojos, las vías respiratorias, las vías digestivas, o incluso con los metales. Muchos productos químicos que se usan comúnmente en laboratorios y en el hogar son corrosivos. Además de su peligro para la salud, los materiales corrosivos pueden ser altamente reactivos. Pueden causar incendios, explosiones o reacciones exotérmicas (liberación de calor) violentas, como una explosión. Tomo esta capacitación para aprender cómo identificar, usar y almacenar de manera segura los materiales corrosivos, además de conocer métodos para evitar y responder ante incidentes y emergencias por exposición. Esta capacitación es benéfica para cualquier persona que tenga el potencial de usar o estar cerca del uso de materiales corrosivos.


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Crane Operator Safety

You can avoid accidents involving cranes by ensuring safe setup and operation. Take this course to learn some basic information about safe crane operating procedures. This course provides safety information that supplements crane operator training. Crane operators must receive hands-on instruction for the cranes they will be operating. Ideal learners are all workers involved in the operation of cranes.


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Crane Operator Safety (Spanish)

Puede evitar los accidentes relacionados con grúas con una instalación y operación seguras. Tome este curso para aprender información básica sobre los procedimientos para la operación segura de grúas. Este curso proporciona información de seguridad que complementa la capacitación de los operadores de grúas. Los operadores de grúas deben recibir instrucciones prácticas para las grúas que van a operar. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los trabajadores que participan en la operación de las grúas.


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Crane Safety and Basic Rigging Training Suite (IACET CEU=0.2)

Rigging is the process of moving heavy load with slings, chains, hoists and other special tools. The equipment used for lifting and moving loads is also called rigging. Cranes can be very dangerous when used in an unsafe manner. It is the signal person that provides instructions to the crane operator and it is vital that the crane operator follow the signal person’s instructions. Both of these individuals play an important role in the overall safety of crane operation. The Crane Signaling Awareness course covers basic skills and knowledge needed to use hand or voice signals to direct the movements of mobile and tower cranes. In addition, guidelines for using voice signals are provided.


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Crane Safety and Basic Rigging Training Suite (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.2)

Aparejamiento es el proceso de mover cargas pesadas con eslingas, cadenas, polipastos y otras herramientas especiales. El equipo usado para levantar y mover cargas se llama aparejos. Las grúas pueden ser muy peligrosas si se usan de manera insegura. La persona de señales proporciona instrucciones al operador de la grúa y es vital que éste siga las instrucciones recibidas. Ambos desempeñan una función importante en la seguridad general de la operación de la grúa. El curso Concientización sobre señales para grúas cubre las habilidades y los conocimientos básicos que se necesitan para usar señales de mano o de voz para dirigir los movimientos de grúas móviles y grúas torre. Además, se proporcionan pautas para usar señales de voz.


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Crane Signaling Awareness

Crane operators count on signalers to provide vital lifting instructions. Whether you deliver signals, receive them or just witness them, it is important that you know why they are important, what they are, and what to do if stop work signals are given. This course provides a crane signaling overview that is appropriate for all people who work around cranes and lays the foundation for additional, in-depth and hands-on training that crane operators and signalers will receive.


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Crane Signaling Awareness (Spanish)

Los operadores de grúas cuentan con los señaladores para la entrega de instrucciones vitales de elevación. Sea que usted entregue, reciba o solo presencie las señales, es importante que sepa por qué son importantes, qué son y qué debe hacer si se dan señales para dejar de trabajar. Este curso brinda una visión general sobre la señalización para grúas, lo cual resulta apropiado para todas las personas que trabajan alrededor de grúas y sienta las bases para la capacitación práctica adicional en profundidad que recibirán los operadores y señaladores de grúas.


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Cryogen Safety

Cryogenic liquids help us store materials and conduct experiments at extremely low temperatures. We must be careful to work with them safely to avoid the risk of frostbite, asphyxiation and over-pressurization of containers that can lead to explosions. Take this course to learn about what cryogenic liquids are, the risks they present and how to use them safely. This course lays the foundation for the workplace-specific, hands-on training your employer will provide to you. It is ideal for anyone who works with or around or manages people who work with or around cryogenic liquids.


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Cryogen Safety (Spanish)

Los líquidos criogénicos nos ayudan a almacenar materiales y a realizar experimentos a temperaturas extremadamente bajas. Debemos tener cuidado de trabajar con ellos en forma segura para evitar el riesgo de congelamiento, asfixia y sobrepresurización de los recipientes, lo que puede provocar explosiones. Realice este curso para conocer qué son los líquidos criogénicos, los riesgos que presentan y cómo utilizarlos en forma segura. Este curso sienta las bases para la capacitación práctica específica en el lugar de trabajo que le proporcionará su empleador. Es ideal para cualquier persona que trabaje con o alrededor de líquidos criogénicos o que dirija a personas que trabajan con ellos o a su alrededor.


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Crystalline Silica Awareness

Breathing is an act we often take for granted. Sometimes, what we breathe in can harm our bodies and cause lasting damage. That is definitely true of crystalline silica. In this course, you will learn what it is, where it is, how to avoid exposure and what to do if you are exposed. This course is intended for anyone who may be exposed to crystalline silica in their work.


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Crystalline Silica Awareness (Spanish)

La respiración es un acto que a menudo damos por sentado. A veces, lo que respiramos puede ser nocivo para nuestro cuerpo y causar daños duraderos. Este es el caso con la sílice cristalina. En este curso, aprenderá qué es, dónde está, cómo evitar la exposición y qué hacer si está expuesto. Este curso está dirigido a cualquier persona que pueda estar expuesta a la sílice cristalina en su trabajo.Breathing is an act we often take for granted. Sometimes, what we breathe in can harm our bodies and cause lasting damage. That is definitely true of crystalline silica. In this course, you will learn what it is, where it is, how to avoid exposure and what to do if you are exposed. This course is intended for anyone who may be exposed to crystalline silica in their work.


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Culture of Early Reporting (Canadian French)

Plus il y a de personnes qui s’impliquent dans les efforts de l’entreprise en matière de sécurité, mieux c’est! Suivez ce cours pour apprendre comment vous et votre entreprise pouvez créer une culture de signalement précoce afin d’améliorer la sécurité. Les participants idéals sont les gestionnaires, les superviseurs et les membres du comité de sécurité.


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Culture of Early Reporting (Chinese)

越多的人关注您公司的安全情况,这样越好! 参加这门课程可以学会为您的公司创造一种尽早报告文化,从而提高公司的安全绩效。适合学习本门课程的人员包括经理、主管、安全委员会成员。


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Culture of Early Reporting (Dutch)

Hoe meer mensen waken over de veiligheid van uw bedrijf, hoe beter! Neem deze cursus om te leren hoe uw bedrijf een cultuur van vroegtijdig melden kan creëren om de veiligheidsprestaties te verbeteren. Ideale leerlingen omvatten managers, leidinggevenden, veiligheidscommissieleden.


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Culture of Early Reporting (French)

Plus il y a de monde à surveiller la sécurité de votre entreprise, mieux c’est! Suivez ce cours pour apprendre comment créer une culture du signalement rapide afin d’améliorer le niveau de sécurité dans votre entreprise. Parmi le public idéal, on trouve les cadres, superviseurs et membres du comité de sécurité.


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Culture of Early Reporting (German)

Je mehr Menschen auf die Sicherheit Ihres Unternehmens achten, desto besser! Nehmen Sie an diesem Kurs teil, um zu erfahren, wie Ihr Unternehmen eine Kultur der frühen Berichterstattung schafft, damit sich die Sicherheitsleistung verbessert. Zu den idealen Teilnehmern gehören Manager, Betreuer, Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses.


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Culture of Early Reporting (Japanese)

会社の安全に注意を払う人は、多ければ多いほど良いものです。 このコースは、安全実績を高めるために、早期報告を習慣化する方法を学びます。このトレーニングは、マネージャー、監督者、安全委員会のメンバーを対象としています。


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Culture of Early Reporting (Portuguese)

Quanto mais pessoas monitorarem a segurança da sua empresa, melhor! Faça este curso e saiba como a sua empresa pode criar uma cultura da notificação precoce para melhorar o desempenho em segurança. Os alunos ideais incluem gestores, supervisores, membros de comitês de segurança.


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Culture of Early Reporting (Spanish)

Entre más personas cuiden la seguridad de su empresa, mejor será para todos. Tome este curso para saber cómo puede su empresa crear una cultura de reporte temprano para mejorar el desempeño de la seguridad. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen: gerentes, supervisores, miembros del comité de seguridad.


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Cyber Security

People, information, operations and systems are critical assets of an organization. Protecting the safety, confidentiality, integrity and availability of these assets is essential to maintaining profitability, compliance, public image and a competitive edge. Cyber security is the responsibility of everyone. This course will explain what the dangers are and what you can do to help. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Defensive Driving - Large Vehicles

Most vehicle accidents are actually the result of human error. If an error is made at the wrong moment, an accident or collision will result. A consistent, defensive approach to driving is the best way to reduce the likelihood of driver error. The goal of this course is to provide drivers of large vehicles with the knowledge and safe driving techniques they need to prevent collisions and violations.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles

A split-second decision can change your life, especially when you are behind the wheel of a fast-moving, heavy vehicle. Take this course to refresh your memory about safe driving practices, particularly what you need to do before you drive, while you drive and in the event of an accident. Ideal learners include anyone who drives cars or other small vehicles such as small service trucks and vans.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Canadian French)

Une décision en une fraction de seconde peut changer votre vie, surtout si vous êtes au volant d'un véhicule lourd qui roule vite. Suivez ce cours pour vous rafraîchir la mémoire sur les pratiques de conduite prudente, en particulier sur ce que vous devez faire avant de conduire, pendant que vous conduisez et en cas d'accident. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent toute personne qui conduit une voiture ou un véhicule léger.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Chinese)



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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Dutch)

Een beslissing in een fractie van een seconde kan je leven veranderen. Dat geldt vooral wanneer je een zwaar voertuig op hoge snelheid bestuurt. Volg deze cursus om je kennis van veilig rijden op te frissen en vooral om te leren wat je moet doen voordat je gaat rijden, terwijl je rijdt en wanneer er een ongeval ontstaat. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor iedereen die auto's of kleine voertuigen bestuurt.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (French)

Une décision en une fraction de seconde peut changer votre vie, en particulier lorsque vous êtes derrière la roue d’un poids lourd qui roule vite. Suivez ce cours pour rafraîchir votre mémoire à propos de méthodes de conduite prudentes, en particulier, ce que vous devez impérativement faire avant de vous mettre au volant, pendant la conduite et en cas d’accident. Ce cours s’adresse à tous les employés qui conduit des véhicules automobiles ou des véhicules légers.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (German)

Eine blitzschnelle Entscheidung kann Ihr Leben verändern, vor allem, wenn Sie hinter dem Steuer eines schnellen, schweren Fahrzeugs sitzen. Nehmen Sie an diesem Kurs teil, um Ihre Erinnerung über sichere Fahrpraktiken aufzufrischen, besonders darüber, was Sie vor der Fahrt, während Sie fahren und im Falle eines Unfalls tun müssen. Zu den idealen Kursteilnehmern gehören alle, die Autos oder Kleinfahrzeuge fahren.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Italian)

Una decisione istantanea può salvarvi la vita, soprattutto quando siete al volante di un veicolo pesante in rapido movimento. Seguite questo corso per rinfrescarvi la memoria sulle pratiche di guida sicura, soprattutto su ciò che dovete fare prima di guidare, durante la guida e in caso di incidente. Questo corso è rivolto a chiunque guidi auto o piccoli veicoli.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Japanese)



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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Korean)

순간의 결정은 여러분의 인생을 바꿀 수 있습니다. 특히 빠르게 움직이는 무거운 차량의 바퀴 뒤에 있을 때 더욱 그러합니다. 이 과정을 통해 안전한 운전 습관을 위해 운전하기 전, 운전 중 또는 사고 시 알아야 할 사항을 되돌아볼 수 있습니다. 대상 학습자는 자동차 또는 소형 차량을 운전하는 사람입니다.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Portuguese)

Em uma fração de segundo, uma decisão pode mudar sua vida, principalmente quando você está atrás do volante de um veículo rápido e pesado. Faça este curso para refrescar sua memória quanto a práticas de direção segura, especialmente sobre o que você precisa fazer antes de dirigir, enquanto dirige e em caso de acidente. Os alunos ideais incluem qualquer pessoa que dirija carros ou veículos pequenos.


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Defensive Driving - Small Vehicles (Spanish)

Una fracción de segundo puede cambiar su vida, especialmente si está detrás del volante de un vehículo pesado que se mueve rápido. Tome este curso para recordar las prácticas de conducción segura, particularmente lo que debe hacer antes de conducir, mientras conduce y en caso de accidente. Los participantes ideales son las persona que conducen coches o vehículos pequeños.


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Defensive Driving Awareness

A split-second decision can change your life, especially when you are behind the wheel of a fast-moving, heavy vehicle. Take this course to refresh your memory about safe driving practices - particularly what you need to do before and during your drive. Ideal learners are anyone who drives cars or small vehicles.


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Detecting and Preventing Fraud

This course will identify what constitutes fraud, how to recognize and report potential or actual fraud, and when and how you should report it. After completing this course, you will also be able to recognize internal fraud, computer fraud, social engineering, and money laundering.


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Discrimination and Harassment Free Workplace

Each of us is responsible for our working environment. Every employee needs to understand the kind of behavior that fosters a positive and productive climate and the unacceptable behavior, such as discrimination and harassment which can negatively affect our workplace. This course addresses the laws and our company's policies related to discrimination, harassment, and diversity, and why they are important. Topics in this course include: Importance, Laws and Policies, Harassment, and Reporting Complaints. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize how diversity is important to our company's success, the laws and policies that define discrimination and harassment, acceptable and unacceptable behavior, and the proper response to situations of discrimination and harassment.


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Distracted Driving

When you are driving, taking your eyes and mind off the road for even a few seconds can result in an accident. By failing to give full attention to the road, distracted drivers put themselves, their passengers and everyone else on the road at risk. This course presents strategies drivers can use to remain focused on the road. It is ideal for all drivers.


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Distracted Driving (Chinese)



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Distracted Driving (French)

Quand vous conduisez, détourner le regard de la route ou vous déconcentrer pendant juste quelques secondes peut entraîner un accident. En ne faisant pas assez attention à la route, les conducteurs distraits se mettent eux-mêmes, leurs passagers et toute autre personne sur la route en danger. Cette formation présente des stratégies que les conducteurs peuvent utiliser pour rester concentrés sur la route. Elle s’adresse à tous les conducteurs.


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Distracted Driving (Portuguese)

Quando você está dirigindo, tirar os olhos e a atenção da estrada por alguns segundos é suficiente para provocar um acidente. Ao não focar toda a atenção na estrada, os motoristas distraídos colocam eles próprios, seus passageiros e todos que estão na estrada em risco. Este curso apresenta estratégias que os motoristas podem utilizar para se manterem focados na estrada. É ideal para todos os condutores.


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Distracted Driving (Spanish)

Al conducir, apartar la vista y la mente del camino durante solo unos segundos puede provocar un accidente. Al no prestar toda su atención al camino, los conductores distraídos se ponen en riesgo a sí mismos, a sus pasajeros y a todos los demás en el camino. Este curso presenta estrategias que los conductores pueden usar para mantenerse enfocados en el camino. Es ideal para todos los conductores.


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Doing Business with the US Government

This course is designed to help learners understand how laws and company policies are applicable to your job. Topics in this course include: Obeying the Law; US Laws and Regulations; Employee Activities; Relationships with US Government Customers; Lobbying Activities; Relationships with Subcontractors, Suppliers, and Vendors; and Responsibilities and Reporting. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify potential violations of laws and policies that apply to US government contracts and recognize ways to find help.


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Doing the Right Thing for Customers and Business Partners

Businesses must be able to demonstrate that they can run their business with integrity and keep their promises. This course explores how to build strong relationships with our customers and business partners through trust, quality and service, privacy protection, and fair treatment. Topics in this course include: Earning Trust, Quality and Service, Protecting Privacy, and Fair Treatment. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize how to build strong relationships with our customers and business partners.


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Doing the Right Thing: Anti-Bribery

This course provides basic training on complying with laws;prohibiting bribery, including the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).;Because of the special circumstances facing employees in the healthcare field,;this course is focused on issues faced in interactions with healthcare;professionals as well as government officials. Topics in this course include:;Legal Foundation, Laws, and FCPA in Action. After completing this course,;learners will be able to identify and navigate situations that may be perceived;as bribery. Learners will also be able to recognize requirements of the FCPA


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DOT Driver Compliance (US)

This training covers some important U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rules that all Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) drivers are required to follow. The purpose of these rules is to keep CMV drivers and everyone else on the road safe. Ideal learners are commercial drivers and their supervisors.


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DOT Vehicle and Roadside Inspections (US)

This course educates commercial big-rig truck drivers and other personnel at trucking companies about the importance of vehicle and roadside inspections. This course will provide information about the items for which drivers or enforcement officers will check during an inspection.


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DOT Vehicle and Roadside Inspections (US) (Spanish)

Este curso enseña a los conductores de camiones comerciales de plataforma grande y otros empleados de empresas de transporte en camiones sobre la importancia de las inspecciones de vehículos y en carretera. Este curso entregará información sobre los elementos que los conductores o policías revisarán durante una inspección.

DOT/EPA Hazardous Materials Suite (IACET CEU=0.5)

This suite discusses two very important topics regarding Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. The first half of this suite provides an overview of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). RCRA is an environmental regulation that establishes a framework for the management of solid and hazardous wastes from point of generation through transportation all the way up to treatment and/or disposal. The second half of this suite discusses transportation of hazardous materials. Hazardous materials are such a common part of our daily lives despite the fact that they can be poisonous, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive by nature. This suite provides trainees with a working knowledge of regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration


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Driver Fatigue (US)

Fatigue impairs the ability of a driver to safely operate a large truck or other types of equipment. It leads to accidents that cause vehicle damage, property damage, injury and even death.


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Driver Wellness (US)

This awareness-level course is intended to provide commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers with information about how to improve and maintain their health. It will cover some common health concerns for drivers as well as things they can do to improve their physical condition.


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Driving Safety: Changing Lanes (US)

Changing positions in the flow of traffic can be stressful. When vehicles are passing each other or merging into the same lanes, collisions are a concern. Fortunately, there are some safe techniques drivers can use to prevent accidents. This course is ideal for drivers in the United States and their managers or supervisors.


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Driving Safety: Speeding and Stopping Distance (US)

Most people have been tempted to speed or have seen speeders on the road. Take this course to learn why speeding is dangerous and what you can do to avoid the temptation to speed. This course is ideal for drivers in the United States and their managers or supervisors.


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Driving Safety: Tailgating (US)

Following vehicles too closely, or tailgating, limits the reaction time that drivers have, significantly increasing the chance of a collision. Take this course to learn why tailgating is dangerous and how to avoid it. This course is ideal for drivers in the United States and their managers or supervisors.


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Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Substance abuse causes harm to more people than just the abuser. This course teaches workers what substance abuse is and it outlines the costs of substance abuse to employers. It also provides facts about commonly abused substances and how to reduce the risks of substance abuse. Ideal learners are all employees, including managers and supervisors.


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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts

Substance abuse doesn't only harm the abuser but also has negative effects on other individuals. This program educates employees, including managers and supervisors, on the definition of substance abuse and explains the expenses that employers incur due to substance abuse. Additionally, it presents information on frequently abused substances and strategies to mitigate the dangers associated with substance abuse.


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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Chinese)



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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Dutch)

Middelenmisbruik kan aan meer mensen schade toebrengen dan alleen aan de gebruiker. Deze cursus leert medewerkers wat drugs- en alcoholmisbruik is en geeft werkgevers een overzicht van de kosten middelenmisbruik. Ook worden er feiten gepresenteerd over veel voorkomende vormen van middelenmisbruik en over de mogelijkheden om de risico's daarvan terug te dringen. De ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers met inbegrip van managers en leidinggevenden.


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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (French)

L’abus de substances psychoactives a des impacts non seulement sur le(la) toxicomane mais aussi sur bien d’autres personnes. Cette formation explique au personnel ce que sont les abus de substances psychoactives et d’alcool et chiffre les coûts que représente la toxicomanie pour les employeurs. Elle met également en évidence des situations de toxicomanie courantes et les moyens de réduire les risques de cette toxicomanie. Parmi le public concerné : tout le personnel, y compris directeurs et superviseurs.


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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (German)

Der Suchtmittelmissbrauch schädigt neben dem Suchtkranken auch noch andere Personen. Dieser Schulungskurs informiert Mitarbeiter darüber, was Drogen-, Medikamenten- und Alkoholmissbrauch ist, und gibt einen Überblick über die Kosten des Suchtmittelmissbrauchs für Arbeitgeber. Weiterhin bietet er Fakten über die häufig konsumierten Suchtmittel und wie die Risiken eines Suchtmittelmissbrauchs gemindert werden können. Diese Schulung richtet sich insbesondere an alle Mitarbeiter sowie Manager und Vorgesetzte.


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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Japanese)



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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Portuguese)

O abuso de substâncias prejudica mais pessoas em vez de somente o agressor. Este curso ensina aos funcionários o que é abuso de drogas e álcool e descreve os custos do abuso de substâncias para os empregadores. Ele também fornece fatos sobre substâncias normalmente abusadas e como reduzir os riscos do abuso de tais substâncias. O público-alvo indicado inclui todos os funcionários, gerentes e supervisores.


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Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (Spanish)

El abuso de sustancias intoxicantes ocasiona daños a más personas que solo al consumidor habitual. Este curso enseña a los trabajadores qué es el abuso de las drogas y el alcohol, y describe los costos que genera a los empleadores el abuso de sustancias intoxicantes. También proporciona datos sobre las sustancias intoxicantes que más comúnmente se consumen y cómo mitigar los riesgos del abuso de sustancias intoxicantes. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados, incluyendo los gerentes y los supervisores.


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Dust Mask - Voluntary Use Guidelines (Spanish)

Es probable que esté expuesto al polvo de alguna manera en su lugar de trabajo, el cual puede representar una variedad de riesgos para la salud. Si esos riesgos son lo bastante significativos, su empleador le pedirá que use protección respiratoria. Si los riesgos son menores y no es obligatorio usar protección, usted puede decidir si usa una máscara para polvo o no. Este curso le explicará cómo seleccionar, usar y cuidar sus máscaras para polvo. Los participantes ideales son los empleados en las industrias de la maquinaria pesada, manufactura (producción y mantenimiento), construcción y minería, además de sus supervisores.


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Dust Mask - Voluntary Use Guidelines (US)

You are probably exposed to some level of dust in your workplace, dust that may pose a variety of health hazards. If those hazards are significant enough, your employer will require that you use respiratory protection. If the hazards are minor and protection is not mandated, you can choose to wear a dust mask or filtering facepiece respirator voluntarily. This course will explain how to select, use and care for dust masks. Ideal learners are employees in general industry, manufacturing, and construction work settings, and their supervisors.


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Effective Supervision (Spanish)

En el mercado cada vez más competitivo de hoy, el personal es el recurso más valioso de una organización. Supervisar eficazmente a este recurso es crucial para el éxito. Este curso presenta las herramientas necesarias para ser un supervisor eficaz. El curso ayudará a quienes sean nuevos en la función de supervisión a hacer la transición a sus nuevas responsabilidades, proporcionando al mismo tiempo un buen repaso para los supervisores más experimentados. Los estudiantes idóneos son los supervisores y gerentes. In the increasingly competitive marketplace of today, people are the most valuable resource in an organization. Effectively supervising this resource is crucial to success. This course presents the tools needed to be an effective supervisor. The course will help those new to the supervisory role transition to their new responsibilities, while providing a good review for more seasoned supervisors. Ideal learners are supervisors and managers.


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Effective Supervision (US)

In the increasingly competitive marketplace of today, people are the most valuable resource in an organization. Effectively supervising this resource is crucial to success. This course presents the tools needed to be an effective supervisor. The course will help those new to the supervisory role transition to their new responsibilities, while providing a good review for more seasoned supervisors. Ideal learners are supervisors and managers.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Canadian French)

Les incendies blessent ou tuent des milliers de travailleurs chaque année. Ce sont les pertes dues aux incendies, mais il y a d'autres situations dangereuses qui peuvent menacer la vie et sa santé d'un travailleur. Ces situations comprennent les phénomènes météorologiques violents, les urgences médicales, les déversements de produits chimiques et les alertes à la bombe. Nous ne pouvons pas éliminer complètement les situations dangereuses en milieu de travail, mais nous pouvons réduire le nombre de blessures et de décès qui y sont associés. Ce cours portera sur deux aspects importants de cet effort. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Chinese)



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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Dutch)

Jaarlijks raken als gevolg van brand duizenden medewerkers gewond of komen hierbij om het leven. Deze verliezen zijn het gevolg van branden maar er zijn nog andere gevaarlijke situaties die een bedreiging kunnen zijn voor leven en gezondheid van een medewerker. Onder deze situaties vallen noodweer, medische spoedgevallen, het vrijkomen van chemische stoffen en bommeldingen. We kunnen gevaarlijke situaties op de werkplek niet volledig uitsluiten maar we kunnen wel het aantal daaraan gerelateerde letsel- en sterfgevallen beperken. In deze cursus zullen twee belangrijke aspecten van dit streven centraal staan. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (French)

Les incendies blessent ou tuent des milliers de travailleurs chaque année. Ce sont des perte liées aux incendies, mais il existe d’autres situations dangereuses qui peuvent menacer la vie et la santé d’un employé. Ces situations incluent le mauvais temps, les urgences médicales, les rejets chimiques, et les menaces à la bombe. Nous ne pouvons pas éliminer complètement les situations dangereuses sur les lieux de travail, mais nous pouvons réduire le nombre des blessures et décès liés à cela. Cette formation se concentrera sur deux aspects importants de cette démarche. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (German)

Brände verletzen oder töten jedes Jahr Tausende Arbeiter. Dies sind nur die brandbedingten Opfer. Es gibt jedoch noch andere Gefahrensituationen, die das Leben und die Gesundheit eines Arbeiters bedrohen können. Zu diesen Situationen zählen Unwetter, medizinische Notfälle, die Freisetzung von Chemikalien und Bombendrohungen. Gefährliche Situationen am Arbeitsplatz können nicht vollständig ausgeschlossen werden. Wir können jedoch die Anzahl der damit verbundenen Verletzungen und Todesfälle reduzieren. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Kurses stehen zwei wichtige Aspekte dieser Bemühungen: Fluchtweg- und Notfallpläne. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Japanese)



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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Portuguese)

Incêndios ferem ou matam milhares de trabalhadores anualmente. Além das mortes decorrentes dos incêndios, há outras situações perigosas que podem ameaçar a vida e a saúde de um trabalhador. Estas situações incluem intempéries, emergências médicas, as vazamentos de produtos químicos e ameaças de bomba. Não podemos eliminar completamente as situações de trabalho perigosas, mas podemos reduzir o número de lesões e mortes associadas. Este curso focará sobre dois aspectos importantes desse esforço: planos de evacuação e ação de emergência. Os alunos ideais são todos os funcionários.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (Spanish)

Anualmente, los incendios causan lesiones o matan a miles de trabajadores. Esas son las pérdidas causadas por incendios, pero hay otras situaciones peligrosas que pueden poner en peligro la vida y la salud de un trabajador. Estas situaciones incluyen clima adverso, emergencias médicas, emisiones de sustancias químicas y amenazas de bomba. No podemos eliminar por completo las situaciones de trabajo peligrosas, pero podemos reducir la cantidad de lesiones y muertes que producen. Este curso se concentrará en dos aspectos importantes de este esfuerzo: egreso y planes de acción de emergencia. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (US)

Each year, more than 200 deaths and 5,000 injuries result from fires and explosions in the workplace. The National Fire Protection Association reported over 115,000 non-residential structural fires in a recent year, accounting for $2.4 billion in direct property damage. Those are the losses due to fires, but there are other hazardous situations that can threaten a worker's life and limb. These include severe weather, medical emergencies, chemical release, and bomb threats. We can't completely eliminate dangerous workplace situations, but we can reduce the number of associated injuries and deaths attributable to these incidents. This course will focus on two important aspects of this effort: egress and emergency action plans.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans (US) (Spanish)

Incendios, mal tiempo, emergencias médicas, derrames de productos químicos, amenazas de bomba y otras situaciones peligrosas pueden amenazar la vida y las extremidades. Las precauciones reducen la cantidad de lesiones y muertes atribuibles a estas amenazas. Este curso se concentrará en dos aspectos importantes de este esfuerzo: egreso y planes de acción de emergencia. Este curso es ideal para todos los empleados.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans Awareness

Fires, severe weather, medical emergencies, chemical releases, bomb threats and other emergencies can threaten the entire workforce. We cannot completely eliminate dangerous workplace situations, but we can reduce the harm they cause. This course will focus on two important aspects of this effort: egress and emergency action plans. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Egress and Emergency Action Plans Awareness (Spanish)

Incendios, clima inclemente, emergencias médicas, liberación de productos químicos, amenazas de bomba y otras emergencias pueden amenazar a toda la fuerza laboral. No podemos eliminar completamente las situaciones peligrosas del lugar de trabajo, pero podemos reducir el daño que causan. Este curso se concentrará en dos aspectos importantes de este esfuerzo: egreso y planes de acción de emergencia. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness

An arc flash can generate a temperature of up to 19,000 degrees Celsius (35,000 degrees Fahrenheit)! Working in or near electrical panels and systems increases your chance of exposure to an arc flash. It requires that you take extreme precautions. This course will provide information to help protect you from this deadly hazard that cannot be seen or heard, until it is too late. Ideal learners are qualified and unqualified electrical personnel (employees and managers) in a variety of industries with an emphasis on general industry maintenance and fabrication settings


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Canadian French)

Un arc électrique peut générer une température pouvant atteindre 19 000 degrés Celsius (35 000 degrés Fahrenheit)! Travailler dans ou à proximité de panneaux et de systèmes électriques augmente vos chances d’exposition à un arc électrique. Vous devez prendre des précautions extrêmes. Ce cours a pour objectif de vous apprendre à vous protéger contre ce danger mortel que vous ne pouvez ni voir ni entendre avant qu’il ne soit trop tard. Il est destiné au personnel électricien qualifié et non qualifié (employés et dirigeants) dans une gamme d’industries en mettant l’accent sur les secteurs de la maintenance générale et de la fabrication.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Chinese)

电弧闪光可产生达 19,000 摄氏度(华氏 35,000 度)的高温! 在配电板和电气系统中或附近工作会增加您暴露于电弧闪光的风险。这需要您加倍小心。本课程将介绍保护自我的信息,以免这种看不到、听不到的致命危害造成无法弥补的后果。理想的学习者是各个行业有资格和无资格的电气人员(员工及其经理),特别是一般工业维护和制造环境中的相关人员。


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Dutch)

Een vlamboog kan een temperatuur tot 19.000 graden Celsius bereiken (35.000 graden Fahrenheit)! Werken in of nabij elektrische panelen en systemen verhoogt de kans op blootstelling aan een vlamboog. Het is nodig dat u extreme voorzorgsmaatregelen neemt. Deze cursus zal informatie geven om u te helpen beschermen tegen dit dodelijke gevaar dat men niet kan zien of horen, tot het te laat is. De ideale cursisten zijn gekwalificeerd en ongekwalificeerd elektrisch personeel (werknemers en managers) in diverse bedrijfstakken, met de nadruk op algemene onderhouds- en fabricage-instellingen.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (French)

Un arc électrique peut générer une température de 19 000 degrés Celsius (35 000 degrés Fahrenheit)! Travailler sur ou à côté de panneaux et systèmes électriques augmente le risque d’exposition à un arc électrique. Des précautions extrêmes doivent être prises. Cette formation va fournir des informations sur la façon de vous protéger de ce danger mortel qui ne peut être ni vu ni entendu, jusqu’à ce qu’il ne soit trop tard. Le public concerné est le personnel qualifié et non qualifié en électricité (employés et responsables) dans divers secteurs, surtout dans les paramètres généraux de maintenance et de fabrication industrielle.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (German)

Ein Störlichtbogen kann eine Temperatur von bis zu 19.000 Grad Celsius (35.000 Grad Fahrenheit) erzeugen! Arbeiten in oder in der Nähe von Elektroschalttafeln und Elektrosystemen erhöht die Gefahr, einem Störlichtbogen ausgesetzt zu sein. Es ist notwendig, dass Sie extreme Vorsichtsmaßnahmen ergreifen. In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie Informationen, die Sie vor dieser tödlichen Gefahr schützen, die nicht gesehen oder gehört werden kann, bis es zu spät ist. Die idealen Kursteilnehmer sind fachlich qualifizierte und nicht qualifizierte Elektriker (Mitarbeiter und deren Manager) in einer Vielzahl von Branchen mit Schwerpunkt auf allgemeiner industrieller Wartung und Fertigungseinstellungen.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Italian)

Un arco elettrico può generare una temperatura che può raggiungere i 19.000 gradi centigradi (35.000 gradi fahrenheit)! Lavorando all’interno o nelle vicinanze di quadri e sistemi elettrici si aumentano le probabilità di esposizione a un arco elettrico. È necessario quindi prendere precauzioni estreme. Questo corso fornirà informazioni per aiutarti a proteggerti da questo rischio mortale che non può essere visto o sentito finché non è troppo tardi. Idealmente il corso è rivolto a tutto il personale elettrico qualificato e non qualificato (dipendenti e manager) in un’ampia gamma di settori, con particolare enfasi sugli ambienti di manutenzione e fabbricazione industriale.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Japanese)

アークフラッシュ時の温度は、最大摂氏 19,000 度 (華氏 35,000 度) にも達します。 電気パネルや電気システムの近くで作業する場合、アークフラッシュの危険にさらされる可能性が高くなるため、非常に注意を払う必要があります。このコースでは、手遅れになる前に、この視覚や聴覚で感知できない命に関わる危険から身を守るための情報を提供します。対象となる学習者は、一般的な産業でのメンテナンスや製造現場に従事する各種産業の資格のある電気作業者と資格を持たない電気作業者(従業員とマネージャー)です。


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Korean)

아크 플래시는 최대 섭씨19,000도(화씨 35,000도)의 온도를 생성할 수 있습니다! 전기 패널 및 시스템 및 인근에서 작업할 시 아크 플래시에 노출될 가능성이 증가합니다. 극도로 조심해야 할 필요가 있습니다. 본 과정은 너무 늦기 전에 보거나 들을 수 없는 이 치명적인 위해요소로부터 보호받기 위한 정보를 제공합니다. 본 과정은 다양한 산업 내 특히 전반적 산업 유지관리와 제조 환경에서 일하는 유자격 및 무자격 전기 담당자(직원 및 관리자)에게 적합합니다.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Portuguese)

Um arco elétrico gera uma temperatura de até 19.000 graus Celsius (35.000 graus Fahrenheit)! Trabalhar em painéis e sistemas elétricos ou nas proximidades aumenta o risco de exposição a um arco elétrico. Isso exige que você tome precauções extremas. Este curso fornecerá informações para ajudar a proteger você desse risco fatal que não pode ser visto ou ouvido até que seja tarde demais. O público ideal são funcionários da área elétrica com e sem qualificação (funcionários e gerentes) em diversos setores, com ênfase nas configurações gerais de manutenção e fabricação do setor.


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Electrical Arc Flash Awareness (Spanish)

Un arco eléctrico puede generar una temperatura de hasta 19,000 grados Centígrados (35,000 grados Fahrenheit). Trabajar cerca de paneles y sistemas eléctricos aumenta la probabilidad de exposición a un arco eléctrico. Es necesario tomar precauciones extremas. Este curso le proporcionará información para ayudar a protegerlo de este riesgo mortal que no se ve ni se escucha hasta que es demasiado tarde. Los estudiantes idóneos son el personal eléctrico calificado y no calificado (empleados y gerentes) en una variedad de industrias con un énfasis en situaciones de mantenimiento general y fabricación industrial.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (German)

Arbeiten mit Strom kann gefährlich sein. Arbeiter, die Service- oder Wartungsarbeiten an Maschinen und Ausrüstungen durchführen, können durch den unerwarteten Anlauf von Maschinen oder Ausrüstung oder durch Freisetzung von gespeicherter elektrischer Energie in der Ausrüstung verletzt werden. In der Tat, das Versäumnis, Maschinen zu sperren, bevor daran gearbeitet wird, ist eine der Hauptursachen für Verletzungen und Tod. Diese Todesfälle und Verletzungen können durch Einrichten und Befolgen eines wirksamen Blockier-/Verriegelungsprogramm verhindert werden. Dieser Kurs wird Ihnen mehr über elektrische Gefahren und sichere Praktiken im Umgang mit Elektrizität und das Blockier-/Verriegelungsprogramm sagen und wie es Ihr Leben retten kann. Ideale Lernende sind Mitarbeiter, die an oder mit elektrischen Maschinen arbeitet.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)

Working with electricity can be dangerous. Workers performing service or maintenance on machinery and equipment may be injured by the unexpected startup of the machinery or equipment, or release of stored electrical energy in the equipment. In fact, failure to lock out machinery before working on it is a major cause of injury and death. These deaths and injuries can be prevented by establishing and following an effective lockout/tagout program. This training will tell you more about electrical hazards, safe practices when working with electricity, and the lockout/tagout program and how it can save your life. Ideal learners are any employee who works on or around electrical machinery.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (Canadian French)

Le travail avec l'électricité peut être dangereux. Les travailleurs intervenant sur les machines et les équipements pour l'entretien ou la maintenance peuvent être blessés par le démarrage intempestif de ces machines ou équipements, ou par le dégagement d'énergie électrique stockée dans ces équipements. En fait, le non cadenassage des machines avant toute intervention sur celles-ci est une cause majeure de blessures et de décès. Ces décès et blessures peuvent être évités en établissant et en suivant un programme efficace de cadenassage/étiquetage. Cette formation vous en apprendra davantage sur les dangers électriques, les pratiques sécuritaires lorsque vous travaillez avec l'électricité, le programme de cadenassage/étiquetage et la manière dont il peut vous sauver la vie. Les apprenants idéaux sont tous les employés qui travaillent sur ou autour des machines électriques.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (Chinese)



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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (Dutch)

Werken met elektriciteit kan gevaarlijk zijn. Arbeiders die herstellingen of onderhoud uitvoeren van machines en apparatuur kunnen gewond raken tijdens het onverwacht opstarten van de machines of de apparatuur, of door het vrijkomen van opgeslagen elektrische energie in de apparatuur. Het nalaten van het vergrendelen van machines alvorens eraan te werken is eigenlijk een belangrijke oorzaak van verwondingen en overlijden. Deze sterfgevallen en verwondingen kunnen voorkomen worden door het vastleggen en opvolgen van een effectief lockout/tagout programma. Deze opleiding zal u meer vertellen omtrent de gevaren van elektriciteit, veilige praktijken tijdens het werken met elektriciteit, en omtrent het lockout/tagout programma en hoe het uw leven kan redden. Ideale leerlingen zijn eender welke werknemer die met - of in de buurt van - elektrische machines werkt.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (French)

Travailler avec l’électricité peut être dangereux. Les travailleurs effectuant l’entretien ou la maintenance sur les machines et l’équipement peuvent être blessés par un démarrage intempestif des machines ou de l’équipement, ou par une sortie d’énergie électrique stockée dans l’équipement. En fait, ne pas verrouiller la machinerie avant tout entretien est une des principales causes de blessures et de décès. Ces décès et blessures peuvent être évitées en établissant et en suivant un programme de verrouillage/étiquetage efficace. Cette formation vous renseignera davantage sur les risques électriques, les pratiques de sécurité lors du travail autour de l’électricité, et le programme de verrouillage/étiquetage et comment cela peut vous sauver. Ce cours s’adresse à tout employé travaillant sur ou autour de la machinerie électrique.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (Japanese)



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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (Portuguese)

Trabalhar com eletricidade pode ser perigoso. Os funcionários que fazem o reparo e a manutenção das máquinas e dos equipamentos podem sofrer lesões decorrentes da partida inesperada de máquinas ou equipamentos, ou da liberação da energia elétrica armazenada nos equipamentos. Na verdade, a falha em bloquear as máquinas antes de começar o trabalho é uma das principais causas de lesões e mortes. Essas mortes e lesões podem ser evitadas com a implantação e o cumprimento de um programa eficaz de bloqueio/etiquetagem. Este treinamento dará mais explicações sobre riscos elétricos, práticas seguras ao trabalhar com eletricidade e sobre o programa de bloqueio/etiquetagem e como ele pode salvar sua vida. Os alunos ideais são os funcionários que trabalham com ou próximos a máquinas elétricas.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (Spanish)

Trabajar con electricidad puede ser peligroso. Los trabajadores que realizan tareas de servicio o mantenimiento en maquinaria y equipos pueden resultar lesionados por el arranque inesperado de la maquinaria o el equipo, o por la liberación de energía eléctrica almacenada en el equipo. De hecho, no bloquear la máquina antes de trabajar en ella es una de las principales causas de lesiones y muerte. Estas lesiones y muertes se pueden prevenir estableciendo y siguiendo un programa eficaz de bloqueo/etiquetado. En esta capacitación aprenderá más detalles sobre los peligros eléctricos, las prácticas seguras para trabajar con electricidad y el programa de bloqueo/etiquetado y cómo este puede salvarle la vida. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados que trabajen con maquinaria eléctrica o cerca de ella.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (US)

Working with electricity can be dangerous. Every year, between 300 and 500 people in the U.S. are killed by electrocutions at work. To handle electricity safely, you need to know how it acts, how it can be controlled, and its hazards. Workers performing service or maintenance on machinery and equipment may be injured by the unexpected startup of the machinery or equipment, or release of stored electrical energy in the equipment. In fact, failure to lock out machinery before working on it is a major cause of injury and death in the United States. These deaths and injuries can be prevented by establishing and following an effective lockout/tagout program. This training will tell you more about electrical hazards, safe practices when working with electricity, and the lockout tagout program and how it can save your life.


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Electrical Safety and Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) (US) (Spanish)

Trabajar con electricidad puede ser peligroso. Para manipular de forma segura la electricidad, tiene que saber cómo actúa, cómo se la puede controlar y cuáles son sus riesgos. Los trabajadores que realizan servicio técnico o mantenimiento en maquinarias y equipos pueden sufrir lesiones a causa de un arranque inesperado de la maquinaria o equipo, o por una liberación de energía eléctrica acumulada en el mismo. De hecho, la falta de bloqueo en la maquinaria antes de trabajar en ella es la principal causa de lesiones y muertes en los Estados Unidos. Estas muertes y lesiones se pueden prevenir a través de la creación y el seguimiento de un programa de bloqueo/etiquetado efectivo. La capacitación le dará más información sobre los riesgos eléctricos, las prácticas seguras de trabajo con electricidad, y el programa de bloqueo/etiquetado y cómo puede salvar su vida.


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E-Mail and Corporate Communications

E-mail remains the predominant form of communication in the business world, with estimates ranging in excess of 100 billion e-mails sent and received daily. This course illustrates the use of e-mail in the workplace, including several hot-button issues, such as an employee's expectation of privacy, and electronically transmitted computer viruses. Topics in this course include: How E-mail Works, E-mail Use, and Privacy and Security. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the consequences of sending or forwarding an inappropriate e-mail attachment or message.


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Emergency Response for Multi-Story Buildings

In the event of an emergency in a multi-story building, all occupants need to know what to do, where to go and who is in charge. This course will provide you with the information you need to safely evacuate a multi-story building in case of an emergency.


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Environmental Overview (US)

This course provides a general understanding of how our daily work activities can potentially alter environmental balances. By being more aware of this, we can act responsibly to protect our communities, air, water, land and ourselves. Ideal learners are all employees.

Environmental Responsibility Suite (IACET CEU=0.3)

This suite discusses the impact we have on the environment based on our work and daily lives. We'll start with an in-depth look at environmental responsibility and touch on stormwater pollution prevention. The suite wraps up with a two-part discussion on the Resource and Recovery Act (RCRA). You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.


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Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Chinese)

此系列分为 3 个部分,旨在帮助您以对环境负责的方式、根据所有适用的环境法律法规开展工作。这些课程探讨了环境问题和目标、处理这些问题的最佳管理实践和针对溢漏、火灾应对和有害化学品存放的紧急行动计划的组成要素。


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Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Dutch)

Het doel van deze 3-delige serie is om u te stimuleren om op een milieuvriendelijke manier en in overeenstemming met alle wetten en regelgevingen, die van toepassing zijn, te werken. Deze modules bespreken milieuproblemen en -doelstellingen, beste beheerpraktijken voor het omgaan met die problemen, en elementen van een noodactieplan met betrekking tot reactie op lekkage en brand en opslag van gevaarlijke chemicaliën.


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Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (French)

L’objectif de cette série de formation en 3 parties est de vous aider à travailler dans le respect de l’environnement et conformément aux lois et réglementations sur l’environnement applicables. Ces modules abordent les problèmes et objectifs environnementaux, les meilleures pratiques de gestion de ces problèmes, et les éléments d’un plan d’action d’urgence au sujet de l’intervention suite aux déversements et aux incendies, ainsi que le stockage de produits chimiques dangereux.


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Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (German)

Diese dreiteilige Serie soll Ihnen dabei helfen, umweltbewusst und in Übereinstimmung mit allen geltenden Umweltgesetzen und -vorschriften zu arbeiten. Diese Module erläutern Umweltprobleme und -ziele, die besten Management-Methoden zur Behandlung dieser Probleme sowie die Elemente eines Notfallplans bei Verschüttungen, Bränden und der Lagerung gefährlicher Chemikalien.

Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (IACET CEU=0.1)

The purpose of this 3-part series is to help you work in an environmentally responsible manner and in compliance with all applicable environmental laws and regulations. These modules discuss environmental issues and goals, best management practices for dealing with those issues, and elements of an emergency action plan regarding spill and fire response and hazardous chemical storage. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.


