Osha Online Training In North Carolina
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North Carolina State Requirements

Ensuring Safety Together: North Carolina OSHA State Plan Safeguards Workplace Health and Well-being

The North Carolina OSHA State Plan is a comprehensive program implemented by the North Carolina Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Division (NC OSH). It aims to ensure workplace safety and health for employees in North Carolina. Under the state plan, both private sector and public sector employers in the state are covered.

The North Carolina OSHA State Plan operates in conjunction with federal OSHA regulations, with the goal of maintaining consistency in workplace safety standards. However, the state plan also allows for the development of specific regulations tailored to the unique needs and hazards of North Carolina's workplaces.

kentucky state plan


The New Mexico State Plan is applicable to private sector workplaces throughout the state, excluding the following:

1. Maritime employment, which includes shipyard employment, marine terminals, and longshoring.

2. Contract workers and contractor-operated facilities involved in United States Postal Service (USPS) mail operations.

3. Employment on Indian reservations.

4. Enforcement related to contractors or subcontractors on federal establishments where the land has been ceded to the federal government.

5. Railroad employment that is not otherwise regulated by another federal agency.

6. Enforcement on military bases.

7. The American National Red Cross.

8. Working conditions of aircraft cabin crewmembers onboard aircraft in operation.

Key features of the North Carolina OSHA State Plan include:

1. Safety Standards and Regulations:

The state plan incorporates federal OSHA standards and regulations, ensuring that North Carolina workers receive the same level of protection as workers in other states. It also allows for the development of additional state-specific regulations to address local workplace hazards.

2. Inspections and Enforcement:

NC OSH conducts inspections of workplaces to assess compliance with safety regulations. Through enforcement actions, the state plan ensures that employers take appropriate measures to protect their employees and maintain safe working conditions.

3. Education and Outreach:

The North Carolina OSHA State Plan provides educational resources and outreach programs to help employers and workers understand and implement safety measures. Training programs and materials are available to enhance safety knowledge and promote a culture of prevention.

4. Consultation Services:

NC OSH offers consultation services to assist employers in identifying workplace hazards and implementing effective safety programs. These services are confidential and separate from enforcement activities, providing an opportunity for employers to proactively address safety concerns.

5. Partnerships and Collaborations:

The state plan emphasizes partnerships with employers, employees, industry associations, and other stakeholders. By collaborating, sharing best practices, and exchanging information, the North Carolina OSHA State Plan aims to enhance workplace safety and promote continuous improvement.

Through the North Carolina OSHA State Plan, the state is committed to protecting workers and creating safer working environments. Employers and employees can access resources, guidance, and support to ensure compliance with safety regulations and promote the well-being of everyone in the workplace.

State Plan Standards

The NC OSH Division has adopted all OSHA standards except that it has unique standards in the following areas:

General Industry

  • Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
  • Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response
  • Communication Towers


  • Personal Protective Equipment and Life-Saving Equipment
  • Steel Erection
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Communication Towers
  • Blasting and Use of Explosives
  • Non-Ionizing Radiation

Frequently Asked Questions