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Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Japanese)



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Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Portuguese)

O objetivo desta série de três partes é ajudá-lo a trabalhar de maneira ambientalmente responsável e em conformidade com todas as leis e regulamentos ambientais aplicáveis. Estes módulos analisam questões e objetivos ambientais, as melhores práticas de gestão para lidar com essas questões e os elementos de um plano de ação emergencial para vazamentos e resposta a incêndios e armazenamento de produtos químicos perigosos.


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Environmental Responsibility, Parts 1-3 (US) (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1)

El objetivo de esta serie de tres partes es ayudarle a trabajar de una manera responsable para el medio ambiente y que cumpla con todas las leyes y reglamentos ambientales aplicables. En estos módulos se analizan los problemas y objetivos ambientales, las mejores prácticas de manejo para abordar esos problemas y los elementos de un plan de acción de emergencia con respecto a la respuesta a derrames e incendios y al almacenamiento de productos químicos peligrosos.


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Excavation and Trenching Safety

Excavation and trenching work is performed thousands of times daily, in all types of conditions. Unfortunately, many fatalities and work-related injuries are associated with excavation and trenching incidents. Cave-ins can occur suddenly, without warning, giving you little time to react. But their signs are present when proper safety precautions are not taken. This program has been created to increase your awareness and provide you with a better understanding of the safety procedures associated with your work. Ideal learners are employees who work in or near excavations and trenches.


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Excavation and Trenching Safety (US)

Excavation and trenching work is performed thousands of times daily in all types of conditions. Unfortunately, cave-ins can occur suddenly, without warning, giving little time to react. But their signs are present when proper safety precautions are not taken. This program has been created to increase your awareness and provide you with a better understanding of the laws, regulations, and company safety policies and procedures associated with your work. Ideal learners are workers who may work in or around excavations and trenches.


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Excavation and Trenching Safety (US) (Spanish)

El trabajo de excavación y zanjado se realiza miles de veces cada día, en todos los tipos de condiciones. Desafortunadamente, pueden ocurrir hundimientos repentinamente, sin advertencia, dando poco tiempo para reaccionar. Pero sus señales están presentes cuando no se toman las precauciones de seguridad apropiadas. Este programa se ha creado para aumentar su concientización y brindarle una mejor comprensión de las leyes, reglamentos y políticas de seguridad de la compañía y de los procedimientos relacionados con su trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos son trabajadores que podrían trabajar en o cerca de excavaciones y/o zanjas.


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Excavation and Trenching Safety Awareness

Excavation and trenching work is performed thousands of times daily, in all types of conditions. Unfortunately, many fatalities and work-related injuries are associated with excavation and trenching incidents. Cave-ins can occur suddenly, without warning, giving you little time to react. But their signs are present when proper safety precautions are not taken. This program has been created to increase your awareness and provide you with a better understanding of the safety procedures associated with your work. Ideal learners are employees who work in or near excavations and trenches.


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Extreme Driving Conditions (US)

Extreme weather driving includes every adverse weather condition that could cause a hazardous driving situation, such as rain, snow, ice, fog, or extremely cold or hot weather. The purpose of this training is to show drivers how to handle extreme weather conditions on the road so they can stay safe in rain, snow or shine. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Extreme Driving Conditions (US) (Spanish)

La conducción en condiciones climáticas extremas incluye cada condición climática adversa que pudiera causar una situación de conducción peligrosa, como lluvia, nieve, hielo, niebla o climas extremadamente fríos o calurosos. El propósito de esta capacitación es mostrar a los conductores cómo manejar las condiciones climáticas extremas en el camino para que puedan mantenerse seguros llueva, nieve o truene. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Equal Pay Act (EPA)

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is a federal law that establishes;minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards. The;Equal Pay Act (EPA) is a federal law that requires men and women in the same;workplace to receive equal pay for equal work.This course provides an overview of the FLSA and EPA with a;concentration on employer concerns. It also covers important distinctions;between exempt and non-exempt employees and between employees and independent;contractors. Topics in this course include: FLSA, Minimum Wage, Overtime, Exempt;Employees, Contractors, Compensatory Time, Child Labor, Nursing Mothers, and;Equal Pay Act (EPA). After completing this course, learners will be able to;recognize the significant aspects and exemptions of both the FLSA and EPA.


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Fall Protection

Each year, many workers are hurt or killed as a result of falls in the workplace. Falls are usually complex events that involve a variety of factors. This training will cover systems and procedures designed to prevent falls off, onto or through working levels and to protect workers from being struck by falling objects. Ideal learners include all workers.


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Fall Protection (Canadian French)

Chaque année, de nombreux travailleurs sont blessés ou tués à la suite de chutes en milieu de travail. Les chutes sont généralement des évènements complexes qui impliquent divers facteurs. Cette formation couvre les systèmes et procédures conçus pour empêcher les chutes depuis, sur ou à travers des surfaces de travail et pour protéger les travailleurs des chutes d’objets. Cette formation s’adresse à tout les travailleurs.


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Fall Protection (Chinese)

每年,在工作场所都会出现因坠落而导致的受伤或死亡。 通常,坠落事件性质复杂,且包含多种因素 本次培训将涉及用于防范从工作层坠落、坠落至工作层或穿过工作层的系统和流程,并保护员工免于被坠落物体砸伤。


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Fall Protection (Dutch)

Elk jaar raken veel werknemers gewond en sterven er veel werknemers als gevolg van valpartijen op het werk. Valpartijen zijn meestal complexe gebeurtenissen waarbij tal van factoren een rol spelen. Deze cursus gaat over systemen en procedures die zijn bedoeld om valpartijen vanaf, op en via werkniveaus te voorkomen en om medewerkers te beschermen tegen vallende voorwerpen.


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Fall Protection (French)

Chaque année, beaucoup de travailleurs sont blessés ou décèdent du fait de chutes se produisant sur leur lieu de travail. Les chutes sont généralement des évènements complexes qui impliquent divers facteurs. Cette formation couvre les systèmes et procédures conçus pour empêcher les chutes depuis, sur ou à travers des surfaces de travail et pour protéger les travailleurs des chutes d’objets. Cette formation s’adresse à tout les travailleurs.


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Fall Protection (German)

Jedes Jahr sind viele Arbeiter als Folge von Stürzen am Arbeitsplatz verletzt oder getötet. Stürze sind normalerweise komplexe Ereignisse, die eine Vielzahl von Faktoren einbeziehen. Diese Schulung wird Systeme und Verfahren umfassen, die zur Vermeidung von Abstürzen, auf oder durch Arbeitsebenen und, um Arbeiter vor Stoßen der herabfallenden Gegenstände zu schützen, konzipiert wurde.


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Fall Protection (Italian)

Ogni anno, molti lavoratori restano feriti o uccisi a causa di cadute sul posto di lavoro. In genere le cadute sono eventi complessi che coinvolgono svariati fattori. Questo corso riguarderà i sistemi e le procedure progettate per evitare di cadere da, su o attraverso i livelli di lavoro e per proteggere i lavoratori dagli urti dovuti alla caduta di oggetti. Questo corso è rivolto a tutti i lavoratori.


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Fall Protection (Japanese)



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Fall Protection (Korean)

매년 많은 작업자들이 근무지에서 낙하 사고로 상해를 입거나 사망합니다. 낙하는 일반적으로 다양한 요인을 포함하는 복잡한 사건입니다. 이 교육은 작업장 수준에서의 낙하를 방지하기 위해, 그리고 낙하 물체로부터 작업자들을 보호하기 위해 설계된 시스템 및 절차를 다룹니다. 모든 작업자를 학습에 적합한 대상으로 포함시킵니다.


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Fall Protection (Portuguese)

Todo ano, muitos trabalhadores são feridos ou mortos como resultado de quedas no local de trabalho. Quedas costumam ser ocorrências complexas, que envolvem uma série de fatores. Este treinamento cobrirá os sistemas e procedimentos estabelecidos para evitar quedas de, sobre ou entre níveis de trabalho e para evitar que os trabalhadores sejam atingidos por objetos em queda. Esse curso é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Fall Protection (Spanish)

Cada año, muchos trabajadores sufren heridas o mueren a causa de caídas en el lugar de trabajo. Las caídas generalmente son eventos complejos que involucran una variedad de factores. Esta capacitación cubre los sistemas y los procedimientos diseñados para prevenir las caídas en o a través de los niveles de trabajo y proteger a los trabajadores de golpearse con la caída de objetos.


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Fall Protection (US)

Each year, many workers are hurt or killed as a result of falls in the workplace. Falls are usually complex events that involve a variety of factors. For that reason, the OSHA fall protection standard deals with both human- and equipment-related issues for protecting workers from fall hazards. This training will cover systems and procedures designed to prevent falls off, onto or through working levels and to protect workers from being struck by falling objects. Ideal learners are workers who work at heights, including on ladders and aerial lifts.


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Fall Protection (US) (Canadian French)

Chaque année, de nombreux travailleurs sont blessés ou tués à la suite de chutes en milieu de travail. Les chutes sont habituellement des événements complexes qui impliquent une variété de facteurs. Pour cette raison, la norme de protection antichute de l'OSHA traite des questions liées aux personnes et à l'équipement pour protéger les travailleurs contre les risques de chute. Cette formation portera sur les systèmes et les procédures conçus pour prévenir les chutes, sur ou à travers les niveaux de travail et pour protéger les travailleurs contre les chutes d'objets. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent les employés qui travaillent en hauteur, compris sur des échelles et des élévateurs aériens.


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Fall Protection (US) (Spanish)

Cada año, muchas personas se lesionan o mueren por caídas en el trabajo. Las caídas usualmente son eventos complejos multifactoriales. Por ese motivo, los estándares de protección contra caídas de OSHA tratan tanto con problemas relacionados con las personas como con el equipo para proteger a los trabajadores de riesgos de caída. Esta capacitación cubrirá sistemas y procedimientos diseñados para prevenir caídas desde, hacia o por niveles de trabajo y proteger a los empleados contra objetos que caen. Los estudiantes ideales son trabajadores que trabajan en alturas, incluso en las escaleras y los elevadores aéreos. Los estudiantes ideales son trabajadores que trabajan en alturas, incluso en las escaleras y los elevadores aéreos.


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Fall Protection Awareness

Each year, many workers are hurt or killed as a result of falls in the workplace. Falls are usually complex events that involve a variety of factors. This training will cover systems and procedures designed to prevent falls off, onto or through working levels. Ideal learners are workers who work at heights.


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Fall Protection: Rescues

A worker falls, but his personal fall arrest system stops his descent. Now the worker is suspended in midair and screaming for help. What do you do? This can be a chilling moment if you do not have a plan. This course highlights common considerations in fall protection rescue planning and provides advice for reducing post-fall suspension trauma. It is ideal for workers, supervisors and managers.


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Fall Protection: Rescues (Spanish)

Un trabajador tiene una caída, pero su sistema personal de detención de caídas detiene su descenso. Ahora el trabajador está suspendido en el aire y grita pidiendo ayuda. ¿Qué hace usted? Este puede ser un momento escalofriante si usted no tiene un plan. Este curso resalta las consideraciones comunes en la planificación de rescates de protección contra caídas y proporciona consejo para reducir el trauma por suspensión después de una caída. Es ideal para trabajadores, supervisores y gerentes.


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Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Managers and supervisors in the workplace must fully understand the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This course explains who is covered by the FMLA and what leave and other benefits must be provided to eligible employees. Topics in this course include: Eligibility, Types of Leave, Conditions and Coverage, Notices, Job Restoration, Non Discrimination/No Retaliation Policy. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the provisions of FMLA.


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Field Service Cranes, Parts 1-2

Safety is key when you operate a field service crane. In these courses, you will learn about actions you can take, such as remaining alert to the work you are performing as well as your surroundings, in order to reduce or eliminate potential hazards on the job. If you have already received training and had hands-on practice, these courses will refresh your memory. If you are new to operating a crane, please follow up with your supervisor to identify what additional training and practice you need before you may operate a crane. This course is ideal for field service crane operators.


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Field Service Cranes, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)

La seguridad es clave cuando opera una grúa de servicio de campo. En estos cursos aprenderá las medidas que debe tomar, como permanecer alerta al trabajo que realiza y también a sus alrededores, con el fin de reducir o eliminar los posibles peligros en el trabajo. Si ya recibió capacitación y realizó la capacitación práctica, estos cursos lo ayudarán a recordar. Si es nuevo en la operación de una grúa, consulte con su supervisor para identificar la capacitación y la práctica adicionales que necesita antes de que pueda operar una grúa. Este curso es ideal para operadores de grúas de servicio de campo.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety

If you were confronted with a fire in your workplace, would you know whether to fight or flee? If you decide to fight the fire, do you know what to do? Take this course to learn when to fight or flee a fire and how to choose and use fire extinguishers. Knowing what to do can save lives! Ideal learners include all employees.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Canadian French)

Si un incendie se déclenchait sur votre lieu de travail, sauriez-vous si vous devez agir ou vous enfuir? Si vous décidez de lutter contre l'incendie, savez-vous quoi faire? Suivez ce cours pour apprendre quand il faut agir ou s’enfuir devant un incendie et comment choisir et utiliser les extincteurs d'incendie. Savoir quoi faire peut sauver des vies! Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Chinese)



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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Dutch)

Als u geconfronteerd zou worden met een brand op uw werkplek, zou u dan weten of u moet bestrijden of vluchten? Als u besluit om de brand te bestrijden, weet u dan wat u moet doen? Volg deze cursus om te leren wanneer een brand te bestrijden en te ontvluchten en hoe brandblusapparaten te kiezen en te gebruiken. Weten wat u moet doen kan levens redden! Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (French)

Si vous faisiez face à un incendie sur votre lieu de travail, sauriez-vous décider entre lutter et fuir ? Si vous décidez de lutter contre l’incendie, savez-vous comment vous y prendre ? Suivez cette formation pour apprendre quand lutter contre un incendie ou le fuir, et comment choisir et utiliser l’extincteur adapté. Savoir comment vous y prendre peut aider à sauver des vies ! Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (German)

Wenn Sie mit einem Feuer auf Ihrem Arbeitsplatz konfrontiert wären, würden Sie wissen, ob Sie Feuer bekämpfen oder davor fliehen sollen? Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, das Feuer zu bekämpfen, wissen Sie, was zu tun? Nehmen Sie an diesen Kurs teil, um zu lernen, wenn ein Feuer zu bekämpfen oder davor zu fliehen und wie die Feuerlöscher auszuwählen und zu verwenden. Wissen, was zu tun, kann Leben retten! Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Italian)

Se vi trovaste coinvolti in un incendio mentre siete al lavoro, sareste in grado di decidere se combattere l'incendio o fuggire? Se decideste di tentare di estinguere l'incendio, sapreste cosa fare? Seguite questo corso per imparare quando combattere un incendio o quando invece fuggire, e come scegliere ed utilizzare gli estintori. Sapere cosa fare può salvare delle vite! Questo corso è rivolto a tutti i dipendenti.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Japanese)



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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Korean)

직장에 화재가 발생한 경우 화재를 진압할지 아니면 대피할지 판단하실 수 있나요? 화재를 진압하기로 결심한 경우 무엇을 해야할지 알고 계신가요? 화재를 진압하거나 불을 피해 대피해야 하는 시기와 소화기를 선택하고 사용하는 방법을 배우려면 이 과정을 수강하세요. 무엇을 해야할 지 알면 생명을 구할 수 있습니다! 모든 직원이 이 학습의 대상입니다.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Portuguese)

Se ocorrer um incêndio no seu local de trabalho, você saberia se deve combatê-lo ou escapar? Se decidir combater o incêndio, você sabe como fazê-lo? Faça esse curso para aprender quando combater ou escapar de um incêndio e como escolher e usar extintores de incêndio. Saber o que fazer pode salvar vidas! Esse curso é direcionado para todos os funcionários.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety (Spanish)

Si se enfrentara un incendio en su lugar de trabajo, ¿sabría si debería combatirlo o huir? Si decide combatir el incendio, ¿sabe qué hacer? Realice este curso para aprender cuándo combatir o huir de un incendio, y cómo escoger y usar extintores. ¡Saber qué hacer puede salvar vidas! Los estudiantes ideales incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety Awareness

If you were confronted with a fire in your workplace, would you know whether to fight or flee? If you decide to fight the fire, do you know what to do? Take this course to learn when to fight or flee a fire and how to choose and use fire extinguishers. Knowing what to do can save lives! Ideal learners are all employees.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety Awareness (Spanish)

Si en su lugar de trabajo se presentara un incendio, ¿usted sabría si combatirlo o evacuar? Si decide combatir el incendio, ¿sabe qué hacer? Tome este curso para aprender cuándo combatir un incendio o cuándo evacuar y cómo elegir y utilizar los extintores de incendios. ¡Saber qué hacer puede salvar vidas! Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety for Construction Parts 1-2 (US)

Making poor choices during a fire emergency can make things worse instead of better. Attempting to fight a fire that is too big could put you in danger. Using the wrong extinguishing agent could cause the fire to spread. Take the courses in this suite to learn basic guidelines for making smart, safe choices in the event of a fire. This suite is ideal for anyone who works in the construction industry.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2 (US) (Spanish)

Las decisiones erróneas durante una emergencia de incendio puede empeorar la situación en vez de mejorarla. Tratar de combatir un incendio que es demasiado extenso podría ponerlo en peligro. Usar el agente de extinción incorrecto podría ocasionar el esparcimiento del fuego. Tome los cursos de este conjunto para aprender lineamientos básicos para tomar decisiones inteligentes y seguras en caso de incendio. Este cojunto es ideal para cualquier persona que trabaja en la industria de la construcción.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety Parts 1-2 (US) (Spanish)

Cuando hay un incendio, ¿sabe qué hacer? Saber cuando combatir o evacuar un incendio podría salvar su vida. Si decide combatir un incendio, debe ser capaz eficientemente y rápidamente de extinguirlo. Tome estos cursos para aprender a tomar decisiones seguras que podría salvar propiedad y vidas. Estos cursos son ideales para todos los que trabajan en la industria en general.


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Fire Extinguisher Safety: Parts 1-2 (US)

When there is a fire, do you know what to do? Knowing whether to fight or flee can save your life. If you decide to fight a fire, you need to be able to put it out effectively and quickly. Take these courses to learn how to make critical safe decisions that can save property and lives. These courses are ideal for anyone who works in general industry.


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Fire Prevention

Fire is a terrible way to die or be injured. You cannot assume that having a fire department keeps you safe. Most workplace fires are completely preventable. Take this course to find out how to reduce the risk of fires in your workplace. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Fire Prevention (Canadian French)

Mourir dans un incendie ou en souffrir dans son corps est horrible. Il est faux de croire que la simple présence d’un service d’incendie est suffisante pour vous protéger. Il est tout à fait possible d’éviter la plupart des incendies au travail. Suivez ce cours pour découvrir les façons de réduire le risque d’incendie dans votre propre lieu de travail. Idéalement, tous les employés devraient y participer.


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Fire Prevention (Chinese)



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Fire Prevention (Dutch)

Brand is een vreselijke manier om te sterven of gewond raken. U kan er niet van uitgaan dat de brandweer u veilig houdt. Meeste branden op de werkvloer zijn volledig te voorkomen. Neem deze cursus om te ontdekken hoe men het brandgevaar in uw werkomgeving kan verminderen. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Fire Prevention (German)

Bei einem Brand zu sterben oder verletzt zu werden, ist schrecklich. Sie können nicht davon ausgehen, dass das Vorhandensein eine Betriebsfeuerwehr Sie ausreichend schützt. Die meisten Brände am Arbeitsplatz sind vollständig vermeidbar. Nehmen Sie an dieser Schulung teil, um herauszufinden, wie Sie das Brandrisiko reduzieren können. Diese Schulung ist für alle Mitarbeiter gedacht.


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Fire Prevention (Japanese)

火災でケガをしたり死亡したりするのは悲惨なことです。消防署によってあなたの安全が保たれていると思い込む訳にはいきません。職場の火災のほとんどは 、完全に防止することができます。このコースを受講して、自分の職場での火災のリスクを削減する方法を見つけ出しましょう。推奨される受講者は、全ての従業員です。


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Fire Prevention (Portuguese)

O incêndio é uma forma terrível de morrer ou ser ferido. Você não pode considerar que ter uma brigada de incêndio mantenha você seguro. A maioria dos incêndios no local de trabalho é completamente prevenível. Faça este curso para descobrir como reduzir os riscos de incêndios no local de trabalho. Este curso é direcionado para todos os funcionários.


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Fire Prevention (Spanish)

Un incendio es una forma terrible de morir o salir lastimado. No puede suponer que contar con un departamento de bomberos lo mantendrá seguro. La mayoría de los incendios en lugares de trabajo son completamente evitables. Tome este curso para averiguar cómo disminuir el riesgo de incendio en su lugar de trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Fire Prevention Awareness

Fire is a terrible way to die or be injured. You cannot assume that having a fire department keeps you safe. Most workplace fires are completely preventable. Take this course to find out how to reduce the risk of fires in your workplace. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Fire Watch

Every year, many workplace fires occur as a result of hot work including cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. Hot work is often being done without an adequate fire watch in place. Most, if not all, hot work incidents are completely preventable. A fire watch, conducted properly, is one of the most important ways to keep workers safe during hot work and prevent damage and destruction to property. This course covers the role and responsibilities of the fire watcher. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Fire Watch (Canadian French)

Chaque année, de nombreux incendies surviennent sur les lieux de travail à la suite de travaux à chaud, y compris des travaux de coupage, de soudage et d'autres travaux qui génèrent de la chaleur et des étincelles. Le travail à chaud est souvent effectué sans qu'une surveillance incendie adéquate soit en place. La plupart, sinon la totalité, des incidents de travail à chaud sont totalement évitables. Une surveillance incendie, effectuée correctement, est l'un des moyens les plus importants pour assurer la sécurité des travailleurs pendant le travail à chaud et prévenir les dommages et la destruction des biens. Ce cours couvre le rôle et les responsabilités du surveillant d'incendie. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés


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Fire Watch (Chinese)



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Fire Watch (Dutch)

Leder jaar ontstaan er vele werkplaatsbranden ten gevolge van brandgevaarlijke werkzaamheden, waaronder snijden, lassen en andere werkzaamheden waarbij warmte en vonken worden gegenereerd. Brandgevaarlijke werkzaamheden worden meestal uitgevoerd zonder dat er een brandwacht ter plekke aanwezig is. De meeste, zo niet alle incidenten die gerelateerd zijn aan brandgevaarlijke werkzaamheden, zijn volledig te voorkomen. Een brandwacht, indien goed uitgevoerd, is één van de belangrijkste manieren om de veiligheid van werknemers te bewaren gedurende brandgevaarlijke werken en om schade en vernieling aan eigendom te voorkomen. Deze cursus gaat over de rol en verantwoordelijkheden van de brandwacht. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Fire Watch (French)

Chaque année, de nombreux incendies sur les lieux de travail surviennent à cause du travail à chaud, incluant la coupe, le soudage et d’autres tâches générant de la chaleur et des étincelles. Le travail à chaud st souvent effectué sans une bonne veille d’incendie en place. La plupart, si ce n’est tous, des incidents liés au travail à chaud sont complètement évitables. Une veille d’incendie, correctement effectuée, est une des façons les plus importantes de garder les travailleurs en sécurité pendant le travail à chaud et pour éviter des dégâts et la destruction de biens. Cette formation couvre le rôle et les responsabilités du veilleur d’incendie. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Fire Watch (German)

Jedes Jahr entstehen zahlreiche Brände an Arbeitsplätzen, an denen Heißarbeiten wie Schneiden, Schweißen und andere Arbeiten durchgeführt werden, die Hitze generieren und Funkenflug verursachen. Heißarbeiten werden dabei oft ohne eine angemessene Brandwache vor Ort durchgeführt. Die meisten, wenn nicht sogar alle Vorfälle aufgrund von Heißarbeiten, sind vollkommen vermeidbar. Eine korrekt durchgeführte Brandwache ist eine der wichtigsten Maßnahmen, um die Sicherheit der Arbeiter während Heißarbeiten zu gewährleisten und Sachschäden zu verhindern. Diese Schulung behandelt die Rolle und Verantwortung, die den Brandwächtern obliegen. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Fire Watch (Japanese)



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Fire Watch (Portuguese)

Todos os anos ocorrem muitos incêndios nos locais de trabalho, provocados por trabalhos a quente como corte e soldagem e outros trabalhos que produzem calor e faíscas. Com frequência, o trabalho a quente é feito sem a implementação de uma proteção adequada contra incêndios. A maioria - se não todos - os incidentes em trabalhos a quente são completamente preveníveis. Uma vigilância contra incêndio devidamente conduzida é uma das formas mais importantes de manter os funcionários seguros durante o trabalho a quente e evitar danos e destruição das instalações. Este curso aborda o papel e as responsabilidades do brigadista. Este curso é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Fire Watch (Spanish)

Cada año se producen muchos incendios en el lugar de trabajo como resultado del trabajo en caliente, incluyendo corte, soldadura y otros trabajos que generan calor y chispas. El trabajo en caliente se hace a menudo sin implementar una vigilancia contra incendios adecuada. La mayoría, si no todos, los incidentes del trabajo en caliente son completamente prevenibles. Una vigilancia contra incendios, realizada correctamente, es una de las maneras más importantes de mantener a los trabajadores seguros durante el trabajo en caliente y evitar daños y destrucción de la propiedad. Este curso cubre el rol y las responsabilidades del vigilante de incendios. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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First Aid and CPR

Would you know what to do if someone near you passed out? What if you walked in to your kitchen and found a friend bleeding from a severe cut or burn? The choices you make can keep victims alive, well and comfortable while you wait for emergency help to arrive. Assessing what is wrong, calling for help and taking the right action based on the condition of the victim can even help you save a life. This suite of modules will refresh your memory about important first aid procedures such as performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), controlling bleeding, and reacting to potential poisonings. The information you learn will be helpful at home, at work and anywhere you go. The First Aid suite is ideal for everyone.


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First Aid - Mental Wellness

How would you describe your mental state? Do you ever feel that it impacts your work or personal life? Take this course to learn about the importance of improving your mental wellness and reducing your stress. It will also include topics on how to improve your mental health and well-being so that you can be happier and more productive at work and at home. This course is ideal for anyone feeling the pressure of your job or personal relationships.


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First Aid - Stress

Stress is a phenomenon that each one of us experiences. Even though stress is part of our everyday life, excessive stress can affect personal health and emotional stability. It can also affect our overall quality of life by reducing productivity or by creating or aggravating health problems. This course highlights types of stress and provides immediate and long-term ways to reduce stress.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Petrol is a flammable liquid, and practically everyone uses it to fuel their vehicles. But flammable and combustible liquids are dangerous. Something as simple as whether or not you promptly put a liquid in a flammable liquid storage cabinet can be a matter of life or death. This course covers risks associated with flammable and combustible liquids, and general safety procedures such as proper storage and use. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Canadian French)

Le pétrole est un liquide inflammable et pratiquement tout le monde l'utilise pour faire le plein de sa voiture. Mais les liquides inflammables et combustibles sont dangereux. Quelque chose d'aussi simple que le fait de mettre rapidement ou non un liquide dans une armoire de stockage de liquides inflammables peut être une question de vie ou de mort. Ce cours couvre les risques associés aux liquides inflammables et combustibles, ainsi que les procédures générales de sécurité telles que le stockage et l'utilisation appropriés. Idéalement, tous les employés devraient y participer.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Chinese)



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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Dutch)

Petroleum is een ontvlambare vloeistof, en vrijwel iedereen gebruikt het als brandstof voor hun auto. Maar ontvlambare en brandbare vloeistoffen zijn gevaarlijk. Iets simpels zoals of u vloeistof wel of niet tijdig in een opbergkast voor ontvlambare vloeistoffen plaatst, kan een kwestie van leven of dood zijn. Deze cursus behandelt risico‘s gerelateerd aan ontvlambare en brandbare vloeistoffen, en algemene veiligheidsprocedures zoals juiste opslag en gebruik. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (French)

Le pétrole est un liquide inflammable, et pratiquement tout le monde l’utilise comme essence pour leurs voitures. Mais les liquides inflammables et combustibles sont dangereux. Une chose aussi simple que de savoir si oui ou non vous devez mettre un liquide directement dans une armoire de stockage de liquide inflammable peut être une question de vie ou de mort. Cette formation couvre les risques associés aux liquides inflammables et combustibles, ainsi que les procédures générales de sécurité comme un stockage et une utilisation appropriés. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (German)

Benzin ist eine entzündliche Flüssigkeit, die praktisch jeder als Kraftstoff in seinem Auto verwendet. Entzündliche und brennbare Flüssigkeiten sind jedoch gefährlich. Manchmal kann schon ein so einfacher Umstand, eine Flüssigkeit nicht umgehend in einen Sicherheitsschrank für brennbare Flüssigkeiten zu geben, den Unterschied zwischen Leben und Tod ausmachen. Dieser Kurs behandelt die mit entzündlichen und brennbaren Flüssigkeiten verbundenen Risiken sowie deren allgemeine Sicherheitsverfahren, darunter die sicher Lagerung und Verwendung. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Japanese)

ガソリンは引火性液体です。ガソリンは車の燃料として日常的に使用されていますが、 引火性液体や可燃性液体は危険です。 引火性液体用の保管キャビネットに引火性液体をすぐに入れるかどうかという簡単なことが生死を分けます。 このコースでは、引火性液体と可燃性液体に関する危険、適切な保管方法と使用方法といった一般的な安全手順について学習します。 このコースの対象者は全従業員です。


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Portuguese)

O petróleo é um líquido inflamável e todos o utilizam para abastecer seus carros. Mas líquidos inflamáveis e combustíveis são perigosos. Uma decisão simples como colocar ou não imediatamente um líquido em um armazenamento para líquido inflamável pode salvar vidas. Este curso cobre os riscos associados com líquidos combustíveis e inflamáveis e procedimentos gerais de segurança como armazenamento e uso adequados. Ele é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids (Spanish)

El petróleo es un líquido inflamable y prácticamente todos lo usan como combustible para sus automóviles. Pero los líquidos inflamables y combustibles son peligrosos. Algo tan simple como poner con diligencia o no un líquido en un gabinete de almacenamiento de líquidos inflamables puede ser una cuestión de vida o muerte. Este curso cubre los riesgos asociados con los líquidos inflamables y combustibles y los procedimientos generales de seguridad, tales como almacenamiento y uso correctos. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Flammable and Combustible Liquids Awareness

Petroleum is a flammable liquid, and practically everyone uses it to fuel their cars. But flammable and combustible liquids are dangerous. Something as simple as whether or not you promptly put a liquid in a flammable liquid storage cabinet can be a matter of life or death. This course covers risks associated with flammable and combustible liquids, and general safety procedures such as proper storage and use. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Food Service and Distribution - HACCP Overview (US)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that, every year, millions of people in the United States become ill from pathogens in food. The number of illnesses would be even higher if the Food and Drug Administration had not adopted a food safety program focused on preventing hazards that cause foodborne illnesses by applying science-based controls at every critical point in the process, from raw materials to finished products. This program is appropriately called Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, or HACCP. This training provides an overview of the HACCP process. Ideal learners are anyone who works in or is associated with food service and distribution.


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Food Service and Distribution - HACCP Overview (US) (Chinese)



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Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

This course explores the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and anti-bribery. It discusses the laws, regulations, and policies associated with anti-bribery and anti-corruption.


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Forklift Awareness

Powered industrial trucks like forklifts are used every day to lift and move equipment or materials. Because of the high risk of injury and even death while operating a powered industrial truck, some use and training recommendations have been developed to improve safety. This training is ideal for all workers who operate or supervise the operation of forklifts.


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Forklift Awareness (Chinese)



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Forklift Awareness (Dutch)

Aangedreven industriële trucks zoals vorkheftrucks worden elke dag gebruikt om apparatuur of materialen op te tillen en te verplaatsen. Vanwege het hoge risico op letsel en zelfs de dood bij het bedienen van een aangedreven industriële truck, zijn enkele aanbevelingen voor gebruik en training ontwikkeld om de veiligheid te verbeteren. Deze training is ideaal voor alle werknemers die heftrucks bedienen of er toezicht op houden.


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Forklift Awareness (French)

Les chariots industriels automoteur sont utilisés chaque jour pour soulever et déplacer de l’équipement ou des matériaux. En raison du risque élevé de blessures et même de mort pendant le fonctionnement d’un chariot industriel automoteur, certaines recommandations d’utilisation et de formation ont été développées pour améliorer la sécurité. Cette formation est idéale pour tous les employés qui utilisent ou supervisent le fonctionnement de chariots élévateurs.


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Forklift Awareness (German)

Angetriebene Flurförderzeuge wie Gabelstapler werden jeden Tag zum Heben und Bewegen von Geräten und Materialien eingesetzt. Wegen der hohen Gefahr von Verletzungen und sogar Tod beim Betrieb eines angetriebenen Flurförderzeugs sind einige Empfehlungen für Verwendung und Schulung entwickelt, um Sicherheit zu verbessern. Diese Schulung ist ideal für alle Arbeitnehmer, die Gabelstapler bedienen oder deren Bedienung beaufsichtigen.


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Forklift Awareness (Japanese)

フォークリフトなどの動力付き産業用トラックは、装置や資材を持ち上げたり、移動させたりするために普段使われます。 動力付き産業用トラックを運転する際は、怪我をする危険性が高いだけでなく、死亡事故が起きる可能性もあるため、安全性を向上するために使用方法とトレーニングに関する推奨事項を作成しました。 このトレーニングは、フォークリフトを運転する、またはフォークリフトの運転を監督する全従業員を対象としています。


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Forklift Awareness (Portuguese)

Veículos industriais motorizados, como as empilhadeiras, são usados para erguer e mover equipamentos ou materiais. Devido ao risco de ferimentos e até de morte durante a operação de um veículo industrial motorizado, algumas recomendações de uso e treinamento foram elaboradas para proporcionar maior segurança. Esse treinamento é indicado para todos os funcionários que operam ou supervisionam a operação de empilhadeiras.


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Forklift Awareness (Spanish)

Los camiones industriales motorizados como los montacargas se usan a diario para elevar y mover equipos o materiales. Debido al alto riesgo de lesiones e incluso la muerte durante la operación de un camión industrial motorizado, se han desarrollado algunas recomendaciones de uso y de capacitación para mejorar la seguridad. Esta capacitación es ideal para todos los trabajadores que operen o supervisen la operación de montacargas.


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Formaldehyde (US)

Formaldehyde is commonly used in anatomy labs, medical research and teaching facilities as a tissue preservative or as an organic chemical reagent. This course will inform you of the health risks, precautions and handling procedures you need to know when working with formaldehyde.


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General Data Protection Regulation

This course covers the European Union’s (EU’s) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a harmonized data privacy law across Europe. Topics in this course include: General Provisions and Principles, Rights of the Data Subject, Data Processors and Controllers, and Other Considerations. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the general provisions of the GDPR, and identify data subject rights under the Regulation. Learners will also be able to identify controller and processor obligations related to data privacy and security.

General Industry Safety Program (IACET CEU=1.2)

Whether you are implementing a new general industry safety program or augmenting an existing program, it can be stressful to choose what to cover. The Top 25 General Industry package takes the guesswork out of selecting topics. Our package is composed of the 25 safety courses that general industry audiences consider the most critical to working safely and avoiding damage, injuries and fatalities. Topics include everything from working at heights and preventing back injuries to preventing workplace violence. These courses are ideal for everyone who works in general industry, from workers to supervisors.


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Giving and Receiving Feedback (Chinese)



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Giving and Receiving Feedback (Dutch)

Niemand vindt het leuk om te horen te krijgen dat zij iets verkeerd doen. Maar er bestaan manieren waarop u zowel feedback kunt geven als ontvangen waardoor dergelijke gesprekken productief in plaats van emotioneel worden. Volg deze cursus voor het leren van beste praktijken voor het effectief geven en ontvangen van feedback. Ideale leerlingen: managers, leidinggevenden, veiligheidscommissieleden.


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Giving and Receiving Feedback (French)

Personne n’aime entendre qu’il/elle s’y prend mal pour faire quelque chose. Mais il existe des façons à la fois de donner et de recevoir un commentaire pour rendre des échanges constructifs plutôt qu’émotionnels. Suivez ce cours pour connaître les meilleures méthodes qui permettent de donner et de recevoir un commentaire qui soit efficace. Destiné idéalement aux cadres, superviseurs, membres du comité de sécurité. No one likes to be told they are doing something the wrong way. But there are ways you can both give and receive feedback that will make such conversations productive instead of emotional. Take this course to learn best practices for giving and receiving feedback effectively. Learners include managers, supervisors, safety committee members.


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Giving and Receiving Feedback (German)

Niemand mag es, wenn man ihm mitteilt, dass er etwas falsch ausführt. Es gibt jedoch Formen, wie man mit dem Geben und Erhalten von Feedbacks umgeht, die garantieren, dass solche Gespräche produktiv anstatt rein emotionell verlaufen. Wenn Sie diese Schulung durchführen, lernen Sie, wie man auf effektive Art und Weise Feedbacks gibt und erhält. Geeignet für: Lernende: Führungskräfte, Vorgesetzte, Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses. No one likes to be told they are doing something the wrong way. But there are ways you can both give and receive feedback that will make such conversations productive instead of emotional. Take this course to learn best practices for giving and receiving feedback effectively. Learners include managers, supervisors, safety committee members.


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Giving and Receiving Feedback (Japanese)



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Giving and Receiving Feedback (Portuguese)

Ninguém gosta de ouvir que está fazendo as coisas de forma errada. Mas há formas de ambos receberem e darem feedbacks que tornarão as conversas mais produtivas, e menos emotivas. Faça esse curso para aprender as melhores práticas para fornecer e receber feedback efetivamente. Quem deve participar: gerentes, supervisores, membros do comitê de segurança.


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Giving and Receiving Feedback (Spanish)

A nadie le gusta que le digan que está haciendo algo incorrectamente. Pero existen maneras en que se puede dar y recibir retroalimentación que harán que dichas conversaciones sean productivas en lugar de emotivas. Tome este curso para aprender las mejores prácticas para dar y recibir retroalimentación efectivamente. Estudiantes idóneos: gerentes, supervisores, miembros del comité de seguridad.


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Global Anti-Bribery

This course introduces global anti-bribery laws and provides basic principles and specific guidelines for complying with anti-bribery laws around the world.


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Global Fair Competition Laws

Fair competition laws help to preserve a level competitive playing field for companies. This course covers the basic principles and laws governing fair competition. Topics in this course include: Definitions, Horizontal Agreements, Vertical Agreements, Other Key Considerations, Laws, EU Law - General Considerations, and EU Law - Specific Considerations. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the principles and laws that ensure fair competition globally.


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Guidelines of Workplace Safety

This course explains how both employees and employers uphold safety in the workplace. Topics in this course include: Causes of Accidents, Accidents and Prevention, Hazards in the Workplace, Employer Role, and Your Role. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize potential workplace accidents and hazards that may be prevented in order to maintain workplace safety.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety

Most of us use tools in our daily work. But do you realize how dangerous tools can be if they are not handled correctly? This training focuses on the importance of hand and power tool safety, the hazards that can lead to injuries and deaths, and the precautions needed to work safely with these tools. Ideal learners are anyone who works with tools.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Canadian French)

La plupart d'entre nous utilisons des outils dans notre travail quotidien. Mais savez-vous à quel point les outils peuvent être dangereux s'ils ne sont pas manipulés correctement? Cette formation est axée sur l'importance de la sécurité des outils à main et à moteur, les dangers qui peuvent causer des blessures et des décès, et les précautions à prendre pour travailler avec ces outils en toute sécurité. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent toute personne qui travaille avec des outils.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Chinese)

我们大多数人在日常工作中都使用工具。但是,你知道工具处理不当会有多危险吗? 本培训重点介绍手动和动力工具安全的重要性,各种可能导致伤亡的危险,以及安全使用这些工具工作所需的预防措施。本培训非常适合使用工具工作的任何人。


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Dutch)

De meesten van ons gebruiken gereedschap bij ons dagelijkse werk. Maar realiseert u zich hoe gevaarlijk gereedschap kan zijn als het niet correct wordt gehanteerd? Deze trainingscursus richt zich op het belang van veiligheid van hand- en elektrisch gereedschap, de risico‘s die kunnen leiden tot letsel en overlijden, en de benodigde voorzorgsmaatregelen om veilig te werken met dit gereedschap. Ideale cursisten zijn alle personen die met gereedschap werken.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (French)

La plupart d’entre nous utilisons des outils dans notre travail quotidien. Mais, est-ce que vous réalisez comme ces outils peuvent s’avérer dangereux s’il ne sont pas manipulés correctement ? Cette formation est axée sur l’importance de la sécurité avec les outils à main et à moteur, les dangers qui peuvent conduire à des lésions, voire à un décès, et les précautions nécessaires pour travailler en sécurité avec ces outils. Cette formation s’adresse à toutes personnes qui travaillent avec ces outils.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (German)

Die meisten von uns nutzen Werkzeuge bei unserer täglichen Arbeit. Aber ist Ihnen klar, wie gefährlich Werkzeuge sein können, wenn sie nicht richtig gehandhabt werden? Diese Schulung konzentriert sich auf die Bedeutung der Hand- und Elektrowerkzeugsicherheit, die Gefahren, die zu Verletzungen und Todesfälle führen können, und die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen die ergriffen werden müssen, um mit diesen Werkzeugen sicher zu arbeiten. Ideale Lernende sind alle, die mit Werkzeugen arbeiten.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Italian)

La maggior parte di noi utilizza attrezzi nel nostro lavoro quotidiano. Ma vi rendete conto di quanto siano pericolosi questi utensili se non vengono utilizzati correttamente? Questo corso si concentra sull'importanza della sicurezza nell'uso degli utensili manuali e a motore, i pericoli che possono portare a lesioni o morte, e le precauzioni necessarie per lavorare in sicurezza con questi utensili. Il corso si rivolge a tutti coloro che utilizzano degli utensili per svolgere il proprio lavoro.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Japanese)

私たちの多くは日常の作業で工具を使用します。正しく取り扱われないと工具がどれほど危険であるかを理解していますか。 このトレーニングでは、手工具および動力工具の安全の重要性、負傷および死亡につながりうる危険、およびこのような工具で安全に作業するために必要な予防策に重点を置きます。工具を使用して作業する全員が対象です。


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Korean)

우리들 대부분은 일상 생활에서 도구를 사용합니다. 그러나 올바르게 취급하지 않을 경우 도구가 얼마나 위험한지 알고 계십니까? 이 교육은 수공구 및 전동 공구 안전의 중요성, 부상 및 사망을 초래할 수 있는 위험과 이러한 도구를 사용해 안전하게 작업하는 데 필요한 예방조치에 초점을 맞춥니다. 도구를 사용해 작업하는 사람이라면 학습자로 적합합니다.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Portuguese)

A maioria de nós usa ferramentas no nosso trabalho diário. Mas você sabe o quanto as ferramentas podem ser perigosas se não forem manuseadas da forma correta? Este treinamento aborda a importância da segurança no uso de ferramentas manuais e elétricas, os riscos que podem provocar lesões e mortes e as precauções necessárias para trabalhar com essas ferramentas de maneira segura. Os alunos ideais incluem todos os funcionários que usam ferramentas.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety (Spanish)

La mayoría de nosotros usa herramientas en el trabajo diario. Pero ¿comprende lo peligrosas que pueden ser las herramientas si no se manejan correctamente? Esta capacitación se centra en la importancia de la seguridad en el manejo de herramientas manuales y mecánicas, los riesgos que pueden derivar en lesiones o la muerte y las precauciones necesarias para trabajar con estas herramientas de manera segura. Los estudiantes ideales incluyen a cualquiera que trabaje con herramientas.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety Awareness

Most of us use tools in our daily work. But do you realize how dangerous tools can be if they are not handled correctly? This training focuses on the importance of hand and power tool safety, the hazards that can lead to injuries and deaths, and the precautions needed to work safely with these tools. Ideal learners are anyone who works with hand or power tools.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2

You can avoid injuries by selecting and using hand and power tools in a safe way. This suite of courses will help you understand the hazards associated with different tools and what precautions you can take to work safely. This suite is ideal for all construction workers.


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Hand and Power Tool Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)

Seleccionar y usar las herramientas manuales y eléctricas correctas de forma segura puede ayudarle a prevenir lesiones. Este conjunto de cursos lo ayudará a comprender los riesgos asociados con las diferentes herramientas y las precauciones que puede tomar para trabajar de manera segura. Este conjunto es ideal para todos los trabajadores de la construcción.


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Hand Tool Safety for Construction

Using the correct hand tools in a safe way can help you avoid injuries. Take this course to find out about both general and specific hand tool hazards and precautions. This course is ideal for all construction workers.


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Hand Tool Safety for Construction (Spanish)

Usar las herramientas manuales correctas de forma segura puede ayudarle a prevenir lesiones. Tome este curso para aprender acerca de los riesgos y precauciones específicos y generales de las herramientas manuales. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores de la construcción.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety

Enjoying your hobbies. Checking your phone. Getting ready in the morning. Your hands help you do a remarkable variety of tasks. Throughout the workday, your hands can encounter any number of hazards. Fortunately, many hand and wrist injuries are preventable. This course will present potential hand, wrist and finger hazards, as well as the steps to take to avoid them. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Canadian French)

Profiter de vos passe-temps. Vérifier votre téléphone. Se préparer le matin. Vos mains vous aident à effectuer une variété remarquable de tâches. Au cours de la journée de travail, vos mains peuvent rencontrer un nombre de dangers. Heureusement, plusieurs blessures des mains et des poignets sont évitables. Ce cours présentera les dangers potentiels pour les mains, les poignets et les doigts, ainsi que les étapes à prendre pour éviter de tels dangers. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Chinese)



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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Dutch)

Genieten van uw hobby‘s. Uw telefoon bekijken. Uzelf ‚s ochtends klaarmaken Uw handen helpen u om een opmerkelijke variëteit aan taken uit te voeren. In de loop van de werkdag kunnen uw handen een groot aantal gevaren tegenkomen. Gelukkig is veel hand- en polsletsel te voorkomen. Deze cursus presenteert potentiële gevaren voor handen, polsen en vingers alsook de stappen om deze te vermijden. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (French)

S’adonner à ses passions. Vérifier son téléphone. Se préparer le matin. Vos mains vous aident à faire une multitude de tâches différentes. Tout au long de la journée, vos mains peuvent rencontrer bon nombre de dangers. Heureusement, beaucoup de pathologies de la main et des poignets peuvent être évitées. Ce cours va mettre en évidence les dangers potentiels pour les mains, les poignets et les doigts, tout comme les mesures pour les éviter. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (German)

Genießen Sie Ihre Hobbys. Gehen Sie die Nachrichten an Ihrem Telefon durch. Machen Sie sich am Morgen bereit. Ihre Hände helfen Ihnen dabei, eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben durchzuführen. Während des Arbeitstages sind Ihre Hände zahlreichen Gefahren ausgesetzt. Glücklicherweise sind die meisten Handgelenk- und Handverletzungen vermeidbar. Diese Schulung zeigt Ihnen alle potenziellen Gefahren für Hände, Handgelenke und Finger auf und veranschaulicht, wie man diese vermeiden kann. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Italian)

Dedicarsi ai propri hobby. Controllare il telefono. Prepararsi al mattino. Le mani consentono di svolgere una notevole varietà di compiti. Nel corso della giornata lavorativa, le mani possono incontrare svariati pericoli. Fortunatamente molte lesioni alle mani e ai polsi possono essere prevenute. Questo corso presenterà i rischi potenziali a mani, polsi e dita, oltre ai passi da intraprendere per evitarli. Idealmente il corso è rivolto ai tutti i dipendenti


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Japanese)



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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Portuguese)

Divertir-se praticando seus hobbies. Verificar seu telefone. Arrumar-se pela manhã. As suas mãos ajudam você a executar uma variedade de tarefas incríveis. Durante todo o seu dia de trabalho, as suas mãos podem enfrentar muitos perigos. Felizmente, muitas lesões de mãos e pulso podem ser evitáveis. Esse curso apresentará possíveis riscos a mãos, pulsos e dedos, bem como as medidas a serem tomadas para evitá-las. Esse curso é direcionado para todos os funcionários.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety (Spanish)

Disfrutar sus pasatiempos. Revisar el teléfono. Estar listo en la mañana. Las manos lo ayudan a hacer una gran variedad de tareas. Durante el día, sus manos pueden encontrarse con una gran cantidad de peligros. Afortunadamente, muchas lesiones de las manos y muñecas son prevenibles. Este curso presentará los peligros potenciales de las manos, muñecas y dedos, así como los pasos a seguir para evitarlos. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Hand, Wrist and Finger Safety Awareness

Your hands help you do a remarkable variety of tasks. Throughout the workday, your hands can encounter any number of hazards. Fortunately, many hand and wrist injuries are preventable. This course will present potential hand, wrist and finger hazards, as well as the steps to take to avoid them. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Handling Confidential Information

This course explores the importance of protecting confidential information in order to preserve privacy and maintain a competitive edge. After completing this course you will be able to recognize the definition of confidential information, identify ways that information is made vulnerable in the workplace, and recognize specific policies, laws, and examples that relate to confidentiality.


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Handwashing Awareness

We wash our hands every day because keeping our hands free of germs and chemicals helps us avoid disease and illness. But are we washing them effectively? Take this course to learn how and when to wash your hands and how proper glove use benefits your health. This course is ideal for all workers.


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Handwashing Awareness (Spanish)

Nos lavamos las manos todos los días porque mantenerlas sin gérmenes ni sustancias químicas nos permite evitar enfermedades y malestares. Sin embargo, ¿lo hacemos de manera eficaz? En este curso aprenderá cómo y cuándo lavarse las manos y los beneficios para su salud que tiene el uso correcto de los guantes. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores.


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Harassment Avoidance Training for California

Supervisors and managers must take all complaints and incidents of sexual harassment seriously and should respond quickly and appropriately. This course describes the different types of sexual harassment that can occur in the workplace and how to prevent, monitor, and report these events if they occur. Topics in this course include: Laws and Policies, Types of Sexual Harassment, Prevention and Monitoring, Enforcement, Reporting Harassment, Investigating Harassment, and Retaliation. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize what actions constitute harassment in the workplace.


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Harassment in the Workplace

Harassment is a serious issue facing companies today. This course identifies what constitutes harassment and outlines the best practices for addressing and preventing harassment in the workplace. Topics in this course include: Definition, Sexual Harassment, Laws, Prevention, and Reporting. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify harassing behavior, avoid harassing behavior, and properly address harassing behavior in the workplace.


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Hazard Communication - Labels (Spanish)

Las etiquetas nos mantienen informados en todo momento. Las etiquetas informan nuestras decisiones de dieta, garantizan que tomemos los medicamentos correctos en las cantidades adecuadas y nos mantienen a salvo en alturas y espacios reducidos. La calidad y consistencia de la información proporcionada a los trabajadores, empleadores y usuarios de productos químicos mediante la adopción de un enfoque estandarizado para la clasificación de riesgos, etiquetas y hojas de datos de seguridad es fundamental. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los trabajadores.


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Hazard Communication - Labels (US)

Labels keep us in the know all the time – they inform our diet decisions, they ensure we take the right medicines in the right amounts, and they keep us safe at heights and in tight spaces. The purpose of the GHS is to increase the quality and consistency of information provided to workers, employers and chemical users by adopting a standardized approach to hazard classification, labels and Safety Data Sheets.


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Hazard Communication - Pictograms (Spanish)

Los riesgos son universales y los idiomas no. Para mantener a las personas seguras en los centros de trabajo de todo el mundo, se han creado símbolos estandarizados llamados pictogramas para comunicar los riesgos de manera consistente de un centro de trabajo a otro y de un país a otro. Este mini módulo cubre los pictogramas y los riesgos asociados con ellos, tal como se ven en las etiquetas y en las Hojas de datos de seguridad (SDS).


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Hazard Communication - Pictograms (US)

Hazards are universal and languages are not. To keep individuals safe in workplaces throughout the world, standardized symbols called pictograms have been created to communicate hazards in a consistent manner from workplace to workplace and from country to country. This mini-module covers pictograms and the hazards associated with them, as encountered on labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).


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Hazard Communication - Safety Data Sheets (US)

When you are working with a hazardous chemical, you need to know what it is, what it does and how to stay safe around it. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) explain the necessary information to keep you safe around hazardous substances. This course explains SDSs to managers and front-line workers in industries and environments that require the use of hazardous substances.


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Hazard Communication - Safety Data Sheets (US) (Spanish)

Cuando está trabajando con un producto químico peligroso, necesita saber qué es, qué hace y cómo mantenerse a salvo alrededor de él. Las hojas de datos de seguridad (SDS) explican la información necesaria para mantenerlo a salvo alrededor de sustancias peligrosas. Este curso explica las SDS a los gerentes y trabajadores de primera línea en industrias y ambientes que requieren el uso de sustancias peligrosas.


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Hazard Communication (US)

Workers are exposed to hazardous chemical products every day. This poses serious problems for exposed workers and their employers. Hazard Communication (HazCom) training is designed to provide workers with the information they need to recognize and avoid hazardous chemicals. This course will introduce learners to everything from the content of the HazCom Standard to how to use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels to prepare for hazards or react to exposures. Ideal learners are employees who work with or around hazardous chemicals.


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Hazard Communication (US) (Spanish)

Los trabajadores están expuestos a productos químicos peligrosos todos los días. Esto plantea problemas graves para los trabajadores expuestos y sus empleadores. La capacitación sobre la Norma de Comunicación de Peligros (HazCom) está diseñada para brindarles a los trabajadores la información que necesitan para reconocer y evitar productos químicos peligrosos. A través de este curso los alumnos accederán a toda clase de material, desde el contenido de la Norma HazCom hasta la manera de utilizar las hojas de datos de seguridad (SDS, por sus siglas en inglés) y las etiquetas de productos químicos para prepararse para los peligros y reaccionar ante las exposiciones. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados que trabajan con o alrededor de productos químicos peligrosos.


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Hazard Communication Awareness

Workers are near hazardous chemical products every day. This poses serious problems for workers and their employers. Hazard Communication (HazCom) training is designed to provide workers with the information they need to recognize and avoid exposure to hazardous chemicals. This course will introduce learners to the HazCom Standard as well as demonstrate how Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels help workers to prepare for hazards and react to exposures.


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Hazard Communication Awareness (Spanish)

Los trabajadores están cerca de productos químicos peligrosos todos los días. Esto representa problemas graves para los trabajadores y sus empleadores. La capacitación en Comunicación de riesgos (HazCom) está diseñada para proporcionar a los trabajadores la información que necesitan para reconocer y evitar exposición a químicos peligrosos. Este curso presentará a los estudiantes la norma HazCom y demostrará cómo las hojas de datos de seguridad (SDS) y las etiquetas químicas ayudan a los trabajadores a prepararse para los riesgos y reaccionar ante las exposiciones.


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Hazard Communication for California (US)

Workers are exposed to hazardous chemical products every day. This poses serious problems for exposed workers and their employers. Hazard Communication (HazCom) training is designed to provide workers in California with the information they need to recognize and avoid hazardous chemicals. This course will introduce learners to the content of Proposition 65 and the federal and California HazCom Standards. It will also explain how to use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels to prepare for hazards or react to exposures. This course is ideal for all employees in California.


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Hazard Communication for Construction, Parts 1-2 (US)

Hazardous chemicals are present on most construction sites and can put people at risk. The chemicals and their uses may be different for each job, but how we should communicate about hazards is the same. Take these courses to learn about written program, label and safety data sheet requirements. Knowing what to expect and how to find safety information could prevent you from being hurt. This course is ideal for all construction workers.


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Hazard Communication for Construction, Parts 1-2 (US) (Spanish)

En la mayoría de los sitios de construcción hay químicos peligrosos que pueden representar un riesgo para el personal. Los químicos y sus usos pueden ser diferentes en cada obra, pero la manera en que se deben comunicar los riesgos es igual. Tome estos cursos para aprender acerca de los requisitos de programas escritos, etiquetas y hojas de datos de seguridad. Saber qué esperar y cómo encontrar información de seguridad podría impedir que usted se lesione. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores de la construcción.


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Hazardous Chemical Information

Workers are near hazardous chemical products every day. This poses serious problems for potentially exposed workers and their employers. Hazard identification and classification training is designed to provide workers with the information they need to recognize and avoid hazardous chemicals. This course will introduce learners to everything from the content of a hazardous chemical information program to how to use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels to prepare for hazards or react to exposures. Ideal learners are all employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals.


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Labels

Labels keep us informed all the time. Labels inform our diet decisions, ensure we take the right medicines in the right amounts, and keep us safe at heights and in tight spaces. In the workplace, labels communicate hazards, precautions and exposure treatment for hazardous substances.


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Labels (Canadian French)

Les étiquettes nous tiennent informés tout le temps. Les étiquettes éclairent nos décisions en matière d’alimentation, nous aident à prendre les bons médicaments à la bonne dose, nous protègent en hauteur et dans les espaces restreints. Au travail, les étiquettes signalent les dangers, indiquent les précautions à prendre, et l’intervention à effectuer en cas d’exposition à une substance dangereuse.


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Labels (Portuguese)

Os rótulos nos mantêm informados o tempo todo. Eles nos ajudam a tomar decisões alimentares, a tomar os medicamentos corretos na quantidade correta e a manter nossa segurança em alturas e em espaços confinados. No local de trabalho, os rótulos comunicam riscos, precauções e tratamento de exposições a substâncias perigosas.


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Pictograms

Hazards are universal but languages are not. To keep individuals safe in workplaces throughout the world, standardized symbols called pictograms have been created to communicate hazards in a consistent manner from workplace to workplace and from country to country. This mini-module covers pictograms and the hazards associated with them, as encountered on labels and Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Pictograms (Portuguese)

Os riscos são universais. Os idiomas, não. Para manter as pessoas seguras em locais de trabalho em todo o mundo, as agências reguladoras estão trabalhando para padronizar símbolos, chamados de pictogramas, para comunicar os riscos de maneira consistente entre diferentes locais de trabalho e diferentes países. Este minimódulo trata dos pictogramas e dos riscos associados a eles, conforme encontrados em rótulos e em folhas de dados de segurança (SDS).


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Safety Data Sheets

When you are working with a hazardous chemical, you need to know what it is, what it does and how to stay safe around it. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are being harmonized throughout the world to maintain a consistent and thorough explanation of necessary information to keep you safe around hazardous substances. This course explains SDSs to managers and front line workers in industries and environments that require the use of hazardous substances.


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Safety Data Sheets (Canadian French)

Lorsque vous travaillez avec un produit chimique dangereux, vous devez connaître sa nature, ses effets, et savoir comment assurer votre sécurité. Les fiches de données de sécurité (FDS) sont harmonisées dans le monde entier pour qu’elles renseignent sur les substances dangereuses et les expliquent partout de la même manière, et pour nous aider à nous prémunir de leur danger. Ce cours explique les FDS aux gestionnaires et aux travailleurs qui sont en contact direct avec les substances dangereuses dans les secteurs et les milieux qui en nécessitent l’utilisation.


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Hazardous Chemical Information - Safety Data Sheets (Portuguese)

Quando você está trabalhando com um produto químico perigoso, você precisa saber o que é, o que ele faz e como se manter seguro em torno dele. As Fichas de dados de segurança (SDSs) estão sendo harmonizadas em todo o mundo para manter uma explicação consistente e completa das informações necessárias para mantê-lo seguro em torno de substâncias perigosas. Este curso explica SDSs para gestores e trabalhadores da linha de frente em indústrias e ambientes que exigem o uso de substâncias perigosas.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Canadian French)

Les travailleurs se trouvent tous les jours à proximité de produits chimiques dangereux. Cela pose de sérieux problèmes aux travailleurs potentiellement exposés et à leurs employeurs. La formation à l'identification et à la classification des dangers vise à renseigner les travailleurs sur les moyens de reconnaître et d'éviter les produits chimiques dangereux. Ce cours familiarisera les apprenants avec tout, du contenu d'un programme d’information sur les produits chimiques dangereux à l'utilisation des fiches de données de sécurité (FDS) et des étiquettes des produits chimiques afin des les aider à mieux réagir aux dangers ou aux situations d'exposition. Les apprenants idéaux sont tous les employés qui risquent d'être exposés à des produits chimiques dangereux.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Chinese)

工人每天都在有害化学品附近工作。这给可能暴露的工人及其雇主带来了严重问题。危险识别及分类培训旨在为工人提供识别并避免接触有害化学品所需的信息。本课程将向学习者介绍从有害化学品信息计划内容到如何使用安全数据表 (SDS) 和化学品标签为危险做好准备或应对暴露。理想的学习者包括可能暴露于有害化学品的所有员工。


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Dutch)

Werknemers bevinden zich elke dag in de buurt van gevaarlijke chemische producten. Dit stelt ernstige problemen voor potentieel blootgestelde werknemers en hun werkgevers. Bijscholing ter identificatie en classificatie van gevaren is bedoeld om werknemers te voorzien van de informatie die ze nodig hebben om gevaarlijke chemische stoffen te herkennen en te vermijden. In deze cursus maken deelnemers kennis met veel relevante informatie: van de inhoud van een informatieprogramma voor gevaarlijke chemische stoffen tot het gebruik van veiligheidsinformatiebladen (VIB's) en labels van chemische stoffen ter voorbereiding op gevaren of ter reactie op blootstelling. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor alle medewerkers die kunnen worden blootgesteld aan gevaarlijke chemische stoffen.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (French)

Chaque jour des travailleurs sont exposés à des produits chimiques dangereux. Cela pose de sérieux problèmes pour les travailleurs exposés et leurs employeurs. La formation à l’identification et à la classification des risques est conçue pour fournir aux travailleurs les informations nécessaires pour reconnaître et éviter les produits chimiques dangereux. Cette formation va introduire les employés à tout ce qu’il faut, du contenu d’un programme d’information sur un produit chimique dangereux à comment utiliser les fiches de données de sécurité (FDS) et les étiquettes de produits chimiques pour se préparer contre les dangers ou pour réagir suite à des expositions. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel pouvant être exposé à des produits chimiques dangereux.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (German)

Arbeitnehmer kommen täglich mit gefährlichen chemischen Produkten in Berührung. Dies wirft ernste Probleme für potenziell gefährdete Arbeitnehmer und ihre Arbeitgeber auf. Die Schulung zur Identifizierung und Einstufung von Gefahren soll Arbeitnehmern die benötigten Informationen vermitteln, um gefährliche Chemikalien zu erkennen und zu vermeiden. Dieser Kurs führt die Teilnehmer in alle Bereiche ein, vom Inhalt eines Informationsprogramms über gefährliche Chemikalien bis hin zur Verwendung von Sicherheitsdatenblättern (SDB) und Chemikalienetiketten. Somit können diese sich auf Gefahren vorbereiten oder auf ein eventuelle Exposition reagieren. Diese Schulung richtet sich insbesondere an alle Mitarbeiter, die gefährlichen Chemikalien ausgesetzt sein können.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Italian)

I lavoratori sono esposti quotidianamente a prodotti chimici pericolosi. Questo rappresenta un problema grave per i lavoratori potenzialmente esposti e i loro datori di lavoro. La formazione sull’identificazione e la classificazione dei rischi è studiata per fornire ai lavoratori le informazioni necessarie per riconoscere ed evitare le sostanze chimiche pericolose. Questo corso presenterà svariati argomenti, dai contenuti del programma informativo sulle sostanze chimiche pericolose a come utilizzare le schede di sicurezza (SDS) e le etichette chimiche per prepararsi ai rischi o reagire alle esposizioni. Idealmente il corso è rivolto a tutti i dipendenti che potrebbero essere esposti a sostanze chimiche pericolose.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Japanese)

作業者は、有害化学物質に毎日晒されています。これは、有害化学物質に晒されている作業者や雇用者に深刻な問題をもたらします。危険を認識し、危険を分類するトレーニングは、有害化学物質を認識し、避けるために必要な情報を作業者に提供するために作られました。このコースでは、 有害化学物質情報プログラムの内容から安全シート (SDS) と化学物質ラベルの使い方まで、必要な内容をすべて説明することで、危険に備え、化学物質に晒された場合に適切に対応できるようにします。受講対象者は、有害化学物質に晒される可能性のあるすべての従業員です。


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Korean)

작업자들은 유해성 화학 제품에 매일 노출되고 있으며. 이것은 노출되는 작업자와 고용주들에게 심각한 문제입니다. 위험요소 식별과 분류 교육은 유해화학물질을 인지하고 피하기 위해 필요한 정보를 제공하기 위해 설계되었습니다. 본 과정은 유해화학물질 정보 프로그램부터, 유해성에 대한 대비나 노출시 대응을 위해 물질안전보건자료(SDS) 및 화학물질 라벨을 사용하는 방법에 이르기까지 모든 내용을 학습자에게 소개합니다. 가장 적합한 학습자는 유해화학물질에 노출될 수 있는 모든 직원입니다.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Portuguese)

Os trabalhadores estão perto de produtos químicos perigosos todos os dias. Isso representa sérios problemas para os trabalhadores potencialmente expostos e seus empregadores. O treinamento de identificação e classificação de perigos é projetado para fornecer aos trabalhadores as informações de que precisam para reconhecer e evitar produtos químicos perigosos. Este curso apresentará aos participantes desde o conteúdo de um programa de informações sobre produtos químicos perigosos até como usar as Fichas de Dados de Segurança (FDSs) e os rótulos de produtos químicos para se preparar para os perigos ou reagir em caso de exposição. Ele é direcionado para todos os funcionários que podem ser expostos a produtos químicos.


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Hazardous Chemical Information (Spanish)

Los trabajadores están cerca de productos químicos peligrosos todos los días. Esto representa problemas graves para los trabajadores potencialmente expuestos y sus empleadores. La capacitación en identificación y clasificación de riesgos está diseñada para proporcionar a los trabajadores la información que necesitan para reconocer y evitar los productos químicos peligrosos. Este curso presentará a los estudiantes el contenido de un programa de información de productos químicos peligrosos sobre cómo usar las hojas de datos de seguridad (SDS) y las etiquetas de productos químicos para prepararse para los riesgos o reaccionar a las exposiciones. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados que puedan estar expuestos a productos químicos peligrosos.


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Hazardous Chemical Information Awareness

Workers are exposed to hazardous chemical products every day, and this poses serious problems for exposed workers and their employers. Hazard identification and classification training is designed to provide workers with the information they need to recognize and avoid hazardous chemicals. This awareness course will introduce learners to everything from the content of a hazardous chemical information program to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) to how to use Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and chemical labels to prepare for hazards or react to exposures. Ideal learners are all employees who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals.


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Hazardous Waste Minimization and Disposal

The decisions we make about how to minimize and dispose of hazardous waste can affect our environment, our profitability, and our health and safety. Take this course to learn how you can help reduce waste and handle it appropriately. This course is ideal for all workers.


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HAZMAT Transportation Awareness (US)

In the United States, we ship millions of tons of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) every day. These materials can be poisonous, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive by nature. Take this course to learn basic information about how to identify and safely handle hazardous materials, all while complying with federal laws and regulations. This course may be taken for general familiarization and is also ideal for employees who are involved in shipping, packaging or transporting hazardous materials.


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HAZMAT Transportation Awareness (US) (Chinese)



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HAZMAT Transportation Awareness (US) (Spanish)

En los Estados Unidos enviamos millones de toneladas de materiales peligrosos (HAZMAT) a diario. Estos materiales pueden ser venenosos, tóxicos, inflamables, explosivos o corrosivos por naturaleza. Tome este curso para aprender información básica sobre cómo identificar y manejar materiales peligrosos de manera segura, todo mientras cumple con las leyes y reglamentos federales. Este curso puede tomarse para conocimiento general y también es ideal para los empleados que participan en el envío, empaque o traslado de materiales peligrosos.

HazMat Transportation Suite (US) (IACET CEU=0.4)

In the United States, we ship millions of tons of hazardous materials (HAZMAT) every day. Hazardous materials are such a common part of our daily lives despite the fact that they can be poisonous, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive by nature. This suite provides trainees with a working knowledge of regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.


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HAZWOPER First Responder Awareness (US)

First responders at the awareness level play an important role in emergencies involving hazardous substances. The information they report helps to prepare the personnel who will contain materials, address fires and explosions and treat victims. Take this course to learn more about hazardous substances, how to recognize and identify them and what to do when you encounter an emergency in which they are involved. This course is ideal for industrial workers and their managers who aspire to become a responder or better understand what the role entails.


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HAZWOPER First Responder Awareness (US) (Spanish)

Los primeros respondedores en el nivel de concientización desempeñan una función importante en las emergencias que involucran sustancias peligrosas. La información que proporcionan ayuda a preparar al personal que contiene los materiales, controla los incendios y explosiones, y atiende a las víctimas. Tome este curso para aprender más sobre sustancias peligrosas, cómo reconocerlas e identificarlas y qué hacer cuando se encuentra en una emergencia en que están involucradas. Este curso es ideal para trabajadores industriales y sus gerentes quienes quieren convertirse en respondedores o entender mejor qué implica la función.


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HAZWOPER: Administrative Controls Including Training

Administrative controls are an important part of how we control hazards in the workplace. Take this course to learn how and when to use administration, including training, for risk mitigation and worker protection. This course will cover some examples of how these controls can make a difference in workplace safety. This course is ideal for chemical plant employees, including maintenance personnel and first responders.


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HAZWOPER: DOT Emergency Response Guidebook (US)

The U.S. Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook, or DOT ERG, is an essential tool for HAZWOPER workers responding to hazardous material emergencies. Take this course to refresh your knowledge about its contents and learn when and how to apply it in real-world situations. This course is ideal for industrial plant employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.


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HAZWOPER: Elimination and Substitution Controls

The most effective way to control hazards is to eliminate them or substitute them with something safer. Take this course to learn how to use elimination and substitution for risk mitigation and worker protection. We will go over some examples of how these controls can make a difference in hazardous waste operations and emergency response, or HAZWOPER, workplace safety. This course is ideal for chemical plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders.


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HAZWOPER: Engineering Controls

When elimination and substitution are not possible, our next defense against hazards is engineering controls. Take this course to learn about the purpose of engineering controls and how we use them in hazardous waste operations and emergency response, or HAZWOPER. By applying engineering controls in your workplace, you can protect yourself and your co-workers from chemical, heat and noise hazards. This course is ideal for chemical plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders.


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HAZWOPER: Heat Stress Awareness

Due to the nature of their jobs and the protective equipment required, HAZWOPER workers are particularly susceptible to heat stress. Take this course to refresh your memory about types of heat stress. In it, you will learn why HAZWOPER workers are susceptible to heat stress and how to prevent and treat it. This course is ideal for industrial plant and laboratory employees including maintenance personnel and first responders who are responding to hazardous material incidents.


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Health Hazards in Construction, Parts 1-5

Workers in the construction industry face a number of health and safety hazards in their worksites every day, including exposure to materials like asbestos, crystalline silica, lead and chemicals. These materials can cause serious illnesses. These courses will provide workers with an awareness of the potential dangers and ways they may prevent or limit exposure. Ideal learners are all construction employees.


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Health Hazards in Construction, Parts 1-5 (Spanish)

Los trabajadores de la industria de la construcción se enfrentan a una serie de riesgos para la salud y seguridad en sus sitios de trabajo todos los días, incluida la exposición a materiales como el asbesto, sílice cristalina, plomo y productos químicos.Estos materiales puede ocasionar enfermedades graves. Estos cursos proporcionarán a los trabajadores una conciencia de los peligros potenciales y las formas en que pueden prevenir o limitar la exposición. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados de construcción.


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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Overview (US)

Think about the last time you heard news about an information security breach. Chances are that you heard about company embarrassment, outraged consumers and even legal actions and fines. No one wants private information released to people who could misuse or abuse it! That is why the government enacted the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA. This course will provide you with important information about what HIPAA is, how it applies to your job and what happens when there is an information breach. The course is intended for general industry employees.


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Healthy Buildings: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

If you do an internet search about indoor air quality, you may become overwhelmed or even alarmed at the information you find. The good news is that indoor air quality is something anyone with the right information can help manage. The goal of this course is to give you that information so that you can feel confident in your understanding about the impact of indoor air quality on health, the common causes of indoor air pollution, and what to do to improve air quality in any space. This course is ideal for facility and property managers and owners.


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Hearing Conservation

Did you know that most noise-related hearing loss is completely preventable? In this course you will learn about the noise risks in your workplace and what you need to do to protect your hearing. Ideal learners include all employees who work with noisy tools or equipment or in loud environments.


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Hearing Conservation (Canadian French)

Saviez-vous que la plupart des cas de perte auditive due au bruit peuvent être parfaitement évités? Dans ce cours, vous en apprendrez davantage sur les risques liés à l’exposition au bruit en milieu professionnel ainsi que sur les mesures à prendre pour la protection de votre audition. Sont concernés par ce cours l’ensemble des employés qui travaillent avec des outils, du matériel ou dans des environnements bruyants.


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Hearing Conservation (Chinese)



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Hearing Conservation (Dutch)

Wist je dat het meeste gehoorverlies als gevolg van lawaai geheel kan worden voorkomen? In deze cursus leer je over de geluidsrisico's in je werkomgeving en over wat je moet doen om je gehoor te beschermen. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor medewerkers die werken met lawaaiige gereedschappen of apparaten of in lawaaiige omgevingen.


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Hearing Conservation (French)

Savez-vous que la perte d’audition due à des bruits est généralement complètement évitable ? Durant cette formation, vous allez apprendre à connaître les risques liés au bruit sur votre lieu de travail et ce que vous devez faire pour protéger votre audition. Cette formation s’adresse à tous les employés qui travaillent avec des outils ou un équipement bruyant, ou encore dans des environnements bruyants.


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Hearing Conservation (German)

Wussten Sie, dass die meisten durch Lärm verursachten Hörverluste vollständig vermeidbar sind. In dieser Schulung lernen Sie, wie man gefährliche Lärmquellen am Arbeitsplatz erkennt und was man benötigt, um das Gehör effizient dagegen zu schützen. Geeignete Teilnehmer sind alle Angestellten, die mit Werkzeugen und Maschinen mit hohen Lärmemissionen arbeiten oder in lauten Arbeitsumgebungen tätig sind.


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Hearing Conservation (Italian)

Lo sapevate che la maggior parte dei casi di perdita dell’udito correlati al rumore sono assolutamente evitabili? In questo corso conoscerete i rischi del rumore sul luogo di lavoro e ciò che dovete fare per proteggere l’udito. Questo corso è rivolto a tutti i dipendenti che lavorano con strumenti o apparecchiature rumorose o in ambienti rumorosi.


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Hearing Conservation (Japanese)



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Hearing Conservation (Korean)

대부분의 소음 관련 청력 손실이 완전히 예방 가능하다는 점을 알고 계셨습니까? 본 과정에서는 작업에서의 소음 위험과 청력 보호를 위해 무엇을 해야 하는지에 대해 배우게 됩니다. 이상적인 학습자는 시끄러운 도구나 장비를 사용하거나 시끄러운 환경 속에서 근무하는 모든 직원을 포함합니다.


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Hearing Conservation (Portuguese)

Você sabia que a maior parte da perda de audição associada a ruídos é totalmente evitável? Neste curso, você aprenderá sobre os riscos causados por ruídos no local de trabalho e o que você precisa fazer para proteger sua audição. O público-alvo inclui todos os funcionários que trabalham com ferramentas ou equipamentos barulhentos ou em ambientes com alto nível de ruído.


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Hearing Conservation (Spanish)

¿Sabía que la mayoría de pérdidas de la audición a causa de ruido se puede prevenir? En este curso aprenderá sobre los riesgos de ruido en su lugar de trabajo y sobre lo que necesita hacer para proteger su audición. Los participantes ideales incluyen a todos los empleados que trabajan con herramientas o equipo ruidosos o en ambientes ruidosos.


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Hearing Conservation (US)

Did you know that most noise-related hearing loss is completely preventable? In this course, you will learn about the noise risks in your workplace and what you need to do to protect your hearing. Ideal learners include all employees who work with noisy tools or equipment or in loud environments.


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Hearing Conservation (US) (Spanish)

¿Sabía que la mayoría de pérdidas de la audición a causa de ruido se pueden prevenir? En este curso aprenderá sobre los riesgos de ruido en su lugar de trabajo y sobre lo que necesita hacer para proteger su audición. Los participantes ideales incluyen a todos los empleados que trabajan con herramientas o equipo ruidosos o en ambientes ruidosos.


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Hearing Conservation Awareness

Did you know that most noise-related hearing loss is completely preventable? In this course you will learn about the noise risks in your workplace and what you need to do to protect your hearing. Ideal learners include all employees who work with noisy tools or equipment or in loud environments.


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Hearing Conservation Awareness (Spanish)

¿Sabía que la mayoría de las pérdidas auditivas a causa de ruido se pueden prevenir? En este curso aprenderá sobre los riesgos del ruido en su lugar de trabajo y sobre lo que necesita hacer para proteger su audición. Los participantes ideales incluyen a todos los empleados que trabajan con herramientas o equipos ruidosos o en ambientes con altos niveles de ruido.


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Heat Stress

It is easy to forget the danger that heat poses to the body, from sunburn and heat rash to heat stroke and death. Whether you work outside on hot days or in a foundry, mine, bakery or any other hot or humid environment, the key to preventing excessive heat stress is knowing the hazards of working in heat and the benefits of implementing proper controls and work practices. You will learn about all of these in this training. Ideal learners include all employees, managers and supervisors.


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Heat Stress (Canadian French)

Il est facile d'oublier le danger que représente la chaleur pour le corps, des coups de soleil et des éruptions miliaires aux coups de chaleur et à la mort. Que vous travailliez à l'extérieur par temps chaud ou dans une fonderie, une mine, une boulangerie ou tout autre environnement chaud ou humide, la clé pour prévenir un stress thermique excessif est de connaître les dangers du travail à la chaleur et les avantages de la mise en œuvre de contrôles et de pratiques de travail appropriés. Vous apprendrez tout cela dans cette formation. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés, les gestionnaires et les superviseurs.


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Heat Stress (Chinese)



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Heat Stress (Dutch)

Het is gemakkelijk om het gevaar te vergeten dat warmte oplevert voor het lichaam, gaande van zonnebrand en uitdroging tot hitteberoerte en dood. Of u nu op warme dagen buiten werkt of in een gieterij, mijn, bakker, of een andere warme of vochtige omgeving, de sleutel tot het voorkomen van overmatige hittestress ligt bij het kennen van de gevaren bij werken in hitte en de voordelen van het implementeren van de juiste maatregelen en werkmethoden. U leert er alles over in deze training. De ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers met inbegrip van managers en leidinggevenden.


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Heat Stress (French)

Il est facile d’oublier le danger qu’entraîne la chaleur sur l’organisme, depuis le coup de soleil et l’éruption cutanée jusqu’au coup de chaleur et le décès. Que vous travailliez à l’extérieur par temps chaud ou dans une fonderie, une mine, une boulangerie ou tout autre milieu chaud ou humide, la clé pour prévenir le stress lié à une chaleur excessive est de connaître les dangers du travail dans la chaleur et les avantages à mettre en place des contrôles adaptés et des méthodes de travail. Vous allez apprendre tout cela dans cette formation. Parmi le public concerné : tout le personnel, y compris directeurs et superviseurs. ruido se pueden prevenir?


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Heat Stress (German)

Es ist einfach, die Gefahr zu vergessen, die Hitze für den Körper darstellt, von Sonnenbrand und Dehydrierung bis zu Hitzschlag und Tod. Gleichgültig, ob Sie an heißen Tagen draußen oder in einer Gießerei, Mine, Bäckerei oder in irgendeiner anderen heißen oder feuchten Umgebung arbeiten, ist wichtig, übermäßigen Hitzestress zu vermeiden, die Gefahren von arbeiten in der Hitze zu kennen, sowie die Vorteile richtiger Kontrollen und Arbeitspraktiken umzusetzen. Sie werden all das in diesem Kurs lernen. Diese Schulung richtet sich besonders an alle Mitarbeiter, Manager und Vorgesetzte.


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Heat Stress (Italian)

È facile dimenticarsi del pericolo che il caldo rappresenta per il corpo: scottature solari, eruzione cutanea da calore, colpo di calore e decesso. Che lavoriate all’aperto in giornate calde o in una fonderia, in una miniera o in un panificio, oppure in qualsiasi altro ambiente caldo o umido, l’elemento fondamentale che consente di prevenire un eccessivo stress da calore è conoscere i pericoli legati al lavorare al caldo e i benefici di mettere in atto adeguati controlli e prassi lavorative. In questa formazione riceverete informazioni su tutto ciò. Il corso si rivolge a tutti i dipendenti, i responsabili e i supervisori.


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Heat Stress (Japanese)



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Heat Stress (Korean)

햇볕으로 인한 화상과 열발적부터 열사병과 사망까지, 우리는 열로 인해 신체에 발생하는 위험을 잊는 경우가 많습니다. 더운 날 외부에서, 또는 주조 공장, 광산, 제빵소 또는 기타 덥거나 습한 환경에서, 그 어느 곳에서 작업하든 과도 열 스트레스 예방의 핵심은 더운 곳에서 작업할 때의 위해요소, 그리고 적절한 통제조치 및 작업 방식 구현의 장점을 아는 것입니다. 이러한 모든 내용은 본 교육과정에서 다뤄집니다. 본 과정의 적합한 교육 대상은 직원, 관리자, 감독자입니다.


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Heat Stress (Portuguese)

É fácil esquecermos os perigos que o calor representa para o corpo, de queimaduras de sol e desidratação a insolação e morte. Se você trabalha ao ar livre em dias quentes ou em uma oficina de fundição, mina, padaria ou qualquer outro ambiente quente ou úmido, o segredo para evitar a exaustão pelo calor excessivo é conhecer os riscos de trabalhar em locais quentes e os benefícios de implementar controles e práticas de trabalho adequados. Você aprenderá sobre tudo isso neste treinamento. O público-alvo indicado inclui todos os funcionários, gerentes e supervisores.


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Heat Stress (Spanish)

Es fácil olvidar el peligro que el calor representa para el cuerpo, desde las quemaduras de sol y el sarpullido por calor, hasta un golpe de calor y la muerte. Ya sea que trabaje en exteriores en días calurosos o en una fundición, mina, panadería o cualquier otro ambiente caluroso o húmedo, la clave para prevenir el estrés por calor excesivo es conocer los riesgos de trabajar en el calor y los beneficios de implementar prácticas laborales y controles adecuados. Aprenderá todo esto en esta capacitación. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen todos los empleados, los gerentes y los supervisores.


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Heat Stress Awareness

It is easy to forget the danger that heat poses to the body, from sunburn and dehydration to heat stroke and death. Whether you work outside on hot days or in a foundry, mine, bakery, or any other hot or humid environment, the key to preventing excessive heat stress is knowing the hazards of working in heat and the benefits of implementing proper controls and work practices. You will learn about all of these in this training. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Hexavalent Chromium

This course will inform learners about the risks associated with hexavalent chromium as well as steps they can take to protect themselves. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Hexavalent Chromium (Chinese)



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Hexavalent Chromium (Dutch)

Deze cursus informeert cursisten over de risico's die zijn verbonden met chroom-6 evenals de stappen die zij kunnen nemen om zichzelf te beschermen. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Hexavalent Chromium (French)

Ce cours informe le lecteur sur les risques associés au chrome hexavalent ainsi que sur les précautions qu’il peut prendre pour se protéger. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Hexavalent Chromium (German)

In diesem Kurs werden die Teilnehmer über die Risiken im Zusammenhang mit sechswertigem Chrom sowie über Schritte informiert, die sie ergreifen können, um sich zu schützen. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Hexavalent Chromium (Japanese)



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Hexavalent Chromium (Portuguese)

Este curso informará os alunos sobre os riscos associados com o cromo hexavalente, bem como a respeito dos passos que podem tomar para a sua proteção. Este curso é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Hexavalent Chromium (Spanish)

Este curso informará a los estudiantes sobre los riesgos asociados con el cromo hexavalente así como las medidas que pueden tomar para protegerse. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Hexavalent Chromium (US)

This course will inform learners about the risks associated with hexavalent chromium as well as steps they can take to protect themselves. Ideal learners are all employees.


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HIPAA: General Awareness

This course is designed to provide all employees and associates with an in-depth overview of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) privacy, security, and data standardization requirements from a health plan perspective. This course describes the updated requirements that were included in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH), which was signed into law February 2009. Topics in this course include: Privacy Standards, Security Standards, Data Standardization, and Enforcement. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify HIPAA regulations and ways to keep members? PHI secure.


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Hiring and Firing

Hiring is an important factor in creating a solid workforce, and firing is a tool to ensure productivity. This course provides techniques for making good hiring decisions, terminating employees in a consistent and fair manner, and avoiding lawsuits resulting from the hiring and firing process. Topics in this course include: Regulations, Hiring, Interviewing, Testing, and Firing. After completing this course, learners should recognize several tools that will assist in the hiring and firing processes. Learners will also identify how to handle difficult employee situations.


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Hot Work

Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, or cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. When you follow them properly, various recommendations for hot work can help ensure that you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous work. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Hot Work (Canadian French)

De nombreux incendies destructeurs sont causés par des travaux à chaud, ou par des travaux de coupage, de soudage et d'autres travaux qui génèrent de la chaleur et des étincelles. Lorsque vous les suivez correctement, diverses recommandations pour les travaux à chaud peuvent vous aider à assurer votre sécurité et celle de vos collègues. Ce cours couvre les dangers, les précautions de sécurité, les responsabilités et les procédures d'urgence associés à ce travail dangereux. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés.


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Hot Work (Chinese)



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Hot Work (Dutch)

Vele verwoestende branden worden veroorzaakt door brandgevaarlijke werkzaamheden of snijden, lassen en ander werk dat warmte en vonken genereert. Wanneer u ze goed volgt, kunnen diverse aanbevelingen voor brandgevaarlijke werkzaamheden ervoor helpen dat u en uw collega's veilig blijven. Deze cursus behandelt gevaren, voorzorgsmaatregelen, verantwoordelijkheden en noodprocedures gekoppeld aan deze gevaarlijke werkzaamheden. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Hot Work (French)

De nombreux feux sont causés par le travail à chaud, ou la coupe, le soudage et d’autres tâches générant de la chaleur et des étincelles. Lorsque vous les suivez correctement, diverses recommandations pour le travail à chaud peuvent aider à s’assurer que vous et vos collègues restent en sécurité. Cette formation couvre les dangers, les précautions de sécurité, les responsabilités et les procédures d’urgence lié(e)s au travail à chaud. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Hot Work (German)

Viele zerstörerische Brände werden von Heißarbeiten bzw. Schneid-, Schweiß- oder andere Arbeitsverfahren ausgelöst, die Wärme und Funken erzeugen. Bei ordnungsgemäßer Befolgung können viele Empfehlungen zu Heißarbeiten dazu beitragen, Ihre Sicherheit und die Ihrer Kollegen zu gewährleisten. Dieser Kurs behandelt Gefahren, Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, Pflichten und Notfallverfahren in Verbindung mit gefährlichen Arbeiten. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Hot Work (Japanese)



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Hot Work (Portuguese)

Muitos incêndios destrutivos são causados por trabalho a quente ou corte, soldagem e outros trabalho que geram calor e faíscas. Quando devidamente seguidas, várias recomendações para trabalho a quente podem ajudar a garantir que você e seus colegas permaneçam seguros. Esse curso aborda perigos, precauções de segurança, responsabilidades e procedimentos de emergência associados com esse trabalho perigoso. Este curso é direcionado para todos os funcionários.


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Hot Work (Spanish)

Muchos incendios destructivos son ocasionados por trabajo en caliente o por el corte, soldadura y otros trabajos que generan calor y chispas. Seguir las diversas recomendaciones para el trabajo en caliente de forma adecuada permite garantizar que usted y sus compañeros de trabajo se mantengan a salvo. Este curso cubre riesgos, precauciones de seguridad, responsabilidades y procedimientos de emergencia relacionados con este trabajo en caliente. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Hot Work (US)

Many destructive fires are caused by hot work or the cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. Various regulations and codes cover hot work and, when followed properly, help ensure you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous work. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Hot Work (US) (Spanish)

Muchos incendios destructivos son ocasionados por trabajo en caliente o por el corte, soldadura y otros trabajos que generan calor y chispas. Varios reglamentos y códigos cubren el trabajo en caliente y, cuando se siguen correctamente, lo ayudan a garantizar que usted y sus compañeros de trabajo estén a salvo. Este curso cubre riesgos, precauciones de seguridad, responsabilidades y procedimientos de emergencia relacionados con este trabajo en caliente. Todos los empleados son los alumnos indicados.


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Hot Work Awareness

Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, which is cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. Various best practices, company policies, regulations and codes govern hot work and, when followed properly, help ensure you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous but necessary work. Ideal learners include all employees who perform, supervise or work near hot work.


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Hot Work for Construction

Many destructive fires are caused by hot work, which is cutting, welding and other work that generates heat and sparks. Various best practices, company policies, regulations and codes govern hot work and, when followed properly, help ensure you and your co-workers stay safe. This course covers hazards, safety precautions, responsibilities and emergency procedures associated with this dangerous but necessary work. Ideal learners include all construction employees who perform, supervise or work near hot work.


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Hot Work for Construction (Spanish)

Muchos incendios destructivos son ocasionados por trabajo en caliente, lo cual se refiere al corte, soldadura y otros trabajos que generan calor y chispas. Varias políticas de la compañía, mejores prácticas, reglamentos y códigos rigen el trabajo en caliente y, cuando se siguen correctamente, lo ayudan a garantizar que usted y sus compañeros de trabajo estén a salvo. Este curso cubre riesgos, precauciones de seguridad, responsabilidades y procedimientos de emergencia relacionados con este peligroso pero necesario trabajo. Los participantes ideales incluyen a todos los empleados que realizan, supervisan o trabajan cerca del trabajo en caliente.


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Housekeeping on the Job

Good housekeeping makes your job easier, more efficient and, most importantly, safer. This training provides key information to eliminating and controlling clutter, chemicals and other hazards when practicing good housekeeping on the job.


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Housekeeping on the Job (Canadian French)

Un bon entretien rend votre travail plus facile, plus efficace et, plus important encore, plus sécuritaire. Suivez ce cours pour apprendre les pratiques de nettoyage et d'entretien de base qui vous aideront à vous organiser et à garder votre lieu de travail propre. Ce cours est idéal pour tous les employés.


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Housekeeping on the Job (Chinese)

良好的内务管理使您的工作更容易、更高效,最重要的是,更安全。 参加本课程来学习一些基本的内务管理实践,帮助您保持组织有序,工作场所整洁。 本课程适用于所有建筑工人。


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Housekeeping on the Job (Dutch)

Een goede huishouding maakt je werk gemakkelijker, efficiënter en , als allerbelangrijkste, veiliger. Volg deze cursus voor meer informatie over standaard huishoudpraktijken die je helpen om georganiseerd te blijven en werkruimtes schoon te houden. Deze cursus is ideaal voor alle werknemers


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Housekeeping on the Job (French)

Un bon entretien facilite votre travail, le rend plus efficace et, surtout, plus sûr. Suivez cette formation pour apprendre certaines des pratiques d’entretien qui vous aideront à rester organisé(e) et à garder les espaces de travail propres. Cette formation est idéale pour tous les travailleurs.


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Housekeeping on the Job (German)

Gute Ordnung und Sauberkeit macht Ihre Arbeit einfacher, effizienter und vor allem sicherer. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie einige grundlegende Praktiken der Ordnung und Sauberkeit kennen, die Ihnen helfen werden, Ordnung zu halten und Ihre Arbeitsplätze sauber zu halten. Dieser Kurs ist ideal für alle Arbeitnehmer.


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Housekeeping on the Job (Japanese)

適切に維持管理を行うと、何よりも安全性が向上します。そのうえ、仕事がしやすくなり、効率が上がります。 このコースでは、職場を整理整頓されたきれいな状態に保つのに役立つ基本的な維持管理方法を学びます。 このコースは、全従業員を対象としています。


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Housekeeping on the Job (Portuguese)

Uma boa limpeza e arrumação tornam o trabalho mais fácil, mais eficiente e, principalmente, mais seguro. Faça este curso para aprender algumas práticas básicas de limpeza e arrumação que ajudarão você a se manter organizado e deixar seus locais de trabalho limpos. Este curso é indicado para todos os trabalhadores.


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Housekeeping on the Job (Spanish)

El buen orden y limpieza hace que su trabajo sea más fácil, más eficiente y, lo que es más importante, más seguro. Tome este curso para aprender algunas prácticas básicas de orden y limpieza que lo ayudarán a organizarse y mantener limpios los espacios de trabajo. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores.


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Hydraulic Safety (Spanish)

Los sistemas hidráulicos son extraordinariamente potentes. Pueden levantar y aplastar automóviles, casas y rocas gigantes. Este tipo de fuerza requiere medidas de seguridad estrictas para las personas que trabajan en o cerca de sistemas hidráulicos. Tome este curso para que pueda estar alerta a los peligros y las maneras para evitar accidentes y para protegerse. Los aprendices ideales son empleados que usan y trabajan alrededor de equipos hidráulicos y sus supervisores. Tenga en cuenta que, aunque este curso se puede usar como parte de un plan de capacitación para empleados calificados que arman, desmantelan, realizan mantenimiento y reparan sistemas hidráulicos, estas audiencias necesitan capacitación adicional en profundidad y específica de la máquina que está más allá del alcance de este curso.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness

You notice the faint smell of rotten eggs and see a co-worker collapse. Do you know what could be happening? How will you get help for your co-worker and avoid becoming another victim? In this course, you will get the answers to these questions. You will learn about the characteristics and dangers of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and what to do if you suspect it is present. This training is ideal for workers in general industry, manufacturing and construction


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Chinese)

您闻到微弱的臭鸡蛋气味并且发现同事昏倒了。您是否知道可能发生什么情况?您将如何为您的同事获得帮助并避免成为另一个受害者?在本课程中,您将了解这些问题的答案。您将了解硫化氢 (H2S) 的特征和危害,以及当您怀疑存在该气体时应该怎么办。本培训非常适合一般工业、制造业和建筑业的工人。


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Dutch)

U merkt de vage geur van rotte eieren en ziet dat een collega instort. Weet u wat er aan de hand zou kunnen zijn? Hoe zoekt u hulp voor uw collega en vermijdt u dat u zelf slachtoffer wordt? In deze cursus krijgt u de antwoorden op deze vragen. U leert over de kenmerken en gevaren van waterstofsulfide (H2S) en wat te doen als u vermoedt dat het aanwezig is. Deze training is ideaal voor werknemers in de algemene industrie, productie en bouw.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (French)

Vous remarquez une odeur d’œufs pourris et un(e) de vos collègues s’évanouit : Savez-vous ce qui arrive ? Comment pouvez-vous aider votre collègue et éviter de devenir à votre tour une victime ? Dans ce cours, vous obtiendrez les réponses à ces questions. Vous allez en apprendre davantage sur les caractéristiques et les dangers du sulfure d’hydrogène (H2S) et ce qu’il faut faire au cas où il est présent. Cette formation est parfaite pour les travailleurs de l’industrie en général, en usine et dans la construction.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (German)

Sie bemerken den schwachen Geruch von faulen Eiern und sehen einen Kollegen kollabieren. Wissen Sie, was passiert sein könnte? Wie erhalten Sie für Ihren Kollegen Hilfe und vermeiden, das nächste Opfer zu werden? In diesem Kurs erhalten Sie Antworten auf diese Fragen. Sie lernen die Eigenschaften und Gefahren von Schwefelwasserstoff (H2S) kennen und was zu tun ist, wenn Sie vermuten, dass er vorhanden ist. Dieser Kurs ist ideal für Arbeiter in der allgemeinen Industrie, in der Fertigung und im Baugewerbe.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Italian)

Notate un lieve odore di uova marce e vedete un collega crollare a terra. Sapete che cosa potrebbe stare accadendo? Come riuscite ad aiutare il vostro collega evitando di diventare voi stessi una vittima? In questo corso, riceverete risposte a queste domande. Imparerete quali sono le caratteristiche e i pericoli del solfuro di idrogeno (H2S) e che cosa fare se ne sospettate la presenza. Questa formazione è ideale per chi lavora nel settore industriale in generale, nella manifattura e nell’edilizia.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Japanese)

あなたが腐った卵のような微かな臭いに気づいた後に、同僚が倒れるのを目にします。何が起こりうるかわかりますか?同僚のために助けを求め、自分が新たな被害者にならないようにするにはどうすればよいでしょうか?このコースでは、そうした疑問の答えを得られます。硫化水素 (H2S) の特徴と危険性、そして硫化水素が発生していると疑われる場合にすべきことについて学びます。このトレーニングは、一般産業、製造業、建設業で働く作業者を対象としています。


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Korean)

희미한 썩은 계란 냄새가 난다는 것을 알아차리고, 동료가 쓰러지는 것을 봅니다. 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는 것일까요? 어떻게 하면 동료를 위해 도움을 받고 또 다른 피해자가 나오는 것을 막을 수 있을까요? 본 교육과정에서 이러한 질문들에 대한 답을 얻을 수 있습니다. 황화수소(H2S)의 특성과 위험, 그리고 의심이 드는 경우 어떻게 해야 하는지를 배우게 됩니다. 본 교육은 산업, 제조, 건설 분야 근로자에게 가장 적합합니다.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Portuguese)

Você nota um cheiro fraco de ovo podre e vê um colega de trabalho desmaiar. Você sabe o que pode estar acontecendo? Como você conseguirá ajuda para o seu colega e evitará tornar-se outra vítima? Neste curso, você terá respostas a essas perguntas. Você aprenderá sobre as características e os perigos do sulfeto de hidrogênio (H2S) e o que fazer se houver suspeita de sua presença. Este treinamento é ideal para funcionários da indústria em geral, e dos setores de manufatura e de construção.


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Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Awareness (Spanish)

Nota el leve olor a huevos podridos y ve a un compañero de trabajo colapsar. ¿Sabe lo que podría estar pasando? ¿Cómo obtendrá ayuda para su compañero de trabajo y evitar convertirse en otra víctima? En este curso, obtendrá las respuestas a estas preguntas. Aprenderá sobre las características y los peligros del ácido sulfhídrico (H2S) y qué hacer si sospecha que está presente. Esta capacitación es ideal para los trabajadores de la industria en general, fabricación y construcción.


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Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Parts 1-2 (US) (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.1)

Le sulfure d’hydrogène ou H2S est un tueur silencieux. Savez-vous où il se trouve et comment vous en protéger? Dans ce cours, vous obtiendrez les réponses à ces questions. Vous apprendrez ce qu’est le H2S, ses caractéristiques et ses dangers, comment nous le détectons et ce qu’il faut faire si vous soupçonnez sa présence. Cette formation est conçue pour compléter les exigences de l’ANSI et se veut une formation d’introduction aux pratiques acceptées pour le H2S. Ces cours s’adressent à tout travailleur susceptible d’être exposé au H2S à un niveau égal ou supérieur à la limite d’exposition. Ces travailleurs doivent recevoir cette formation avant de travailler dans l’environnement toxique et comme cours de recyclage chaque année par la suite.


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Hydrogen Sulfide Safety, Parts 1-2 (IACET CEU=0.1)

This 2-part course is designed to supplement the training requirements found in the ANSI Z390.1-1995.1 (R2000) Accepted Practices for Hydrogen Sulfide (known as H2S) Safety Training Programs and is intended for use with the initial H2S safety training program. Any worker who has the potential to be exposed to H2S at or above the Threshold Limit Value (of 10 parts per million) in an 8 hour workday must receive this training prior to working in that toxic environment, and refresher courses on an annual basis thereafter. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.


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Incident Investigation

Have you ever heard the old expression that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? We can apply that expression to safety in the case of companies that keep doing the same things over and over but somehow expect that their workplaces will somehow become safer. The bottom line is that we have to look at what we are doing and figure out how we can improve. That is why we have incident investigation and causal analysis! This course will explain how you can turn safety incidents into opportunities for continuous improvement. You will learn about how to gather information, find underlying causes and take corrective actions. This course is intended for all industries and construction employees, including managers.


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Incident Investigation (Canadian French)

Avez-vous déjà entendu l'expression selon laquelle la définition de l'insanité consiste à faire et refaire la même chose tout en s'attendant à des résultats différents? Nous pouvons appliquer cette expression à la sécurité lorsque certaines sociétés font et refont les mêmes choses tout en s'attendant cependant à ce que leur lieu de travail devienne plus sécuritaire. Le fait est que nous devons examiner ce que nous faisons et rechercher la manière de nous améliorer. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous disposons des enquêtes sur les incidents et des analyses des causes! Ce cours explique comment vous pouvez convertir des incidents de sécurité en une occasion de vous améliorer de façon continue. Apprenez à collecter les informations, à trouver les causes sous-jacentes et à prendre les mesures correctives. Ce cours est destiné aux employés de toutes les industries et de la construction, y compris les responsables.


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Incident Investigation (Chinese)

您是否听过这样一句老话:神经失常的定义是,不停地做同一件事,并期待不同的结果? 我们可以将这句话用在公司安全中,我们不断地做同一件事情,但却期待工作场所能够有所不同。 最基本的是,我们需要审视自己的所作所为,并且思考应如何进一步改善。 这便是我们进行事故调查和因果分析的原因! 本课程将会为您解释如何将安全事故转变为不断改善的契机。 您将学会如何收集信息,找到潜在原因,并执行纠正措施。 理想的学习者: 本课程面向所有行业及建筑工地员工,包括经理


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Incident Investigation (Dutch)

Hebt u ooit gehoord van de oude uitdrukking dat waanzin wordt gedefinieerd als hetzelfde steeds weer overnieuw doen en andere resultaten verwachten? We kunnen die uitdrukking toepassen op veiligheid in het geval van bedrijven die steeds hetzelfde overnieuw blijven doen maar op de een of andere manier verwachten dat hun werkplekken op de een of andere manier veiliger worden. Uiteindelijk moeten we kijken naar wat we doen en erachter moeten komen hoe we kunnen verbeteren. En daarom hebben we onderzoek van incidenten en causale analyse! Deze cursus geeft een toelichting op de manier waarop u veiligheidsincidenten kunt omtoveren tot kansen voor continue verbetering. U leert hoe informatie te verzamelen, onderliggende oorzaken te vinden en corrigerende maatregelen te nemen. Deze cursus is bedoeld voor alle industrie- en bouwmedewerkers, inclusief managers.


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Incident Investigation (French)

Avez-vous déjà entendu cette expression du temps passé qui dit que la définition de l’absurdité, c’est faire toujours la même chose, encore et encore, et en attendre des résultats différents ? Nous pouvons appliquer cette expression à la sécurité dans le cas des sociétés qui répètent toujours la même chose, et qui, d’une certaine façon, s’attendent à ce que les postes de travail deviennent d’une certaine manière plus sécurisés. Le fait est que nous devons nous interpeller sur ce que nous faisons, et que nous devons comprendre comment nous pouvons améliorer. C’est pour cela que nous procédons à des enquêtes incidents et à des analyses de causalité. Cette formation va vous expliquer comment transformer des incidents de sécurité en occasions pour l’amélioration continue. Vous allez apprendre comment collecter des informations, déceler des causes sous-jacentes et prendre des mesures correctives. Cette formation est destinée à tous les employé(e)s de l’industrie et de la construction, y com


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Incident Investigation (German)

Haben Sie schon einmal die alte Redensart gehört, dass die Definition von Wahnsinn ist, immer und immer wieder die gleichen Dinge zu tun und jedes Mal verschiedene Ergebnisse zu erwarten? Wir können diesen Ausdruck auf die Sicherheit von Unternehmen anwenden, die immer wieder die gleichen Dinge tun, aber erwarten, dass ihre Arbeitsplätze irgendwie sicherer werden. Im Endeffekt müssen wir auf das schauen, was wir tun, damit wir herausfinden, wie wir uns verbessern können. Aus diesem Grund haben wir die Störfalluntersuchung und Ursachenanalyse! Dieser Kurs erläutert, wie Sie sicherheitsrelevante Störfälle in Chancen für eine kontinuierliche Verbesserung umwandeln können. Sie werden erfahren, wie Sie Informationen erfassen, Ursachen herausfinden und Korrekturmaßnahmen ergreifen. Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle Branchen und Baumitarbeiter, einschließlich der Führungskräfte.


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Incident Investigation (Japanese)

かつて「精神異常」の定義として使われた、「同じことを何度も繰り返しているにもかかわらず、そこから異なった結果を期待する」という古い表現を耳にしたことはありますか? 同じことを何度も繰り返しているだけで、自然と職場が安全になっていくことを期待する会社には、こうした表現があてはまるといえるでしょう。重要な点は、私たちが行っていることをしっかりと見つつ、どのように行動を改善することができるか考えねばならないことです。このために、事象調査および原因分析を行うのです! このコースでは、安全に関わる事象を、どのようにして継続した改善の機会に変えることができるかについて説明します。情報を集め、根本的な原因を見つけ、そして是正処置をとる方法に関して学習を進めていきます。このコースはすべての産業向けで、マネージャーを含むすべての建設作業員に受講を推奨します。かつて「精神異常」の定義として使われた、「同じことを何度も繰り返しているにもかかわらず、そこから異なった結果を期待する」という古い表現を耳にしたことはありますか? 同じことを何度も繰り返しているだけで、自然と職場が安全になっていくことを期待する会社には、こうした表現があてはまるといえるでしょう。重要な点は、私たちが行っていることをしっかりと見つつ、どのように行動を改善することができるか考えねばならないことです。このために、事象調査および原因分析を行うのです! このコースでは、安全に関わる事象を、どのようにして継続した改善の機会に変えることができるかについて説明します。情報を集め、根本的な原因を見つけ、そして是正処置をとる方法に関して学習を進めていきます。このコースはすべての産業向けで、マネージャーを含むすべての建設作業員に受講を推奨します。


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Incident Investigation (Portuguese)

Você já ouviu a velha expressão que diz que é insanidade fazer algo repetidamente e esperar resultados diferentes? Podemos aplicar essa expressão à segurança no caso de empresas que continuam fazendo as mesmas coisas repetidamente, mas de alguma forma esperam que seus locais de trabalho se tornem de alguma forma mais seguros. O aspecto principal é que temos que analisar o que estamos fazendo e como podemos melhorá-lo. É por isso que o processo de investigação de incidentes e análise causal foi implementado! Este curso explicará como você pode converter incidentes de segurança em oportunidades para a melhoria contínua. Você aprenderá sobre como coletar informações, encontrar causas subjacentes e tomar ações corretivas. Este curso destina-se a todos os setores e funcionários da construção civil, incluindo gerentes.


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Incident Investigation (Spanish)

¿Ha oído alguna vez la expresión que la definición de locura es hacer lo mismo una y otra vez y esperar diferentes resultados? Podemos aplicar esa expresión a la seguridad en el caso de empresas que continúan haciendo algunas cosas una y otra vez y de alguna manera esperan que sus lugares de trabajo sean más seguros. En definitiva, debemos observar lo que hacemos y descubrir cómo podemos mejorar. ¡Es por eso que poseemos investigaciones de accidentes y análisis causal! Este curso explicará cómo convertir las incidentes de seguridad en oportunidades para una mejora continua. Aprenderá cómo recopilar información, encontrar causas subyacentes y realizar acciones correctivas. Este curso está diseñado para todas las industrias y empleados de la construcción, incluyendo gerentes.


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Incident Investigation Awareness

We have to look at what we are doing and figure out how we can improve. That is why we have incident investigation and causal analysis! This course will explain how you can turn safety incidents into opportunities. You will learn about how to gather information, find underlying causes and take corrective actions. This course is intended for all industries and employees, including managers.


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Incident Investigation Awareness (Spanish)

Debemos observar lo que estamos haciendo y averiguar cómo podemos mejorar. Es por esto que tenemos investigación de incidentes y un análisis causal. Este curso explicará cómo puede convertir incidentes de seguridad en oportunidades. Aprenderá cómo reunir información, encontrar causas subyacentes y realizar acciones correctivas. Este curso está diseñado para todos los empleados y las industrias, incluyendo gerentes


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Industrial Ergonomics

Jobs in an industrial environment can be physically demanding. Preventing work-related musculoskeletal problems rests on an ergonomically sound work environment, good work practices and employee awareness. This course will introduce common risk factors and methods to prevent musculoskeletal injury. Ideal learners include all industrial employees.


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Industrial Ergonomics (Canadian French)

Les emplois dans un environnement industriel peuvent être physiquement exigeants. La prévention des problèmes musculosquelettiques liés au travail repose sur un environnement de travail sain du point de vue ergonomique, de bonnes pratiques de travail et la sensibilisation des employés. Ce cours présente les facteurs de risque courants et les méthodes de prévention des lésions musculosquelettiques. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent les employés de toutes les industries.


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Industrial Ergonomics (Chinese)



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Industrial Ergonomics (Dutch)

Werken in een industriële omgeving kan fysiek veeleisend zijn. Preventie van werkgerelateerde spier- en skeletproblemen is gebaseerd op een ergonomisch gezonde werkplek, goede werkpraktijken en bewustzijnsniveau van de werknemer. In deze cursus maakt u kennis met gangbare risicofactoren en methodes ter preventie van spier- en skeletaandoening. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Industrial Ergonomics (French)

Certains postes peuvent être très exigeants physiquement dans un environnement industriel. La prévention des problèmes musculo-squelettiques liés au travail repose sur un environnement de travail ergonomique, de bonnes pratiques de travail et la sensibilisation des employés. Ce cours présentera les facteurs de risque courants et des méthodes de prévention des blessures musculo-squelettiques. Ce cours s’adresse à tous les employés du secteur industriel.


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Industrial Ergonomics (German)

Arbeitsplätze im industriellen Umfeld können körperlich anstrengend sein. Prävention arbeitsbedingter Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen stützt sich auf einem ergonomisch gesunden Arbeitsumfeld, bewährten Arbeitsmethoden und Aufmerksamkeit der Mitarbeiter. Dieser Kurs stellt gemeinsame Risikofaktoren und Methoden zur Vermeidung von Muskel-Skelett-Verletzungen vor. Zu idealen Lernenden gehören alle gewerblichen Mitarbeiter.Arbeitsplätze im industriellen Umfeld können körperlich anstrengend sein. Prävention arbeitsbedingter Muskel-Skelett-Erkrankungen stützt sich auf einem ergonomisch gesunden Arbeitsumfeld, bewährten Arbeitsmethoden und Aufmerksamkeit der Mitarbeiter. Dieser Kurs stellt gemeinsame Risikofaktoren und Methoden zur Vermeidung von Muskel-Skelett-Verletzungen vor. Zu idealen Lernenden gehören alle gewerblichen Mitarbeiter.


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Industrial Ergonomics (Japanese)



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Industrial Ergonomics (Portuguese)

Trabalhar na indústria pode ser fisicamente desgastante. É importante estabelecer um ambiente ergonomicamente saudável, boas práticas de trabalho e desenvolver a conscientização dos funcionários para evitar problemas musculoesqueléticos decorrentes de esforços do trabalho. Este curso introduzirá os fatores de risco mais comuns e os métodos para evitar lesões musculoesqueléticos. Ele é direcionado para todos os trabalhadores do setor industrial.


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Industrial Ergonomics (Spanish)

Los trabajos en un ambiente industrial pueden ser físicamente exigentes. La prevención de problemas musculoesqueléticos relacionados con el trabajo se basa en un ambiente de trabajo ergonómico, buenas prácticas laborales y la concientización de los empleados. Este curso presentará factores de riesgo comunes y métodos para prevenir lesiones musculoesqueléticas. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados industriales.


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Industrial Ergonomics Awareness

Jobs in an industrial environment can be physically demanding. Preventing work-related musculoskeletal problems depends on an ergonomically sound work environment, good work practices and employee awareness. This course will introduce common risk factors and methods to prevent musculoskeletal injury. Ideal learners include all industrial employees.


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Industrial Ergonomics for California (US)

Jobs in an industrial environment can be physically demanding. Preventing work-related musculoskeletal problems rests on an ergonomically sound work environment, good work practices and employee awareness. This course will introduce common risk factors and methods to prevent musculoskeletal injury. Ideal learners include all industrial employees.


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Industrial Hygiene Awareness

Industrial hygiene is vital. By anticipating, recognizing and managing conditions that may expose people to workplace contaminants and physical agents, we can prevent harm to people's health. This course will teach you what industrial hygiene is, what it targets, and how it works. It is ideal for all employees and supervisors.


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Industrial Hygiene Awareness (Spanish)

La higiene industrial es vital. Mediante la anticipación, el reconocimiento y la administración de condiciones que puedan exponer a las personas a contaminantes y agentes físicos del lugar de trabajo, podemos prevenir los daños a la salud de las personas. Este curso le ensenará lo que es la higiene industrial, cuáles son sus objetivos y cómo funciona. Es ideal para todos los empleados y supervisores.


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Infection Control - Handwashing

This course provides learners with basic information about handwashing as it relates to infection control principles. This course is intended for all healthcare workers.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)

Many employers have written Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPPs or I2P2s) to help protect their workers from health and safety hazards on the job. This training describes IIPP program elements so employees know where to go with questions, concerns and ideas about safety and health issues. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (Chinese)



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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (Dutch)

Vele werkgevers hebben programma‘s voor preventie van letsel en ziekte (IIPP‘s of I2P2‘s) geschreven om te helpen bij het beschermen van hun werknemers tegen gezondheid- en veiligheidsrisico‘s op het werk. Deze training omschrijft IIPP-programma-elementen zodat werknemers weten waar naartoe te gaan met vragen, zorgen en ideeën over veiligheid- en gezondheidskwesties. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (French)

De nombreux employeurs ont rédigé des Programmes de prévention des blessures et maladies (IIPP ou I2P2) pour aider à la protection de leur personnel face aux risques professionnels pour la santé et la sécurité. Cette formation détaille les éléments du programme IIPP de façon à ce que le personnel sache où s’adresser en cas de questions, de préoccupations et d’idées concernant les problèmes de santé et de sécurité. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (German)

Viele Arbeitgeber haben Verletzungs- und Krankheitspräventionsprogramme (IIPPs oder I2P2s) geschrieben, um zu helfen, ihre Arbeitnehmer vor Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsrisiken am Arbeitsplatz zu schützen. Dieser Kurs beschreibt IIPP-Programmelemente, damit die Mitarbeiter wissen, wohin sie sich mit Fragen, Anliegen und Ideen über Sicherheit und Gesundheit wenden können. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (Japanese)

多くの雇用者は、業務上の衛生および安全に関する危険から作業者をほごするために 、傷害・病気予防プログラム(IIPPまたはI2P2)を作成しています。このトレーニングでは、従業員が安全や衛生についての質問や懸念についてどこに相談するべきかを理解できるよゆ、IIPPプログラムを説明します。推奨される受講者は、全ての従業員です。


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (Portuguese)

Muitos empregadores têm desenvolvido programas de prevenção de lesões e enfermidades (IIPPs ou I2P2s) para ajudar a proteger seus funcionários contra riscos de saúde e segurança no trabalho. Este treinamento descreve elementos do programa do IIPP para que os funcionários saibam para onde ir com perguntas, preocupações e ideias sobre questões de segurança e saúde. Este curso é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (Spanish)

Muchos empleadores han escrito programas de prevención de lesiones y enfermedades (IIPP o I2P2) para ayudar a proteger a sus trabajadores de los peligros de salud y seguridad en el trabajo. Esta capacitación describe los elementos del programa IIPP para que los empleados sepan a dónde dirigirse con sus preguntas, inquietudes e ideas sobre temas de salud y seguridad. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (US)

Many employers have written Injury and Illness Prevention Programs (IIPPs or I2P2s) to help protect their workers from health and safety hazards on the job, thanks to Cal/OSHA and the California Occupational Safety and Health Act. This training describes IIPP program elements so employees know where to go with questions, concerns and ideas about safety and health issues. Many states have requirements or voluntary guidelines for workplace injury and illness prevention programs. While this training course is based on Cal/OSHA requirements, many of the guidelines and best practices apply to other state programs. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) (US) (Spanish)

Muchos empleadores han escrito programas de prevención de lesiones y enfermedades (IIPP o I2P2) para ayudar a proteger a sus trabajadores de los peligros de salud y seguridad en el trabajo, gracias a Cal/OSHA y la Ley de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional de California. Esta capacitación describe los elementos del programa IIPP para que los empleados sepan a dónde dirigirse con sus preguntas, inquietudes e ideas sobre temas de salud y seguridad. Muchos estados tienen requisitos o directrices voluntarias para los programas de prevención de lesiones y enfermedades en el lugar de trabajo. Si bien este curso de capacitación se basa en los requisitos de Cal/OSHA, muchas de las pautas y mejores prácticas se aplican a otros programas estatales. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Inspections and Observations (Chinese)

当您看到工作场所存在不安全的状况时,您知道该怎么做吗? 如果您正在进行安全检查,您知道如何最大程度地利用好您的时间吗? 在本节课程中,您将学习如何通过检查和观察提高工作场所的安全性。适合学习本门课程的人员包括经理、主管和安全委员会成员。


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Inspections and Observations (Dutch)

Weet jij wat je moet doen als je onveilige situatie op je werk zou tegenkomen? Weet jij hoe je je tijd het beste kunt gebruiken als je een veiligheidsinspectie zou moeten uitvoeren? In deze cursus leer je hoe je inspecties en observaties kunt gebruiken om veiligheid in de werkomgeving te bevorderen. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor managers, leidinggevenden en leden van de veiligheidscommissie.


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Inspections and Observations (French)

Si vous avez remarqué une condition dangereuse au travail, sauriez-vous quoi faire? Si vous étiez en train d’effectuer une inspection de sécurité, sauriez-vous optimiser votre temps? Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez comment vous pouvez vous servir des inspections et des observations afin de promouvoir la sécurité dans votre lieu de travail. Parmi le public idéal, on trouve les cadres, superviseurs et membres du comité de sécurité.


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Inspections and Observations (German)

Falls Sie unsichere Arbeitsbedingungen am Arbeitsplatz vorfinden; Würden Sie wissen, wie man richtig vorzugehen hat? Würden Sie bei der Durchführung einer Sicherheitsinspektion wissen, wie Sie das Beste aus Ihrer Zeit machen? In dieser Schulung lernen Sie, wie Sie Inspektionen und Überwachungen dazu benutzen können, um die Sicherheit an Ihrem eigenen Arbeitsplatz zu fördern. Zu den idealen Teilnehmern gehören Manager, Vorgesetzte, Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses.


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Inspections and Observations (Japanese)

職場 で 危険 状況 を 見つけ た 場合 、 あなた どう し ます か? が 安全 検査 を し いる と と 仮定 ます。 あなた は は 検査 検査 を を 効果 的 に 実施 する を 知っ て い ます か か?? コース職場 の 安全 促進 する ため の 検査 と を どの よう に か を 学び。。 トレーニング は 、 マネージャー 、 監督者 、 安全 委員会 の メンバー を を 対象 者 と し し て て。。。


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Inspections and Observations (Portuguese)

Se você ver uma condição de insegurança no trabalho, você saberia o que fazer? Se você estivesse realizando uma inspeção de segurança, você saberia aproveitar ao máximo seu tempo? Neste curso, você vai aprender como você pode usar inspeções e observações, para promover a segurança no seu local de trabalho. Os alunos ideais incluem gestores, supervisores, membros de comitês de segurança.


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Inspections and Observations (Spanish)

Si viera una condición insegura en el trabajo, ¿sabría qué hacer? Si estuviera realizando una inspección de seguridad, ¿sabría cómo aprovechar mejor su tiempo? En este curso, aprenderá cómo usar las inspecciones y observaciones para promover la seguridad en su lugar de trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen: gerentes, supervisores, miembros del comité de seguridad.


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence

How can you integrate compliance, risk management, leadership and culture systems to make your workplace safe? Take this course to find out how and what benefits you will see as a result! Ideal learners include managers, supervisors and safety committee members.


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Chinese)

如何整合合规、风险管理、领导力和文化制度,让您的工作场所安全? 参加此课程,了解相应的方式以及随之而来的益处! 适合学习本门课程的人员包括经理、主管、安全委员会成员。


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Dutch)

Hoe kunt u compliance, risicomanagement, leiderschap en bedrijfsculturen integreren om uw werkomgeving veilig te maken? Volg deze cursus om erachter te komen welke voordelen u hieruit zult halen en op welke wijze! Ideale leerlingen zijn managers, supervisors en leden van het veiligheidscomité.


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (French)

Comment pouvez-vous intégrer la conformité, la gestion des risques, l’encadrement et des systèmes culturels pour rendre sûr votre espace de travail ? Suivez ce cours pour découvrir comment et les bénéfices que vous observerez en résultat ! Parmi le public idéal, on trouve les cadres, superviseurs et membres du comité de sécurité.


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (German)

Wie können Sie die Regelbefolgung, das Risikomanagement, die Führung und die Kultursysteme integrieren, um Ihren Arbeitsplatz sicher zu machen? Nehmen Sie an diesem Kurs teil und erfahren Sie, welche Vorteile Sie als Ergebnis sehen! Zu den idealen Teilnehmern gehören Manager, Vorgesetzte und Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses.


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Japanese)

職場を安全にするために、コンプライアンス、リスク管理、リーダーシップと文化の仕組み統合するには、どうすればよいでしょうか? このコースを受講して、その結果、どのようなメリットをどのように得られるか確認してください。このトレーニングは、マネージャー、監督者、および安全委員会のメンバーを対象者としています。


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Portuguese)

Como você pode integrar sistemas de conformidade, gestão de risco, liderança e cultura para tornar seguro seu local de trabalho? Faça este curso para descobrir como fazer isso e quais benefícios você obterá como resultado! O curso é direcionado principalmente para gestores, supervisores e membros de comitês de segurança.


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Integrated Systems - Achieving Organizational Excellence (Spanish)

¿Cómo puede integrar los sistemas de cumplimiento, gestión de riesgos, liderazgo y cultura para hacer que su lugar de trabajo sea seguro? ¡Tome este curso para averiguar cómo y qué beneficios verá como resultado! Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen gerentes, supervisores y miembros del comité de seguridad.


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Introduction to OSHA (US)

After the Occupational Safety and Health Act was passed in 1970, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) was established to help make our workplaces safer. This course examines the role of OSHA in promoting the health and safety of American workers as well as the rights and responsibilities of the employer and the employee.


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Introduction to OSHA (US) (Spanish)

Después de la aprobación de la Ley de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en 1970, se estableció OSHA (Administración de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional) para ayudar a que nuestros lugares de trabajo sean más seguros. Este curso examina el papel de OSHA en el fomento de la salud y la seguridad de los trabajadores estadounidenses, así como los derechos y responsabilidades del empleador y del empleado.


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Ionizing Radiation

Although radiation offers many benefits, exposure to it can also threaten our health and the quality of our environment. We cannot eliminate radiation, but this training shows how we can reduce our risk by controlling our exposure to it. Ideal learners include for workers whose job duties require them to work or spend time in any portion of an area where harmful radiation may be present.


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Ionizing Radiation (Spanish)

Aunque la radiación ofrece muchos beneficios, la exposición a ella también puede afectar nuestra salud y la calidad de nuestro medio ambiente. No podemos eliminar la radiación, pero esta capacitación muestra cómo podemos reducir nuestro riesgo controlando nuestra exposición a ella. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a trabajadores cuyas labores exigen que trabajen o pasen tiempo en cualquier parte de un área en la que puede haber radiación dañina.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

What if you could eliminate or minimize risks before an incident occurs? You can. In fact, a job hazard analysis provides a systematic way to identify potential hazards for a task so you can take measures to remove or control the risks. There are also additional benefits to conducting a job hazard analysis, which you will learn about in this course.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) - Global (Chinese)

您能在事故发生前消除风险或将风险降至最低吗? 这是可以做得到。工作危害分析以系统化的方法发现作业的潜在危害,以便您采取措施来消除或控制风险。开展工作危害分析还有其他好处,本次课程将会详细为您介绍。


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) - Global (Dutch)

Wat als u risico's zou kunnen wegnemen of minimaliseren voordat er zich een incident voordoet? Dit is mogelijk. In feite biedt een arbeidsrisico-analyse een systematische manier om potentiële gevaren voor een taak te identificeren, zodat u de nodige maatregelen kunt nemen om de risico‘s te verwijderen of te beheersen. Er zijn ook extra voordelen bij het uitvoeren van een arbeidsrisico-analyse, die u zult leren in deze cursus.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) - Global (French)

Et si vous pouviez éliminer ou minimiser les risques avant qu’un incident ne se produise ? Vous le pouvez. En fait, une analyse des risques liés au travail constitue un moyen systématique d’identifier les dangers potentiels sur une tâche afin de pouvoir prendre les mesures pour éliminer ou contrôler les risques. Une analyse des risques liés au travail apportent également des avantages supplémentaires, qui seront détaillés au long de ce cours. What if you could eliminate or minimize risks before an incident occurs? You can. In fact, a job hazard analysis provides a systematic way to identify potential hazards for a task so you can take measures to remove or control the risks. There are also additional benefits to conducting a job hazard analysis, which you will learn about in this course.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) - Global (German)

Wie wäre es, wenn Risiken eliminiert oder gemindert werden könnten, bevor sich ein Vorfall ereignet? Dies ist in der Tat möglich. Tatsächlich bietet eine Gefährdungsbeurteilung am Arbeitsplatz ein systematisches Verfahren, die potenziellen Gefahren eines Arbeitsschritts zu identifizieren und Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, diese Risiken zu beseitigen oder zu kontrollieren. Die Durchführung einer Gefährdungsbeurteilung am Arbeitsplatz liefert darüber hinaus weitere Vorteile, die in diesem Schulungskurs erläutert werden.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) - Global (Japanese)

事故が起きる前にリスクを解消または最小化することができるのか。 できます。実際には、作業危険性分析は、作業の潜在的な危険を特定し、リスクを削除または制御するための手段を講じることができるようにするための体系的な方法です。また、作業危険性分析の実施には別のメリットもあり、それについてはこのコースで学習できます。


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Italian)

Vi piacerebbe eliminare o minimizzare i rischi prima che si verifichi un incidente? Si può. In realtà, un'analisi rischi occupazionali fornisce un modo sistematico per identificare i potenziali rischi per un'attività, consentendo di prendere delle precauzioni per eliminare o controllare i rischi. Ci sono anche benefici aggiuntivi nello svolgimento di un'analisi rischi occupazionali, di cui potrete venire a conoscenza in questo corso.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Korean)

사고가 발생하기 전에 위험 요소를 제거하거나 최소화할 수 있다면 어떻게 하시겠나요? 여러분은 이러한 일을 할 수 있습니다. 작업 위험요소 분석은 위험요소를 제거하거나 제어하는 조치를 취할 수 있도록 작업과 관련된 위험을 체계적으로 확인하는 방법을 제공합니다. 이 과정에서 배울 작업 위험요소 분석을 수행함으로써 부가적인 이점도 얻을 수 있습니다.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Portuguese)

E se você pudesse eliminar ou minimizar os riscos antes que um incidente ocorra? Você pode. Na verdade, uma análise de risco de trabalho fornece uma maneira sistemática de identificar riscos potenciais para uma tarefa, para que você possa tomar medidas para eliminar ou controlar os riscos. Há também benefícios adicionais para a realização de uma análise de risco de trabalho, sobre os quais você aprenderá neste curso.


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Spanish)

¿Qué pasa si usted podría eliminar o reducir al mínimo los riesgos antes que ocurra un incidente? Usted puede. De hecho, un análisis de peligros en el trabajo proporciona una forma sistemática de identificar los peligros potenciales para la tarea para que pueda tomar medidas para eliminar o controlar los riesgos. También hay beneficios adicionales para realizar un análisis de peligros en el trabajo, de los que hablaremos en este curso.


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Jobsite Safety: Contractors and Non-Employees

Companies must provide a safe workplace for all workers. This includes rules to prevent incidents that occur as a result of an unsafe condition or an unsafe act, or both. All incidents and injuries are preventable. This orientation will explain the rules in place to prevent incidents and provide a safe workplace. Ideal learners are all contractors and non-employees seeking access to sites that require this training.


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Jobsite Safety: Contractors and Non-Employees (Chinese)



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Jobsite Safety: Contractors and Non-Employees (Spanish)

Las empresas deben brindar un lugar de trabajo seguro a todos los trabajadores. Esto ocurre reglas para prevenir incidentes que ocurren como resultado de una condición insegura, un acto inseguro o ambos. Todos los incidentes y lesiones se pueden prevenir. Esta orientación explicará las reglas establecidas para prevenir incidentes y brindar un lugar de trabajo seguro. Los aprendices ideales son todos los contratistas y no empleados que busquen acceso a instalaciones que requieran esta capacitación.


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Lab Safety

A laboratory safety program depends on participation and cooperation from every employee. This course describes common hazards associated with laboratory environments and introduces ways to control and limit chemical exposure. Ideal learners are any employees who work in a laboratory environment.


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Lab Safety (Canadian French)

Le programme de sécurité en laboratoire dépend de la participation et de la coopération de chaque membre du personnel. Ce cours aborde les risques communément trouvés dans les laboratoires, et les procédures à suivre pour limiter et contrôler l’exposition aux produits chimiques. N’importe quel membre du personnel qui travaille dans un laboratoire peut bénéficier de ce cours.


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Lab Safety (Chinese)



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Lab Safety (Dutch)

Een programma van laboratoriumveiligheid hangt af van deelname en medewerking van elke werknemer. Deze cursus omschrijft algemene gevaren verbonden aan laboratoriumomgevingen en introduceert manieren om chemische blootstelling te beheersen en beperken. Ideale leerlingen zijn enige werknemers die werken in een laboratoriumomgeving.


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Lab Safety (French)

Un programme de sécurité en laboratoire dépend de la participation et la coopération de chaque employé. Cette formation décrit les dangers communs associés aux environnements en laboratoire et introduit des façons de contrôler et de limiter l’exposition chimique. La formation s’adresse à tout employé qui travaille dans un environnement en laboratoire.


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Lab Safety (German)

Ein Labor-Sicherheitsprogramm hängt von der Beteiligung und Mitwirkung aller Mitarbeiter ab. In diesem Kurs werden häufige Gefahren im Zusammenhang mit Laborumgebungen beschrieben und Möglichkeiten zur Kontrolle und Begrenzung der Chemikalienexposition vorgestellt. Idealerweise sollten alle Mitarbeiter, die in einer Laborumgebung arbeiten, an diesem Kurs teilnehmen.


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Lab Safety (Japanese)



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Lab Safety (Portuguese)

Um programa de segurança de laboratório depende da participação e cooperação de cada funcionário. Este curso descreve os perigos comuns associados aos ambientes laboratoriais e apresenta maneiras de controlar e limitar a exposição química. O público ideal é qualquer funcionário que trabalhe em um ambiente de laboratório.


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Lab Safety (Spanish)

Un programa de seguridad para laboratorios depende de la participación y cooperación de cada empleado. Este curso describe los riesgos comunes relacionados con los entornos de laboratorios y presenta formas de controlar y limitar la exposición química. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados que trabajan en un entorno de laboratorio.


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Lab Safety Awareness

A laboratory safety program depends on participation and cooperation from every employee. This course describes common hazards associated with laboratory environments and introduces ways to control and limit chemical exposure. Ideal learners are any employee who works in a laboratory environment.


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Laboratory Biosafety, Parts 1-2 (US) (IACET CEU=0.1)

When you work in a laboratory environment, you need to know what infectious materials are present and how to manage the associated risks. Take this course to learn about how exposure to infections materials can occur and to take an in-depth look at the components of the risk management process used to determine appropriate biosafety levels for clinical and research laboratories. You will also learn about common classification systems used with potentially infectious biological materials and biosafety levels that describe containment standards for these materials. This course describes the duties of the laboratory director, as well as pertinent regulations regarding transportation and importation of agents and vectors capable of causing human disease. Finally, this training will provide the definition and purpose of laboratory biosecurity and associated components as well as an overview of facility and biosafety level requirements for research laboratories dealing with infectious diseas

Laboratory Safety Training Suite (IACET CEU=0.2)

Laboratory safety depends on every employee's participation and cooperation. This suite describes common hazards associated with laboratory environments, including hazardous waste and potentially infectious materials. You will learn how to avoid exposure to hazards and what to do in the event of spills and emergencies. This suite is ideal for anyone who works in a laboratory setting.


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Ladder Safety

Obviously, falling off a ladder can injure you. But did you know that falling just 4 feet (or 1 meter) can actually kill you? If there is ever a chance you will use a ladder at work, you need to use it safely. This program covers the types of ladders and how to use each type, as well as ladder safety, inspection and storage. Ideal learners include all employees who use ladders.


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Ladder Safety (Canadian French)

De toute évidence, tomber d'une échelle peut vous blesser. Mais saviez-vous qu’en tombant seulement d’une hauteur d’un mètre, vous pouvez réellement vous tuer ? S’il est possible que vous ayez à utiliser une échelle au travail, alors il faut l’utiliser prudemment. Ce programme couvre les conséquences d'une utilisation non sécuritaire des échelles, les types d'échelles et la façon de les utiliser, ainsi que la sécurité, l'inspection et l'entreposage des échelles. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés qui utilisent une échelle.


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Ladder Safety (Chinese)

显然,从梯子上掉下来会受伤。但您是否知道,只是从 4 英尺(或 1 米)高的地方掉下来就能致死?如果您有可能在工作中使用梯子,您需要安全使用。本课程涵盖梯子不安全使用的后果,梯子的类型,每类梯子的使用方式,梯子安全,检查和存放。本培训非常适合使用梯子的所有员工。


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Ladder Safety (Dutch)

Het is duidelijk dat je verwondingen kunt oplopen wanneer je van een ladder valt. Maar wist je dat je al kunt overlijden wanneer je vanaf slechts 1 meter (4 voet) hoog valt? Als je ooit een ladder op je werk gebruikt, moet je hem dus veilig gebruiken. Dit programma gaat over de gevolgen van het onveilige gebruik van ladders, de soorten ladders en hun specifieke gebruik, en de veiligheid, inspectie en opslag van ladders. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor medewerkers die ladders gebruiken.


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Ladder Safety (French)

Bien évidemment, vous pouvez être sérieusement blessé(e) en tombant d’une échelle. Mais saviez-vous qu’en tombant seulement d’une hauteur d’un mètre, vous pouvez réellement vous tuer ? S’il est possible que vous ayez à utiliser une échelle au travail, alors il faut l’utiliser prudemment. Ce programme traite des conséquences de l’utilisation dangereuse d’une échelle, des types d’échelles et de la façon d’utiliser chacune d’elles, et de la sécurité, de la vérification et du rangement d’une échelle. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel qui se sert d’échelles.


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Ladder Safety (German)

Natürlich können Sie sich beim Absturz von einer Leiter verletzen. Wussten Sie jedoch, dass ein Sturz aus einer Höhe von lediglich 1 Meter (bzw. 4 Fuß) Sie sogar töten kann? Wenn Sie jemals eine Leiter am Arbeitsplatz verwenden müssen, dann müssen Sie sie sicher verwenden. Dieses Programm umfasst die Folgen der unsicheren Verwendung von Leitern, die verschiedenen Leiterarten, wie jede Art zu verwenden ist sowie die Sicherheit, Prüfung und Aufbewahrung von Leitern. Diese Schulung richtet sich insbesondere an alle Mitarbeiter, die Leitern einsetzen.


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Ladder Safety (Italian)

La caduta da una scaletta può naturalmente causare delle gravi ferite. Sapevate che una caduta di appena 4 piedi (o 1 metro) può essere fatale? Se al lavoro esistono situazioni in cui dovete utilizzare una scaletta, è necessario sapere come utilizzarla in modo sicuro. I contenuti di questo corso riguardano le conseguenze di un uso non sicuro di una scaletta, i tipi di scalette e come utilizzare ciascun tipo, le principali norme di sicurezza legate all'utilizzo, ispezione e stoccaggio di una scaletta. Il corso si rivolge a tutti i dipendenti che utilizzano scalette.


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Ladder Safety (Japanese)

ご存じの通り、はしごから落下すると怪我をします。しかし、たった 1 メートル (4 フィート) の高さから落ちただけで死亡することがあるのをご存知ですか?職場ではしごを使用する機会がある場合、安全に使用しなければなりません。このプログラムでは、危険なはしごの使い方をすることによる影響、はしごの種類、各種はしごの使い方、はしごの安全な使い方、はしごの点検、はしごの保管について説明します。このコースの受講対象者は、はしごを使用するすべての従業員です。


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Ladder Safety (Korean)

사다리에서 떨어지면 분명히 부상을 당할 수 있습니다. 그러나 단 4피트(1m) 거리에서도 실제로 사람이 떨어져 죽을 수 있다는 것을 알고 계셨습니까? 일터에서 사다리를 사용할 기회가 있다면, 이를 안전하게 사용해야 합니다. 이 프로그램에서는 안전하지 않은 사다리 사용의 결과, 사다리 유형과 각 유형의 사용 방법 및 사다리 안전, 점검 및 보관을 다룹니다. 사다리를 사용하는 모든 직원이 학습 대상에 포함됩니다.


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Ladder Safety (Portuguese)

É claro que você pode se machucar ao cair de uma escada. Mas você sabia que a queda de uma altura de apenas 1 metro (ou 4 pés) pode na verdade ser fatal? Se em algum momento você tiver que usar uma escada de mão no trabalho, você precisa fazer isso de maneira segura. Este programa aborda as consequências do uso inadequado de escadas de mão, os tipos de escadas e como usar cada tipo, e a segurança, inspeção e armazenamento das escadas de mão. Os alunos ideais incluem todos os funcionários que usam escadas de mão.


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Ladder Safety (Spanish)

Obviamente, el caer de una escalera puede lastimarlo. Pero, ¿sabía que caer solo 1 metro (o 4 pies) de hecho puede matarlo? Si existe alguna posibilidad de que use una escalera en el trabajo, debe usarla de manera segura. Este programa abarca las consecuencias del uso inseguro de las escaleras, los distintos tipos de escaleras que existen, cómo usar cada uno, así cómo la seguridad, inspección y almacenamiento de las escaleras. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados que usan escaleras.


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Ladder Safety Awareness

Obviously, falling off a ladder can injure you. But did you know that falling just 4 feet (or 1 meter) can actually kill you? If there is ever a chance you will use a ladder at work, you need to use it safely. This program covers the types of ladders as well as guidelines for proper ladder safety and inspection. Ideal learners include all employees who use ladders.


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Ladder Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2

Workers use ladders so frequently on construction sites that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. It is important that you know how to safely select, inspect, set up and use ladders. Doing so can prevent accidents, falls and even deaths. This suite is ideal for anyone who works in construction.


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Ladder Safety for Construction, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)

Los trabajadores utilizan escaleras de mano de manera tan frecuente en los sitios de construcción que a menudo olvidan o subestiman lo peligrosas que pueden ser. Es importante que conozca cómo seleccionar, inspeccionar, colocar y usar de manera segura las escaleras de mano. Hacerlo puede prevenir los accidentes, caídas y incluso la muerte. Este conjunto es ideal para cualquier persona que trabaja en construcción.


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Laser Safety Awareness

Lasers can present a variety of potentially serious hazards, including hazardous biological or chemical fumes given off by materials being lased and injury to the eyes and the skin from laser radiation. Lethal electrical and fire hazards can also be present with high-powered lasers. This course outlines the hazards that lasers present as well as how to work safely with and around them.


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Laser Safety Awareness (Chinese



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Laser Safety Awareness (Spanish)

Los láseres pueden presentar una variedad de riesgos potencialmente graves, incluyendo humos biológicos o químicos peligrosos emitidos por materiales que se someten a láser y lesiones en los ojos y la piel a causa de la radiación láser. Con los láseres de alta potencia también se pueden presentar riesgos eléctricos y de incendio. Este curso describe los riesgos que presentan los láseres y cómo trabajar de forma segura con y alrededor de ellos.


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Latex Allergy Awareness

Many workers routinely use latex products in their everyday work. Even people who have never had a reaction before could begin to develop symptoms. By reducing your exposure to latex and detecting latex allergy symptoms early, you can prevent long-term health effects. Take this course to learn what natural rubber latex is, where you may find it and how to recognize reactions to it. This course is ideal for all learners.


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Latex Allergy Awareness (Spanish)

Muchos trabajadores de forma rutinaria usan productos de látex en su trabajo diario. Incluso las personas que nunca hayan tenido una reacción alérgica antes podrían empezar a desarrollar síntomas. Si reduce su exposición al látex y detecta los síntomas tempranos de alergia al látex, puede prevenir los efectos a largo plazo en la salud. Tome este curso para aprender qué es el látex de caucho natural, dónde puede encontrarlo y cómo reconocer las reacciones alérgicas a este. Este curso es ideal para todos los estudiantes.


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Lead Poisoning

Exposure to lead can cause serious health effects, so it is important that you understand how to protect yourself and what to do if you think you have been overexposed to lead. This course is ideal for people who may be exposed to lead in general industry or construction settings.


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Lead Poisoning (French)

L'exposition au plomb peut avoir de sérieux effets sur la santé, il est donc important de comprendre comment vous protéger vous-même et ce que vous devez faire si vous pensez avoir été surexposé(e) au plomb. Ce cours s'adresse aux personnes ayant pu avoir été exposées au plomb dans l'industrie générale ou dans la construction.


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Lead Poisoning (Spanish)

La exposición al plomo puede causar efectos graves en la salud, por eso es importante que entienda cómo protegerse y lo que puede hacer si cree que ha sufrido sobreexposición al plomo. Este curso es ideal para las personas que pueden estar expuestas al plomo en la industria general o entornos de construcción.


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Line Breaking (Canadian French)

Le bris de conduite est une tâche extrêmement dangereuse qui peut causer une exposition à des produits chimiques et des blessures causées par la pression extrême dans les conduites. Il est important de connaître les directives de sécurité à suivre afin de minimiser les risques. Suivez ce cours afin d’en apprendre davantage! Les étudiants idéaux sont les employés dans un environnement de travail industriel qui gèrent, utilisent ou traitent les produits chimiques, particulièrement ceux avec des opérations chimiques dangereuses. Line breaking is an extremely hazardous task that can cause chemical exposure and injuries due to the extreme pressure in lines. It is important that you know what safety guidelines you can follow to minimize your risk. Take this course to learn more! Ideal learners are any employees in an industrial work environment who manage, use or process chemicals, particularly those with hazardous chemical operations.


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Line Breaking (Portuguese)

A abertura de tubulação é uma tarefa extremamente perigosa que pode causar exposição química e ferimentos devido à pressão extrema nas tubulações. É importante que você saiba quais diretrizes de segurança seguir para minimizar o risco. Faça este curso para aprender mais! Os aprendizes ideais são funcionários de um ambiente de trabalho industrial que gerenciam, usam ou processam produtos químicos, especialmente com operações químicas perigosas. Line breaking is an extremely hazardous task that can cause chemical exposure and injuries due to the extreme pressure in lines. It is important that you know what safety guidelines you can follow to minimize your risk. Take this course to learn more! Ideal learners are any employees in an industrial work environment who manage, use or process chemicals, particularly those with hazardous chemical operations.


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Line Breaking (Spanish)

La interrupción de líneas es una tarea extremadamente peligrosa que puede ocasionar exposición a químicos y lesiones debido a la presión extrema en las líneas. Es importante que conozca qué pautas de seguridad puede seguir para minimizar su riesgo. ¡Tome este curso para aprender más! Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados de un ambiente de trabajo industrial que manejen, usen o procesen químicos, particularmente aquellos con operaciones químicas peligrosas. Line breaking is an extremely hazardous task that can cause chemical exposure and injuries due to the extreme pressure in lines. It is important that you know what safety guidelines you can follow to minimize your risk. Take this course to learn more! Ideal learners are any employees in an industrial work environment who manage, use or process chemicals, particularly those with hazardous chemical operations.


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Line Breaking (US)

Line breaking is an extremely hazardous task that can cause chemical exposure and injuries due to the extreme pressure in lines. It is important that you know what safety guidelines you can follow to minimize your risk. Take this course to learn more! Ideal learners are any employees in an industrial work environment who manage, use or process chemicals, particularly those with hazardous chemical operations.


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Lithium-Ion Battery Awareness

Lithium-ion batteries, like the ones that power your portable electronics, are finding favor over traditional lead-acid batteries. These batteries offer many advantages but pose huge risks if not handled correctly. Take this course to make yourself aware of how to safely use lithium-ion batteries on and off the job. This course is ideal for everyone and all industries.


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Lithium-Ion Battery Awareness (Spanish)

Las baterías de iones de litio, como las que usan sus sistemas electrónicos portátiles, están siendo más apreciadas que las baterías tradicionales de plomo-ácido. Estas baterías ofrecen muchas ventajas, pero presentan un gran riesgo si no se manipulan correctamente. Tome este curso para ser consciente de cómo usar de manera segura las baterías de iones de litio dentro y fuera del trabajo. Este curso es ideal para todos y para todas las industrias.


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Lithium-Ion Battery Suite (IACET CEU=0.1)

This course is divided into six independent modules that cover the topics of lithium-ion battery introduction, handling, transportation, disposal, and incident preparedness and response planning. Module 1 briefly introduces lithium batteries, including their characteristics and potential faults. Module 2 covers safe handling guidelines for most types of lithium-ion batteries. Module 3 is a brief introduction to the complex regulations for the transport of lithium-ion batteries. Modules 4 and 5 cover safe storage and disposal. Module 6 covers incident preparedness and response planning, including general steps for handling incidents, such as lithium-ion battery fires.


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Load Securement and Distribution (US)

The North American Cargo Securement Standard forms the basis for the cargo securement and distribution regulations in the United States and Canada. The regulations are designed to ensure cargo stays in place, keeping drivers and other motorists safe. This training details the securement regulations for most types of cargo.


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Load Securement and Distribution (US) (Spanish)

La Norma Norteamericana de Aseguramiento de Carga forma la base para los reglamentos de aseguramiento y distribución de carga en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los reglamentos están diseñados para asegurarse de que la carga se mantenga en su lugar, manteniendo a salvo a los conductores y otros automovilistas. En esta capacitación se detallan los reglamentos de aseguramiento para la mayoría de los tipos de carga.


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Load Securement for Heavy Equipment (US)

The North American Cargo Securement Standard forms the basis for the cargo securement and distribution regulations in the United States and Canada. The regulations are designed to ensure cargo stays in place, keeping drivers and other motorists safe. This training covers the regulations and best practices for loading, securing and unloading heavy equipment. Ideal learners are equipment operators and drivers who load, unload and transport heavy equipment.


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Load Securement for Heavy Equipment (US) (Spanish)

La Norma Norteamericana de Aseguramiento de Carga forma la base para los reglamentos de aseguramiento y distribución de carga en los Estados Unidos y Canadá. Los reglamentos están diseñados para asegurarse de que la carga se mantenga en su lugar, manteniendo a salvo a los conductores y otros automovilistas. Esta capacitación cubre los reglamentos y las mejores prácticas para cargar, asegurar y descargar equipos pesados. Los estudiantes idóneos son los operadores y conductores de equipos quienes cargan, descargan y transportan equipos pesados.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures

Energy powers equipment, but when it is uncontrolled it can harm or even kill people. That is why we have lockout/tagout procedures and energy control programs. Take this course to learn what these procedures and programs are and how we use them to stay safe at work. Your employer may ask you to complete this training as part of their process for obtaining lockout/tagout authorization. This course is ideal for workers in general industry and construction.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Canadian French)

L'énergie alimente les équipements, mais lorsqu'elle n'est pas contrôlée, elle peut nuire aux personnes, voire les tuer. D'où l'existence de procédures de cadenassage et d'étiquetage et de programmes de maîtrise de l'énergie. Suivez ce cours pour apprendre ces procédures et programmes, et découvrir comment nous les utilisons pour garantir la sécurité au travail. Votre employeur peut vous demander de suivre cette formation dans le cadre du processus d'obtention d'une autorisation de cadenassage et d'étiquetage. Ce cours est destiné aux travailleurs de l'industrie générale et de la construction.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Chinese)



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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Dutch)

Energie drijft apparatuur aan, maar als die energie niet onder controle is, kan zij mensen verwonden of zelfs doden. Daarom hebben wij lock-out/tagout-procedures en programma's voor energiecontrole. Volg deze cursus om te leren wat deze procedures en programma's zijn en hoe we ze gebruiken om veilig te werken. Uw werkgever kan u vragen deze training te volgen als onderdeel van hun proces voor het verkrijgen van lock-out/tag-out-toestemming. Deze cursus is ideaal voor werknemers in de algemene industrie en de bouw.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (French)

L’énergie alimente l’équipement, mais si elle est incontrôlée, elle peut blesser ou même tuer des gens. C’est pour cela que nous avons des procédures de verrouillage/étiquetage et des programmes de contrôle énergétique. Suivez cette formation pour en apprendre davantage sur ces procédures et programmes et comment les utiliser pour rester en toute sécurité au travail. Votre employeur peut vous demander de suivre cette formation comme une partie de leur procédé pour obtenir une autorisation de verrouillage/étiquetage. Cette formation s’adresse aux employés de l’industrie générale et de la construction.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (German)

Energie treibt Ausrüstungen an, aber wenn sie unkontrolliert ist, kann sie Menschen schädigen oder sogar töten. Aus diesem Grund gibt es bei uns Lockout/Tagout-Verfahren (Verriegelungs- und Kennzeichnungsverfahren) und Energiekontrollprogramme. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, welche Verfahren und Programme es gibt und wie wir sie einsetzen, um am Arbeitsplatz sicher zu sein. Ihr Arbeitgeber kann Sie auffordern, diese Schulung als Teil des Verfahrens zur Erlangung der Lockout-/Tagout-Bevollmächtigung zu absolvieren. Dieser Kurs ist ideal für Arbeiter in der allgemeinen Industrie und im Baugewerbe.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Italian)

L’energia alimenta le apparecchiature, ma quando non è controllata può provocare lesioni o addirittura il decesso. Ecco perché abbiamo procedure di lockout/tagout e programmi di controllo dell’energia. Segui questo corso per scoprire cosa sono queste procedure e programmi e come li impieghiamo per mantenere la sicurezza sul lavoro. Il tuo datore di lavoro potrebbe chiederti di completare questo corso di formazione come parte del processo per ottenere l’autorizzazione alle procedure di lockout/tagout. Questo corso è ideale per i lavoratori nel settore industriale generale ed edile.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Japanese)

機器は電気で動きますが、制御されないと怪我をするだけでなく、死亡する恐れもあります。そのため、ロックアウト/タグアウト手順とエネルギー制御プログラムが必要です。このコースを受講して、 ロックアウト/タグアウト手順とエネルギー制御プログラムについて学び、職場で安全に作業するためにそうした手順やプログラムをどのように使用するかを理解してください。ロックアウト/タグアウトを行う権限を得るためのプロセスの一つとして、雇用主からこのトレーニングの受講を求められることがあります。このコースは、一般産業や建設業で働いている方を対象としています。


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Korean)

에너지는 기계에 동력을 공급하지만, 제어하지 않을 경우 사람에게 피해를 주거나 사망하게 할 수도 있습니다. 이것이 잠금/표지판 설치 절차 및 에너지 제어 프로그램을 마련한 이유입니다. 이 과정을 통해 이러한 절차 및 프로그램이 무엇인지, 직장에서 안전을 유지하기 위해 이러한 절차 및 프로그램을 어떻게 사용해야 하는지에 대해 배우십시오. 학습자의 고용주가 잠금/표지판 설치 허가를 획득하기 위한 과정의 일환으로 이 교육을 완료하도록 요청할 수 있습니다. 본 과정은 일반 산업 및 시공에 종사하는 근로자에게 적합합니다.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Portuguese)

A energia alimenta os equipamentos, mas quando está sem controle pode ferir ou até mesmo matar pessoas. É por isso que temos procedimentos de bloqueio/sinalização e programas de controle de energia. Faça este curso para aprender quais são esses procedimentos e programas e como eles são utilizados para nos mantermos seguros no trabalho. Seu empregador pode solicitar que você conclua este treinamento como parte do seu processo para obter autorização de bloqueio/sinalização. Este curso é ideal para funcionários da indústria em geral e construção.


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Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) Programs and Procedures (Spanish)

La energía alimenta a los equipos, pero cuando no está controlada, puede dañar o incluso matar a las personas. Es por esto que tenemos procedimientos de bloqueo/etiquetado y programas de control de energía. Tome este curso para aprender cuáles son estos procedimientos y programas y cómo usarlos para mantenerse a salvo en el trabajo. Su empleador puede pedirle completar esta capacitación como parte del proceso para obtener autorización para el bloqueo/etiquetado. Este curso es ideal para los trabajadores de la industria en general y de construcción.


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Lockout/Tagout Awareness

Energy powers machines and industrial systems. Lockout/tagout procedures neutralize hazardous energy and prevent equipment startup during servicing, maintenance and installation activities. Take this course to learn how lockout/tagout helps ensure workplace safety. Ideal learners are personnel working where lockout/tagout occurs. Those who work under lockout protections also benefit from refresher information provided in this course. Your employer may also ask you to complete this awareness training as the first step in the process of achieving lockout/tagout authorization.


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Logging and Chainsaw Safety (US)

Logging is one of the most hazardous industries in the U.S. Medical costs for chainsaw injuries amount to about $350 million per year in the U.S and every year, a number of loggers are fatally injured on the job. This course addresses the hazards of logging with chainsaws and safety precautions workers need to take to reduce their risk of injury on the job.


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Lone Worker, Parts 1-2

When you are a lone worker who is away or isolated from others, you must take care to identify and prepare for the things that can go wrong. These courses will help you better understand the health and safety risks associated with lone work so that you may better prepare for them. These courses are ideal for everyone who may perform or supervise someone who performs lone work.


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Lone Worker, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)


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Low-Speed and Utility Vehicle Safety

When it comes to utility vehicles, such as golf carts, low speed doesn't mean low risk. Take this course to learn about the unique hazards you should consider before getting behind the wheel and learn how you can safely operate low-speed and utility vehicles. This course is ideal for anyone who operates or rides in low-speed and utility vehicles.


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Low-Speed and Utility Vehicle Safety (Spanish)

En el ámbito de los vehículos utilitarios, como los carros de golf, baja velocidad no significa bajo riesgo. Tome este curso para conocer los peligros específicos que debe considerar antes de conducir vehículos utilitarios y de baja velocidad y para aprender a operarlos en forma segura. Este curso es ideal para cualquier persona que opera o utiliza vehículos utilitarios y de baja velocidad.


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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2

Part of your job is to work with or around machines. These machines have moving parts and power sources that can be dangerous. Fortunately, there are machine guards that will help protect you from hazards. These courses will help you better understand machine hazards and how they are guarded. They are an excellent foundation for the training your employer will provide about the specific hazards and controls in your workplace. Ideal learners are workers who operate, maintain or work near machines.


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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Canadian French)

Une partie de votre travail exige que vous travailliez avec des machines ou à proximité. Ces machines comportent des pièces mobiles et des sources d’énergie qui peuvent être dangereuses. Heureusement, il y a des dispositifs de protection des machines pour vous protéger de ces dangers. Ces cours vous aideront à mieux comprendre les dangers posés par les machines et comment vous en protéger. Ils représentent une excellente fondation pour la formation que vous recevrez de votre employeur à propos de dangers et de contrôles propres à votre lieu de travail. Ceux qui en bénéficieront le plus sont les travailleurs qui utilisent ou entretiennent les machines ou qui travaillent à proximité.


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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Chinese)



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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Dutch)

Een deel van uw werk is het werken met en rond machines. Deze machines hebben bewegende delen en stroombronnen die gevaarlijk kunnen zijn. Gelukkig zijn er machinebeveiligingen die zullen helpen om u te beschermen tegen gevaren. Deze cursussen helpen u met een beter inzicht in machinegevaren en hoe ze worden beveiligd. Ze zijn een uitstekende basis voor de training die uw werkgever zal geven over de specifieke gevaren en regelingen op uw werkplek. Ideale leerlingen zijn werknemers die machines bedienen of onderhouden of die werk uitvoeren in de buurt van machines.


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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (French)

Une partie de vos fonctions est de travailler avec ou autour de machines. Ces machines peuvent avoir des pièces mobiles et des sources d’alimentation pouvant être dangereuses. Heureusement, il existe des protections de machine pouvant aider à vous protéger des risques. Ces formations vont vous aider à mieux comprendre les risques liés aux machines et comment elles sont protégées. Elles demeurent d’excellentes fondations pour la formation que votre employeur va fournir sur les risques et les commandes spécifiques sur votre lieu de travail. Ce cours s’adresse aux travailleurs opérant, maintenant ou travaillant à proximité de machines.


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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (German)

Ein Teil Ihrer Arbeit besteht darin, mit oder in der Nähe von Maschinen zu arbeiten. Diese Maschinen umfassen bewegliche Teile und Energiequellen, die gefährlich sein können. Zum Glück gibt es Maschinenschutzeinrichtungen, die Sie vor Gefahren schützen. Diese Kurse helfen Ihnen, die Gefahren von Maschinen besser zu verstehen und wie sie vor ihnen geschützt werden. Sie sind eine hervorragende Grundlage für die Schulung, die Ihr Arbeitgeber über die spezifischen Gefahren und Schutzmaßnahmen an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz durchführen wird. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter, die Maschinen bedienen, warten oder in deren Nähe arbeiten.


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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Japanese)



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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Portuguese)

Parte do seu trabalho exige que você trabalhe em contato com maquinário ou próximo a ele. Estas máquinas têm peças móveis e fontes de energia que podem ser perigosas. Felizmente, existem proteções de máquinas que ajudarão a proteger você dos perigos. Estes cursos ajudarão você a compreender melhor os perigos das máquinas e como elas são protegidas. Eles são uma excelente base para o treinamento que seu empregador fornecerá sobre os perigos e controles específicos do seu local de trabalho. Ideal para indivíduos que operam, fazem manutenção ou trabalham perto de máquinas.


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Machine Guarding, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)

Parte de su trabajo es trabajar con máquinas o alrededor de ellas. Estas máquinas tienen piezas móviles y fuentes de energía que pueden ser peligrosas. Por suerte, hay guardas de maquinaria que permitirán protegerlo de peligros. Estos cursos lo ayudarán a entender mejor los peligros de las máquinas y cómo se protegen. Sientan una excelente base para la capacitación que le proporcionará su empleador sobre los peligros y controles específicos en su lugar de trabajo. Los estudiantes ideales son los trabajadores que operan, realizan mantenimiento o trabajan cerca de máquinas.


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Making Ethical Decisions

The purpose of this training is to help you become a better decision maker when faced with ethics situations. You will recognize how to identify and resolve ethics issues and concerns, and you will identify how to get help when you are unsure as to the best course of action.


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Making Meetings Work I: Purpose and Preparation

This course explores ways to assess the effectiveness of;meetings and skills to enhance the meeting process. Topics in this course;include: Purpose, Meeting Costs, Key Steps, and Prepare. After completing this;course, learners will be able to recognize how to lead meetings, accomplish;goals, and follow up to ensure success.


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Making Meetings Work II: Leadership

The success of any meeting is largely determined by the;leadership skills of the key participants. This course discusses the leadership;skills necessary to conduct successful meetings. Topics in this course include:;Start, Lead, Goals, Common Problems, Conflict, and Finish. After completing;this course, learners will be able to recognize how to effectively set up,;kickoff, conclude, and follow up a meeting. Learners should take Making Meetings Work I: Purpose and;Preparation prior to taking this training.


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Managing Conflict

As workforce numbers shrink, and individuals are called to;interact more intensely with fewer people, the ability to manage conflict;effectively becomes more important. This course identifies appropriate;responses to conflict. Topics in this course include: Conflict Resolution;Styles, Selecting Styles, Collaboration Guidelines, and Application. After;completing this course, learners will be able to successfully approach and;resolve conflict in the workplace.


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Managing Job Stress

Stress is a major factor in employee attendance, work performance, and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) claims. This course provides participants with an opportunity to assess their stress level at work and learn strategies for coping with that stress. Topics in this course include: Definition, Stressors, Positive Stress, Hassles, Outlook, and Visualization. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify their stress level at work. Learners will also be able to recognize strategies for coping with different problems in the workplace.


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Managing Transition to Teams

This course will help team leaders and team members to understand the process of moving from a hierarchical structure and mindset to a more team-oriented approach. Topics in this course include: Differences, Model, Transition, Vision, Coaching, and Example. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize how to transition successfully from a top-down management approach to one in which team members work together to achieve greater results than could be achieved individually.


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Materials Handling and Storage

By taking proper precautions when handling materials, you can prevent accidents ranging from small splinters, cuts or scrapes, to crushed fingers, hands and feet and even death. Take this course to learn about methods and equipment you can use to handle materials safely. You will also learn about basic ergonomic safety and health principles. This course is ideal for all employees.


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Materials Handling and Storage (Canadian French)

En prenant des précautions appropriées lors de la manutention des matériaux, vous pouvez éviter des accidents allant de petites échardes, coupures ou éraflures aux doigts, mains et pieds écrasés et même des décès. Suivez ce cours pour découvrir les méthodes et les équipements que vous pouvez utiliser pour manutentionner des matériaux en toute sécurité. Vous apprendrez également les principes de base de l’ergonomie en matière de santé et de sécurité. Ce cours est idéal pour tous les employés.


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Materials Handling and Storage (Chinese)



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Materials Handling and Storage (Dutch)

Door het nemen van de juiste voorzorgsmaatregelen bij het behandelen van materialen, kunt u ongevallen voorkomen, variërend van kleine splinters, snijwonden of schrammen, tot beknelde vingers, handen en voeten en zelfs de dood. Volg deze cursus voor meer informatie over de methoden en apparatuur die u kunt gebruiken voor het veilig behandelen van materialen. U krijgt tevens meer informatie over basisbeginselen van ergonomische veiligheid en gezondheid. Deze cursus is ideaal voor alle werknemers.


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Materials Handling and Storage (French)

En prenant les bonnes précautions lors de la manipulation de matériaux, vous pouvez éviter les accidents, des petites échardes, coupures ou éraflures aux doigts, mains et pieds fracturés et même la mort. Suivez cette formation pour en apprendre davantage sur les méthodes et l’équipement que vous pouvez utiliser pour manipuler les matériaux en toute sécurité. Vous apprendrez aussi les principes de base de sécurité ergonomique et de santé. Cette formation est idéale pour tous les employés.


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Materials Handling and Storage (German)

Wenn Sie die richtigen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen beim Güterumschlag treffen, können Sie Unfälle vermeiden, die von kleinen Splittern, Schnittwunden und Schürfungen bis hin zu Finger-, Hand-, und Fußquetschungen reichen und bisweilen sogar schwere tödliche Unfälle zur Folge haben. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Methoden und Geräte kennen, mit denen Sie Materialien sicher handhaben können. Darüber hinaus erfahren Sie mehr über die ergonomischen Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsgrundlagen. Dieser Kurs ist für alle Mitarbeiter geeignet.


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Materials Handling and Storage (Japanese)

物を扱うときに適切に注意を払うことで、トゲが刺さったり、切り傷や擦り傷を負ったり、指や手足を挟まれたり、死亡につながる怪我を負ったりする事故を防ぐことができます。 このコースでは、安全に物を扱うための方法と機器を学びます。 また、人間工学に基づく安全と健康に関する基本原則も学びます。 このコースは、全従業員を対象としています。


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Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) (Korean)

사고가 발생하기 전에 위험 요소를 제거하거나 최소화할 수 있다면 어떻게 하시겠나요?


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Materials Handling and Storage (Portuguese)

Ao tomar as devidas precauções para manusear materiais, você pode evitar acidentes que vão desde pequenas farpas, cortes ou arranhões, até dedos, mãos e pés esmagados e mesmo a morte. Faça este curso para aprender sobre métodos e equipamentos que você pode utilizar para manusear materiais com segurança. Você também aprenderá sobre os princípios básicos de segurança ergonômica e saúde. Este curso é indicado para todos os funcionários.


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Materials Handling and Storage (Spanish)

Al tomar las precauciones apropiadas en el manejo de materiales, puede prevenir accidentes que van desde pequeñas astillas, cortes o raspaduras, hasta dedos, manos y pies aplastados e incluso la muerte. Tome este curso para aprender sobre los métodos y equipo que puede usar para manejar los materiales de manera segura. También aprenderá sobre los principios básicos de seguridad ergonómica y salud. Este curso es ideal para todos los empleados.


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Materials Handling and Storage Awareness

There are hundreds of thousands of materials handling accidents every year, ranging from small splinters, cuts or scrapes, to crushed fingers, hands and feet and even deaths. Through proper precautions, you can help prevent these incidents. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Materials Handling Practices for Construction (US)

Knowing how to use materials handling equipment properly and ergonomically can help you avoid injuries. In this course, you will learn about types of equipment and associated safe practices. You will also learn safety and health principles that you can apply to your work. This course is ideal for all employees in the construction industry.


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Materials Handling Practices for Construction (US) (Spanish)

Saber cómo usar los equipos de manejo de materiales de manera adecuada y ergonómica puede ayudarlo a evitar lesiones. En este curso, aprenderá sobre los tipos de equipos y las prácticas de seguridad asociadas. También aprenderá los principios de seguridad y salud que puede aplicar a su trabajo. Este curso es ideal para todos los empleados de la industria de la construcción.


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This course provides learners with an in-depth overview of MDRO and MRSA development, risk factors and prevention techniques. This course is intended for a broad spectrum of healthcare workers.


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Mercury Exposure for Healthcare Workers (US)

This course provides learners with a basic understanding of the health hazards associated with mercury exposure as well as prevention and post-spill procedures. This course is intended for a broad spectrum of healthcare workers.


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Microlearning: Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips, trips and falls are common, but they are also preventable. Take these courses to learn about hazards, how to address them and what you can do to minimize risks and injuries. These courses are ideal for all employees. Courses include: Causes, Definitions and Precautions, In the Event of a Fall, Keeping Work Areas Safe, and Using Equipment Correctly


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Microlearning: Safety Everywhere

Safety is not just something to think about at work;it is something to think about at home, too. Whether you are enjoying outdoor activities, cooking in the kitchen or riding a bicycle, there are precautions you can take to ensure you stay healthy and safe. Take these courses to learn more. This suite consists of five courses, each less than 5-minutes in length and is ideal for all learners. Courses include: Carbon Monoxide, Coping with Cold, Dealing with Heat, Fire Safety and Staying Safe on Two Wheels


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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Canadian French)

Lorsqu’il est impossible d’apporter le travail au niveau du sol, une plateforme élévatrice mobile de personnel, PEMP, comme une nacelle élévatrice, une plateforme élévatrice ou un mât de levage peut être une solution adéquate. Chaque type possède ses propres caractéristiques et stratégies de sécurité dont vous devez être conscient. Vous recevrez une formation pratique sur l’équipement particulier que vous utiliserez, mais ce cours établit les rudiments en vous donnant un aperçu des considérations universelles liées aux plateformes élévatrices mobiles de personnel. Ce cours est idéal pour les personnes qui utilisent ou qui gèrent d’autres personnes qui utilisent des plateformes élévatrices mobiles de personnel.


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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Chinese)



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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Dutch)

Wanneer je werk niet kunt verplaatsen naar grondniveau, kunnen mobiele verhoogde werkplatforms, of MEWP's, zoals hoogwerkers, schaarliften en verticale mastliften, een geschikte oplossing zijn. Elk type heeft zijn eigen unieke kenmerken en veiligheidsstrategieën waarvan je je bewust moet zijn. Je krijgt praktische training over de specifieke apparatuur die je gaat gebruiken, maar deze cursus vormt de basis door je een overzicht te geven van enkele universele overwegingen voor mobiele verhoogde werkplatforms. Deze cursus is ideaal voor mensen die mobiele verhoogde werkplatforms gebruiken of die anderen managen die deze gebruiken.


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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (French)

Lorsque vous ne pouvez pas déplacer le travail au niveau du sol, les plates-formes élévatrices mobiles, ou PEMP, comme les nacelles élévatrices, les ponts à ciseaux et les mâts de levage vertical, peuvent s’avérer une solution adéquate. Chaque type a ses propres caractéristiques et ses stratégies de sécurité que vous devez connaître. Vous allez recevoir une formation pratique sur l’équipement spécifique que vous allez utiliser, mais cette formation va établir les bases en vous donnant un aperçu de certaines considérations universelles pour les plates-formes élévatrices mobiles. Cette formation s’adresse au personnel utilisant ou gérant d’autres personnes utilisant des plates-formes élévatrices mobiles.


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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (German)

Wenn Sie Arbeiten nicht auf den Boden verlagern können, sind fahrbare Hubarbeitsbühnen (MEWPs), wie z. B. Hebebühnen, Scherenbühnen und Senkrechtlifte, möglicherweise eine geeignete Lösung. Jeder Maschinentyp hat seine eigenen einzigartigen Merkmale und Sicherheitsstrategien, die Sie kennen müssen. Sie werden praktische Schulungen zu den spezifischen Maschinen erhalten, die Sie benutzen werden. Dieser Kurs legt die Grundlagen dazu, indem er Ihnen einen Überblick über einige allgemeine Überlegungen zu fahrbaren Hubarbeitsbühnen gibt. Dieser Kurs ist ideal für Personen, die fahrbare Hubarbeitsbühnen benutzen oder andere Personen beaufsichtigen, die fahrbare Hubarbeitsbühnen benutzen.


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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Japanese)



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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Portuguese)

Quando não é possível deslocar o trabalho para o nível do solo, plataformas elevatórias móveis de trabalho, ou PEMTs, como plataformas suspensas, tesouras e mastros verticais, podem ser uma solução satisfatória. Cada tipo tem suas características próprias e estratégias de segurança específicas das quais você precisa estar ciente. Você receberá treinamento prático sobre o equipamento específico que utilizará, mas este curso estabelecerá as bases, oferecendo uma visão geral de algumas considerações universais sobre plataformas elevatórias móveis para trabalho. Este curso é ideal para pessoas que utilizam ou administram outras que utilizam plataformas elevatórias móveis para trabalho.


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Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Spanish)

Cuando no pueda trasladar un trabajo al nivel de suelo, las plataformas móviles para trabajos en altura, o MEWP, pueden ser una solución adecuada, por ejemplo, elevadores aéreos, de tijera y de mástil vertical. Cada tipo de plataforma posee sus propias características únicas y estrategias de seguridad que usted debe conocer. Recibirá una capacitación práctica acerca del equipo específico que va a usar, pero este curso sentará las bases mediante la entrega de una síntesis de algunas consideraciones universales con respecto a las plataformas móviles para trabajos en altura. Este curso es ideal para quienes utilizan plataformas móviles para trabajos en altura o administran a quienes las utilizan.

NFPA 70E Suite (IACET CEU=0.2)

NFPA 70E was created to protect people and property from the hazards associated with electricity. The courses in this suite will help learners recognize electrical hazards, apply electrical standards, use electrical safety programs and prevent or address electrical safety violations. Ideal learners include people in all industries, particularly supervisors, electrical maintenance and installation workers and safety managers. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.


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Office Ergonomics Awareness

We have all felt aches and pains from bad posture, repetitive work, and sitting or standing in one position for extended periods. Working in an office can take a toll on your muscles, but proper ergonomics can make you more comfortable and efficient. The goal of this course is to assist you in evaluating and modifying your office work environment to reduce ergonomic risk. Ideal learners include office workers.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials

If you have ever sat at a computer for hours a time, you may have experienced pain from sitting too long, numb limbs from poor circulation, and eye strain. This course will help you identify ways to make your workspace more ergonomically correct so that you can avoid this discomfort and pain. You will learn what the principle of ergonomics is, how to prepare yourself and your work area, and what adjustments you can make to your setup no matter where you work. This course is ideal for anyone who works at a computer for any length of time.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Canadian French)

Si vous vous êtes assis devant un ordinateur pendant plusieurs heures, vous pourriez avoir ressenti de la douleur en étant assis trop longtemps, de l’engourdissement des membres en raison d’une mauvaise circulation sanguine et de la fatigue oculaire. Ce cours vous aidera à reconnaître les manières d’améliorer l’ergonomie de votre poste de travail afin d’éviter l’inconfort et la douleur. Vous apprendrez le principe de l’ergonomie, la manière de vous préparer vous et votre aire de travail et les ajustements que vous pouvez apporter à la configuration, peu importe où vous travaillez. Ce cours est idéal pour quiconque travaille avec un ordinateur pour une longue période.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Chinese)



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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Dutch)

Als je ooit uren achter een computer hebt gezeten, heb je misschien pijn ervaren door te lang zitten, gevoelloze ledematen door een slechte bloedsomloop of vermoeide ogen. Dankzij deze cursus leer je om je werkruimte ergonomischer te maken, zodat je dit ongemak en deze pijn kunt voorkomen. Je leert het principe van ergonomie kennen, hoe je jezelf en je werkplek kunt voorbereiden en welke aanpassingen je kunt maken aan je opstelling, waar je ook werkt. Deze cursus is ideaal voor iedereen die regelmatigmet een computer werkt.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (French)

Si vous êtes assis devant un ordinateur pendant des heures, vous pouvez ressentir de rester assis trop longtemps, avoir une perte de sensation des membres à cause de la mauvaise circulation, et une fatigue oculaire. Cette formation va vous aider à identifier les façons de rendre votre espace de travail plus ergonomique afin d’éviter cet inconfort et cette douleur. Vous apprendrez quels sont les principes de l’ergonomie, comment vous préparer vous-même et votre espace de travail, et quels réglages vous pouvez effectuer à votre configuration peu importe où vous travaillez. Cette formation s’adresse à quiconque travaillant devant un ordinateur pendant quelque durée que ce soit.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (German)

Wenn Sie schon einmal stundenlang am Computer gesessen haben, kennen Sie vielleicht Schmerzen durch zu langes Sitzen, taube Gliedmaßen durch schlechte Durchblutung und überanstrengte Augen. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren Arbeitsplatz ergonomisch korrekt gestalten können, um diese Beschwerden und Schmerzen zu vermeiden. Sie lernen das Konzept der Ergonomie kennen, wie Sie sich und Ihren Arbeitsplatz vorbereiten und welche Anpassungen Sie an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz vornehmen können, egal wo Sie arbeiten. Dieser Kurs ist ideal für alle, die längere Zeit am Computer arbeiten.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Italian)

Se sei mai stato seduto davanti al computer per diverse ore di fila, puoi aver provato dolore per essere rimasto seduto troppo a lungo, estremità insensibili a causa della ridotta circolazione e affaticamento degli occhi. Questo corso ti aiuterà a identificare i modi in cui puoi rendere il tuo spazio di lavoro ergonomicamente più corretto al fine di evitare questi fastidi e questi dolori. Imparerai cos’è il principio dell’ergonomia, come preparare te stesso e la tua area di lavoro e quali regolazioni devi apportare alla tua postazione, indipendentemente da dove lavori. Questo corso è ideale per chiunque lavori al computer per periodi di tempo prolungati.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Japanese)



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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Korean)

컴퓨터 앞에 여러 시간 앉아 있어본 적이 있다면, 너무 장시간 앉아 있는 데서 오는 통증, 혈액순환 불량에 따른 팔다리의 저림, 눈의 피로를 경험해 본 적이 있을 것입니다. 본 과정은 업무 공간을 인체공학적으로 보다 적절하게 만들어 이러한 불편감과 통증을 예방하는 방법을 알아내도록 도움을 드립니다. 여러분은 인체공학의 원리가 무엇이며, 자기 자신과 업무 영역을 어떻게 준비하며, 일하는 곳이 어디이든 근무 환경의 어떤 부분을 바꿀 것인지에 대해 배우게 됩니다. 본 과정은 장시간 컴퓨터에서 일하는 모든 사람에게 적합합니다.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Portuguese)

Se você já passou horas sentado diante de um computador, pode ter experimentado dores e membros dormentes por má circulação e tensão ocular. Este curso o ajudará a identificar maneiras de melhorar ergonomicamente seu espaço de trabalho para que você possa evitar este desconforto e dores. Você aprenderá o princípio da ergonomia, como se preparar e preparar sua área de trabalho, e que ajustes pode fazer na sua instalação, em qualquer lugar onde trabalhe. Este curso é ideal para qualquer pessoa que trabalhe em um computador por qualquer período de tempo.


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Office Ergonomics Essentials (Spanish)

Si alguna vez se ha sentado en una computadora durante varias horas, es posible que haya experimentado dolor por estar sentado mucho tiempo, adormecimiento de las extremidades por mala circulación y fatiga ocular. Este curso lo ayudará a identificar formas de hacer que su espacio de trabajo sea más correcto ergonómicamente, de modo que pueda evitar cualquier molestia o dolor. Aprenderá cuál es el principio de la ergonomía, cómo prepararse usted y cómo preparar su área de trabajo, y qué ajustes puede hacer a la disposición de su espacio de trabajo sin importar dónde trabaje. Este curso es ideal para cualquier persona que trabaje frente a una computadora durante mucho tiempo.


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Office Ergonomics for California (US)

We have all felt aches and pains from bad posture, repetitive work, and sitting or standing in one position for extended periods. Working in an office can take a toll on your muscles, but proper ergonomics can make you more comfortable and efficient. The goal of this course is to assist you in evaluating and modifying your office work environment to reduce ergonomic risk. Ideal learners are office workers or anyone who works at a desk.


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Office Safety

Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Office safety is the responsibility of everyone. You must understand what you can do to stay safe on the job, and you need to be aware of how to correct unsafe conditions. This course provides information you need to work safely in your office environment. Ideal learners include office, home office and remote workers.


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Office Safety

Hidden dangers lurk in every corner of a workplace. With potential hazards ranging from fire to personal injury, knowing how to identify hazards and avoid accidents can keep everyone safe in the office. This course identifies common hazards that may be present in your office and how to avoid such hazards. Topics in this course include: Emergency Action Plan, Hazard Identification, Safe Work Practices, Office Equipment, Walking Surfaces, Good Housekeeping, and Workplace Violence. After completing this course, learners will be able to describe an action plan, identify potential hazards in the workplace, and recognize methods of hazard avoidance.


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Office Safety (Canadian French)

Bien que le nombre d'accidents impliquant du personnel de bureau soit généralement moins élevé que celui impliquant des travailleurs industriels, ils se produisent néanmoins et peuvent entraîner des blessures graves et même un décès. La sécurité au bureau est la responsabilité de tous. Vous devez comprendre ce que vous pouvez faire pour être en sécurité au travail et vous devez être conscient de la façon de corriger les conditions dangereuses. Ce cours fournit les informations dont vous avez besoin pour travailler dans des conditions plus sécuritaires dans votre environnement de bureau. Apprenants idéaux : employés de bureau


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Office Safety (Chinese)



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Office Safety (Dutch)

Hoewel ongevallen waarbij kantoorpersoneel is betrokken, over het algemeen minder vaak voorkomen dan ongelukken met industriële werknemers, vinden ze wel plaats en kunnen leiden tot ernstig letsel en zelfs de dood. Veiligheid op kantoor is de verantwoordelijkheid van iedereen. U moet begrijpen wat u kunt doen om veilig te blijven op het werk, en u moet zich bewust zijn van de manier waarop onveilige omstandigheden moeten worden gecorrigeerd. Deze cursus geeft de informatie die u nodig hebt om veiliger te werken in uw kantooromgeving. Ideale cursisten zijn kantoormedewerkers.


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Office Safety (French)

Bien que les accidents impliquant du personnel de bureau surviennent généralement moins fréquemment que les incidents du personnel de l’industrie, ils surviennent quand même et peuvent entraîner de graves blessures, voire même la mort. La sécurité au bureau est la responsabilité de tous. Vous devez comprendre ce que vous pouvez faire pour rester en sécurité au travail, et vous devez faire attention à la façon de corriger des conditions dangereuses. Cette formation fournit les informations nécessaires pour que vous puissiez travailler en toute sécurité dans votre environnement de bureau. Le public concerné inclut les employés de bureau, en télétravail et à distance.


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Office Safety (German)

Obwohl Unfälle mit Büropersonal normalerweise seltener als Missgeschicke mit Industriearbeitern auftreten, treten sie immer noch auf und können zu schweren Verletzungen und sogar zum Tod führen. Sicherheit im Büro liegt in der Verantwortung aller Beteiligten. Sie müssen verstehen, was Sie tun können, um sicher auf dem Arbeitsplatz zu bleiben, und Sie müssen wissen, wie unsichere Bedingungen zu korrigieren. Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Informationen, die Sie benötigen, um in Ihrer Büroumgebung sicherer zu arbeiten. Zu idealen Lernenden gehören Büroangestellte.


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Office Safety (Japanese)

一般的に、オフィスで働く人は、産業分野で働く人ほど頻繁に事故に遭遇することはありませんが、オフィスでも事故は起こり、重傷を負ったり、最悪、死亡したりすることがあります。 オフィスの安全を守ることは全員の責任です。 職場で安全を確保するためにできることを理解し、危険な状態を解消する方法を認識する必要があります。 このコースでは、オフィス環境で安全に働くために必要な情報を提供します。 本コースの対象者は、オフィス、ホームオフィス、リモートで働く従業員です。


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Office Safety (Portuguese)

Em geral, os acidentes que envolvem pessoal de escritório ocorrem com menor frequência do que na indústria, mas ainda assim ocorrem e podem resultar em ferimentos graves e até mesmo morte. A segurança do escritório é responsabilidade de todos. Você precisa entender o que pode fazer para se manter seguro no trabalho e precisa saber como corrigir condições inseguras. Este curso fornece as informações de que você precisa para trabalhar com segurança no ambiente do escritório. Este curso é direcionado para funcionários de escritório.


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Office Safety (Spanish)

Aunque los accidentes que involucran al personal de oficina ocurren con menos frecuencia que los de trabajadores industriales, aun así suceden y pueden ocasionar lesiones graves e incluso la muerte. La seguridad en la oficina es responsabilidad de todos. Debe aprender qué puede hacer para estar seguro en el trabajo y necesita saber cómo corregir condiciones inseguras. Este curso le proporciona la información que necesita para trabajar de forma más segura en el ambiente de una oficina. Los estudiantes idóneos son trabajadores de oficina, personas que tienen una oficina en el hogar y trabajadores remotos.


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Office Safety (US)

Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Everyone is responsible for office safety. You must understand what you can do to stay safe on the job, and you need to be aware of how to correct unsafe conditions. This course provides the information you need to work safer in your office environment. Ideal learners are all office workers.


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Office Safety Awareness

Although accidents involving office personnel generally occur less frequently than mishaps to industrial workers, they do still occur and can result in serious injuries and even death. Everyone is responsible for office safety. This awareness course provides information you need to work safer in your office environment. Ideal learners are all office workers.

OG: Breaking Containment Microlearning

For your safety, it is important that you take a systematic approach to breaking containment. Take this course to learn about the safety measures we have in place to keep you safe when you break containment and to observe a team safely performing a breaking containment task. This course is ideal for all employees and contractors in the oil and gas industry.


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Order Picker Safety

Order pickers can make your job easier, but they also present unique hazards. Take this course to learn about the features of order pickers, how to prepare to safely use them, and what you can do to prevent accidents that could injure people or damage property. This course is ideal for learners who use or supervise people who use order pickers.


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Order Picker Safety (Spanish)

Los recogedores de pedidos pueden facilitar su trabajo, pero también presentan peligros únicos. Tome este curso para aprender sobre las características de los recogedores de pedidos, cómo prepararse para usarlos de manera segura y qué puede hacer para prevenir accidentes que podrían causar lesiones personales o daños a la propiedad. Este curso es ideal para estudiantes que utilizan recogedores de pedidos o supervisan a personas que los utilizan.

OSHA 10: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (IACET CEU=1.1)

This program provides information about worker rights, employer responsibilities and how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require this course, which is voluntary at the U.S. federal level. Each student who completes the program will receive a completion card issued by the U.S. Department of Labor.

OSHA 10: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (IACET CEU=1.1) (Actively Proctored)

This program provides information about worker rights, employer responsibilities and how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require this course, which is voluntary at the U.S. federal level. Each student who completes the program will receive a completion card issued by the U.S. Department of Labor.

OSHA 10: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=1.2)

El Programa de Entrenamiento de Extensión proporciona información básica sobre seguridad y salud, así como educación, aunque no está diseñado para cumplir todos los requisitos de capacitación del empleador. El Programa de Entrenamiento de Extensión de OSHA para la Industria de la Construcción ofrece formación para los trabajadores y los empleadores en el reconocimiento, la evitación, la reducción y prevención de los riesgos de seguridad y salud en los lugares de trabajo en la industria de la construcción. El programa también proporciona información sobre los derechos de los trabajadores, las responsabilidades del empleador y cómo presentar una queja. Es importante tener en cuenta que este es un programa voluntario y no genera cumplimiento llave en mano con los requisitos de formación para los estándares de OSHA. Aunque algunos estados, municipios u otras instancias pueden requerir la formación de extensión como una condición para el empleo, no es un requisito federal de OSHA.

OSHA 10: Construction Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=1.2) (Actively Proctored)

Este programa ofrece información acerca de los derechos a los trabajadores, responsabilidades del empleador y cómo identificar, abatir, evitar y prevenir los peligros relacionados con el trabajo. Aunque se cubren muchos temas esenciales de seguridad, para su seguridad, se requiere información adicional específica para los sitios así como demostraciones prácticas de habilidades, y para cumplir la capacitación requerida por las normas de OSHA. Aunque este curso es voluntaria a nivel federal de EE.UU., muchas jurisdicciones, empleadores y sindicatos lo requieren. Cada estudiante que complete el programa recibirá una tarjeta de conclusión expedida por el Departamento del Trabajo de EE.UU. La Capacitación de difusión de OSHA únicamente está disponible para estudiantes dentro de la jurisdicción geográfica de la Ley de Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional (OSH). Los estudiantes fuera de esta jurisdicción no podrán recibir las tarjetas por terminar el curso.

OSHA 10: General Industry Outreach Training Course (IACET CEU=1.0)

This program provides information about worker rights, employer responsibilities and how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require this course, which is voluntary at the U.S. federal level. Each student who completes the program will receive a completion card issued by the U.S. Department of Labor.

OSHA 10: General Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=1.2) (Actively Proctored)

Este programa ofrece información acerca de los derechos a los trabajadores, responsabilidades del empleador y cómo identificar, abatir, evitar y prevenir los peligros relacionados con el trabajo. Aunque se cubren muchos temas esenciales de seguridad, para su seguridad, se requiere información adicional específica para los sitios así como demostraciones prácticas de habilidades, y para cumplir la capacitación requerida por las normas de OSHA. Aunque este curso es voluntaria a nivel federal de EE.UU., muchas jurisdicciones, empleadores y sindicatos lo requieren. Cada estudiante que complete el programa recibirá una tarjeta de conclusión expedida por el Departamento del Trabajo de EE.UU

OSHA 10: General Industry Outreach Training Course (Spanish) (IACET CEU=1.2)

Este programa ofrece información acerca de los derechos a los trabajadores, responsabilidades del empleador y cómo identificar, abatir, evitar y prevenir los peligros relacionados con el trabajo. Aunque se cubren muchos temas esenciales de seguridad, para su seguridad, se requiere información adicional específica para los sitios así como demostraciones prácticas de habilidades, y para cumplir la capacitación requerida por las normas de OSHA. Aunque este curso es voluntaria a nivel federal de EE.UU., muchas jurisdicciones, empleadores y sindicatos lo requieren. Cada estudiante que complete el programa recibirá una tarjeta de conclusión expedida por el Departamento del Trabajo de EE.UU.

OSHA 30: Construction Industry Outreach Training (IACET CEU=3.0)

This program provides information about worker rights and employer responsibilities and describes how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require this course, which is voluntary at the U.S. federal level. Each student who completes the program will receive a completion card issued by the U.S. Department of Labor.

OSHA 30: Construction Industry Outreach Training (IACET CEU=3.0) (Actively Proctored)

This program provides information about worker rights and employer responsibilities and describes how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require this course, which is voluntary at the U.S. federal level. Each student who completes the program will receive a completion card issued by the U.S. Department of Labor.

OSHA 30: Construction Industry Outreach Training (Spanish) (IACET CEU=3.5)

Este programa ofrece información sobre los derechos a los trabajadores y responsabilidades del empleador, y cómo identificar, reducir, evitar y prevenir los peligros relacionados con el trabajo. Aunque se cubren muchos temas esenciales de seguridad, para su seguridad, se requiere información adicional específica para los sitios así como demostraciones prácticas de habilidades, y para cumplir la capacitación requerida por las normas de OSHA. Aunque este curso es voluntaria a nivel federal de EE.UU., muchas jurisdicciones, empleadores y sindicatos lo requieren.

OSHA 30: Construction Industry Outreach Training (Spanish) (IACET CEU=3.5) (Actively Proctored)

Este programa ofrece información sobre los derechos a los trabajadores y responsabilidades del empleador, y cómo identificar, reducir, evitar y prevenir los peligros relacionados con el trabajo. Aunque se cubren muchos temas esenciales de seguridad, para su seguridad, se requiere información adicional específica para los sitios así como demostraciones prácticas de habilidades, y para cumplir la capacitación requerida por las normas de OSHA. Aunque este curso es voluntaria a nivel federal de EE.UU., muchas jurisdicciones, empleadores y sindicatos lo requieren. Cada estudiante que complete el programa recibirá una tarjeta de conclusión expedida por el Departamento del Trabajo de EE.UU.


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OSHA 300 Recordkeeping Requirements (US)

OSHA has a set of rules for recordkeeping. 29 CFR 1904 requires employers to record certain work-related injuries and illnesses. The rules also require that employers notify OSHA of severe incidents, such as fatalities. This training summarizes the key provisions of this rule, including explanations of OSHA forms 300, 301 and 300A. Ideal learners are managers and employers.


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OSHA 300 Recordkeeping Requirements (US) (Spanish)

OSHA tiene un conjunto de reglas para el mantenimiento de registros. 29 CFR 1904 exige que los empleadores registren ciertas lesiones y enfermedades relacionadas con el trabajo. Las reglas también exigen que los empleadores notifiquen a OSHA de incidentes graves, como muertes. Esta capacitación resume las disposiciones clave de esta regla, incluyendo explicaciones de los formularios 300, 301 y 300A de OSHA. Los estudiantes ideales son gerentes y empleadores.


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OSHA Inspections for Construction and Multi-Employer Worksites (US)

When you work on a construction site that has multiple employers present, you know that communication and cooperation are important to make sure everyone stays safe. They are also important when OSHA performs inspections. You may be wondering how the employers work together during site inspections and how OSHA determines who to cite. This course will answer those questions. It is ideal for United States construction workers on multi-employer worksites.


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OSHA Inspections for Construction and Multi-Employer Worksites (US) (Spanish)

Cuando trabaja en una obra de construcción donde hay varios empleadores presentes, la comunicación y la cooperación son fundamentales para que todos estén seguros. También son importantes cuando se realizan inspecciones de OSHA. Quizás se pregunte de qué manera trabajan los empleadores en conjunto durante las inspecciones en la obra y cómo determina OSHA a quién citar. En este curso responderemos esas dudas. Es ideal para trabajadores de la construcción de Estados Unidos en lugares de trabajo de varios empleadores.


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Overcoming Negativity in the Workplace

This course is designed to help leaners manage and solve;interpersonal conflicts at work or away from work. Topics in this course;include: Viewpoints and Approaches, Evaluation, Changing Thoughts, Listening,;and Application. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify;the approaches and skills required to solve problems. Learners will also be;able to recognize how to overcome negativity in the workplace.


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Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety

Anyone who works with cranes knows not to underestimate the daily risk of collapse, electrical accidents, falls and other serious incidents. The power that makes overhead, gantry and similar cranes so useful also makes them dangerous. By properly maintaining and operating the cranes with which you work, you can protect yourself and your co-workers. Ideal learners are crane operators and their supervisors.


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Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Dutch)

Iedereen die met kranen werkt, weet dat je het dagelijkse risico van botsingen, elektrische ongevallen, vallende ladingen en andere ernstige incidenten niet moet onderschatten. De kracht die loopkranen, portaalkranen en soortgelijke kranen zo nuttig maakt, maakt ze ook gevaarlijk. Door de kranen waarmee je werkt op de juiste manier te onderhouden en te bedienen, kun je jezelf en je collega's beschermen. Ideale cursisten zijn personen die kranen bedienen en hun leidinggevenden.


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Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (German)

Alle, die mit Kranen arbeiten, wissen, dass man die täglich einhergehenden Risiken nicht unterschätzen darf, die bei einem Einsturz, elektrischen Unfällen, beim Herunterfallen und anderen ernsthaften Zwischenfällen entstehen können. Die Leistungsfähigkeit die von Überkopf- und Portalkranen und ähnlichen Krananlagen ausgehen, begründet auch gleichzeitig auch ihr Gefahrenpotenzial. Durch richtiges Warten und Benutzen der Krane, mit denen Sie arbeiten, können Sie sich und Ihre Mitarbeiter schützen. Die geeigneten Kursteilnehmer sind Kranführer und deren Vorgesetzte.


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Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Japanese)



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Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety (Spanish)

Cualquier persona que trabaja con grúas sabe que no debe subestimar el riesgo diario de colapso, accidentes eléctricos, caídas y otros incidentes graves. La potencia que hace que las grúas aéreas y de pórticos sean tan útiles, también hace que sean peligrosas. Al dar mantenimiento y operar las grúas con las que trabaja correctamente, puede protegerse usted mismo y a sus compañeros de trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos son los operadores de grúas y sus supervisores.


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Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety Awareness

Anyone who works with cranes knows not to underestimate the daily risk of collapse, electrical accidents, falls and other serious incidents. The power that makes overhead, gantry and similar cranes so useful also makes them dangerous. By properly operating the cranes with which you work, you can protect yourself and your co-workers. Ideal learners are crane operators.


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Pallet Truck Safety

Operating a pallet jack or pallet truck is different from operating a forklift or other industrial truck. Take this course to learn how you can help eliminate or reduce injuries and incidents associated with this equipment. This course will give you the basic information you need to inspect and safely operate pallet trucks in a variety of situations. Ideal learners are all employees who operate or supervise the operation of pallet trucks in industrial settings.


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Pallet Truck Safety (Chinese)

操作托盘千斤顶或托盘搬运车与操作叉车或其他工业车辆不同。 参加本课程学习如何帮助消除或减少与此设备相关的伤害和事故。 本课程将为您提供在各种情况下检查和安全操作托盘搬运车所需的基本信息。 本课程适用于在工业环境中操作托盘搬运车或监管搬运车操作的所有员工。


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Pallet Truck Safety (Dutch)

Het bedienen van een pompwagen of pallettruck is anders dan het bedienen van een vorkheftruck of andere industriële truck. Volg deze cursus om te leren hoe u kunt helpen bij het wegnemen of reduceren van letsel en incidenten verbonden aan deze apparatuur. Deze cursus geeft u de basisinformatie die u nodig hebt voor het inspecteren en veilig bedienen van pallettrucks in een verscheidenheid aan situaties. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers die pallettrucks bedienen of die toezicht houden op de bediening ervan in een industriële omgeving.


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Pallet Truck Safety (French)

Utiliser un transpalette est différent d’utiliser un chariot élévateur ou un autre chariot de manutention. Suivez cette formation pour apprendre comment vous pouvez contribuer à éliminer ou à réduire les blessures et les incidents associés à cet équipement. Cette formation vous donnera les informations basiques dont vous avez beosin pour inspecter et utiliser en toute sécurité les transpalettes dans une variété de situations. La formation s’adresse à tout employé qui utiliser ou supervise l’utilisation de transpalettes dans des environnements industriels.


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Pallet Truck Safety (German)

Die Bedienung eines Palettenhebers oder Palettenhubwagens unterscheidet sich von der Bedienung eines Gabelstaplers oder eines anderen Flurförderzeugs. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie dazu beitragen können, Verletzungen und Unfälle im Zusammenhang mit dieser Ausrüstung zu vermeiden oder zu verringern. Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen die Grundkenntnisse, die Sie benötigen, um Palettenhubwagen in einer Vielzahl von Situationen zu prüfen und sicher zu bedienen. Das Zielpublikum sind alle Mitarbeiter, die Palettenhubwagen im industriellen Umfeld bedienen oder deren Bedienung beaufsichtigen.


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Pallet Truck Safety (Japanese)

パレットジャッキやパレットトラックの操作は、フォークリフトやその他の産業用トラックの操作とは異なります。 このコースでは、この機器に関連する怪我や事故をなくす、または減らすためにどのようなことができるかを学びます。 このコースでは、様々な場面でパレットトラックを点検し、安全に操作するために必要な基本情報を学びます。 推奨される受講対象者は、産業環境においてパレットトラックの操作を行う、または操作を監督する全ての従業員です。


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Pallet Truck Safety (Portuguese)

A operação de uma transpaleteira ou porta-paletes é diferente da operação de uma empilhadeira ou outro veículo industrial. Faça este curso para aprender como ajudar a eliminar ou reduzir lesões e incidentes associados a este equipamento. Este curso lhe dará as informações básicas necessárias para inspecionar e operar com segurança transpaleteiras em uma variedade de situações. Os alunos ideais são todos os funcionários que operam ou supervisionam a operação de transpaleteiras em ambientes industriais.


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Pallet Truck Safety (Spanish)

Operar un transportador de tarimas es distinto a operar un montacargas u otro camión industrial. Tome este curso para aprender cómo puede ayudar a eliminar o reducir las lesiones y los incidentes asociados con este equipo. Este curso le entregará la información básica que necesita para inspeccionar y operar con seguridad los camiones transportadores de tarimas en diversas situaciones. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados que operan o supervisan la operación de los camiones transportadores de tarimas en entornos industriales


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Pandemic Awareness

When an outbreak or pandemic is in the news, there is no need to panic. There are specific things you can do to protect yourself and those around you from infection. Take this course to learn about what to look for and what to do during outbreaks and pandemics. This course is ideal for all learners.


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Pandemic Awareness (Spanish)

Cuando una epidemia o pandemia se anuncia en las noticias, no hay necesidad de entrar en pánico. Hay medidas específicas que puede llevar a cabo para protegerse usted y a las personas que lo rodean de la infección. Tome este curso para obtener información sobre a qué debe estar alerta y qué hacer durante las epidemias y pandemias. Este curso es ideal para todos los estudiantes.


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Personal Leadership Power

This course presents information about the definition of;leadership, how to increase your PLP, and how to apply PLP to increase the productivity;of your company. Topics in this course include: Leaders, Key Traits, Barriers,;Personal Leadership Power (PLP), Five Principles, Developing Your PLP, and;Workplace PLP. After completing this course, learners should be able to;identify and apply the five principles involved in increasing and effectively;using PLP for themselves and for their organizations.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness

Workplaces are designed to be relatively free from hazards. Hazards that cannot be eliminated are guarded to keep workers away. Workers wear their own form of guarding, or personal protective equipment (PPE), as a final layer of protection against workplace hazards. This course is ideal for all workers who use PPE.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview

Workplaces can be very dangerous and unpredictable places with loud noises, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, whirling blades and belts, you name it. So what is one way to keep yourself safe? By wearing personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, you can protect yourself against hazards and reduce your chances of getting hurt or even killed.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Canadian French)

Les lieux de travail peuvent être des lieux très dangereux, imprévisibles et bruyants, des objets qui tombent, des étincelles qui jaillissent, des produits chimiques toxiques, des pales et des courroies tourbillonnantes, par exemple. Alors, quel est un moyen de rester en sécurité? En portant un équipement de protection individuelle, généralement appelé ÉPI, vous pouvez vous protéger contre les dangers et réduire vos risques de vous blesser ou même de vous faire tuer.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Chinese)

工作场所可能是非常危险且存在不可预测情况的地方,充斥着巨大的噪音、坠落的物体、飞溅的火花、有毒化学品、旋转的叶片和皮带,各种危险应有尽有。那么有哪种方法可以保护自己的安全?通过佩戴个人防护装备(通常称为 PPE),您可以保护自己免受危险,并减少受伤或甚至死亡的机会。


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Dutch)

Werkplekken kunnen erg gevaarlijke en onvoorspelbare plaatsen zijn met hard geluid, vallende objecten, rondvliegende vonken, giftige chemicaliën, ronddraaiende bladen en riemen, noem het maar op. Dus wat is een van de manieren om jezelf veilig te houden? Door het dragen van persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen, algemeen bekend als PBM, kun je jezelf beschermen tegen gevaren en je kans op gewond raken of zelfs gedood worden reduceren.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (French)

Les lieux de travail peuvent être des endroits dangereux et imprévisibles comportant des bruits forts, des chutes d’objets, des étincelles qui jaillissent, des produits chimiques toxiques, des lames et des sangles qui tourbillonnent, etc. Comment pouvez-vous vous protéger ? En portant un équipement de protection individuelle, généralement appelé EPI, vous pouvez vous protéger des dangers et réduire les chances que vous soyez blessé ou même tué.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (German)

Arbeitsplätze können sehr gefährliche und unberechenbare Orte mit lauten Geräuschen, herabfallenden Gegenständen, fliegenden Funken, giftigen Chemikalien, sich schnell drehenden Klingen und Bändern usw. sein. Wie können Sie also für Ihre Sicherheit sorgen? Indem Sie persönliche Schutzausrüstungen (PSA) tragen, können Sie sich vor Gefahren schützen und die Wahrscheinlichkeit reduzieren, sich zu verletzen oder sogar getötet zu werden.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Italian)

I luoghi di lavoro possono essere molto pericolosi e imprevedibili con rumori molesti, caduta di oggetti, scintille, sostanze chimiche tossiche, lame e cinghie in movimento. Come si può allora proteggersi? Tramite l'uso di dispositivi di protezione individuale, comunemente noti come DPI, è possibile proteggersi dai pericoli e ridurre le possibilità di essere feriti o addirittura uccisi.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Japanese)



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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Korean)

작업장은 큰 소음, 떨어지는 물체, 날아오는 불꽃, 독성 화학물질, 회전하는 칼날 및 벨트 등 무엇이라도 매우 위험할 수 있고 예측이 불가능한 장소입니다. 그러면 자신을 안전하게 지키는 한 가지 방법은 무엇입니까? 흔히 PPE로 알려진 개인보호장구를 착용하여 위험요소로부터 자신을 보호하고 부상이나 만일의 경우 사망의 위험까지 줄일 수 있습니다.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Portuguese)

Locais de trabalho podem ser muito perigosos e imprevisíveis com ruído alto, quedas de objetos, centelhas, produtos químicos tóxicos, lâminas giratórias e correias, entre outros. Portanto, o que você deve fazer para se manter seguro? Ao usar equipamento de proteção pessoal, comumente conhecido como EPI, você pode se proteger contra riscos e reduzir as chances de se machucar ou mesmo morrer.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (Spanish)

Los lugares de trabajo pueden ser muy peligrosos e impredecibles con ruidos fuertes, objetos que caen, chispas que vuelan, productos químicos tóxicos, cuchillas y bandas que giran, etc. Entonces, ¿cuál es una manera de estar a salvo? Al usar equipo de protección personal, comúnmente conocido como EPP, puede protegerse contra los riesgos y reducir sus probabilidades de hacerse daño o hasta de morir.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (US)

Workplaces can be very dangerous and unpredictable places with loud noises, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, whirling blades and belts, and more. So what is one way to keep yourself safe? By wearing personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, you can protect yourself against hazards and reduce your chances of getting hurt or even killed.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview (US) (Spanish)

Los lugares de trabajo pueden lugares ser muy peligrosos e impredecibles con ruidos fuertes, objetos que caen, chispas que vuelan, productos químicos tóxicos, cuchillas y bandas que giran, etc. Entonces, ¿cuál es una manera de estar a salvo? Al usar equipo de protección personal, comúnmente conocido como EPP, puede protegerse contra los riesgos y reducir sus probabilidades de hacerse daño o hasta de morir.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview for Construction: Protective Characteristics

Worksites can be very dangerous and unpredictable places with loud noises, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, whirling blades and belts, and more. So, what is one way to keep yourself safe? By wearing personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE, you can protect yourself against hazards and reduce your chances of getting hurt or even killed. Ideal learners are construction workers.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview for Construction: Protective Characteristics (Spanish)

Los lugares de trabajo pueden lugares ser muy peligrosos e impredecibles con ruidos fuertes, objetos que caen, chispas que vuelan, productos químicos tóxicos, cuchillas, bandas y más. Entonces, ¿cuál es una manera de estar a salvo? Al usar equipo de protección personal, comúnmente conocido como EPP, puede protegerse contra los riesgos y reducir sus probabilidades de hacerse daño o hasta de morir. Los estudiantes idóneos son los trabajadores de construcción.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview for Construction: Using and Maintaining PPE (Spanish)

Cuando el EPP se usa adecuadamente y está en buenas condiciones, puede ayudar a proteger a los trabajadores de ruidos fuertes, caída de objetos, chispas voladoras, productos químicos tóxicos y más. Tome este curso para saber cómo usar, cuidar y mantener el equipo de protección personal, conocidos como EPP. Los estudiantes idóneos son los trabajadores de construcción.


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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Overview for Construction: Using and Maintaining PPE (US)

When PPE is used appropriately and in good condition, it can help protect workers from loud noises, falling objects, flying sparks, toxic chemicals, and more. Take this course to learn how to use, care for, and maintain personal protective equipment, commonly known as PPE. Ideal learners are construction workers.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Parts 1-10 (US) (IACET CEU=0.2)

Workers involved in a wide range of occupations are exposed to a significant risk of death or injury from being struck by various objects in the workplace. OSHA statistics indicate that a significant portion of all work related injuries and fatalities involve workers being struck in the eyes, head, face, hand, and or feet by foreign objects. In the majority of these accidents Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was either not being used or being used improperly. This course series will cover an array of PPE and how to decide which PPE you need to use at your workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.2)

Les travailleurs pratiquant un large éventail de métiers sont exposés à un risque important de décès ou de blessure s'ils sont frappés par divers objets sur le lieu de travail. Les statistiques indiquent qu'une proportion importante de toutes les blessures et de tous les décès liés au travail sont attribuables à des objets étrangers qui frappent les travailleurs aux yeux, à la tête, au visage, aux mains ou aux pieds. L'équipement de protection individuelle (ÉPI) n'était pas utilisé ou était utilisé de manière inappropriée dans la majorité de ces accidents. Cette série de cours contient des informations sur divers ÉPI et explique comment choisir les ÉPI que vous devez utiliser sur votre lieu de travail.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (Chinese)


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (Dutch)

Workers involved in a wide range of occupations are exposed to a significant risk of death or injury from being struck by various objects in the workplace. Statistics indicate that a significant portion of all work related injuries and fatalities involve workers being struck in the eyes, head, face, hand, and or feet by foreign objects. In the majority of these accidents Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was either not being used or being used improperly. This course series will cover an array of PPE and how to decide which PPE you need to use at your workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (French)

Workers involved in a wide range of occupations are exposed to a significant risk of death or injury from being struck by various objects in the workplace. Statistics indicate that a significant portion of all work related injuries and fatalities involve workers being struck in the eyes, head, face, hand, and or feet by foreign objects. In the majority of these accidents Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was either not being used or being used improperly. This course series will cover an array of PPE and how to decide which PPE you need to use at your workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (German)

Workers involved in a wide range of occupations are exposed to a significant risk of death or injury from being struck by various objects in the workplace. Statistics indicate that a significant portion of all work related injuries and fatalities involve workers being struck in the eyes, head, face, hand, and or feet by foreign objects. In the majority of these accidents Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was either not being used or being used improperly. This course series will cover an array of PPE and how to decide which PPE you need to use at your workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (Portuguese)

Workers involved in a wide range of occupations are exposed to a significant risk of death or injury from being struck by various objects in the workplace. Statistics indicate that a significant portion of all work related injuries and fatalities involve workers being struck in the eyes, head, face, hand, and or feet by foreign objects. In the majority of these accidents Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was either not being used or being used improperly. This course series will cover an array of PPE and how to decide which PPE you need to use at your workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Parts 1-10 (US) (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.2)

Los trabajadores involucrados en una gran variedad de ocupaciones están expuestos a un riesgo significativo de muerte o lesión al ser golpeados por varios objetos en el lugar de trabajo. Las estadísticas de la OSHA indican que una porción significativa de todas las lesiones y fatalidades relacionadas con el trabajo involucran a los trabajadores siendo golpeados en los ojos, cabeza, rostro, manos y/o pies con objetos extraños. En la mayoría de estos accidentes, el Equipo de Protección Personal (EPP) no se usó o se usó incorrectamente. Esta serie de cursos cubrirá una gama de EPP y cómo decidir cuál EPP necesita usar en su lugar de trabajo.


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Physical and Network Security

Information security is critical for any business. This course identifies the types of assets that are at risk, outlines methods to protect them, and examines how every employee can develop a security mindset. Topics in this course include: The Security Mindset, Physical Security, Virtual Data Security, Use of the Internet, and Proprietary Information. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize security risks to physical and virtual assets, identify their responsibilities for protecting all of these resources, and recognize requirements and guidelines for maintaining physical and network security.


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Power Tool Safety for Construction

Power tools can be dangerous. Fortunately, there are things you can do to make sure you use them in a safe way. Take this course to find out about both general and specific power tool hazards and precautions. This course is ideal for all construction workers.


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Power Tool Safety for Construction (Spanish)

Las herramientas eléctricas pueden ser peligrosas. Por suerte, hay cosas que puede hacer para asegurarse de usarlas de forma segura. Tome este curso para aprender acerca de los riesgos y precauciones específicos y generales de las herramientas eléctricas. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores de la construcción.


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Pallet Truck Safety (Japanese)

パレットジャッキやパレットトラックの操作は、フォークリフトやその他の産業用トラックの操作とは異なります。 このコースでは、この機器に関連する怪我や事故をなくす、または減らすためにどのようなことができるかを学びます。 このコースでは、様々な場面でパレットトラックを点検し、安全に操作するために必要な基本情報を学びます。 推奨される受講対象者は、産業環境においてパレットトラックの操作を行う、または操作を監督する全ての従業員です。


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Pallet Truck Safety (Portuguese)

A operação de uma transpaleteira ou porta-paletes é diferente da operação de uma empilhadeira ou outro veículo industrial. Faça este curso para aprender como ajudar a eliminar ou reduzir lesões e incidentes associados a este equipamento. Este curso lhe dará as informações básicas necessárias para inspecionar e operar com segurança transpaleteiras em uma variedade de situações. Os alunos ideais são todos os funcionários que operam ou supervisionam a operação de transpaleteiras em ambientes industriais.


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Pallet Truck Safety (Spanish)

Operar un transportador de tarimas es distinto a operar un montacargas u otro camión industrial. Tome este curso para aprender cómo puede ayudar a eliminar o reducir las lesiones y los incidentes asociados con este equipo. Este curso le entregará la información básica que necesita para inspeccionar y operar con seguridad los camiones transportadores de tarimas en diversas situaciones. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados que operan o supervisan la operación de los camiones transportadores de tarimas en entornos industriales.


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Pandemic Awareness

When an outbreak or pandemic is in the news, there is no need to panic. There are specific things you can do to protect yourself and those around you from infection. Take this course to learn about what to look for and what to do during outbreaks and pandemics. This course is ideal for all learners.


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Pandemic Awareness (Spanish)

Cuando una epidemia o pandemia se anuncia en las noticias, no hay necesidad de entrar en pánico. Hay medidas específicas que puede llevar a cabo para protegerse usted y a las personas que lo rodean de la infección. Tome este curso para obtener información sobre a qué debe estar alerta y qué hacer durante las epidemias y pandemias. Este curso es ideal para todos los estudiantes.


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Personal Leadership Power

This course presents information about the definition of;leadership, how to increase your PLP, and how to apply PLP to increase the productivity;of your company. Topics in this course include: Leaders, Key Traits, Barriers,;Personal Leadership Power (PLP), Five Principles, Developing Your PLP, and;Workplace PLP. After completing this course, learners should be able to;identify and apply the five principles involved in increasing and effectively;using PLP for themselves and for their organizations.


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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Canadian French)

Les chariots industriels motorisés comme les chariots élévateurs à fourche, les transpalettes motorisés, les remorqueurs, les moteurs de remorquage et autres équipements motorisés sont utilisés tous les jours pour soulever et déplacer des équipements ou des matériaux. En raison du risque élevé de blessures et même de décès lors de l'utilisation d'un chariot industriel motorisé, certaines recommandations d'utilisation et de formation ont été élaborées pour améliorer la sécurité. Plus précisément, il est recommandé que les conducteurs de chariots industriels motorisés reçoivent une formation initiale complète, y compris les particularités de l'installation, une démonstration pratique des compétences sur le lieu de travail et une évaluation. Les employeurs sont également encouragés à offrir des cours de perfectionnement sur les chariots industriels motorisés dans certaines circonstances.


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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Chinese)



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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Dutch)

Aangedreven industriële trucks, zoals vorkheftrucks, gemotoriseerde pompwagens, trekwagentjes, sleepmotors en andere aangedreven apparatuur wordt elke dag gebruikt voor het optillen en verplaatsen van apparatuur of materialen. Vanwege het hoge risico op letsel en zelfs de dood bij het bedienen van een aangedreven industriële truck, zijn enkele aanbevelingen voor gebruik en training ontwikkeld om de veiligheid te verbeteren. Het wordt in het bijzonder aanbevolen dat operators van aangedreven industriële trucks een uitgebreide basistraining krijgen, inclusief details van het gebouw, een praktische vaardighedendemonstratie op de werkplek en een evaluatie. Werkgevers worden tevens aangemoedigd om onder bepaalde omstandigheden te voorzien in een opfristraining over aangedreven industriële trucks.


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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (French)

Les chariots de manutention comme les chariots élévateurs, les transpalettes motorisés, les chariots tracteurs, les moteurs de remorquage et d'autres équipements motorisés sont utilisés chaque jour pour soulever et déplacer de l'équipement ou des matériaux. En raison du risque élevé de blessures et même de mort pendant le fonctionnement d'un chariot de manutention, certaines recommandations d'utilisation et de formation ont été développées pour améliorer la sécurité. Les employeurs peuvent assigner cette formation après des incidents ou pour aider les besoins de mise à jour en cours. La formation s'adresse à ceux et celles qui utilisent des chariots de manutention et leurs superviseurs.


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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (German)

Angetriebene Flurförderzeuge wie Gabelstapler, motorisierte Hubwagen, Schlepper, Abschlepp-Motoren und andere elektrische Ausrüstung dienen jeden Tag, um Ausrüstung oder Materialien zu heben und zu fahren. Wegen der hohen Gefahr von Verletzungen und sogar Tod beim Betrieb eines angetriebenen Flurförderzeugs sind einige Empfehlungen für Verwendung und Schulung entwickelt, um Sicherheit zu verbessern. Insbesondere ist es empfohlen, dass Betreiber des angetriebenen Flurförderzeugs umfassende Grundausbildung, einschließlich Besonderheiten des Betriebs, eine Vorführung der praktischen Fertigkeiten am Arbeitsplatz und eine Bewertung erhalten. Arbeitgeber sind auch aufgefordert, Wiederholungsschulungen über angetriebene Flurförderzeuge unter bestimmten Umständen zur Verfügung zu stellen.


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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Japanese)



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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Portuguese)

Veículos industriais motorizados, como empilhadeiras, paleteiras, rebocadores e outros equipamentos motorizados são usados todos os dias para levantar e movimentar equipamentos ou materiais. Devido ao risco de ferimentos e até de morte durante a operação de um veículo industrial motorizado, algumas recomendações de uso e treinamento foram desenvolvidas para melhorar a segurança. Especificamente, recomenda-se que os operadores de veículos industriais motorizados recebam treinamento inicial abrangente, incluindo especificidades das instalações, demonstração prática de habilidades no local de trabalho e avaliação. Os empregadores também devem fornecer treinamento de atualização sobre veículos industriais motorizados em algumas circunstâncias.


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Powered Industrial Trucks - Operators Overview (Spanish)

Los camiones industriales motorizados como montacargas, gatos hidráulicos para tarimas, remolcadores, motores de remolque y otros equipos motorizados, se utilizan todos los días para levantar y mover equipos o materiales. Debido al alto riesgo de lesiones e incluso la muerte durante la operación de un camión industrial motorizado, se han desarrollado algunas recomendaciones de uso y de capacitación para mejorar la seguridad. Específicamente, se recomienda que los operadores de camiones industriales motorizados reciban una capacitación inicial completa, incluyendo detalles específicos sobre las instalaciones, una demostración práctica de habilidades en el lugar de trabajo y una evaluación. También se alienta a los empleadores a proporcionar capacitaciones de actualización para camiones industriales motorizados bajo ciertas circunstancias.


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Powered Industrial Trucks Operators Overview

Powered industrial trucks like forklifts, motorized pallet jacks, tuggers, tow motors and other powered equipment are used every day to lift and move equipment or materials. Because of the high risk of injury and even death while operating a powered industrial truck, some use and training recommendations have been developed to improve safety. Specifically, it is recommended that powered industrial truck operators receive comprehensive initial training, including facility specifics, a hands-on skill demonstration in the workplace and an evaluation. Employers are also encouraged to provide refresher training on powered industrial trucks under certain circumstances.

Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.2)

L’utilisation de chariots industriels motorisés, comme les chariots élévateurs à fourches, permet aux opérateurs de lever, de transporter, d’empiler, de pousser ou de tirer de manière sécuritaire des objets qui sont trop gros ou encombrants à déplacer manuellement. Que vous soyez un opérateur ou une personne qui dirige des opérateurs, cette série de cours vous aidera à comprendre des principes de sécurité fondamentaux qui serviront de base pour la formation pratique que vous recevrez sur l’équipement et les dangers propres à votre lieu de travail.

Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (Chinese)


Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (Dutch)

Het gebruik van aangedreven industriële trucks, zoals vorkheftrucks, stelt operators veilig in staat om materialen die te groot of onhandig zijn om met de hand te verplaatsen, op te heffen, mee te voeren, te stapelen, te duwen of te trekken. Ongeacht of u een operator bent of iemand die operators managet, deze reeks cursussen zal u helpen met een inzicht in enkele standaard veiligheidsprincipes die de basis zullen leggen voor praktische training over de specifieke apparatuur en gevaren op uw werkplek.

Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (French)

L’utilisation de chariots de manutention, comme les chariots élévateurs, permet, en toute sécurité, aux opérateurs de soulever, porter, empiler, pousser ou tirer des matériaux trop larges ou encombrants pour être déplacés à la main. Que vous soyez un opérateur ou quelqu’un qui gère des opérateurs, cette série de formations va vous aider à comprendre certains principes de sécurité de base qui seront les fondations de la formation pratique sur l’équipement et les risques spécifiques sur votre lieu de travail.

Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (German)

Der Einsatz von angetriebenen Flurförderzeugen wie z.B. Gabelstaplern ermöglicht es dem Bediener, Materialien, die zu groß oder zu schwer für eine manuelle Handhabung sind, sicher zu heben, zu tragen, zu stapeln, zu schieben oder zu ziehen. Unabhängig davon, ob Sie ein Bediener oder als Führungskraft für Bediener verantwortlich sind, wird diese Kursreihe Ihnen helfen, einige Grundsätze in puncto Sicherheit zu verstehen, die die Grundlage für praktische Schulungen zu den spezifischen Geräten und Gefahren an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz bilden.

Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (IACET CEU=0.1)

Using powered industrial trucks, such as forklifts, safely enables operators to lift, carry, stack, push or pull materials that are too large or cumbersome to move by hand. Whether you are an operator or someone who manages operators, this series of courses will help you understand some basic safety principles that will lay the foundation for hands-on training about the specific equipment and hazards at your workplace. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.

Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (Japanese)


Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (Portuguese)

Usar veículos industriais elétricos, como empilhadeiras, permite que os operadores ergam, transportem, empilhem, empurrem ou puxem materiais que são muito grandes ou incômodos para serem movimentados manualmente. Seja você um operador ou um responsável pela gestão de operadores, esta série de cursos o ajudará a compreender alguns princípios básicos de segurança que estabelecerão as bases para o treinamento prático sobre os equipamentos e perigos específicos no seu local de trabalho.

Powered Industrial Trucks, Parts 1-7 (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.2)

El uso de camiones industriales motorizados, como montacargas, permite a los operadores levantar, cargar, apilar, empujar o jalar de materiales que son demasiado grandes o incómodos para mover con la mano. Sin importar si es operador o alguien que gestiona operadores, esta serie de cursos lo ayudará a comprender algunos principios básicos de seguridad que servirá como base para capacitación práctica sobre los equipos y peligros específicos en su lugar de trabajo.


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Pre-Job Briefings

There are many risks associated with work, and many different safety precautions are required depending on what is being done, as well as where and by whom it is carried out. Pre-job briefings make sure workers know about current hazards, any changes that will affect how they work, and the safety precautions they need to take. This course covers how to conduct a pre-job briefing. Ideal learners are all employees


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Pre-Job Briefings (Chinese)



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Pre-Job Briefings (Dutch)

Werk brengt veel risico's met zich mee en er zijn veel verschillende voorzorgsmaatregelen vereist op basis van de verrichte werkzaamheden en waar en door wie ze worden uitgevoerd. Briefings voorafgaand aan de werkzaamheden zorgen dat medewerkers op de hoogte zijn van huidige gevaren, van eventuele veranderingen die van invloed zijn op hun werkwijze en van de veiligheidsmaatregelen die ze moeten treffen. In deze cursus wordt uitgelegd hoe je een briefing voorafgaand aan werkzaamheden moet uitvoeren. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Pre-Job Briefings (French)

Le travail est associé à de nombreux risques, et de nombreuses mesures de sécurité doivent être prises en fonction de la tâche à effectuer ainsi que du lieu et de la personne chargée de l’exécuter. Les réunions préalables au travail garantissent que les travailleurs connaissent les dangers réels, les modifications qui affecteront leur manière de travailler, et les précautions de sécurité qu’ils doivent prendre. Ce cours décrit comment mener à bien une réunion préalable au travail. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Pre-Job Briefings (German)

Es gibt viele Risiken, die mit der Arbeit verbunden sind, und abhängig davon, was getan werden muss, sowie wo und von wem, sind viele unterschiedliche Sicherheitsvorkehrungen notwendig. Der Arbeit vorausgehende Briefings stellen sicher, dass die Arbeiter alle aktuellen Gefahren, alle Änderungen, die sich auf ihre Arbeit auswirken, und die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, die sie ergreifen müssen, kennen. Dieser Kurs behandelt, wie ein Briefing vor der Arbeit durchzuführen ist. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Pre-Job Briefings (Japanese)



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Pre-Job Briefings (Portuguese)

Há muitos riscos associados ao trabalho, e muitas precauções de segurança diferentes são necessárias dependendo do que está sendo feito, bem como onde e por quem é realizado. Os briefings pré-trabalho antes do trabalho asseguram que os funcionários saibam sobre os riscos atuais, quaisquer mudanças que afetem o modo como funcionam e as precauções de segurança que precisam ser tomadas. Este curso aborda como conduzir um briefing pré-trabalho. Este curso é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Pre-Job Briefings (Spanish)

Hay muchos riesgos asociados con el trabajo, y se requieren muchas diferentes precauciones de seguridad dependiendo de lo que se hace, así como de dónde y quién lo realiza. Las reuniones informativas previas al trabajo se aseguran de que los trabajadores conozcan los riesgos actuales, los cambios que afectarán su manera de trabajar y las precauciones de seguridad que deben tomar. Este curso cubre cómo realizar una reunión informativa previa al trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados


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Preparing Buildings for Occupancy Following a Prolonged Shutdown

This series of courses describes the process for preparing buildings for occupants following a prolonged shutdown such as an environmental disaster, pandemic, or other catastrophic event. This series covers HVAC system review, sanitation/janitorial best practices, water systems evaluations, and items to look for during a walk-through of a building following a prolonged shutdown.


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Preparing for Pandemic Influenza

An influenza pandemic occurs when a virus starts spreading worldwide or across a large number of international borders. Pandemics can result in fatalities and major disruptions of society, but their effects can be mitigated. That is why companies, governments and citizens around the world are undertaking preparations to delay viral spread.


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Pressure Vessel Safety (US)

We use pressure vessels in a variety of residential and industrial applications. Yet we must respect the dangers associated with them. The release of stored or potential energy and hazardous materials can cause personal injury, loss of life and catastrophic property damage. In this course, you will explore how pressure vessels are categorized and regulated, what safety measures you can take to stay safe and prevent pressure vessel failures, and what to look for when visually inspecting pressure vessels.


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Preventing and Addressing Electrical Violations (US)

This course focuses on how to troubleshoot electrical hazard issues. It is intended for all employees and has particular value for electricians and safety managers.


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Preventing and Addressing Electrical Violations (US) (Canadian French)

Ce cours est centré sur la résolution des problèmes présentant des dangers électriques. Il s'adresse à tous les employés et a une utilité particulière pour les électriciens et les responsables de la sécurité.


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Preventing and Addressing Electrical Violations (US) (Spanish)

Este curso se enfoca en cómo resolver problemas de riesgos eléctricos. Es adecuado para todos los empleados, en especial para electricistas y gerentes de seguridad.


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Preventing Back Injury

Life is hard when your back hurts. Back ailments are painful. They can be debilitating. And they may prevent you from working and enjoying activities outside of work. This course helps you understand how the back works and what you can do to prevent back injuries. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Preventing Back Injury (Canadian French)

Le mal de dos peut vous gâcher la vie. Les douleurs dorsales sont très douloureuses. Elle peuvent être invalidantes. Et elles peuvent vous empêcher de travailler et de profiter de votre temps libre. Ce cours aide à comprendre comme fonctionne le dos et ce que vous pouvez faire pour prévenir le mal de dos. Il vise dans l'idéal tous les employés.


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Preventing Back Injury (Chinese)



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Preventing Back Injury (Dutch)

Het leven is moeilijk als uw rug pijn doet. Rugkwalen zijn pijnlijk. Ze kunnen ondermijnend zijn. En ze kunnen u belemmeren bij het werken en het genieten van activiteiten buiten het werk. Deze cursus helpt u om te begrijpen hoe de rug werkt en wat u kunt doen om rugletsel te voorkomen. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Preventing Back Injury (French)

Tout est pénible lorsque le dos vous fait mal. Les maladies du dos sont douloureuses. Elles peuvent être invalidantes. De plus, elles peuvent vous empêcher de travailler et de profiter d’activités en dehors du travail. Cette formation va vous aider à comprendre comment fonctionne le dos et ce que vous pouvez faire pour prévenir les traumatismes du dos. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Preventing Back Injury (German)

Das Leben ist hart, wenn Ihr Rücken schmerzt. Rückenbeschwerden sind schmerzhaft. Sie können lähmend sein. Und sie können Sie daran hindern, zu arbeiten und Aktivitäten außerhalb der Arbeit zu genießen. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie der Rücken funktioniert und was Sie tun können, um Rückenverletzungen vorzubeugen. Ideale Lernende sind alle Mitarbeiter.


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Preventing Back Injury (Italian)

La vita è dura quando fa male la schiena. I disturbi alla schiena sono dolorosi. Possono essere tali da costituire una vera e propria disabilità. E possono impedire di lavorare e godersi la normale attività fuori dal lavoro. Questo corso vi aiuta a capire come funziona la schiena e cosa potete fare per prevenire infortuni alla schiena. Questo corso è rivolto a tutti i dipendenti.


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Preventing Back Injury (Japanese)



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Preventing Back Injury (Korean)

허리를 다치면 삶이 힘들어집니다. 허리 질환은 고통스럽습니다. 쇠약하게 할 수 있습니다. 또한 일과 일 외 활동을 즐기지 못 하게 할 수 있습니다. 본 과정은 허리 사용 방법과 허리 부상 방지 방법에 대해 이해하도록 도움을 줍니다. 모든 직원이 이 학습의 대상입니다.


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Preventing Back Injury (Portuguese)

A vida é difícil quando suas costas doem. Doenças nas costas são dolorosas. Elas podem ser debilitantes. E elas podem impedi-lo de trabalhar e desfrutar de atividades fora do trabalho. Este curso ajudará você a entender como funcionam as costas e o que você pode fazer para evitar lesões nas costas. Os alunos ideais incluem todos os funcionários.


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Preventing Back Injury (Spanish)

La vida es difícil cuando duele la espalda. Los padecimientos de la espalda son dolorosos. Pueden ser debilitantes. Y pueden evitar que trabaje y disfrute las actividades fuera del trabajo. Este curso le ayuda a comprender cómo funciona la espalda y lo que puede hacer para prevenir lesiones de espalda. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Preventing Cuts and Puncture Wounds

When someone gets a cut or suffers a puncture wound, precautions should be taken to prevent infection in order to help prevent serious or even life-threatening injuries. This course provides guidance on using machinery, knives and other sharp objects in a safe manner as well as treating cuts and puncture wounds. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Preventing Cuts and Puncture Wounds (Spanish)

Cuando alguien recibe una cortada o sufre una herida punzante, se deben tomar precauciones para prevenir la infección a fin de prevenir lesiones graves o incluso potencialmente mortales. Este curso proporciona orientación sobre el uso de maquinaria, navajas y otros objetos afilados de una manera segura, así como el tratamiento de cortadas y heridas punzantes. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.When someone gets a cut or suffers a puncture wound, precautions should be taken to prevent infection in order to help prevent serious or even life-threatening injuries. This course provides guidance on using machinery, knives and other sharp objects in a safe manner as well as treating cuts and puncture wounds. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Preventing Sexual Harassment

You have a responsibility to yourself and your co-workers to take action when faced with sexual harassment in the workplace. This course describes workplace policies that ensure a harassment-free workplace. Topics in this course include: Definitions, Gray Areas, Taking Action, and Consequences. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify appropriate and inappropriate behavior as defined by the law and company policy.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls

At best, slipping and tripping is embarrassing. Often, it leads to strains and sprains. At worst, it causes serious injury or even death. Preventing slips, trips and falls is fairly inexpensive and easy, but often ignored in the daily routine of trying to get work done quickly and efficiently. This course defines slips, trips and falls and details how you can avoid them. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Canadian French)

Au mieux, glisser et trébucher est embarrassant. Souvent, cela entraîne des entorses et des foulures. Dans le pire des cas, cela cause des blessures graves ou même la mort. La prévention des dérapages, des trébuchements et des chutes est assez peu coûteuse et facile, mais elle est souvent ignorée dans la routine quotidienne qui consiste à essayer de faire le travail rapidement et efficacement. Ce cours définit les dérapages, les trébuchements et les chutes et explique comment les éviter. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Chinese)



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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Dutch)

Uitglijden en struikelen is in het beste geval gênant. Het leidt vaak tot verrekkingen en verstuikingen. In het slechtste geval veroorzaakt het ernstig letsel of zelfs de dood. Het voorkomen van uitglijden, struikelen en vallen is redelijk goedkoop en gemakkelijk, maar wordt vaak genegeerd in de dagelijkse routine van het proberen om werk snel en efficiënt gedaan te krijgen. Deze cursus definieert uitglijden, struikelen en vallen en specificeert hoe u dit kunt vermijden. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (French)

Dans le meilleur des cas, une glissade ou un trébuchement, c'est embarrassant. Souvent, cela conduit à des entorses et à des foulures. Dans le pire, cela provoque des blessures graves voire le décès. La prévention des glissades, trébuchements et chutes, cela ne coûte vraiment pas cher et c'est facile, mais on l'ignore souvent au quotidien, pour tenter de terminer le travail rapidement et de façon performante. Cette formation définit les glissades, trébuchements et chutes et les précautions à prendre pour les éviter. Cette formation s'adresse à tout le personnel.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (German)

Im besten Fall ist Ausrutschen und Stolpern peinlich. Oft führt es zu Zerrungen und Verstauchungen. Im schlimmsten Fall führt es zu schweren Verletzungen oder sogar zum Tod. Ausrutschen, Stolpern und Stürze zu verhindern ist relativ kostengünstig und einfach, wird aber oft im Alltag ignoriert, wenn versucht wird, Arbeit schnell und effizient zu erledigen. Dieser Kurs definiert Ausrutschen, Stolpern und Stürze und erklärt im Detail, wie Sie sie vermeiden können. Ideale Lernende sind alle Mitarbeiter.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Italian)

Nel caso più fortunato, scivolare e inciampare è imbarazzante. Spesso però, causa anche stiramenti e distorsioni. Nel peggiore dei casi, provoca gravi lesioni o addirittura la morte. Impedire scivoloni, inciampate e cadute è facile e poco costoso, ma le precauzioni necessarie vengono spesso tralasciate nella routine quotidiana, per cercare di finire il lavoro in modo veloce ed efficiente. Questo corso spiega cosa sono scivoloni, inciampate e cadute e fornisce dettagli su come è possibile evitarli. Questo corso è rivolto a tutti i dipendenti.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Japanese)



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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Korean)

기껏해야 미끄러지거나 걸려서 넘어지는 것은 난처한 일입니다. 종종 이로 인해 염좌를 입고 뼈 마디가 어긋날 수 있습니다. 최악의 경우 심각한 부상 또는 사망을 초래합니다. 미끄러지거나 걸려 넘어짐과 낙하를 방지하는 것은 비용이 많이 들지 않고 손쉽지만, 작업을 빠르고 효율적으로 수행하려고 노력하는 매일의 일상에서 종종 무시됩니다. 이 과정은 미끄러지거나 걸려서 넘어지는 것, 그리고 낙하을 정의하고 이를 피할 수있는 방법을 자세히 설명합니다. 모든 직원이 이 학습의 대상입니다.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Portuguese)

Na melhor das hipóteses, escorregar e tropeçar é algo embaraçoso. Muitas vezes conduz a estresse e distensões. Na pior das hipóteses, causa graves lesões ou até mesmo a morte. Prevenir escorregões, tropeços e quedas é bastante barato e fácil, porém frequentemente é ignorado na rotina diária de tentar fazer o trabalho rápido e de modo eficiente. Este curso define escorregões, tropeços e quedas e detalhes como você pode evitá-los. Os usuários ideais incluem todos os funcionários.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls (Spanish)

En el mejor de los casos, resbalarse y tropezarse es vergonzoso. A menudo produce esguinces y torceduras. En el peor de los casos, causa lesiones graves o incluso la muerte. La prevención de resbalones, tropezones y caídas es bastante económica y fácil, pero muchas veces se ignora en la rutina diaria de finalizar el trabajo de manera rápida y eficiente. Este curso define los resbalones, tropezones y caídas y detalla cómo puede evitarlos. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls Awareness

At best, slipping and tripping is embarrassing. Often, it leads to strains and sprains. At worst, it causes serious injury or even death. Preventing slips, trips and falls is easy, but often ignored in the daily routine of trying to get work done quickly and efficiently. This course defines slips, trips and falls and details how you can avoid them. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Preventing Workplace Harassment - Employees (US)

This program addresses a crucial issue in the workplace, respect. Respect is reflected in a broad range of behavior. The opposite, disrespectful behavior, encompasses behavior that includes racial and sexual harassment, and discrimination. The consequences of disrespectful behavior for employees and the company can be devastating. Everyone deserves a respectful workplace, and this program will help you be able to do your part in creating one.


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Preventing Workplace Harassment - Employees (US) (Spanish)

Este programa aborda un tema crucial en el lugar de trabajo: el respeto. El respeto se refleja en una amplia gama de comportamientos. El comportamiento opuesto, irrespetuoso, abarca el comportamiento que incluye el acoso racial y sexual y la discriminación. Las consecuencias del comportamiento irrespetuoso para los empleados y la empresa pueden ser devastadoras. Todos merecen un lugar de trabajo respetuoso y este programa lo ayudará a poder hacer su parte para crearlo.


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Preventing Workplace Harassment - Managers (US)

Victims of harassment have well-established rights under federal law and, in many cases, under state and local law, too. And as a Manager or Supervisor, you have an important responsibility to both prevent harassment from taking place and to address it whenever it occurs in your organization. In order to meet that responsibility, you need to know what harassment and discrimination are, what laws prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace, what you must do to prevent and act upon workplace harassment, and how the anti-discrimination policy of your organization helps you do this. That is what you are going to learn in this course


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Preventing Workplace Harassment - Managers (US) (Spanish)

Las víctimas de acoso tienen derechos bien establecidos según la ley federal y, en muchos casos, también bajo la ley estatal y local. Y como Gerente o Supervisor, usted tiene la importante responsabilidad de evitar que se produzca el acoso y abordarlo siempre que ocurra en su organización. Para cumplir con esa responsabilidad, debe saber qué son el acoso y la discriminación, qué leyes prohíben la discriminación y el acoso laboral, qué debe hacer para prevenir y actuar contra el acoso laboral y cómo lo ayuda la política antidiscriminatoria de su organización en esto. Eso es lo que va a aprender en este curso.


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Prevention and Control of TB, Parts 1-2 (US)

Tuberculosis, or TB, is a bacterial infection spreads through the air. Since you work with people who may be ill or at high risk for infection, it is important that you know how to identify, prevent and control TB. Take these courses to learn how to protect your patients and yourself. These courses are ideal for anyone who works in the healthcare industry.


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Privacy and Data Protection

This course describes your responsibility for protecting any personal information that is under your control. Topics in this course include: Consequences, Personal Information, Laws, EU Regulations, and Reporting Problems. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize what personal data must be protected according to the law and our company policies, as well as your personal responsibility in protecting this information. Learners will also be able to identify the risks involved in compromising personal data and know the basic guidelines for safeguarding it.


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Process Safety Management (PSM) (US)

When managing hazards associated with work processes using highly hazardous chemicals, Process Safety Management, or PSM, programs require active participation by both the employer and the employee to prevent harm from coming to hundreds and thousands of people. In this course, you will learn about proactive identification, evaluation and either prevention or mitigation of chemical releases that result from failures in processes, procedures or equipment. This course is ideal for supervisors, managers and other employees who are unfamiliar with the purpose and general requirements of PSM programs.


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Process Safety Management (PSM) (US) (Spanish)

Al gestionar los riesgos relacionados con los procesos de trabajo que utilizan sustancias químicas altamente peligrosas, los programas de gestión de seguridad de procesos o PSM requieren la participación activa del empleador y del empleado para evitar que cientos y miles de personas sufran daños. En este curso, aprenderá sobre la identificación proactiva, la evaluación y la prevención o mitigación de emisiones de sustancias químicas que resultan de fallas en los procesos, procedimientos o equipos. Este curso es ideal para supervisores, gerentes y otros empleados que no estén familiarizados con el propósito y los requisitos generales de los programas de PSM.


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Process Safety Management: Compliance Audits (US)

Process Safety Management (PSM) is a regulation that requires companies to comply with 14 elements to reduce the risk associated with highly hazardous chemicals in process facilities. Compliance auditing is one of the 14 elements and provides a way for companies to self-evaluate their implementation efforts. This course emphasizes the importance of performing a compliance audit to ensure they are meeting company standards. Topics in this course include: Compliance Audit, Elements, Preparation, and Conducting an Audit. After completing this course, learners will recognize what a compliance audit is, what PSM elements are included in a compliance audit, and what steps should be taken to perform an effective audit.


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Process Safety Management (PSM) (US) (Spanish)

Al gestionar los riesgos relacionados con los procesos de trabajo que utilizan sustancias químicas altamente peligrosas, los programas de gestión de seguridad de procesos o PSM requieren la participación activa del empleador y del empleado para evitar que cientos y miles de personas sufran daños. En este curso, aprenderá sobre la identificación proactiva, la evaluación y la prevención o mitigación de emisiones de sustancias químicas que resultan de fallas en los procesos, procedimientos o equipos. Este curso es ideal para supervisores, gerentes y otros empleados que no estén familiarizados con el propósito y los requisitos generales de los programas de PSM.


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Process Safety Management: Compliance Audits (US)

Process Safety Management (PSM) is a regulation that requires companies to comply with 14 elements to reduce the risk associated with highly hazardous chemicals in process facilities. Compliance auditing is one of the 14 elements and provides a way for companies to self-evaluate their implementation efforts. This course emphasizes the importance of performing a compliance audit to ensure they are meeting company standards. Topics in this course include: Compliance Audit, Elements, Preparation, and Conducting an Audit. After completing this course, learners will recognize what a compliance audit is, what PSM elements are included in a compliance audit, and what steps should be taken to perform an effective audit.


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Process Safety Management: Contractors (US)

The Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation requires host employers and contractors to work together to manage process safety. This course defines different types of contractors and reviews special safety requirements for employers at multi-employer work sites. Topics in this course include: Types of Employers, Host Employers, Contract Employers, Responsible Parties, and Working Together. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify the different types of employers on a multi-employer work site, recognize the responsibilities of host and contract employers, identify which party is responsible for safety, and identify how employers work together to protect their workers.


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Process Safety Management: Incident Investigation (US)

Companies that are subject to the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations are required to investigate each incident that resulted in, or could have resulted in, a catastrophic release of highly hazardous chemicals in the workplace. This course illustrates the importance of investigating incidents and communicating incident reports internally to ensure that similar incidents do not occur in the future. Topics in this course include: Types of Incidents, Investigation Plan, Investigations, Collecting Data, Causes, Corrective Actions, and Incident Report. In this course, learners will learn about the different types of incidents that must be investigated, when incidents should be reported, how to prepare incident reports, how to uncover root causes, and how to establish an effective system to implement corrective actions.


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Process Safety Management: Management of Change (US)

Management of Change (MOC) is a program designed to identify, evaluate, and prevent chemical releases that could result from changes in processes, procedures, or equipment. This course discusses MOC requirements that are part of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations. Topics in this course include: Change, Purpose, MOC Procedure, Change Request Form, and Implementation. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize how and when they must use an MOC procedure, identify the components of a successful MOC procedure, and identify how companies use implementation to make sure their MOC procedure is adequate.


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Process Safety Management: Mechanical Integrity (US)

Inadequate mechanical integrity caused by unsafe process equipment can cause catastrophic events in chemical processing facilities. This course illustrates the importance of a Mechanical Integrity Program (MIP) that companies are required to follow in compliance with Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations to help prevent catastrophic events. Topics in this course include: Mechanical Integrity Program, Preparation, Written Procedures, and Quality Assurance. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize why a good MIP is important. They will also be able to identify the required elements of an MIP and recognize how to maintain the mechanical integrity of a process.


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Process Safety Management: Operating Procedures (US)

Operating procedures are written instructions employees follow to safely perform their jobs in process operations. This course discusses the operating procedure requirements that are part of the PSM regulations. Topics in this course include: Operating Procedures, Scope, Reviewing Procedures, New Procedures, and Proper Format. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify operating procedures, identify how operating procedures manage the risks and hazards associated with covered processes, and recognize how to develop operating procedures.


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Process Safety Management: Overview (US)

Unexpected releases of toxic, reactive, and flammable liquids and gases have caused great harm and numerous deaths. Such events underscore the need for better industry practices and safety management controls. This course introduces the structure of a process safety management (PSM) program for processes involving highly hazardous chemicals. Topics in this course include: Application of PSM, Elements of a PSM Program, and Employee Involvement. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the components of a PSM program, the companies and processes that fall under PSM regulations, and the importance of employee involvement in a PSM program. This is the first in a series of courses on process safety management.


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Process Safety Management: Pre-Startup Safety Review (US)

In many organizations today, companies have been cited for noncompliance with Process Safety Management violations. One of the most frequently cited is the lack of a Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) when a new or modified system is introduced into a process. This course outlines the purpose of a startup, PSSR, and the process of arranging, planning and implementing PSSRs. Topics in this course include: Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR), Startup Types, and Performing a PSSR. After completing this course, learners will be able to define a PSSR, differentiate the two types of startups, and identify how companies perform PSSRs.


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Process Safety Management: Process Hazard Analysis (US)

Employers should perform appropriate Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) techniques in their workplace to ensure employee safety. This course describes Process Hazard Analysis techniques as part of the Process Safety Management (PSM) series. Topics in this course include: Controlling Process Hazards, Risk Assessment, PHA Methods, HAZOP Method, FMEA Method, FTA Method, PHA Reports, and Implementation. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify what a PHA is and recognize the different types of PHAs a company can perform


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Process Safety Management: Process Hazard Analysis (US) (Spanish)

Los empleadores deben realizar técnicas apropiadas de análisis de peligros del proceso (Process Hazard Analysis, PHA) en su lugar de trabajo para garantizar la seguridad de los empleados. En este curso se describen las técnicas de análisis de peligros del proceso como parte de la serie Gestión de seguridad de procesos (PSM). Los temas de este curso incluyen: Control de peligros de proceso, evaluación de riesgos, métodos de PHA, método HAZOP, método FMEA, método FTA, informes de PHA e implementación. Después de completar este curso, los estudiantes podrán identificar qué es un PHA y reconocer los distintos tipos de análisis de peligros de los procesos que puede realizar una empresa.


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Process Safety Management: Process Safety Information (US)

In order to understand the hazards associated with a chemical process, documentation relating to the process must be gathered. This data provides the basis for developing process hazard analyses, preparing operating and maintenance procedures, training, performing incident investigations, and managing changes as they occur. This course discusses process safety information (PSI) that is part of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations. Topics in this course include: Process Safety Information, Chemicals, Technology, Flow Diagrams, Equipment, and Participation. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify PSI, and recognize the three main PSI categories along with the specific data gathered within them.


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Process Safety Management: Training (US)

The root cause of many accidents can be traced back to inadequate communication and employee training. This course discusses training as part of the Process Safety Management (PSM) series and presents information on the training requirements for employees working in process industries. Topics in this course include: Requirements, Responsibilities, Training Types, and Refresher Training. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize the training requirements of the PSM regulations, identify what kind of training employers should provide, recognize the different training methods that might be used, and identify training documentation requirements.


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Radiofrequency (RF) Training

Radiofrequency (RF) is an invisible energy that we use in most wireless equipment and devices, such as those for communication and heating. Although it has many important uses, RF energy also has risks that you need to understand and avoid. Take this course to learn what RF energy is, where you may find it, its hazards, how to avoid them and what to do if you've been overexposed. This course is ideal for anyone who may be exposed to RF energy.


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Radiofrequency (RF) Training (Spanish)

La radiofrecuencia (RF) es una energía invisible que usamos en la mayoría de los equipos y dispositivos inalámbricos, como los de comunicación y calentamiento. Aunque tiene muchos usos importantes, la energía de RF también tiene riesgos que debe comprender y evitar. Tome este curso para aprender lo que es la energía de RF, dónde puede encontrarla, sus peligros y cómo evitarlos, y qué hacer si ha estado sobreexpuesto. Este curso es ideal para todos quienes puedan estar expuestos a la energía de RF.

Reasonable Suspicion Training (US) Suite (IACET CEU=0.2)

Substance abuse affects every worker directly or indirectly. When it impacts the workplace, productivity and profits suffer. This suite provides information about drug and alcohol policies in the workplace. It educates learners about the process of identifying potential drug and alcohol users: from spotting the indicators of substance abuse, to conducting testing, to following up once results are available. This suite also defines what substance abuse is, the costs and the effects of substance abuse on the workplace, and the effects of a variety of substances on the body, the mind, and the emotions. This suite includes the following courses: Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse (US), Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (US), Cannabis Awareness, and an IACET survey.


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Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse (US)

This course provides information about drug and alcohol policies in the workplace. It is specifically designed to cover requirements for drivers as specified by the DOT Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It educates learners about the process of identifying potential drug and alcohol users, including spotting the indicators of substance abuse, conducting testing, and following up once results are available. This training is intended for people who manage or supervise commercial drivers.


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Reasonable Suspicion Training for Alcohol and Substance Abuse (US) (Spanish)

Este curso proporciona información sobre políticas de drogas y alcohol en el lugar de trabajo. Está diseñado específicamente para cubrir los requisitos para los conductores según lo especificado por la Administración Federal de Seguridad de Autotransportes (FMCSA) del DOT. Educa a los estudiantes sobre el proceso de identificación de consumidores potenciales de drogas y alcohol, incluyendo la detección de los indicadores de abuso de sustancias intoxicantes, la realización de pruebas y el seguimiento una vez que los resultados estén disponibles. Esta capacitación está dirigida a personas que administran o supervisan conductores comerciales.


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Recognizing and Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

This course will provide definitions and examples of conflicts of interest, as well as provide guidance and reporting mechanisms for conflicts of interest.


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Recognizing and Avoiding Insider Trading

This course will identify common situations that violate insider trading laws. Topics in this course include: Recognizing Inside Information and Insider Trading Situations. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize what constitutes inside information, and how to recognize common insider trading violations.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness

This course explains how and why electricity is dangerous so that employees may recognize when hazards are present. It is intended for workers in all industries


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Canadian French)

Ce cours explique comment et pourquoi l'électricité est dangereuse afin que les employés puissent détecter la présence de dangers. Il s'adresse aux travailleurs de toutes les industries.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Chinese)



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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Dutch)

In deze cursus wordt uitgelegd hoe en waarom elektriciteit gevaarlijk is, zodat medewerkers gevaren kunnen herkennen. Hij is bedoeld voor werknemers uit alle sectoren.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (French)

Cette formation explique pourquoi et en quoi l’électricité est dangereuse, de sorte que les employés puissent reconnaître l’éventuelle présence de dangers. Elle est destinée aux travailleurs de tous les types d’industries.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (German)

Dieser Kurs erklärt, wie und warum Strom gefährlich ist, so dass Mitarbeiter erkennen können, wenn Gefährdungen vorhanden sind. Er richtet sich an Arbeiter in allen Branchen.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Italian)

Questo corso spiega come e perché l’elettricità è pericolosa, al fine di consentire ai dipendenti di riconoscere la presenza di pericoli. Il corso è destinato ai lavoratori di tutti i settori.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Japanese)



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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Korean)

본 교육과정에서는 위해요소가 있을 때 직원이 그것을 인지할 수 있도록 전기가 위험성을 나타내는 방식과 그 이유에 대해 설명합니다. 이것은 모든 산업 내 근로자용입니다.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Portuguese)

Este curso explica como e por que a eletricidade é perigosa para que os funcionários possam reconhecer quando há riscos presentes. Ele é destinado a trabalhadores de todos os setores.


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Recognizing Electrical Hazards Awareness (Spanish)

Este curso explica cómo y por qué la electricidad es peligrosa para que los empleados puedan reconocer si hay riesgos presentes. Es adecuada para los trabajadores en todas las industrias.


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Reporting (Data Entry)

How do you document details about what you discover during observations and incident investigations? One effective way is reports! Take this course to learn about report benefits as well as the characteristics of good reports. Ideal learners are managers, supervisors and safety committee members.


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Reporting (Data Entry) (Dutch)

Hoe documenteert u gegevens over uw bevindingen tijdens waarnemingen en onderzoeken naar aanleiding van een incident? Een effectieve manier om dit te doen is het opstellen van rapportages! Met deze cursus leert u over de voordelen van rapporteren en de kenmerken van goede rapportages. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor managers, leidinggevenden en leden van de veiligheidscommissie.


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Reporting (Data Entry) (French)

Comment documentez-vous les éléments sur ce que vous avez découvert lors de vos enquêtes d’observations et d’incidents ? L’une des façons est de le signaler. Suivez ce cours pour apprendre les avantages d’un rapport ainsi que les caractéristiques d’un bon rapport. Destiné de façon idéale aux cadres, superviseurs, membres du comité de sécurité.


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Reporting (Data Entry) (German)

Wie dokumentieren Sie Details über das, was Sie während der Beobachtung und Untersuchung von Schadensfällen entdecken? Ein effektiver Weg sind Meldungen! Nehmen Sie an diesem Kurs teil, um etwas über die Vorteile von Meldungen sowie über die Eigenschaften von guten Berichten zu lernen. Zu den idealen Teilnehmern gehören Manager, Vorgesetzte, Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses.


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Reporting (Data Entry) (Japanese)

観察や事故の調査で発見したことの詳細をどのように文書にしますか? 一つの効果的な方法は報告書を作成することです! このコースでは報告するメリットと良い報告書の特徴について学習します。このトレーニングは、マネージャー、監督者、安全委員会のメンバーを対象者としています。


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Reporting (Data Entry) (Portuguese)

Como você documenta detalhes sobre aquilo que você descobre durante observações e investigações de incidentes? Uma maneira eficaz são relatórios! Faça este curso para aprender os benefícios de fazer relatórios, bem como as características de bons relatórios. Os alunos ideais incluem gestores, supervisores, membros de comitês de segurança.


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Reporting (Data Entry) (Spanish)

¿Cómo documenta los detalles acerca de lo que descubre durante las observaciones e investigación de incidentes? ¡Una manera eficaz son los reportes! Tome este curso para aprender más acerca del beneficio de los reportes, así como las características de los buenos reportes. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen gerentes, supervisores y miembros del comité de seguridad.


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Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Parts 1-2 (US) (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.1)

La Loi sur la conservation le rétablissement des ressources (RCRA) impose des contrôles sur la gestion des déchets dangereux, de leur production à leur élimination finale. Ce cours en deux parties vous fournit des renseignements importants sur le RCRA, les déchets dangereux et votre rôle dans la sécurité si votre installation ou organisation produit, élimine ou stocke des déchets dangereux. Il explore aussi les mesures que vous devez prendre pour exploiter et entretenir soigneusement votre installation et ainsi réduire les risques d'incendie, d'explosion et de rejet de déchets dangereux.


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Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Parts 1-2 (US) (IACET CEU=0.1)

The Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) places controls on the management of hazardous waste from its generation to its ultimate disposal. This two-part course provides you with important information on RCRA, hazardous waste and your role in staying safe if your facility or organization produces, disposes or stores hazardous waste. It also explores the actions you must take to carefully operate and maintain your facility and therefore reduce the possibility of fire, explosion and release of hazardous waste. You are required to complete all courses and pass all assessments within this suite in order to receive the stated CEU Credits.


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Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Parts 1-2 (US) (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1)

The Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) places controls on the management of hazardous waste from its generation to its ultimate disposal. This two-part course provides you with important information on RCRA, hazardous waste and your role in staying safe if your facility or organization produces, disposes or stores hazardous waste. It also explores the actions you must take to carefully operate and maintain your facility and therefore reduce the possibility of fire, explosion and release of hazardous waste.


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Respiratory Protection

A single exposure to an airborne chemical can cause health effects that may last for the rest of your life. If your workplace contains dangerous chemicals or hazardous atmospheres, you need to know when and how to wear a respirator. This training will present the basic requirements of respiratory protection and will focus on the types and limitations of respirators. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Respiratory Protection (Canadian French)

Une seule exposition à un produit chimique en suspension dans l'air peut avoir des effets sur la santé qui peuvent durer toute votre vie. Si votre lieu de travail contient des produits chimiques dangereux ou des atmosphères dangereuses, vous devez savoir quand et comment porter un respirateur. Cette formation présentera les exigences de base de la protection respiratoire et mettra l'accent sur les types et les limites des appareils respiratoires. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent tous les employés.


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Respiratory Protection (Chinese)



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Respiratory Protection (Dutch)

Een eenmalige blootstelling aan een via de lucht verspreide chemische stof kan gezondheidseffecten veroorzaken die voor de rest van uw leven kunnen duren. Indien uw werkomgeving gevaarlijke atmosferen bevat, dient u op de hoogte te zijn van wanneer en hoe u een ademhalingstoestel draagt. Deze training deelt kennis over de basiseisen van ademhalingsbescherming en zal zich richten op de soorten en beperkingen van ademhalingstoestellen. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Respiratory Protection (French)

Une seule exposition à un produit chimique présent dans l’air peut avoir des effets irréversibles sur la santé, pour le restant de vos jours. Si votre lieu de travail comprend des atmosphères dangereuses ou des produits chimiques, vous devez savoir quand et comment porter un appareil respiratoire. Cette formation présente les exigences de base de la protection respiratoire et se focalise sur les différents types d’appareils respiratoires, ainsi que sur leurs limitations. Ce cours s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Respiratory Protection (German)

Die einmalige Exposition gegenüber einer luftübertragenen Chemikalie kann gesundheitliche Auswirkungen haben, die eventuell das restliche Leben andauern. Falls an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz gefährliche Chemikalien oder gefährliche Atmosphären vorhanden sind, müssen Sie wissen, wann und wie ein Atemschutzgerät zu tragen ist. Diese Schulung stellt die grundlegenden Anforderungen des Atemschutzes vor, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den Arten und Einschränkungen von Atemschutzgeräten liegt. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Respiratory Protection (Italian)

Una singola esposizione ad una sostanza chimica in sospensione nell’aria può avere effetti nocivi sulla salute che potrebbero durare per il resto della vostra vita. Se il vostro luogo di lavoro contiene sostanze chimiche pericolose o presenta atmosfere pericolose, dovete sapere quando e come indossare un respiratore. Questo corso di formazione illustrerà i requisiti fondamentali della protezione delle vie respiratorie e si incentrerà sui tipi di respiratori e sulle loro limitazioni. Questo corso è rivolto a tutti i dipendenti.


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Respiratory Protection (Japanese)



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Respiratory Protection (Korean)

공기 매개 화학물질에 한 번만 노출되어도 평생 동안 지속될 수 있는 건강상의 영향이 발생할 수 있습니다. 작업장에 유해 화학물질이나 유해 대기가 포함되어 있는 경우, 인공호흡기를 착용하는 시기와 방법을 알고 있어야 합니다. 본 교육에서는 호흡 보호의 기본 요구사항을 제시하고 인공호흡기의 유형과 한계에 초점을 맞춥니다. 모든 직원이 이 학습의 대상입니다.


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Respiratory Protection (Portuguese)

Uma única exposição a um produto químico no ar pode provocar danos à saúde que podem durar o resto da sua vida. Se o seu local de trabalho contiver atmosferas perigosas, você precisa saber quando e como usar um respirador. Este treinamento apresentará os requisitos básicos de proteção respiratória e focará nos tipos e limitações dos respiradores. Os usuários ideais incluem todos os funcionários.


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Respiratory Protection (Spanish)

Una única exposición a un químico aéreo puede tener efectos en la salud que pueden durar durante el resto de su vida. Si su lugar de trabajo contiene químicos nocivos para la salud o atmósferas peligrosas, tiene que saber cuándo y cómo usar un respirador. Esta capacitación presentará los requisitos básicos de la protección respiratoria y se enfocará en los tipos de respiradores y sus limitaciones. Los estudiantes ideales incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Respiratory Protection (US)

A single exposure to an airborne chemical can cause health effects that may last for the rest of your life. If your workplace contains dangerous chemicals or hazardous atmospheres, you need to know when and how to wear a respirator. This training will present the basic requirements of respiratory protection and will focus on the types and limitations of respirators. Learners include all employees.


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Respiratory Protection (US) (Spanish)

Una sola exposición a un producto químico transmitido por vía aérea puede provocar efectos en la salud que pueden durar por el resto de su vida. Si su lugar de trabajo contiene atmósferas o productos químicos que sean peligrosos, debe saber cuándo y cómo usar un respirador. Esta capacitación presentará los requisitos básicos de protección respiratoria y se enfocará en los tipos y limitaciones de los respiradores. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Respiratory Protection Awareness

A single exposure to an airborne chemical can cause health effects that last for the rest of your life. If your workplace contains dangerous chemicals, you may need to know about respirator use. This training will present the basic requirements of respiratory protection and will focus on the types and limitations of respirators. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Respiratory Protection Awareness (Spanish)

Una sola exposición a un producto químico transportado por el aire puede provocar efectos en la salud que duran por el resto de su vida. Si su lugar de trabajo contiene productos químicos, es posible que necesite saber sobre el uso de respiradores. Esta capacitación presentará los requisitos básicos de protección respiratoria y se enfocará en los tipos y limitaciones de los respiradores. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Road Rage Awareness

In our fast-paced world, it seems that many drivers carry their frustrations and impatience into their vehicles with them. Road rage is something you must be aware of and control as a driver. This training is designed to give you the information you need to avoid becoming the victim of road rage or succumbing to it. Ideal learners are all drivers.


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Rough Terrain Forklift Safety, Parts 1-2

Hands-on training about the equipment and areas in which you will operate rough terrain forklifts is vital to workplace safety. To prepare for your hands-on instruction, you can take these courses to learn about important practices for avoiding site and equipment hazards and operating errors. These courses are ideal for workers who will use rough terrain forklifts and their supervisors.


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Rough Terrain Forklift Safety, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)

La capacitación práctica acerca del equipo y las áreas en las que operará montacargas para terrenos irregulares es vital para la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. Para prepararse para la instrucción práctica, puede tomar estos cursos para aprender acerca de las prácticas importantes para evitar peligros en la obra y en los equipos, además de errores de operación. Estos cursos son ideales para los trabajadores que usarán montacargas para terrenos irregulares y sus supervisores.


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Safe Return to the Workspace, Parts 1-4

When employers determine it is safe to return to workspaces, it is important to prepare yourself and your work area. You must also be prepared to safely share your workspace or telecommute, as needed. Take this suite to learn more about controls you can use to stay safe, to remain healthy and to be effective wherever you work. This course is ideal for all workers.


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Safe Return to Work for Construction

Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected your life at home and on the jobsite. This training is part of the efforts of your employer to ensure a safe and healthy jobsite. In it, you will learn about evaluating your health and taking precautions to prevent the spread of disease. This course is ideal for all workers on construction jobsites.


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Safe Return to Work for Construction (Spanish)

Recientemente, la pandemia de COVID-19 ha afectado su vida en casa y en el lugar de trabajo. Esta capacitación forma parte de los esfuerzos de su empleador para garantizar un lugar de trabajo seguro y saludable. En ella aprenderá sobre evaluar su salud y tomar precauciones para prevenir la propagación de enfermedades. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores en sitios de la construcción.


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Safe Vehicle Operations (US)

This course educates commercial vehicle operators and other personnel at trucking companies about how to avoid accidents caused by speeding, following other vehicles too closely and executing turns incorrectly.


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Safeguarding Intellectual Property

This course discusses how to identify and protect the Intellectual Property (IP) assets of a company. It also covers the four primary types of intellectual property with which a company deals. This course explores the business, ethical, and legal consequences of violating IP laws and protections, and an individual’s responsibility for safeguarding the IP of a company and that of others.


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Safety and You

As a supervisor, your actions directly impact the employees you supervise. How you handle yourself, what you say and even what you do not say impact how employees behave. Therefore, we will examine several safety management approaches and help you build an enhanced climate for safety in your workplace. Ideal learners are supervisors and managers.


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Safety and You (Chinese)



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Safety and You (Dutch)

Als supervisor hebben uw acties een directe invloed op de werknemers waarop u toezicht houdt. Hoe u met uzelf omgaat, wat u zegt en zelfs wat u niet zegt, heeft een invloed op de manier waarop werknemer5s zichzelf gedragen. Daarom bekijken we diverse benaderingen op veiligheidsbeheer en helpen wij u bij het opbouwen van een verbeterd klimaat voor veiligheid op uw werkplek. Ideale cursisten zijn leidinggevenden en managers.


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Safety and You (French)

En tant que superviseur, vos actions affectent directement les employés que vous encadrez. Votre manière de vous comporter, ce que vous dîtes et même ce que vous ne dîtes pas a un impact sur le comportement des employés. En conséquence, nous allons examiner plusieurs approches de la gestion de la sécurité et vous aider à bâtir un climat optimisé pour la sécurité sur votre lieu de travail. Cette formation s’adresse aux superviseurs et aux directeurs.


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Safety and You (German)

Als Vorgesetzter wirken sich Ihre Maßnahmen direkt auf die Mitarbeiter aus, die Sie überwachen. Wie Sie mit sich selbst umgehen, was Sie sagen, und auch das, was Sie nicht sagen, wirkt sich darauf aus, wie sich die Mitarbeiter verhalten. Deshalb werden wir mehrere Sicherheitsmanagementansätze untersuchen und Ihnen helfen, für die Sicherheit an Ihrem Arbeitsplatz ein besseres Klima zu schaffen. Diese Schulung richtet sich vor allem an Vorgesetzte und Manager.


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Safety and You (Japanese)



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Safety and You (Portuguese)

Enquanto supervisor, suas ações têm um impacto direto sobre os funcionários que você supervisiona. Como você lida consigo mesmo, o que você diz e mesmo o que você não diz impactam o comportamento dos funcionários. Portanto, estudaremos várias abordagens para a gestão de segurança e ajudaremos você a construir um ambiente melhor para a segurança no seu local de trabalho. Os alunos ideais são supervisores e gestores.


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Safety and You (Spanish)

Como supervisor, sus acciones afectan directamente a los empleados que supervisa. La manera en que se comporta, lo que dice e incluso lo que no dice afectan la conducta de los empleados. Por lo tanto, examinaremos varios enfoques de gestión de seguridad y lo ayudaremos a crear un mejor entorno para la seguridad en su lugar de trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos son los supervisores y gerentes.


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Safety and You Awareness

We make choices that affect jobsite safety every day. What motivates these choices? Are there ways to influence others and create a safer workplace? Take this course to find out! Ideal learners are all employees.


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Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work (Spanish)

Todos los días, los empleados que supervisa toman decisiones que afectan su seguridad y la seguridad de todos en su sitio de trabajo. ¿Qué motiva esas decisiones? ¿Existen maneras en las que puede influirlos para que actúen de manera segura? ¡Tome este curso para averiguarlo! Los estudiantes idóneos son los supervisores y gerentes de construcción.


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Safety and You Awareness

We make choices that affect jobsite safety every day. What motivates these choices? Are there ways to influence others and create a safer workplace? Take this course to find out! Ideal learners are all employees.


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Safety and You for Construction: Encouraging Safe Work (Spanish)

Todos los días, los empleados que supervisa toman decisiones que afectan su seguridad y la seguridad de todos en su sitio de trabajo. ¿Qué motiva esas decisiones? ¿Existen maneras en las que puede influirlos para que actúen de manera segura? ¡Tome este curso para averiguarlo! Los estudiantes idóneos son los supervisores y gerentes de construcción.


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Safety and You for Construction: Supervisor Role (Spanish)

Como supervisor, sus acciones afectan directamente a los empleados que supervisa. La manera en que se comporta, lo que dice e incluso lo que no dice puede influenciar las decisiones que toman los empleados. Por lo tanto, examinaremos varios enfoques de gestión de seguridad y lo ayudaremos a crear un mejor entorno para la seguridad en su lugar de trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos son los supervisores y gerentes de construcción.


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Safety Everywhere: Carbon Monoxide

Did you know there is a potentially deadly gas in most homes? It has no odor or color, so it is hard to detect. This dangerous gas is carbon monoxide. The good news is, there are ways you can keep yourself and your family safe. Take this course to refresh your memory about the sources of carbon monoxide, symptoms of exposure and prevention. This course is intended for everyone.


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Safety Everywhere: Carbon Monoxide (Spanish)

¿Sabía usted que hay gas potencialmente mortal en la mayoría de los hogares? No tiene olor ni color, por lo que es difícil de detectar. Este gas peligroso es el monóxido de carbono. Las buenas noticias: hay maneras en las que usted y su familia se pueden mantener seguros. Tome este curso para refrescar su memoria acerca de las fuentes de monóxido de carbono, los síntomas de la exposición y la prevención. Este curso está destinado a todos.


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Safety Everywhere: Coping with Cold

Did you know that extreme cold can seriously hurt you? Take this course to find out how you can stay warm and avoid the dangers of becoming too cold. This course is intended for everyone.


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Safety Everywhere: Coping with Cold (Spanish)

¿Sabía que el frío extremo puede ser muy dañino? Tome este curso para aprender maneras de mantener el calor y evitar los peligros de enfriarse demasiado. Este curso está destinado a todos.


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Safety Everywhere: Dealing with Heat

Hot temperatures can quickly go from uncomfortable to dangerous. Take this course to find out how you can stay safe in the heat. This course is intended for everyone.mación sobre los derechos a los trabajadores


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Safety Everywhere: Dealing with Heat (Spanish)

Las altas temperaturas pueden pasar de ser incómodas a ser peligrosas rápidamente. Tome este curso para aprender a mantenerse a salvo en situaciones de calor. Este curso está destinado a todos.


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Safety Everywhere: Fire Safety

Fires can destroy property, homes and lives. No one wants to have to deal with a fire. Fortunately, there are things you can do that will help you stop fires from happening and ensure you can stay safe if there is a fire. Take this course to learn how! This course is intended for everyone.


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Safety Everywhere: Fire Safety (Spanish)

Los incendios destruyen propiedades, hogares y vidas. A nadie le gustaría tener que lidiar con un incendio. Afortunadamente, puede tomar algunas medidas para evitar que sucedan y para mantenerse seguro si es que por desgracia ocurren. ¡Tome este curso para aprender cómo hacerlo! Este curso está destinado a todos.


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Safety Everywhere: Staying Safe on Two Wheels

When you operate a two-wheeled vehicle, whether it is a bicycle or a motorized vehicle, you are vulnerable. You do not have the same protections as you do when you are inside a car or bus. That means you need to take extra care to remain safe. In this course, we will review some basic safety advice you can use to avoid accidents and injuries. This course is ideal for operators of bicycles and motorized two-wheeled vehicles.


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Safety Everywhere: Staying Safe on Two Wheels (Spanish)

Cuando opera un vehículo de dos ruedas, ya sea una bicicleta o un vehículo motorizado, usted es vulnerable. No tiene las mismas protecciones que tiene cuando está al interior de un automóvil o un autobús. Esto significa que tiene que tener sumo cuidado para mantenerse seguro. En este curso, revisaremos algunos consejos de seguridad básicos que puede usar para evitar accidentes y lesiones. Este curso es ideal para operadores de bicicletas y vehículos motorizados de dos ruedas.


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Safety Orientation

This employee safety program is much more than an examination of set rules. It is a common-sense approach to training employees in order to prevent injuries and illness. Ideal learners are new employees.


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Safety Orientation (Chinese)



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Safety Orientation (Dutch)

Dit veiligheidsprogramma voor medewerkers is veel meer dan een examen van een stel regels. Het is een aanpak met gezond verstand om medewerkers te trainen zodat letsel en ziekten worden voorkomen. Ideale cursisten zijn nieuwe werknemers.


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Safety Orientation (French)

Ce programme de sécurité des employés est bien plus qu’un examen de règles établies. C’est une approche pleine de bon sens sur la formation des employés afin d’éviter les blessures et les maladies. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le nouveau personnel.


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Safety Orientation (German)

Dieses Mitarbeitersicherheitsprogramm ist viel mehr als eine Prüfung festgelegter Vorschriften. Vielmehr handelt es sich um einen vernunftgelenkten Ansatz der Mitarbeiterschulung, um Verletzungen und Krankheiten zu vermeiden. Diese Schulung eignet sich insbesondere für neue Mitarbeiter.


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Safety Orientation (Japanese)

この従業員のための安全プログラムでは、単に規定のルールを調べるだけではなく、より幅広い内容を扱います。 怪我や病気を防ぐために、常識的なアプローチで従業員をトレーニングします。 推奨される受講対象者は新入社員です。


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Safety Orientation (Portuguese)

Este programa de segurança dos funcionários é muito mais que uma análise de regras estabelecidas. É um método de treinamento de funcionários baseado em senso comum com o objetivo de evitar ferimentos e doenças. Este curso é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Safety Orientation (Spanish)

Este programa de seguridad para empleados es más que un repaso de reglas. Es un enfoque de sentido común para capacitar a los empleados a fin de prevenir lesiones y enfermedades. Los estudiantes idóneos son los nuevos empleados.


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Safety Signs (US)

You can tell a great deal about the hazardous conditions in a work area by looking at the safety signs that are posted there. Take this course to find out why we have safety signs, what they mean and what you need to know about them. This course is ideal for all workers who visit, supervise, or perform work at factories, construction jobsites or healthcare facilities.


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Safety Signs (US) (Spanish)

Las señales de seguridad instaladas en un área de trabajo revelan mucho acerca de las condiciones de peligro. Realice este curso para determinar por qué tenemos señales de seguridad, qué significan y qué tiene que saber al respecto. Este curso es ideal para todos los trabajadores que visitan o que ejecutan trabajos en fábricas, faenas de construcción o instalaciones de salud.


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Sarbanes-Oxley Act: An Overview

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 initiated the biggest change in corporate governance since the Great Depression. This course describes each section of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act along with insights about how it impacts companies and their employees. Topics in this course include: Purpose, Effects, Audit Committees, Executives, Government Agencies, and Crimes and Penalties. After completing this course, leaners will be able to identify the purpose and main provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


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Scaffold Safety Essentials

Working on scaffolds can be dangerous, but it does not need to be. Take this course to learn about the hazards that are common to all scaffolds and the hazards that are unique to certain types of scaffolds. You will learn how scaffold design and work practices can make your work safer. This course is ideal for employees who work on or around scaffolds as well as their managers.


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Scaffold Safety Essentials (Canadian French)

Le travail dans un échafaudage peut être dangereux, mais pas nécessairement. Suivez ce cours pour apprendre les risques courants dans tous les échafaudages et les dangers propres à certains types. Vous apprendrez la conception et les pratiques de travail dans les échafaudages qui peuvent rendre le travail plus sûr. Ce cours est idéal pour les travailleurs qui œuvrent autour des échafaudages, ainsi que pour leurs dirigeants.


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Scaffold Safety Essentials (Chinese)



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Scaffold Safety Essentials (Dutch)

Werken op steigers kan gevaarlijk zijn, maar dat hoeft niet zo te zijn. Volg deze cursus voor meer informatie over de gevaren die veel vorkomen bij alle steigers en de gevaren die uniek zijn voor bepaalde soorten steigers. U zult leren hoe steigerontwerp en werkpraktijken uw werk veiliger kunnen maken. Deze cursus is ideaal voor werknemers die werken op of rond steigers alsook hun managers.


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Scaffold Safety Essentials (French)

Travailler sur des échafaudages peut être dangereux, mais cela n’a pas besoin de l’être. Suivez ce cours pour en apprendre davantage sur les risques communs à tous les échafaudages, ainsi que sur les risques uniques à certains types d’échafaudages. Vous apprendrez comment la conception de l’échafaudage et les pratiques professionnelles peuvent rendre votre travail plus sûr. Ce cours s’adresse aux employés qui travaillent sur ou autour d’échafaudages ainsi qu’à leurs responsables.


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Scaffold Safety Essentials (German)

Die Arbeit auf Gerüsten kann gefährlich sein, muss es aber nicht. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie die Gefahren kennen, die für alle Gerüste gelten, sowie die Gefahren, die nur von bestimmten Gerüstarten ausgehen. Sie erfahren, wie Gerüstkonstruktionen und Arbeitspraktiken Ihre Arbeit sicherer machen können. Dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle Mitarbeiter, die auf oder in der Nähe von Gerüsten arbeiten, sowie an deren Vorgesetzte.


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Scaffold Safety Essentials (Japanese)



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Scaffold Safety Essentials (Portuguese)

Trabalhar em andaimes pode ser perigoso, mas não precisa ser. Faça este curso para aprender sobre os perigos comuns a todos os andaimes e os perigos que são exclusivos de determinados tipos de andaimes. Você aprenderá como o design do andaime e as práticas de trabalho podem tornar seu trabalho mais seguro. Este curso é ideal para funcionários que trabalham em andaimes ou em torno de andaimes, assim como para seus gerentes.


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Scaffold Safety Essentials (Spanish)

Trabajar en andamios puede ser peligroso, pero no tiene por qué serlo. Tome este curso para conocer los peligros comunes que presentan todos los andamios y los peligros que solo presentan ciertos tipos de andamios. Aprenderá cómo el diseño de andamios y las prácticas de trabajo pueden aumentar la seguridad en su trabajo. Este curso es ideal para empleados que trabajan en andamios o cerca de ellos, y para sus gerentes.


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This course covers the five characteristics of self-motivated people and the five skills that are necessary to develop these characteristics. Topics in this course include: Self-Motivation, Skills, Mission Statement, Goals, Creative Thinking, Self-Discipline, and Self-Talk. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize how to apply the skills and characteristics of self-motivation at work, at home, and in the community.


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Sexual Harassment Awareness for California Employees

Sexual harassment is a serious issue facing employers. This course is designed to educate you about the State of California's and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) definition of sexual harassment as well as to present information on identifying harassing behavior, avoiding harassment, and what steps to take should harassment issues arise involving the workplace. Topics in this course include: Definition, Guidelines, Confrontation, and Reporting Incidents. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize that harassment is a personal issue and that your definition of offensive behavior may differ from that of your coworkers. Learners will also be able to identify behaviors that are considered inappropriate and know how to avoid engaging in inappropriate behaviors.


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Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees

Sexual harassment is a serious issue facing employers. This course is designed to educate you about the definition of sexual harassment as well as to present information on identifying harassing behavior, avoiding harassment, and what steps to take should harassment issues arise involving the workplace. Topics in this course include: Definition, Guidelines, Confrontation, and Reporting Incidents. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize that harassment is a personal issue and that your definition of offensive behavior may differ from that of your coworkers. Learners will also be able to identify behaviors that are considered inappropriate and know how to avoid engaging in inappropriate behaviors.


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Sexual Harassment Awareness for Managers

This course presents an overview of sexual harassment and emphasizes the specific responsibilities of managers and supervisors in preventing and responding to sexual harassment. Responding appropriately to sexual harassment may reduce the potential liability of employers in this area. It is highly recommended that individuals take Investigating Employee Claims in conjunction with this course. Reviewing Sexual Harassment Awareness for Employees will also be helpful. Topics in this course include: Definitions, Employer Liabilities, Prevention and Response, and Legal Issues. After completing this course, learners will be able recognize, prevent, and respond to sexual harassment in a responsible manner.


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Sexual Harassment Awareness for New York Employees and Supervisors

Sexual harassment is a serious issue facing employers. This course is designed to educate you about New York and federal laws regarding sexual harassment as well as to present information on identifying harassing behavior, avoiding harassment, and what steps to take should harassment issues arise involving the workplace. Topics in this course include: Guidelines, Confrontation, Reporting Incidents, Supervisor Responsibilities, and Rights and Remedies. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize that harassment is a personal issue and that definitions of offensive behavior may differ amongst coworkers. Learners also will be able to identify behaviors that are considered inappropriate and recognize how to avoid engaging in inappropriate behaviors.


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Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers (US)

Potential sexual harassment entanglements can appear anywhere in the work environment and in many different forms. As a manager, you need to be on constant alert about what goes on in your workplace and know how to deal with inappropriate and unlawful behaviors. This course provides practical examples designed to raise management awareness of potential employee issues and the legal liabilities associated with sexual harassment. To fulfill the two-hour sexual harassment training requirements of California AB 1825, this course should be taken in conjunction with Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct Prevention for Managers (California AB 1825 and 2053).

Sexual Harassment Prevention for Managers CA AB 1825 and 2053 Suite (IACET CEU=0.2)

This course fulfills the California AB 1825 and AB 2053 requirement that employers of 50 or more employees educate supervisors about sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation and abusive conduct every two years. Potential harassment, discrimination, retaliation or abusive conduct can appear anywhere in the work environment and in many different forms. As a manager, you need to be on constant alert as to what is going on in the workplace and know how to deal with inappropriate and illegal behaviors. This course provides practical examples designed to raise management awareness of the potential employee issues and the legal liabilities associated with such conduct.


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Slips, Trips and Falls for Construction

At best, slipping and tripping is embarrassing. Often, it leads to strains and sprains. At worst, it causes serious injury or even death. Preventing slips, trips and falls from walking and working surfaces is easy, but often ignored in the daily routine of trying to get work done quickly and efficiently. This course defines slips, trips and falls and details how you can avoid them. Ideal learners are all employees who work construction.


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Slips, Trips and Falls for Construction (Spanish)

A lo mejor, el resbalar y tropezarse termina ser vergonzoso. A menudo lleva a esguinces y torceduras. En el peor de los casos causa lesiones serias o incluso la muerte. La prevención de resbalones, tropezones y caídas en superficies de paso y de trabajo es fácil, pero a menudo se ignora en la rutina diaria de finalizar el trabajo de manera rápida y eficiente. Este curso define los resbalones, tropezones y caídas y detalla cómo puede evitarlos. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados que trabajan en construcción.


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SMART Goal Setting

Goals that adhere to Specific, Measurable, Attainable,;Results-Oriented, and Time-Bounded (SMART) criteria are more likely to lead to;completion of tasks and higher satisfaction. This course will help participants;understand the impact of goal setting on their lives, and give them a road map;they can use to achieve higher personal and professional productivity. Topics;in this course include: Goals, Specific, Measurable, Attainable,;Results-Oriented, Time-Bound, and Putting It Together. After completing this;course, learners will be able to recognize the essential elements of effective;goal setting. Learners will also be able to differentiate between well-written;and poorly written goals.


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (Chinese)



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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (Dutch)

Je hebt berichten in de media gelezen over de catastrofale gevolgen van een olielek voor de natuur, het milieu en het leven van getroffen gemeenschappen. De SPCC-wetgeving werd ontwikkeld om te voorkomen dat vrijkomende olie uit installaties bevaarbare wateren in de Verenigde Staten vervuilt. Deze cursus biedt medewerkers een algemeen overzicht van de eisen van SPCC. De cursus is primair bedoeld voor elke medewerker die betrokken is bij het verwerken, overslaan en opslaan van olie, bij het ingrijpen na lekkage of bij het onderhouden van oliesystemen.


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (German)

Sie haben sicherlich anhand der Berichte in den Medien erfahren, welche katastrophalen Effekte eine Ölpest auf die Tierwelt, Umwelt und Lebensgrundlage der betroffenen Gemeinschaften haben kann. Die SPCC-Verordnung wurde dazu ins Leben gerufen, um Ölunfälle an Standorten zu vermeiden, die dazu geeignet sind, die schiffbaren Gewässer der USA zu verschmutzen. Dieser Kurs gibt den Arbeitnehmern eine allgemeine Übersicht über die SPCC-Auflagen. Geeignete Schulungsteilnehmer sind all jene Arbeitnehmer, die Öl manipulieren, verlagern, lagern und mit der Unfallverhütung oder Wartung der Ausrüstung und Geräte des Sektors betraut werden.


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (Portuguese)

Você já viu relatos da mídia sobre os efeitos catastróficos do derramamento de óleo na flora e fauna, o meio ambiente e os meios de subsistência das comunidades afetadas. O regulamento SPCC foi desenvolvido para prevenir a liberação de óleo em instalações de águas navegáveis poluentes dos Estados Unidos. Este curso fornece aos funcionários uma visão geral dos requisitos do SPCC. Os alunos ideais são qualquer funcionário envolvido na movimentação de óleo, transferência, armazenamento, resposta a um derramamento ou manutenção de equipamentos de petróleo.


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (Spanish)

Ha visto informes en los medios sobre los efectos catastróficos que tiene un derrame de aceite en la vida silvestre, el medio ambiente y la vida de las comunidades afectadas. El reglamento de SPCC se desarrolló para prevenir que las liberaciones de aceite de los centros contaminen las aguas navegables de Estados Unidos. Este curso da a los empleados una introducción general a los requisitos de SPCC. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados que manejan, transfieren y almacenan aceite, y dan respuesta ante derrames o mantenimiento al equipo de aceite. You have seen media reports about the catastrophic effects an oil spill has on wildlife, the environment, and the livelihood of affected communities. The SPCC regulation was developed to prevent oil releases at facilities from polluting navigable waters of the United States. This course gives employees a general overview of SPCC requirements. Ideal learners include any employee involved in oil handling, transfer, storage, spill response or


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US)

You have seen media reports about the catastrophic effects an oil spill has on wildlife, the environment, and the livelihood of affected communities. The SPCC regulation was developed to prevent oil releases at facilities from polluting navigable waters of the United States. This course gives employees a general overview of SPCC requirements. Ideal learners are any employee involved in oil handling, transfer, storage, spill response or maintenance of oil equipment.


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Canadian French)

Vous avez vu des reportages dans les médias sur les effets catastrophiques d'une marée noire sur la faune, l'environnement et les moyens de subsistance des collectivités touchées. Le règlement SPCC a été élaboré pour empêcher les rejets d'hydrocarbures dans les installations de polluer les eaux navigables des États-Unis. Ce cours donne aux employés un aperçu général des exigences du SPCC. Les apprenants idéaux sont tous les employés impliqués dans la manutention, le transfert, le stockage, l'intervention en cas de déversement ou l'entretien de l'équipement pétrolier.


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (French)

Vous avez vu des reportages sur les effets catastrophiques d’une marée noire sur la faune, l’environnement et l’existence des communautés affectées. La réglementation SPCC fut développée pour éviter que les marées noires des établissements ne polluent les eaux navigables des États-Unis. Cette formationdonne aux employés un aperçu général des exigences de la SPCC. La formation s’adresse à tout employé impliqué dans la manipulation, le transfert, le stockage, l’intervention en cas de déversement ou la maintenance de l’équipement du pétrole.


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Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) (US) (Japanese)

事故で油が流出し、野生生物や環境、近隣のコミュニティの生活に壊滅的な被害が発生したニュースをメディアで見たことがあるはずです。 SPCC規則は、アメリカの航行可能な水域が工場などから流出した油で汚染されるのを防ぐために定められました。 このコースで従業員はSPCC規則の概要を学びます。 推奨される受講対象者は、油の取り扱い、移送、保管、流出への対応、またはオイル関連機器のメンテナンスに携わる従業員です。


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Stacking and Storage Practices for Construction (Spanish)

Puede evitar los accidentes por manejo de materiales, como cortes, lesiones de espalda, manos aplastadas e incluso la muerte mediante el uso de principios de seguridad generales como los que aprenderá en este curso. Este curso es ideal para todos los que trabajan en la industria de la construcción.


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Stacking and Storage Practices for Construction (US)

You can avoid materials handling accidents such as cuts, back injuries, crushed hands and even death by using general safety principles like the ones you will learn about in this course. This course is ideal for everyone who works in the construction industry.


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Stop Signs and Signals - Large Vehicles (US)

The time you save by rolling past a stop sign or blazing past a yellow or red light will never justify the potential harm you might do to yourself and to other motorists. That’s the central message of this course. Ideal learners are drivers of large commercial vehicles.


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Stop Signs and Signals - Light Commercial Vehicles (US)

The time you save by rolling past a stop sign or blazing past a yellow or red light will never justify the potential harm you might do to yourself and to other motorists. That is the central message of this course.


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Stormwater and Erosion Control for Construction

Runoff from rainstorms and snowmelt picks up pollutants like sediment, oil, grease and other chemicals. Contaminated runoff may flow into storm drains or it may flow directly into lakes, rivers and streams. Preventing stormwater contamination ensures clean water for swimming, fishing and drinking. U.S. Federal law requires construction sites to obtain stormwater permits any time an acre or more of land will be disturbed. As part of the permitting process, companies implement stormwater pollution prevention programs, or SWPPPs. This course covers Best Management Practices (BMPs) for stormwater and erosion control. Ideal employees are those in the construction industry.


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (Chinese)



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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (Dutch)

De wetten leggen ons op om het overtollige stormwater te reguleren om op deze manier de vervuiling van rivieren en meren te verminderen. Het identificeren van de bronnen van verontreiniging door stormwater en het voorkomen dat dit in contact komt met de afvoer is een van de beste en meest economische manieren om de kwaliteit van onze wateren te beschermen. Deze cursus laat ons de beste beheerpraktijken zien ter voorkoming van stormwaterverontreiniging.


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (French)

La loi nous impose de réguler les eaux pluviales afin de réduire la pollution des rivières et des lacs. Identifier les sources de pollution des eaux pluviales et les empêcher d'entrer en contact avec les eaux de ruissellement est l'une des meilleures et plus économiques façons de protéger la qualité de l’eau. Cette formation présente les meilleures pratiques de gestion pour prévenir la pollution des eaux pluviales.


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (German)

Gesetze verlangen von uns, Regenwasser zu regeln, um die Verschmutzung von Flüssen und Seen zu verringern. Identifizierung von Quellen der Regenwasserverschmutzung und deren Vermeidung von Kontakt mit Abfluss ist eine der besten und wirtschaftlichsten Möglichkeiten, die Qualität unserer Gewässer zu schützen. Dieser Kurs stellt beste Management-Methoden dar, um Regenwasserverschmutzung zu verhindern.


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (Japanese)



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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (Portuguese)

Por lei, somos obrigados a controlar as águas pluviais para reduzir a poluição de rios e lagos Identificar as fontes de poluição de águas pluviais e evitar que elas entrem em contato com o escoamento é uma das melhores e mais baratas maneiras de proteger a qualidade da nossa água. Este curso apresenta melhores práticas de gestão para evitar a poluição das águas pluviais.


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US)

Laws require us to regulate stormwater in order to reduce the pollution of rivers and lakes. Identifying sources of stormwater pollution and keeping them from coming in contact with runoff is one of the best and most economical ways of protecting the quality of our waters. This course presents best management practices to prevent stormwater pollution.


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Canadian French)

Les lois nous obligent à réglementer les eaux pluviales afin de réduire la pollution des rivières et des lacs. Identifier les sources de pollution des eaux pluviales et les empêcher d'entrer en contact avec les eaux de ruissellement est l'un des meilleurs et des plus économiques moyens de protéger la qualité de nos eaux. Ce cours présente les meilleures pratiques de gestion pour prévenir la pollution des eaux pluviales.


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Stormwater Pollution Prevention (US) (Spanish)

Las leyes nos exigen que regulemos las aguas pluviales con objeto de reducir la contaminación de ríos y lagos. Identificar las fuentes de contaminación de aguas pluviales y evitar que tengan contacto con escorrentía es una de las mejores y más económicas maneras de proteger la calidad de nuestra agua. Este curso presenta las mejores prácticas de manejo para prevenir la contaminación de aguas pluviales.


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Struck By, Caught Between - Staying Out of the Line of Fire (Spanish)

De acuerdo con la OSHA, dos de los tipos de accidentes que con más frecuencia son graves en la construcción son ser golpeado o quedar atrapado entre materiales y equipos. Este curso se concentra en los pasos que los trabajadores pueden tomar para permanecer fuera de la línea de fuego y evitar los peligros de ser golpeados o quedar atrapados entre objetos en el trabajo, incluyendo la concientización, la prevención y el control de los peligros, con un énfasis en asumir la responsabilidad personal de la seguridad. Los estudiantes idóneos son los trabajadores de construcción.


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Struck-By, Caught-Between - Staying Out of the Line of Fire for Construction

Two of the most frequently severe types of construction incidents are being either struck by or caught in or between materials and equipment. This course focuses on the steps workers can take to stay out of the line of fire and avoid being struck by or caught in or between hazards at work, including hazard awareness, prevention and control, with an emphasis on taking personal responsibility for safety. Ideal learners are construction workers.


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Substance Abuse

Employee substance abuse is one of the most troubling issues facing modern businesses. This course discusses substance abuse as it affects both the workplace and the home. Topics in this course include: Substance Abuse, Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism and Self-Evaluation, Drug Abuse and Addiction, and Response. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize psychological and physical effects of substance abuse and the common behavior characteristics of co-workers and family members with abuse problems.


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Summary of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018

This course describes the general requirements of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) of 2018 in comparison to the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in place in the EU.


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Tasks and Corrective Actions

Tasks and corrective actions give you a chance to put everything you learned during inspections and observations to work so that you can improve safety. Take this course to learn about factors that should influence the corrective actions you choose and best practices you should follow. This course is intended for all industries and construction employees, including managers.


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Tasks and Corrective Actions (Chinese)



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Tasks and Corrective Actions (Dutch)

Taken en Corrigerende Acties geven u een kans om alles wat u geleerd heeft tijdens inspecties en observaties in de praktijk te brengen, zodat u de veiligheid kunt verbeteren. Neem deze cursus om te leren over factoren die de keuze van corrigerende maatregelen en beste werkwijzen zouden moeten beïnvloeden. Ideale leerlingen - Deze cursus is bedoeld voor alle industrie- en bouwwerknemers, inclusief managers.


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Tasks and Corrective Actions (French)

Les tâches et mesures correctives vous donnent l’occasion d’utiliser tout ce que vous avez appris durant les inspections et par vos observations pour améliorer la sécurité. Suivez cette formation pour découvrir les facteurs qui doivent déterminer le choix de vos mesures correctives et les meilleures pratiques à suivre. Public idéal - Cette formation est destinée à tous les employé(e)s de l’industrie et de la construction, y compris les responsables.


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Tasks and Corrective Actions (German)

Aufgaben und Korrekturmaßnahmen geben Ihnen die Möglichkeit, alles zu verwenden, was Sie während Untersuchungen und Beobachtungen gelernt haben, um so zu arbeiten, dass Sie Sicherheit verbessern können. Nehmen Sie an diesen Kurs teil, um mehr über Faktoren zu erfahren, die die Korrekturmaßnahmen, die Sie auswählen, beeinflussen sollten, und beste Methoden, den Sie folgen sollten. Ideale Lernenden - dieser Kurs richtet sich an alle Branchen und Baumitarbeiter, einschließlich der Führungskräfte.


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Tasks and Corrective Actions (Japanese)



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Tasks and Corrective Actions (Portuguese)

Tarefas e ações corretivas oferecem a oportunidade de colocar em prática o que foi aprendido durante inspeções e observações para que se possa melhorar a segurança. Faça este curso para aprender sobre os fatores que devem influenciar as ações corretivas escolhidas e práticas recomendadas a serem seguidas. Público-alvo - Este curso destina-se a todos os setores e funcionários da construção civil, incluindo gerentes.


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Tasks and Corrective Actions (Spanish)

Las tareas y acciones correctivas le dan la oportunidad de aplicar todo lo que ha aprendido durante las inspecciones y observaciones para que pueda mejorar la seguridad. Tome este curso para aprender acerca de los factores que deben influir en las acciones correctivas que elige y las mejores prácticas que sigue. Estudiantes idóneos: Este curso está diseñado para todos los empleados de todas las industrias y construcción, incluyendo gerentes.


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Towing Trailers (US)

Trailers towed by motor vehicles provide an efficient, convenient way to carry heavy loads but they present challenges to drivers. To avoid accidents, you should understand exactly how towing a trailer affects the vehicle you are driving and what you can do as a driver to stay safe as you tow your load.


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Trade Secrets

This course discusses trade secrets and keeping a competitive edge in the marketplace. Topics in this course include: Definition, Risks, and Protecting Trade Secrets. After completing this course, learners will be able to identify trade secrets, and recognize the necessary steps to safeguard trade secrets in the workplace


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Transportation of Dangerous Goods (Canada)

The dangers associated with hazardous goods are magnified when people transport them since they are in motion and may be exposed to dangerous conditions. The Canadian government enacted the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Act to promote public safety. Everyone who transports hazardous goods needs to know what they are handling, what the dangers are and what to do in case of an emergency. Take this course as an overview to TDG regulations. Ideal learners include anyone who is involved in shipping or receiving dangerous goods.


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Tree Trimming Safety (US)

Tree trimming operations require climbing, pruning and felling trees. Hand and portable power tools such as loppers, trimmers and chainsaws make the necessary cuts. Aerial lifts and chippers bring workers to the right height and clean up the worksite. All of these activities have the potential to be extremely hazardous. This course covers safety precautions for tree trimming. Ideal learners are employees who participate in tree trimming operations.


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Trending and Analysis

You cannot continuously improve unless you constantly evaluate your performance. The best way to improve safety is to follow through on your plans and then analyze the results to see if there is room for improvement. Take this course to learn about the data you should analyze, what it can tell you and how you can follow up. Ideal learners include managers, supervisors and safety committee members.


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Trending and Analysis (Chinese)



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Trending and Analysis (Dutch)

Voortdurende verbetering is onmogelijk zonder constante evaluatie van uw prestatie. De beste manier om de veiligheid te verbeteren is uw plannen uitvoeren en vervolgens de resultaten daarvan analyseren om te kijken of er nog ruimte is voor verbetering. Volg deze cursus om te leren welke gegevens u moet analyseren, wat ze u kunnen vertellen en wat u daar vervolgens mee kunt doen. Deze cursus is vooral bedoeld voor managers, leidinggevenden en leden van de veiligheidscommissie.


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Trending and Analysis (French)

Il n’est pas possible de s’améliorer sans cesse à moins d’évaluer ses performances de manière continue. Le meilleur moyen d’améliorer la sécurité est de suivre vos plans de près et d’analyser ensuite les résultats, afin de voir s’il est possible de les améliorer. Suivez ce cours pour apprendre quelles données analyser, ce qu’elles peuvent vous apprendre et quelle suite y donner. Parmi le public idéal, on trouve les cadres, superviseurs, membres du comité de sécurité.


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Trending and Analysis (German)

Sie können nicht kontinuierlich verbessern, wenn Sie ständig Ihre Leistung nicht abschätzen. Der beste Weg zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit ist, Ihren Plänen nachzufolgen und dann die Ergebnisse zu analysieren, um zu sehen, ob es Raum für Verbesserungen gibt. Nehmen Sie an diesen Kurs teil, um mehr über die Daten zu erfahren, die Sie analysieren sollten, was sie Ihnen sagen können und wie Sie weiterverfolgen können. Diese Schulung ist insbesondere an Manager, Vorgesetzte und Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses gerichtet.


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Trending and Analysis (Japanese)

絶えずパフォーマンスを評価することなく、継続的に改善できません。 安全を改善する最良の方法は、計画を最後まで実行し、その結果を分析し、さらに改善の余地があるか確認することです。 このコースでは、分析する必要があるデータ、分析結果からわかること、どのように対応すべきかについて学びます。 このトレーニングは、マネージャー、監督者、安全委員会のメンバーを対象にしています。


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Trending and Analysis (Portuguese)

Você não poderá implementar melhorias contínuas sem a avaliação do seu desempenho. A melhor maneira de melhorar a segurança é monitorar os seus planos e depois analisar os resultados para verificar se há espaço para melhorias. Faça este curso para aprender sobre as informações que devem ser analisadas, quais os dados apresentados e como você poderá fazer o monitoramento. Os alunos ideais são gerentes, supervisores e membros da comissão de segurança.


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Trending and Analysis (Spanish)

No puede mejorar continuamente salvo que evalúe su desempeño constantemente. La mejor manera de mejorar la seguridad es dar seguimiento a sus planes y después analizar los resultados para ver si hay algo que se pueda mejorar. Tome este curso para aprender sobre los datos que debe analizar, lo que le pueden comunicar y cómo puede darles seguimiento. Los estudiantes idóneos son gerentes, supervisores y miembros del comité de seguridad.


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Tugger and Tow Tractor Safety, Parts 1-2

Tuggers and tow tractors have configurations and operational modes that differ from other powered industrial trucks. It's important that you can recall their unique hazards and address them before, after and during operation. Take this course to learn basic safe practices for preparing and operating tuggers and tow tractors. This course will lay the groundwork for the mandatory in-person training you will receive about your specific equipment and work area. This course is ideal for people who use tuggers or tow tractors and their supervisors.


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Tugger and Tow Tractor Safety, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)

Los vehículos de arrastre y tractores de remolque tienen configuraciones y modos operativos que son distintos a otros camiones industriales motorizados. Es importante que pueda recordar sus peligros únicos y abordarlos antes, durante y después de la operación. Tome este curso para aprender prácticas seguras básicas para preparar y operar vehículos de arrastre y tractores de remolque. Este curso sentará las bases para la capacitación en persona obligatoria que recibirá a cerca de su equipo específico y el área de trabajo. Este curso es ideal para las personas que usan vehículos de arrastre o tractores de remolque y sus supervisores.


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US Trade Controls

US trade control regulations are designed to control access to US products and information that could be misused in ways that are contrary to US interests. This course covers the scope and contents of those regulations. Topics in this course include: Trade Control, Regulatory Environment, Item and Classification, Destination, Receiving Party, High-Risk Factors, Boycotts, End Use, Export License, and Documentation and Disclosure. After completing this course, learners will be able to recognize potential US trade control violations and identify ways to find help.


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Using Electrical Safety Programs (US)

Electricity can kill. That is why NFPA 70E was created. It requires employers to develop and implement an electrical safety program. This course explains basic electrical safety practices that apply to electrical work. These practices include wearing personal protective equipment and completing arc-flash hazard analyses. Ideal learners include people in all industries, particularly supervisors, electrical maintenance and installation workers, and safety managers.


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Using Electrical Safety Programs (US) (Canadian French)

L'électricité peut tuer. C'est pourquoi la NFPA 70E® a été créée. Elle exige que les employeurs élaborent et mettent en œuvre un programme de sécurité électrique. Ce cours explique les pratiques de base en matière de sécurité électrique qui s'appliquent aux travaux électriques. Ces pratiques comprennent le port d'équipement de protection individuelle et la réalisation d'analyses des dangers liés aux éclats d’arc électrique. Les apprenants idéaux comprennent le personnel de toutes les industries, en particulier les superviseurs, les préposés à l'entretien et à l'installation électrique, ainsi que les responsables de la sécurité.


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Using Electrical Safety Programs (US) (Chinese)

电能致命。这就是创建NFPA 70E的原因。它要求雇主制定和实施电气安全计划。本课程解释适用于电气工作的基本电气安全操作。这些做法包括穿戴个人防护用品和完成电弧闪光危害分析。理想的学习者包括所有行业人员,特别是主管、电气维修和安装工人,以及安全管理人员。


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Using Electrical Safety Programs (US) (Portuguese)

A eletricidade pode matar. Por isso, foi criada a NFPA 70E. Ela exige que os empregadores desenvolvam e implementem um programa de segurança elétrica. Este curso explica práticas básicas de segurança elétrica que se aplicam a trabalhos realizados com eletricidade. Tais práticas incluem o uso de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e a realização de análises de risco de arco elétrico. O público ideal inclui trabalhadores de todos os setores, especialmente supervisores, profissionais de manutenção e instalação elétricas e gerentes de segurança.


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Using Electrical Safety Programs (US) (Spanish)

La electricidad puede ser fatal. Es por eso que se creó el estándar NFPA 70E®. Éste exige que los empleadores desarrollen e implementen un programa de seguridad eléctrica. Este curso explica las prácticas básicas de seguridad eléctrica que se aplican al trabajo eléctrico. Estas prácticas incluyen usar equipo de protección personal y completar análisis de riesgo de arco eléctrico. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen personas de todas las industrias, en particular supervisores, trabajadores de instalación y mantenimiento eléctrico y gerentes de seguridad.


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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers

This awareness-level course provides anyone who may need to use an eyewash or emergency shower with important information including how to spot neglect, resolve potential problems and use eyewashes and emergency showers safely and effectively. Ideal learners are any employees who may be exposed to chemicals.


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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Chinese)



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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Dutch)

Deze cursus op bewustwordingsniveau biedt belangrijke informatie aan iedereen die mogelijk een oogdouche of nooddouche moet gebruiken, inclusief hoe verwaarlozing te ontdekken, potentiële problemen op te lossen en oogdouches en nooddouches veilig en effectief te gebruiken. Ideale leerlingen zijn alle werknemers die mogelijk blootgesteld worden aan chemicaliën.


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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (French)

Ce cours de niveau sensibilisation apporte à qui veut utiliser une douche oculaire ou une douche d'urgence des informations importantes incluant comme détecter une négligence, résoudre des problèmes potentiels ainsi qu’utiliser en toute sécurité et efficacement des douches oculaires et des douches d'urgence. Le public concerné est tout employé qui peut être exposé à des produits chimiques.


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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (German)

Dieser das Bewusstsein erweiternde Kurs bietet jedem, der eine Augenspülung oder eine Notfalldusche benötigt, wichtige Informationen, einschließlich, wie Vernachlässigung erkannt, potentielle Probleme gelöst und die Verwendung von Augentropfen und Notfallduschen sicher und effektiv durchgeführt werden. Ideale Lernende sind alle Mitarbeiter, die Chemikalien ausgesetzt sein könnten.


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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Japanese)



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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Portuguese)

Este curso de nível conscientização fornece a qualquer um, que pode precisar usar um lavatório ocular ou ducha de segurança, com informações importantes, incluindo como identificar negligência, resolver problemas potenciais e o uso de lavatórios oculares e duchas de segurança com segurança e eficácia. Os aprendizes ideais são todos os funcionários que podem estar expostos a produtos químicos.


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Using Eyewashes and Emergency Showers (Spanish)

Este curso a nivel concientización proporciona información importante a quienes puedan necesitar una estación de lavado de ojos o ducha de emergencia, incluyendo cómo detectar descuido, resolver problemas potenciales y usar las estaciones de lavado de ojos y duchas de emergencia de manera segura y efectiva. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados que puedan estar expuestos a químicos.


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Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests

Mosquitoes, ticks and other pests are more than just an annoyance. They can carry serious diseases. Take this course to learn what environments they prefer and what you can do to protect yourself and others from them. This course is ideal for everyone, but especially people who work outdoors.


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Vector-Borne Disease Awareness: Mosquitoes, Ticks and Other Pests (Spanish)

Los mosquitos, las garrapatas y demás plagas son más que solo una molestia. Pueden ser portadores de enfermedades graves. Tome este curso para aprender qué entornos prefieren y qué puede hacer para protegerse a sí mismo y a otros. Este curso es ideal para todos, pero en especial para las personas que trabajan al aire libre.


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Vehicle Inspections

No one wants to deal with a flat tire, overheated engine or some other maintenance problem that could cause delays or accidents. That is why it is essential to maintain your vehicle and perform inspections so that you can identify and address issues. Take this course to learn when, where and how to inspect your vehicle. This course is ideal for anyone who drives a non-commercial vehicle to, from or for work.


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Vehicle Inspections (Spanish)

Nadie desea lidiar con un neumático desinflado, un motor sobrecalentado u otros problemas de mantenimiento que podrían causar retrasos o accidentes. Por eso, es fundamental que haga mantenimiento e inspecciones a su vehículo para identificar y resolver los problemas. Este curso le indicará cuándo, dónde y cómo inspeccionar su vehículo. Es ideal para las personas que conducen vehículos no comerciales con fines relacionados con el trabajo.


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Violence in the Workplace

Disputes between employees, or between employees and their supervisors, are not unusual in a stressful workplace environment. Occasionally, conflicts may escalate into heated exchanges or even a physical confrontation. Every year, a handful of cases involve extreme violence, including the use of firearms, and result in severe injuries or the tragic loss of life. After completing this course, participants will know how to identify individuals prone to violent behavior and apply proven techniques to diffuse dangerous situations.


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Walking/Working Surfaces

Slips, trips and falls remain one of the most common causes of employee injury in the workplace. Understanding the actions you can take to prevent these incidents will help keep you and your co-workers safe and productive. This course provides a clear understanding of general guidelines for staying safe on walking and working surfaces. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Walking/Working Surfaces (Canadian French)

Les glissades, les trébuchements et les chutes demeurent l’une des causes les plus courantes de blessures au travail. Comprendre les mesures que vous pouvez prendre pour prévenir ces incidents vous aidera, ainsi que vos collègues, à rester en sécurité et productifs. Ce cours explique clairement les directives générales à suivre pour rester en sécurité sur les surfaces de marche et de travail. Idéalement, tous les employés devraient y participer.


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Walking/Working Surfaces (Chinese)



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Walking/Working Surfaces (Dutch)

Uitglijden, struikelen en vallen blijft een van de meest voorkomende oorzaken van werknemersletsel op de werkplek. Een inzicht in de acties die u kunt nemen voor het voorkomen van deze incidenten, helpt u en uw collega's veilig en productief te blijven. Deze cursus geeft een duidelijk inzicht in de algemene veiligheidsmaatregelen betreffende loop- en werkoppervlakken. Ideale cursisten zijn alle werknemers.


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Walking/Working Surfaces (French)

Les glissades, les trébuchements et les chutes demeurent une des causes les plus communes de blessures des employés sur le lieu de travail. Comprendre les actions que vous pouvez prendre pour éviter ces incidents vous aidera vous et vos collègues à rester en sécurité et productifs. Cette formation fournit une bonne explication des consignes générales pour rester en sécurité sur les surfaces de marche et de travail. Cette formation s’adresse à tout le personnel.


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Walking/Working Surfaces (German)

Rutsch-, Stolper- und Sturzgefahren sind weiterhin die häufigsten Ursachen, die zu Verletzungen von Mitarbeitern am Arbeitsplatz führen. Die Maßnahmen zu verstehen, die Sie zur Verhinderung dieser Vorfälle ergreifen können, stellt Ihre eigene Sicherheit und Produktivität sowie die Ihrer Kollegen sicher. Dieser Kurs vermittelt ein klares Verständnis der allgemeinen Richtlinien zur Gewährleistung der Sicherheit auf Tritt- und Arbeitsflächen. Diese Schulung eignet sich für alle Mitarbeiter.


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Walking/Working Surfaces (Japanese)



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Walking/Working Surfaces (Portuguese)

Escorregões, tropeços e quedas estão entre as causas mais comuns de lesões dos funcionários no local de trabalho. Compreender as atitudes que você pode tomar para evitar esses incidentes ajudará a manter você e seus colegas de trabalho seguros e produtivos. Este curso oferece uma compreensão clara das diretrizes gerais para se manter seguro em superfícies de trabalho e circulação. Ele é direcionado a todos os funcionários.


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Walking/Working Surfaces (Spanish)

Los resbalones, tropezones y caídas siguen siendo una de las causas más comunes de lesiones de los empleados en el centro de trabajo. Comprender las medidas que puede tomar para prevenir estos accidentes ayudará a que usted y sus compañeros de trabajo se mantengan seguros y productivos. Este curso ofrece una clara comprensión de los lineamientos generales para mantenerse a salvo en las superficies de paso y de trabajo. Los estudiantes idóneos son todos los empleados.


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Warehouse Safety

You may not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.


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Warehouse Safety - Global (Chinese)



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Warehouse Safety - Global (Portuguese)

Não costumamos pensar em armazéns como lugares perigosos, mas os materiais, equipamentos e veículos podem causar danos se você não seguir procedimentos de trabalho seguro, monitorar o ambiente ao seu redor e corrigir condições inseguras. Este treinamento o ajudará a criar um ambiente seguro no armazém. O público-alvo são funcionários e supervisores que trabalham em armazéns ou visitam esses lugares.


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Warehouse Safety - Global (Spanish)

No se piensa que los almacenes sean lugares peligrosos, pero los materiales, el equipo y los vehículos pueden ser dañinos si no practica procedimientos de trabajo seguros, vigila sus alrededores y corrige las condiciones inseguras. Esta capacitación le ayudará a crear un ambiente de almacén seguro. Los estudiantes idóneos son los empleados y los supervisores que trabajan o visitan los almacenes. You do not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.


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Warehouse Safety (Canadian French)

On n’a pas l’impression que les entrepôts sont des endroits dangereux, mais les matériaux, l’équipement et les véhicules qui s’y trouvent peuvent nous faire du mal si on ne respecte pas les règles de sécurité, si on ne surveille pas notre entourage et si on ne remédie pas aux situations dangereuses. Cette formation vous aidera à assurer la sécurité des entrepôts. Idéalement, les employés et les superviseurs qui travaillent dans les entrepôts ou les visitent doivent participer à cette formation.


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Warehouse Safety Awareness

You do not think of warehouses as dangerous places, but materials, equipment and vehicles can be harmful if you do not practice safe work procedures, monitor your surroundings and correct unsafe conditions. This training will help you create a safe warehouse environment. Ideal learners are employees and supervisors who work in or visit warehouses.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing

Welding, cutting, brazing and other hot work are common, and inherently dangerous, activities on many jobsites. Care must be taken to ensure that work is performed safely. This course introduces common hazards associated with welding, cutting and brazing and ways to prevent injury and damage. Ideal learners are workers who perform welding, cutting and brazing.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing (Portuguese)

Soldagem, corte, brasagem e outros trabalhos a quente são atividades comuns e inerentemente perigosas em vários locais de trabalho. Deve-se ter cuidado para garantir que o trabalho seja realizado com segurança. Este curso apresenta os riscos comuns associados com soldagem, corte e brasagem e formas como prevenir ferimentos e danos. Os aprendizes ideais são funcionários que realizam soldagem, corte e brasagem.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing (Spanish)

La soldadura, corte, soldadura con cobre y otro trabajo en caliente son actividades comunes e inherentemente peligrosas en muchos centros de trabajo. Se debe tener cuidado para garantizar que el trabajo se realice con seguridad. Este curso presenta los riesgos comunes asociados con la soldadura, corte y soldadura con cobre y las formas comunes de prevenir lesiones y daños. Los estudiantes idóneos son trabajadores que realizan soldadura, corte y soldadura con cobre.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing Awareness

Workers must take steps to prevent injury and damage when welding, cutting and brazing. The risk from fatal injuries alone is more than four deaths per thousand workers over a working lifetime. Therefore, care must be taken to ensure that work is performed safely. This course introduces common hazards associated with welding, cutting, and brazing and ways to prevent injury and damage. Ideal learners are employees who perform hot work.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction, Parts 1-3 (IACET CEU=0.1)

Welding, cutting and brazing can be dangerous to your health and safety, but there are steps you can take to work safely. Take these courses to learn about health and safety considerations for various welding, cutting and brazing methods. Ideal learners are workers who perform welding, cutting and brazing in construction settings.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing for Construction, Parts 1-3 (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.1)

Welding, cutting and brazing can be dangerous to your health and safety, but there are steps you can take to work safely. Take these courses to learn about health and safety considerations for various welding, cutting and brazing methods. Ideal learners are workers who perform welding, cutting and brazing in construction settings.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing, Parts 1-3

Welding, cutting and brazing work involves hazards that can cause serious injuries, illnesses and fires. Take these courses to learn about what the dangers are and how you can help to protect people and property. These courses are ideal for any workers who perform or supervise welding, cutting and brazing.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing, Parts 1-3 (Canadian French)

Les travaux de soudage, de coupage et de brasage comportent des risques peuvent causer des blessures, des maladies et des incendies. Suivez ces cours pour apprendre quels sont les dangers et comment vous pouvez protéger les personnes et les biens. Ces cours sont idéaux pour les travailleurs qui effectuent ou supervisent le soudage, le coupage et le brasage.


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Welding, Cutting and Brazing, Parts 1-3 (Spanish)

El trabajo de soldadura, corte y soldadura con cobre incluye peligros que pueden causar lesiones graves, enfermedades e incendios. Tome estos cursos para aprender cuáles son los peligros y cómo puede proteger a las personas y la propiedad. Estos cursos son ideales para trabajadores que realizan soldadura, corte y soldadura con cobre.


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What If? Mentality (Chinese)



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What If? Mentality (Dutch)

Je hoeft geen helderziende te zijn om te voorspellen hoe het mis kan gaan. Volg deze cursus en ontdek hoe u een WAT ALS-mentaliteit kunt aannemen waarmee u bijna-ongelukken en ernstige incidenten kunt voorkomen. Ideale leerlingen zijn managers, supervisors en leden van het veiligheidscomité.


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What If? Mentality (French)

Vous n’avez pas besoin d’être devin pour prédire comment les choses peuvent mal tourner. Suivez cette formation pour savoir comment adopter une mentalité basée sur d'une mentalité ET SI ? afin de vous aider à éviter des quasi-incidents et de graves incidents. Le public concerné inclut les responsables, les superviseurs et les membres du comité de sécurité.


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WHAT IF? Mentality (German)

Man muss kein Hellseher sein, um vorherzusagen, wie die Dinge schief gehen könnten. Nehmen Sie an diesen Kurs teil, um zu erfahren, wie Sie eine Mentalität WAS WÄRE, WENN? annehmen können, die dazu beiträgt, Beinaheunfälle und schwere Vorfälle zu vermeiden. Zu den idealen Teilnehmern gehören Manager, Vorgesetzte und Mitglieder des Sicherheitsausschusses.


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What If? Mentality (Italian)

Non è necessario essere preveggenti per prevedere in che modo le cose possano andare storte. Segui questo corso per scoprire come adottare una mentalità di tipo COSA SUCCEDEREBBE SE? che ti aiuterà a evitare gli incidenti mancati e gli incidenti gravi. Idealmente il corso è rivolto ai manager, ai supervisori e ai membri del comitato per la sicurezza.


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What If? Mentality (Japanese)



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What If? Mentality (Korean)

상황이 잘못될 것임을 예측하기 위해 점쟁이가 될 필요는 없습니다. 본 과정을 학습하여 아차사고와 심각한 사고를 방지하기 위한 "이런 경우라면?"사고방식을 채탱하는 방법에 대해 알아보십시오. 본 과정은 관리자, 감독자, 안전 위원회 구성원에게 적합합니다.


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What If? Mentality (Portuguese)

Você não precisa ser vidente para prever como as coisas podem dar errado. Faça este curso para descobrir como adotar uma mentalidade E SE?, que ajudará você a evitar riscos e incidentes graves. O curso é direcionado principalmente para gestores, supervisores e membros de comitês de segurança.


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What If? Mentality (Spanish)

No es necesario ser psíquico para predecir cómo pueden salir mal las cosas. Tome este curso para averiguar cómo adoptar una mentalidad de ¿QUÉ PASARÍA SI…? que le ayude a evitar cuasi accidentes e incidentes graves. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen gerentes, supervisores y miembros del comité de seguridad.

Why Incident Management Matters (WIMM) Suite (IACET CEU=0.3)

Your company realizes that reporting even minor observations and near-misses can help them prevent future incidents and losses. That is what the Why Incident Management Matters suite is all about, how we can all contribute to health and safety. The Why Incident Management Matters suite is made up a series of short online courses about topics that will help you prevent and manage incidents. It is ideal for all employees.

Why Incident Management Matters (WIMM) Suite (Portuguese)

Your company realizes that reporting even minor observations and near-misses can help them prevent future incidents and losses. That's what the Why Incident Management Matters suite is all about -- how we can all contribute to health and safety. The Why Incident Management Matters suite is made up a series of short online courses about topics that will help you prevent and manage incidents. It’s ideal for all employees.

Why Incident Management Matters (WIMM) Suite (Spanish) (IACET CEU=0.3)

Your company realizes that reporting even minor observations and near-misses can help them prevent future incidents and losses. That is what the Why Incident Management Matters suite is all about, how we can all contribute to health and safety. The Why Incident Management Matters suite is made up a series of short online courses about topics that will help you prevent and manage incidents. It is ideal for all employees.


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Work Secure: Security Measures for Employees

This course offers all employees ways to ensure they are helping to protect against theft, sabotage, or harm to themselves, their fellow employees, and their company.


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Work Zone Safety, Parts 1-2

Making work zones safe for workers and motorists requires careful planning and inspection, tools, practices and people. Take these courses to learn about the common traffic control standards and plans we use in the United States. You will also learn about the five sections of every work zone and how to inspect them, the types of traffic control devices, safe practices you should follow and requirements for flaggers. These courses are ideal for construction workers in the United States.


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Work Zone Safety, Parts 1-2 (Spanish)

Working from Home Suite

People often talk about workplace safety, but what about when your home is your workplace? Take this suite to learn about safe driving, setting up an ergonomic work area, cyber security, basic first aid and more! Learn how to work safely and productively from the comfort of your own home. This suite is ideal for anyone who works or may someday work from home.

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Parts 1-2 (Canadian French) (IACET CEU=0.1)

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) makes hazardous material information uniformly available to all Canadian workers. Given the amount of information and number of parties involved, this can be a complex undertaking. This course explains how WHMIS works, how the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS) is aligned with WHMIS, who is responsible for various tasks under WHMIS, and how everyone can take full advantage of the hazardous material information available to them. This course covers the most recent WHMIS 2015 regulations. Ideal learners are all employees.

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Parts 1-2 (IACET CEU=0.1)

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) makes hazardous material information uniformly available to all Canadian workers. Given the amount of information and number of parties involved, this can be a complex undertaking. This course explains how WHMIS works, how the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling (GHS) is aligned with WHMIS, who is responsible for various tasks under WHMIS, and how everyone can take full advantage of the hazardous material information available to them. This course covers the most recent WHMIS 2015 regulations. Ideal learners are all employees.


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Workplace Safety Awareness

This employee safety program is much more than an examination of set rules. It is a common sense approach to training employees in order to prevent injuries and illness. Ideal learners are new employees.


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Workplace Violence Prevention

You or someone you know could be involved in workplace violence anytime, anywhere. This course will give you a basic understanding of what constitutes workplace violence, the warning signs to watch for, and what you and others around you can do to prevent it. Ideal learners include all employees.


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Workplace Violence Prevention (Spanish)

Usted o alguien que usted conoce podría estar implicado en violencia en el lugar de trabajo en cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar. Este curso le dará una comprensión básica de lo que constituye violencia en el lugar de trabajo, las señales de advertencia que hay que observar y qué pueden hacer usted y otros para prevenirla. Los estudiantes idóneos incluyen a todos los empleados.


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Workplace Violence Prevention Awareness

You or someone you know could be involved in workplace violence anytime, anywhere. Take this course to learn about the warning signs, how to react to active shooters, and ways you can help prevent violent incidents. Ideal learners include all employees.
